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Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

I remember a guy called @Manvantaratruti ... who claimed to be sole expert on hinduism and everyone else is a fool. You seem to be a reincarnation.

I was born and currently living in Allahabad only ... so don't try to peddle "Your Rubbish" as truth.

Confluence of Rivers is called "Sangam" not Prayag. Prayag means a place where you can make offerings / "Tarpan" for the people who have deceased.

There are many prayags according to Hindu practices but all have a prefix e.g. Rudraprayag, Karnaprayag, Devprayag, Vishnuprayag etc. They are known after the deities to whom you can make offerings.

The place has been known since the time of Ashoka, as evident from the "Ashoka Pillar" erected on the banks of Sangam. Coming to History of Allahabad, the city was built by Raja Ila and was named after him as Ilavas. Later on Akbar built a fort at near Sangam, encompassing the "Akshay Vat" (The Everlasting Tree) and is equally sacred to Hindus as its supposed to be the only thing left standing after Pralay, during the Kalki Avatar and the end of "Kali-yug". Akbar merely renamed the city and expanded it and renamed it to "Ilahabas". Which was later on renamed as "Allahabad" by Shah-jahan as he was not a follower of Deen-e-Illahi. Now that was basic history lesson.

Now coming to the region called Prayag (be sure not "Prayagraj") is mentioned in Brahmapuran, a place where Brahma performed a thousand "Yagyas". In Vishnupuran, Prayag (not Prayagraj) was the resting place of the Devtas while they were running away from Asuras, while trying to protect the Amrit Kumbh and while running a few drops of Amrit fell down at Sangam. According to Ramayan, Lord Ram passed through Prayag(not Prayagraj) and Sangam also visited the Ashram of the Sage Bharadwaj while on their way to Chitrakoot.

And now coming to reference in common lingo, millions of Teerthyatris come to Sangam, Prayag(not Prayagraj) to offer tarpan. Also, Allahabad is commonly known as Triveni too. Allahabad even has a railway station named as Prayag(not Prayagraj).

So its all political... Allahabad if renamed should have simply been Prayag or Triveni. Other than a Train running between New Delhi-Allahabad there is nothing like Prayagraj in Prayag/Allahabad/Triveni.

@padamchen @Śakra


Credibility hit #2.

Cheers, Doc

It's Force Of Habit.You Should Concentrate On My Content Not Typing Style


My eyes missed it till Cobra pointed it out.

Cheers, Doc
You can cry all you want, that doesn't change the fact the Mughals failed to conquer the entirety of India like they did with Pakistan, and they failed to wipe out Hinduism despite their best efforts. Today, Hinduism is the world's third largest religion with over a billion followers around the world. And modern Indian is bigger than Paksitan, Bangladesh, and Malaysian combined, so we are good. Oh, and we occupy Muslim Kahsmir. When are you going to get it back? Afraid we are going to destroy you like we have whenever we have fought in history? You won't have central Asian invaders to save you this time. WE also conquered Muslim areas such as Hyderabad, where overthrew and humiliated the Nawab, and Junagadh. Not to mention, there are hundreds of districts that were Muslim majority but are now Hindu and Sikh majority because we kicked them out during partition. In fact more Muslims died during partition than Hindus and Sikhs, All of those areas were supposed to go to Paksitan, but they went to India after we kicked out all the Muslims. This made Jinnah cry about how he got a "moth eaten Pakistan." Its also funny how you try and take credit for central Asian invaders, because you know deep down inside you belong to a weak people who has never created an indigenous empire and was fruled by every invader to pass by. In fact, you were ruled by Hindu Mauryans for over 500 years, I bet you still have nightmares about that. You are talking about how Hindus are portrayed in the West, do you know how Muslims are? Even the British respected Hindus more than backwards Muslims. India's GPD is equal to most Muslim countries combined, and our military is stronger than that of the entire OIC. You are just going to have to get over the fact you will continue to be dominated by Hindus like you have throughout history.

Do you need to see a psychiatrist? I will help you find one if you need.
Very well said bro...kudos
You can cry all you want, that doesn't change the fact the Mughals failed to conquer the entirety of India like they did with Pakistan, and they failed to wipe out Hinduism despite their best efforts. Today, Hinduism is the world's third largest religion with over a billion followers around the world. And modern Indian is bigger than Paksitan, Bangladesh, and Malaysian combined, so we are good. Oh, and we occupy Muslim Kahsmir. When are you going to get it back? Afraid we are going to destroy you like we have whenever we have fought in history? You won't have central Asian invaders to save you this time. WE also conquered Muslim areas such as Hyderabad, where overthrew and humiliated the Nawab, and Junagadh. Not to mention, there are hundreds of districts that were Muslim majority but are now Hindu and Sikh majority because we kicked them out during partition. In fact more Muslims died during partition than Hindus and Sikhs, All of those areas were supposed to go to Paksitan, but they went to India after we kicked out all the Muslims. This made Jinnah cry about how he got a "moth eaten Pakistan." Its also funny how you try and take credit for central Asian invaders, because you know deep down inside you belong to a weak people who has never created an indigenous empire and was fruled by every invader to pass by. In fact, you were ruled by Hindu Mauryans for over 500 years, I bet you still have nightmares about that. You are talking about how Hindus are portrayed in the West, do you know how Muslims are? Even the British respected Hindus more than backwards Muslims. India's GPD is equal to most Muslim countries combined, and our military is stronger than that of the entire OIC. You are just going to have to get over the fact you will continue to be dominated by Hindus like you have throughout history.

Do you need to see a psychiatrist? I will help you find one if you need.
Ummm... India's military is not stronger than the entire OIC. :lol:

Are you joking or something. Even countries like Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia have better military equipment than India does. :lol:
I don't understand what is wrong in naming it to what it originally was.

There may be a political angle to it, given that we are entering election year, but seriously; Japan is called Nihon in native language, China's "Hong Kong" is called "Haong kaong" when traditionally pronounced, (friends, please correct the spelling here in case I misspelt it).

Just because a bunch of idiotic colonizers couldn't pronounce some name or some bloody invaders wanted to recreate the city in their name, doesn't make it that. Prayag seems to be the original name of Allahabad. What surprises me is that in 71 years, why it was never done before.
Ummm... India's military is not stronger than the entire OIC. :lol:

Are you joking or something. Even countries like Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia have better military equipment than India does. :lol:

I Don't Remember Any Soldier Of OIC Coming On Social Media and Crying Like Little Girls
Ummm... India's military is not stronger than the entire OIC. :lol:

Are you joking or something. Even countries like Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia have better military equipment than India does. :lol:
Ummm... India's military is not stronger than the entire OIC. :lol:

Are you joking or something. Even countries like Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia have better military equipment than India does. :lol:
The only thing Standing between India and OIC is Nuclear warheads, Indian army have the capability of taking on entire OIC and finish the mission in less than a month
I don't understand what is wrong in naming it to what it originally was.

There may be a political angle to it, given that we are entering election year, but seriously; Japan is called Nihon in native language, China's "Hong Kong" is called "Haong kaong" when traditionally pronounced, (friends, please correct the spelling here in case I misspelt it).

Just because a bunch of idiotic colonizers couldn't pronounce some name or some bloody invaders wanted to recreate the city in their name, doesn't make it that. Prayag seems to be the original name of Allahabad. What surprises me is that in 71 years, why it was never done before.

It should have been done along with Varanasi.

Maybe it was the "Allah" in the name. Though it's traditionally properly pronounced as "Illahabad" ...

@kinsr I like Triveni. Very classical. But I guess Prayag has greater global recall and universal recognition and acceptability.

Cheers, Doc
It's started with the fighting Kurds.

We should soon have a homeland to move to ....

No offense, but India was always supposed to be a temporary thing to protect the fire.

I hope you guys agree we did our bit while here ....

Cheers, Doc

India is the only nation in entire world which welcome each and every religion... you will find people of every religion, faith and sect... living peaceful life...

EXCEPT THOSE who feel that only their religion is true... and they can massacre all non believers...
India is the only nation in entire world which welcome each and every religion... you will find people of every religion, faith and sect... living peaceful life...

EXCEPT THOSE who feel that only their religion is true... and they can massacre all non believers...

Largely agree historically. Much of the western world is no different today. Led by America.

Which is why Hindutva is seen not as Hinduism but as a political fascist ideology not very different from Naziism or radical Islam.

It is inherently Abrahamic in its world view towards faith over soil and blood.

Very different to old Aryan faiths that have always been about blood and soil.

It is therefore a saffronist mirror image of that it hates and wants to destroy. Which is not uncommon and has been seen around the world.

It is extremely alien to the very foundation of secular India, and it must be fought tooth and nail by all Indians. As we would fight any existential enemy. Be he outside our borders. Or within.

Cheers, Doc
You can cry all you want,

Only one crying here is you. @AUz just utterly humiliated and destroyed you and your mental masturbations of "glory" SO badly that now ya'll are literally blabbering like confused teenage girls to salvage your insecurities and rage typing without any space:lol:

that doesn't change the fact the Mughals failed to conquer the entirety of India like they did with Pakistan,

There was no "Pakistan" back then. It was 'india' and Muslims (Mughals included) r@ped your ancestral homelands and produced Pakistan out of india, by destroying your civilizational unity. Ps, Mughals did conquered and ruled over pretty much entire india and beyond. You have to have sh*t for brains to deny this obvious reality

"Mughals never conquered full india"

Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb the great! :cheesy:


When you get SO utterly humiliated that you have to soothe yourself that Mughals left a small corner of today's "india" untouched (nevermind the conquering of indian capital, destruction of hindu civilization, and hindu slavery of 1000 years throughout the indian subcontinent)!

and they failed to wipe out Hinduism despite their best efforts.

Mughals never intended to destroy "hinduism"....There are no credible historical sources of mass and sustained Mughal efforts of mass conversions of hindus. "Oh we didn't convert while Iran converted!"---This is something hindus say to feel good about themselves because even hindus know how utterly humiliated they have been for thousands of years and how superior Muslims and later Europeans ruled them and made them their b*tch. Turko-Mongols never sought to "convert" regions to Islam like early Arab conquests. Even Bulgaria is not "Muslim majority" even though it remained under Ottoman rule for centuries. Reason? Simple, Muslim conquerors after the great Arab conquests never sought mass conversions. Stop fooling yourself with your mental masturbation of your own misery :lol:

Today, Hinduism is the world's third largest religion with over a billion followers around the world.

Yeah, third largest religion that is restricted to a sh!thole called india primarily. There is not a single hindu-majority country outside of subcontinent---primarily thanks to Islam. hinduism is irrelevant, regionalized religion with no global influence or reach :lol:

Name a single hindu country outside of subcontinent? Funny thing, even in ONLY region where hinduism is majority---hinduism has no influence and power. Gay sex is legalized, adultery is made "legal" and ancient hindu traditions and practices are thrown to garbage by india's very own supreme court....despite an outcry of hindus to not do it :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Not to mention, hindu-population is decreasing in india as a percentage. So the ONLY major country hindus have in the world, even that country is becoming less hindu over time.

Compare that to global rise and spread of Islam across the world---even in non-Muslim parts like Europe, Russia, China, India, and so forth. Mashallah! :D

And modern Indian is bigger than Paksitan, Bangladesh, and Malaysian combined, so we are good.


Quoting Auz

"Muslims conquered india, annihilated indic civilization from Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, North-Western subcontinent (the sacred lands of Hinduism and Indus river). We reduced Hindus from 19% to 1.5% after Independence"

And your response? Well well....our remaining part is bigger than the conquered parts of our original homeland. How pathetically embarrassed and humiliated you have to be to even adopt this line of reasoning? It's like an enemy invades you, conquers you, rules over you, urinate on your culture, rapes your women, and destroys your religion/civilization, and permanently takes away 1/3rd of your homeland. And you respond "Well, atleast we have the remaining 2/3 of the land and 2/3 is bigger than 1/3 so we are good" :lol::lol::lol: What hijrays you hindus are? No wonder Muslims conquered you and made your our bitch for 1000 years.

Oh, and we occupy Muslim Kahsmir. When are you going to get it back?

Just small Kashmir? We occupy ENTIRE North-Western subcontinent, your ancient homeland and sacred hindu lands....we erased entire hindu presence from there. That's a ten times bigger land area than Kashmir. What are you going to do anything about it? :)

You don't even occupy full Kashmir. We retook the most strategically important part of Kashmir already and cut you off from Central Asian routes, hence confining poor hindus within Ganga delta and made you irrelevant strategically. Secondly, our trained Mujahideens also erased hindu pandits from even YOUR 'occupied' Kashmir and you couldn't do anything about it :lol:

Afraid we are going to destroy you like we have whenever we have fought in history?

W.Pakistan (today's Pakistan) utterly humiliated india every time both countries fought in an all out war. Even though we are 7x smaller than you.

In 1948, Pakistanis got THE MOST strategically important lands in Kashmir. Pakistan captured population centers of Gilgit , Skardu etc and secured access to central Asia...Cutting India off from Central Asian route..and hence containing poor indians in useless gigantic plains .... Where India would've got entire Kashmir due to Hindu treachery ...it only got some parts..and that too which are strategically of very less importance...and made even less important due to Indo-Pak water-accords ..

In 1965, Pakistan defeated Indian attack on Lahore city and forced indians to retreat , captured strategically important Indian towns like Khem Kharan , captured strategically important Indian supply-lines like Muna Bao railway station. Although the land war wasn't decisive, the air-war was won by Pakistan undisputedly. PAF (Pakistan Air Force) just decimated the five times larger IAF (Indian Air Force), and all this eventually forced India to face the humiliation of signing an agreement of stalemate with SEVEN TIMES smaller nation-that was badly outgunned and outnumbered during the war... India's OWN media back then called it as "giving a walkover to Pakistan."

When was the last time you saw a seven times larger nation signing an agreement of "stalemate antebellum" with a seven times smaller nation? That's a military victory for the smaller state :lol:

In 1999 Kargil war, just few hundred Pakistani troops+fighters got 30,000 indian soldiers with their pants down. Although it was very cheap on the part of Pakistanis to exploit enemy's weakness without any warning or buildup. But that's Pakistanis for you. At the end of the war, Pakistan captured strategically important Indian heights such as point 5353 , Dalu Nag , Saddle Ridge etc. They STILL hold these Indian territories and over-look NH-1 and Indian supplies to Siachen.

So in every war against W.Pakistan (Today's Pakistan) , Indian forces have faced humiliation from SEVEN TIMES smaller nation..When indians faced their EQUALS in size (Chinese in 62)...they were a$$-raped by Chinese But Pakistanis faced SEVEN TIMES larger nation and stood their ground pretty solidly...

200 million Pakistanis contained 1300 million indians.

WE also conquered Muslim areas such as Hyderabad, where overthrew and humiliated the Nawab, and Junagadh.


Wow, what a "achievement"....You "conquered" few districts in the middle of your own country?! That must be a military achievement for "hindus" who have been raped militarily by superior Islamic forces for 1000 years. However, in other parts of the world, even a f*cking police force will take control of few districts if they really wanted to.

Secondly, Hyderabad as a district was never a "Muslim" majority. Look up the statistics, dumb **** :lol:
In fact, you were ruled by Hindu Mauryans for over 500 years, I bet you still have nightmares about that.

What?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Maurya was centuries before Islam even began. We got ruled by Maurya just as much as you :lol: You think Maurya was your mom's lover? How sad you have to be to go all the way back to "Maurya" just to hide your humiliation at the hands of Muslims.

India's GPD is equal to most Muslim countries combined,

What? :lol: Muslim world's GDP is more than DOUBLED that of shithole called india.

Muslim world's GDP (PPP) is about $22 trillion..india is not even close. Not only that, Muslim world's average gdp per capita is also more than doubled that of shitty india


and our military is stronger than that of the entire OIC.


Oh is that so? A shithole that lacks toilet and does not have any major indigenous weapon systems now has more military power than Pakistan+Turkey+Iran+Saudi Arabia+UAE+Indonesia+Malaysia+Egypt+Algeria etc combined?!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Turkey builts its own tunnel boring machines while you can not even make toilets in your land. You are backward compared to most Muslim countries. Saudis have EFs, F-15Es (most advanced version)...UAE have F-16 block 60s, Rafales...Egypt has 1000+ M1 Abram tanks...Pakistan has 150 nuclear weapons....and you think india is stronger than all of em combined? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You can't even defeat Pakistan, let alone even imagining taking on the global Islamic civilization spread from Atlantic Ocean to the pacific! You couldn't even take one major city in Pakistan....not even one. And you think you'll fight combined military power of Islam?!!! No wonder Muslims conquered hindustan and piss on you for 1000 years and you couldn't do anything. With a military genius like this, even congo will defeat poor hindus

Holy sh!t, you are so embarrassed now that you have literally stopped thinking straight. Must be hard to face the fact that hindus got dominated to badly and there is nothing you can do about it. Now you are acting in desperation to hide your embarrassment in the face of the fact that Islam literally c*cked hindus for 1000 years and then broke you into three parts

@Vikki @M Boss for you ch*tyes as well
Only one crying here is you. @AUz just utterly humiliated and destroyed you and your mental masturbations of "glory" SO badly that now ya'll are literally blabbering like confused teenage girls to salvage your insecurities and rage typing without any space:lol:

There was no "Pakistan" back then. It was 'india' and Muslims (Mughals included) r@ped your ancestral homelands and produced Pakistan out of india, by destroying your civilizational unity. Ps, Mughals did conquered and ruled over pretty much entire india and beyond. You have to have sh*t for brains to deny this obvious reality

"Mughals never conquered full india"

Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb the great! :cheesy:


When you get SO utterly humiliated that you have to soothe yourself that Mughals left a small corner of today's "india" untouched (nevermind the conquering of indian capital, destruction of hindu civilization, and hindu slavery of 1000 years throughout the indian subcontinent)!

Mughals never intended to destroy "hinduism"....There are no credible historical sources of mass and sustained Mughal efforts of mass conversions of hindus. "Oh we didn't convert while Iran converted!"---This is something hindus say to feel good about themselves because even hindus know how utterly humiliated they have been for thousands of years and how superior Muslims and later Europeans ruled them and made them their b*tch. Turko-Mongols never sought to "convert" regions to Islam like early Arab conquests. Even Bulgaria is not "Muslim majority" even though it remained under Ottoman rule for centuries. Reason? Simple, Muslim conquerors after the great Arab conquests never sought mass conversions. Stop fooling yourself with your mental masturbation of your own misery :lol:

Yeah, third largest religion that is restricted to a sh!thole called india primarily. There is not a single hindu-majority country outside of subcontinent---primarily thanks to Islam. hinduism is irrelevant, regionalized religion with no global influence or reach :lol:

Name a single hindu country outside of subcontinent? Funny thing, even in ONLY region where hinduism is majority---hinduism has no influence and power. Gay sex is legalized, adultery is made "legal" and ancient hindu traditions and practices are thrown to garbage by india's very own supreme court....despite an outcry of hindus to not do it :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Not to mention, hindu-population is decreasing in india as a percentage. So the ONLY major country hindus have in the world, even that country is becoming less hindu over time.

Compare that to global rise and spread of Islam across the world---even in non-Muslim parts like Europe, Russia, China, India, and so forth. Mashallah! :D


Quoting Auz

"Muslims conquered india, annihilated indic civilization from Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, North-Western subcontinent (the sacred lands of Hinduism and Indus river). We reduced Hindus from 19% to 1.5% after Independence"

And your response? Well well....our remaining part is bigger than the conquered parts of our original homeland. How pathetically embarrassed and humiliated you have to be to even adopt this line of reasoning? It's like an enemy invades you, conquers you, rules over you, urinate on your culture, rapes your women, and destroys your religion/civilization, and permanently takes away 1/3rd of your homeland. And you respond "Well, atleast we have the remaining 2/3 of the land and 2/3 is bigger than 1/3 so we are good" :lol::lol::lol: What hijrays you hindus are? No wonder Muslims conquered you and made your our bitch for 1000 years.

Just small Kashmir? We occupy ENTIRE North-Western subcontinent, your ancient homeland and sacred hindu lands....we erased entire hindu presence from there. That's a ten times bigger land area than Kashmir. What are you going to do anything about it? :)

You don't even occupy full Kashmir. We retook the most strategically important part of Kashmir already and cut you off from Central Asian routes, hence confining poor hindus within Ganga delta and made you irrelevant strategically. Secondly, our trained Mujahideens also erased hindu pandits from even YOUR 'occupied' Kashmir and you couldn't do anything about it :lol:

W.Pakistan (today's Pakistan) utterly humiliated india every time both countries fought in an all out war. Even though we are 7x smaller than you.

In 1948, Pakistanis got THE MOST strategically important lands in Kashmir. Pakistan captured population centers of Gilgit , Skardu etc and secured access to central Asia...Cutting India off from Central Asian route..and hence containing poor indians in useless gigantic plains .... Where India would've got entire Kashmir due to Hindu treachery ...it only got some parts..and that too which are strategically of very less importance...and made even less important due to Indo-Pak water-accords ..

In 1965, Pakistan defeated Indian attack on Lahore city and forced indians to retreat , captured strategically important Indian towns like Khem Kharan , captured strategically important Indian supply-lines like Muna Bao railway station. Although the land war wasn't decisive, the air-war was won by Pakistan undisputedly. PAF (Pakistan Air Force) just decimated the five times larger IAF (Indian Air Force), and all this eventually forced India to face the humiliation of signing an agreement of stalemate with SEVEN TIMES smaller nation-that was badly outgunned and outnumbered during the war... India's OWN media back then called it as "giving a walkover to Pakistan."

When was the last time you saw a seven times larger nation signing an agreement of "stalemate antebellum" with a seven times smaller nation? That's a military victory for the smaller state :lol:

In 1999 Kargil war, just few hundred Pakistani troops+fighters got 30,000 indian soldiers with their pants down. Although it was very cheap on the part of Pakistanis to exploit enemy's weakness without any warning or buildup. But that's Pakistanis for you. At the end of the war, Pakistan captured strategically important Indian heights such as point 5353 , Dalu Nag , Saddle Ridge etc. They STILL hold these Indian territories and over-look NH-1 and Indian supplies to Siachen.

So in every war against W.Pakistan (Today's Pakistan) , Indian forces have faced humiliation from SEVEN TIMES smaller nation..When indians faced their EQUALS in size (Chinese in 62)...they were a$$-raped by Chinese But Pakistanis faced SEVEN TIMES larger nation and stood their ground pretty solidly...

200 million Pakistanis contained 1300 million indians.


Wow, what a "achievement"....You "conquered" few districts in the middle of your own country?! That must be a military achievement for "hindus" who have been raped militarily by superior Islamic forces for 1000 years. However, in other parts of the world, even a f*cking police force will take control of few districts if they really wanted to.

Secondly, Hyderabad as a district was never a "Muslim" majority. Look up the statistics, dumb **** :lol:

What?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Maurya was centuries before Islam even began. We got ruled by Maurya just as much as you :lol: You think Maurya was your mom's lover? How sad you have to be to go all the way back to "Maurya" just to hide your humiliation at the hands of Muslims.

What? :lol: Muslim world's GDP is more than DOUBLED that of shithole called india.

Muslim world's GDP (PPP) is about $22 trillion..india is not even close. Not only that, Muslim world's average gdp per capita is also more than doubled that of shitty india



Oh is that so? A shithole that lacks toilet and does not have any major indigenous weapon systems now has more military power than Pakistan+Turkey+Iran+Saudi Arabia+UAE+Indonesia+Malaysia+Egypt+Algeria etc combined?!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Turkey builts its own tunnel boring machines while you can not even make toilets in your land. You are backward compared to most Muslim countries. Saudis have EFs, F-15Es (most advanced version)...UAE have F-16 block 60s, Rafales...Egypt has 1000+ M1 Abram tanks...Pakistan has 150 nuclear weapons....and you think india is stronger than all of em combined? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You can't even defeat Pakistan, let alone even imagining taking on the global Islamic civilization spread from Atlantic Ocean to the pacific! You couldn't even take one major city in Pakistan....not even one. And you think you'll fight combined military power of Islam?!!! No wonder Muslims conquered hindustan and piss on you for 1000 years and you couldn't do anything. With a military genius like this, even congo will defeat poor hindus

Holy sh!t, you are so embarrassed now that you have literally stopped thinking straight. Must be hard to face the fact that hindus got dominated to badly and there is nothing you can do about it. Now you are acting in desperation to hide your embarrassment in the face of the fact that Islam literally c*cked hindus for 1000 years and then broke you into three parts

@Vikki @M Boss for you ch*tyes as well
Aurangazeb never ruled South india, mughuls ruled different parts of India at Diff times for 300 years, aurngzb used to shit in pants whenever he heard Shivajis name ,marathas used to fu*k mughuls....
lol, okay, u sound like a shitty jatt to me. Anyways, its understandable how u little twerps resent those who came here as muslim hordes to conquer u yet that never happened acc to bjp version of histroy, right?, Arabs never came here, niether did the Pashtoons, we all just wrote false history of muslim conquests of india, the real version had a bitch with 5 husbands, some blue naked dude running around, some porno queen sitting on a lion and some strange bloke with an elephant head. shame on us,lol.
Better than paedophile... But I guess both are not real.
Only one crying here is you. @AUz just utterly humiliated and destroyed you and your mental masturbations of "glory" SO badly that now ya'll are literally blabbering like confused teenage girls to salvage your insecurities and rage typing without any space:lol:

There was no "Pakistan" back then. It was 'india' and Muslims (Mughals included) r@ped your ancestral homelands and produced Pakistan out of india, by destroying your civilizational unity. Ps, Mughals did conquered and ruled over pretty much entire india and beyond. You have to have sh*t for brains to deny this obvious reality

"Mughals never conquered full india"

Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb the great! :cheesy:


When you get SO utterly humiliated that you have to soothe yourself that Mughals left a small corner of today's "india" untouched (nevermind the conquering of indian capital, destruction of hindu civilization, and hindu slavery of 1000 years throughout the indian subcontinent)!

Mughals never intended to destroy "hinduism"....There are no credible historical sources of mass and sustained Mughal efforts of mass conversions of hindus. "Oh we didn't convert while Iran converted!"---This is something hindus say to feel good about themselves because even hindus know how utterly humiliated they have been for thousands of years and how superior Muslims and later Europeans ruled them and made them their b*tch. Turko-Mongols never sought to "convert" regions to Islam like early Arab conquests. Even Bulgaria is not "Muslim majority" even though it remained under Ottoman rule for centuries. Reason? Simple, Muslim conquerors after the great Arab conquests never sought mass conversions. Stop fooling yourself with your mental masturbation of your own misery :lol:

Yeah, third largest religion that is restricted to a sh!thole called india primarily. There is not a single hindu-majority country outside of subcontinent---primarily thanks to Islam. hinduism is irrelevant, regionalized religion with no global influence or reach :lol:

Name a single hindu country outside of subcontinent? Funny thing, even in ONLY region where hinduism is majority---hinduism has no influence and power. Gay sex is legalized, adultery is made "legal" and ancient hindu traditions and practices are thrown to garbage by india's very own supreme court....despite an outcry of hindus to not do it :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Not to mention, hindu-population is decreasing in india as a percentage. So the ONLY major country hindus have in the world, even that country is becoming less hindu over time.

Compare that to global rise and spread of Islam across the world---even in non-Muslim parts like Europe, Russia, China, India, and so forth. Mashallah! :D


Quoting Auz

"Muslims conquered india, annihilated indic civilization from Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, North-Western subcontinent (the sacred lands of Hinduism and Indus river). We reduced Hindus from 19% to 1.5% after Independence"

And your response? Well well....our remaining part is bigger than the conquered parts of our original homeland. How pathetically embarrassed and humiliated you have to be to even adopt this line of reasoning? It's like an enemy invades you, conquers you, rules over you, urinate on your culture, rapes your women, and destroys your religion/civilization, and permanently takes away 1/3rd of your homeland. And you respond "Well, atleast we have the remaining 2/3 of the land and 2/3 is bigger than 1/3 so we are good" :lol::lol::lol: What hijrays you hindus are? No wonder Muslims conquered you and made your our bitch for 1000 years.

Just small Kashmir? We occupy ENTIRE North-Western subcontinent, your ancient homeland and sacred hindu lands....we erased entire hindu presence from there. That's a ten times bigger land area than Kashmir. What are you going to do anything about it? :)

You don't even occupy full Kashmir. We retook the most strategically important part of Kashmir already and cut you off from Central Asian routes, hence confining poor hindus within Ganga delta and made you irrelevant strategically. Secondly, our trained Mujahideens also erased hindu pandits from even YOUR 'occupied' Kashmir and you couldn't do anything about it :lol:

W.Pakistan (today's Pakistan) utterly humiliated india every time both countries fought in an all out war. Even though we are 7x smaller than you.

In 1948, Pakistanis got THE MOST strategically important lands in Kashmir. Pakistan captured population centers of Gilgit , Skardu etc and secured access to central Asia...Cutting India off from Central Asian route..and hence containing poor indians in useless gigantic plains .... Where India would've got entire Kashmir due to Hindu treachery ...it only got some parts..and that too which are strategically of very less importance...and made even less important due to Indo-Pak water-accords ..

In 1965, Pakistan defeated Indian attack on Lahore city and forced indians to retreat , captured strategically important Indian towns like Khem Kharan , captured strategically important Indian supply-lines like Muna Bao railway station. Although the land war wasn't decisive, the air-war was won by Pakistan undisputedly. PAF (Pakistan Air Force) just decimated the five times larger IAF (Indian Air Force), and all this eventually forced India to face the humiliation of signing an agreement of stalemate with SEVEN TIMES smaller nation-that was badly outgunned and outnumbered during the war... India's OWN media back then called it as "giving a walkover to Pakistan."

When was the last time you saw a seven times larger nation signing an agreement of "stalemate antebellum" with a seven times smaller nation? That's a military victory for the smaller state :lol:

In 1999 Kargil war, just few hundred Pakistani troops+fighters got 30,000 indian soldiers with their pants down. Although it was very cheap on the part of Pakistanis to exploit enemy's weakness without any warning or buildup. But that's Pakistanis for you. At the end of the war, Pakistan captured strategically important Indian heights such as point 5353 , Dalu Nag , Saddle Ridge etc. They STILL hold these Indian territories and over-look NH-1 and Indian supplies to Siachen.

So in every war against W.Pakistan (Today's Pakistan) , Indian forces have faced humiliation from SEVEN TIMES smaller nation..When indians faced their EQUALS in size (Chinese in 62)...they were a$$-raped by Chinese But Pakistanis faced SEVEN TIMES larger nation and stood their ground pretty solidly...

200 million Pakistanis contained 1300 million indians.


Wow, what a "achievement"....You "conquered" few districts in the middle of your own country?! That must be a military achievement for "hindus" who have been raped militarily by superior Islamic forces for 1000 years. However, in other parts of the world, even a f*cking police force will take control of few districts if they really wanted to.

Secondly, Hyderabad as a district was never a "Muslim" majority. Look up the statistics, dumb **** :lol:

What?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Maurya was centuries before Islam even began. We got ruled by Maurya just as much as you :lol: You think Maurya was your mom's lover? How sad you have to be to go all the way back to "Maurya" just to hide your humiliation at the hands of Muslims.

What? :lol: Muslim world's GDP is more than DOUBLED that of shithole called india.

Muslim world's GDP (PPP) is about $22 trillion..india is not even close. Not only that, Muslim world's average gdp per capita is also more than doubled that of shitty india



Oh is that so? A shithole that lacks toilet and does not have any major indigenous weapon systems now has more military power than Pakistan+Turkey+Iran+Saudi Arabia+UAE+Indonesia+Malaysia+Egypt+Algeria etc combined?!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Turkey builts its own tunnel boring machines while you can not even make toilets in your land. You are backward compared to most Muslim countries. Saudis have EFs, F-15Es (most advanced version)...UAE have F-16 block 60s, Rafales...Egypt has 1000+ M1 Abram tanks...Pakistan has 150 nuclear weapons....and you think india is stronger than all of em combined? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You can't even defeat Pakistan, let alone even imagining taking on the global Islamic civilization spread from Atlantic Ocean to the pacific! You couldn't even take one major city in Pakistan....not even one. And you think you'll fight combined military power of Islam?!!! No wonder Muslims conquered hindustan and piss on you for 1000 years and you couldn't do anything. With a military genius like this, even congo will defeat poor hindus

Holy sh!t, you are so embarrassed now that you have literally stopped thinking straight. Must be hard to face the fact that hindus got dominated to badly and there is nothing you can do about it. Now you are acting in desperation to hide your embarrassment in the face of the fact that Islam literally c*cked hindus for 1000 years and then broke you into three parts

@Vikki @M Boss for you ch*tyes as well

You missed 1971... and in 1999, during Kargil... bravehearts were let to die as STATELESS ACTORS by entire nation... Army and political class was on same page while abandoning those who went to serve the ORDERS...

Whenever a mirror is shown with facts and figures on CPEC, KASHMIR OR KARGIL... people tend to run to MODS... who come back will warning, limited privilege and in some cases (mostly correct) with ban...

Also take a look at Moryan Empire under Chandragupta... if your alter ego is unsatisfied even after that take a look at Alexander and his EMPIRE...

Boundaries keep changing... nations kept getting bifurcated and United... Till 1947, Pakistan was never there as a nation... till 1971, Bangladesh was never there as a nation... Even Kurds, Baloch and Sindh have long history than these two nations... but the truth is that while there is no KURDISTAN, BALOCHISTAN OR SINDH exists as a nation... Pakistan is a reality... Boundaries keep changing...

Beggars calling someone poor is really laughable...
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It should have been done along with Varanasi.

Maybe it was the "Allah" in the name. Though it's traditionally properly pronounced as "Illahabad" ...

@kinsr I like Triveni. Very classical. But I guess Prayag has greater global recall and universal recognition and acceptability.

Cheers, Doc

Ideally, It should have been "Prayag" only, "Prayagraj" doesn't make sense.

If it was merely for recall value then Prayag should have been the keyword. But previous governments had already chosen the name of Prayag as one of the major railway station in Allahabad, hence Yogi could have lost a few brownie points, hence Prayagraj. And all this exercise is for upcoming Kumbh Mela, with an expected gathering of over 70 million during the Magh Month (Jan-Feb) 2019, what better way to show off the Hindu leanings of the UP's BJP government. And going by the whispers in the winds, the current situation for BJP in UP is not very good, they need this advertisement more than ever for the upcoming GE2019.
Ideally, It should have been "Prayag" only, "Prayagraj" doesn't make sense.

If it was merely for recall value then Prayag should have been the keyword. But previous governments had already chosen the name of Prayag as one of the major railway station in Allahabad, hence Yogi could have lost a few brownie points, hence Prayagraj. And all this exercise is for upcoming Kumbh Mela, with an expected gathering of over 70 million during the Magh Month (Jan-Feb) 2019, what better way to show off the Hindu leanings of the UP's BJP government. And going by the whispers in the winds, the current situation for BJP in UP is not very good, they need this advertisement more than ever for the upcoming GE2019.

Thanks for the on the ground inputs buddy.

Truth be told the situation is not good for BJP anywhere else either.

Prayag it should be.

Cheers, Doc

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