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Alleged "Terror boat" Sunk by Indian Coast Guard | Fact or Fiction?

items brought from Gwadar - diesel - does gwadar have refinery / depots

Gawadar port infect make more sense for Diesel smuggling as oil smuggled from Iran only make sense otherwise oil in Pakistan is expensive than India.
BREAKING NEWS: (After couple of days)
The boat which was intercepted by mighty indian coast galls was carrying nuclear war heads. One of the terrorists
had planned to kidnap modi while the second one was assigned a task to detonate nuclear bomb which he had hidden in his turban. The third one was planning to steal the space ship which was created in ancient india. And forth one was on a mission to steal taj mehal. But the invincible indian coast galls destroyed this evil plan of ISI...

Link: www.phunnyindianmedia.com
I've said it on first day that they might be innocent fisherman lost their way and targeted by Indians. Who knows if their boat blew up by Indian side...?

And as another member @AgNoStiC MuSliM said that if these were trouble makers they would've pretend as if they are surrendering and wait for the coast guards to come near and then act.
What is India up to ? What if Pakistani coast guards returns the same flavor by killing some Indian fisherman ? who will be responsible for all this mess ? For once, rational Indians should realize the dangerous sensationalization Indian media is creating against both the countries ? Even Indian Govt released a press note after this drama, its highest level propaganda against Pakistan to engage them at eastern border as well from all the way to North to South.
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No conspiracy theory, just stating possibility as your forces are notorious of using this kind of tricks to earn gallantry awards.

You and your media and your govt. alike didn't wait for proper investigation?

& you are notorious for making up conspiracy theories & i am just stating the possibility that this may be another conspiracy theory to hide the involvement of Pakistani state or it' numerous other Non state actors
Even if the boat was filled with suspected suicide bombers than they would had at least tried to collide their boat with Indian one to inflict maximum causalities but as Indian media says, boat was set on fire by potential suicide bombers/terrorist themselves lolz. That's not modus operandi of commando type terrorists.
Without any solid evidence you cannot kill someone in open sea and if you do than you need to produce proof to back your claims that they were terrorists and Indian on the other side praising their navy specially their media for doing a very good job bcz they killed some innocents or maybe smugglers and now some indians here asking us that first tell us that they were smugglers or innocents i think this question is for indian govt and their navy to answer...I think humanity doesn't exist on the other side of border at least you should produce bodies and some solid evidence to prove that they were terrorists and if found innocents than hand over those bodies to their Families ..Tomorrow if Pakistan NAVY kill indian fisher men and then our media start praising our navy for killing Indian terrorists with hash tag of #Indianterrorboat that will be interesting,right? :angry:
LET'S see if indian govt and navy can produce some solid proof so far no one has yet produced such evidence...till now its just a fiction story with no legs and head :angry:

Indian Media and Navy be like :suicide2:
Indian fisherman should pray that incompetent hindu soldiers had nothing to do with killing of innocents fisherman. Warna 2 ka badla 20 se le ghe :)

You are clutching at straws here

If Indian fishermen are asked to stop by your Coast Guard and if they run away
what would your Coast Guard would have done

Indian Coast Guard did the RIGHT thing

They were asked to stop ; they didnt stop ; They are dead

Smugglers also smuggle in arms and explosives like it happened in 1993 Mumbai blasts

We will do such a thing again and again

This incident will put the fear of GOD in the minds of
terrorists and smugglers
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