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Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

Better than paedophile... But I guess both are not real.

Don't say cr@p about your flying monkey god.

Only one crying here is you. @AUz just utterly humiliated and destroyed you and your mental masturbations of "glory" SO badly that now ya'll are literally blabbering like confused teenage girls to salvage your insecurities and rage typing without any space:lol:

There was no "Pakistan" back then. It was 'india' and Muslims (Mughals included) r@ped your ancestral homelands and produced Pakistan out of india, by destroying your civilizational unity. Ps, Mughals did conquered and ruled over pretty much entire india and beyond. You have to have sh*t for brains to deny this obvious reality

"Mughals never conquered full india"

Mughal Empire under Aurangzeb the great! :cheesy:


When you get SO utterly humiliated that you have to soothe yourself that Mughals left a small corner of today's "india" untouched (nevermind the conquering of indian capital, destruction of hindu civilization, and hindu slavery of 1000 years throughout the indian subcontinent)!

Mughals never intended to destroy "hinduism"....There are no credible historical sources of mass and sustained Mughal efforts of mass conversions of hindus. "Oh we didn't convert while Iran converted!"---This is something hindus say to feel good about themselves because even hindus know how utterly humiliated they have been for thousands of years and how superior Muslims and later Europeans ruled them and made them their b*tch. Turko-Mongols never sought to "convert" regions to Islam like early Arab conquests. Even Bulgaria is not "Muslim majority" even though it remained under Ottoman rule for centuries. Reason? Simple, Muslim conquerors after the great Arab conquests never sought mass conversions. Stop fooling yourself with your mental masturbation of your own misery :lol:

Yeah, third largest religion that is restricted to a sh!thole called india primarily. There is not a single hindu-majority country outside of subcontinent---primarily thanks to Islam. hinduism is irrelevant, regionalized religion with no global influence or reach :lol:

Name a single hindu country outside of subcontinent? Funny thing, even in ONLY region where hinduism is majority---hinduism has no influence and power. Gay sex is legalized, adultery is made "legal" and ancient hindu traditions and practices are thrown to garbage by india's very own supreme court....despite an outcry of hindus to not do it :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Not to mention, hindu-population is decreasing in india as a percentage. So the ONLY major country hindus have in the world, even that country is becoming less hindu over time.

Compare that to global rise and spread of Islam across the world---even in non-Muslim parts like Europe, Russia, China, India, and so forth. Mashallah! :D


Quoting Auz

"Muslims conquered india, annihilated indic civilization from Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, North-Western subcontinent (the sacred lands of Hinduism and Indus river). We reduced Hindus from 19% to 1.5% after Independence"

And your response? Well well....our remaining part is bigger than the conquered parts of our original homeland. How pathetically embarrassed and humiliated you have to be to even adopt this line of reasoning? It's like an enemy invades you, conquers you, rules over you, urinate on your culture, rapes your women, and destroys your religion/civilization, and permanently takes away 1/3rd of your homeland. And you respond "Well, atleast we have the remaining 2/3 of the land and 2/3 is bigger than 1/3 so we are good" :lol::lol::lol: What hijrays you hindus are? No wonder Muslims conquered you and made your our bitch for 1000 years.

Just small Kashmir? We occupy ENTIRE North-Western subcontinent, your ancient homeland and sacred hindu lands....we erased entire hindu presence from there. That's a ten times bigger land area than Kashmir. What are you going to do anything about it? :)

You don't even occupy full Kashmir. We retook the most strategically important part of Kashmir already and cut you off from Central Asian routes, hence confining poor hindus within Ganga delta and made you irrelevant strategically. Secondly, our trained Mujahideens also erased hindu pandits from even YOUR 'occupied' Kashmir and you couldn't do anything about it :lol:

W.Pakistan (today's Pakistan) utterly humiliated india every time both countries fought in an all out war. Even though we are 7x smaller than you.

In 1948, Pakistanis got THE MOST strategically important lands in Kashmir. Pakistan captured population centers of Gilgit , Skardu etc and secured access to central Asia...Cutting India off from Central Asian route..and hence containing poor indians in useless gigantic plains .... Where India would've got entire Kashmir due to Hindu treachery ...it only got some parts..and that too which are strategically of very less importance...and made even less important due to Indo-Pak water-accords ..

In 1965, Pakistan defeated Indian attack on Lahore city and forced indians to retreat , captured strategically important Indian towns like Khem Kharan , captured strategically important Indian supply-lines like Muna Bao railway station. Although the land war wasn't decisive, the air-war was won by Pakistan undisputedly. PAF (Pakistan Air Force) just decimated the five times larger IAF (Indian Air Force), and all this eventually forced India to face the humiliation of signing an agreement of stalemate with SEVEN TIMES smaller nation-that was badly outgunned and outnumbered during the war... India's OWN media back then called it as "giving a walkover to Pakistan."

When was the last time you saw a seven times larger nation signing an agreement of "stalemate antebellum" with a seven times smaller nation? That's a military victory for the smaller state :lol:

In 1999 Kargil war, just few hundred Pakistani troops+fighters got 30,000 indian soldiers with their pants down. Although it was very cheap on the part of Pakistanis to exploit enemy's weakness without any warning or buildup. But that's Pakistanis for you. At the end of the war, Pakistan captured strategically important Indian heights such as point 5353 , Dalu Nag , Saddle Ridge etc. They STILL hold these Indian territories and over-look NH-1 and Indian supplies to Siachen.

So in every war against W.Pakistan (Today's Pakistan) , Indian forces have faced humiliation from SEVEN TIMES smaller nation..When indians faced their EQUALS in size (Chinese in 62)...they were a$$-raped by Chinese But Pakistanis faced SEVEN TIMES larger nation and stood their ground pretty solidly...

200 million Pakistanis contained 1300 million indians.


Wow, what a "achievement"....You "conquered" few districts in the middle of your own country?! That must be a military achievement for "hindus" who have been raped militarily by superior Islamic forces for 1000 years. However, in other parts of the world, even a f*cking police force will take control of few districts if they really wanted to.

Secondly, Hyderabad as a district was never a "Muslim" majority. Look up the statistics, dumb **** :lol:

What?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Maurya was centuries before Islam even began. We got ruled by Maurya just as much as you :lol: You think Maurya was your mom's lover? How sad you have to be to go all the way back to "Maurya" just to hide your humiliation at the hands of Muslims.

What? :lol: Muslim world's GDP is more than DOUBLED that of shithole called india.

Muslim world's GDP (PPP) is about $22 trillion..india is not even close. Not only that, Muslim world's average gdp per capita is also more than doubled that of shitty india



Oh is that so? A shithole that lacks toilet and does not have any major indigenous weapon systems now has more military power than Pakistan+Turkey+Iran+Saudi Arabia+UAE+Indonesia+Malaysia+Egypt+Algeria etc combined?!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Turkey builts its own tunnel boring machines while you can not even make toilets in your land. You are backward compared to most Muslim countries. Saudis have EFs, F-15Es (most advanced version)...UAE have F-16 block 60s, Rafales...Egypt has 1000+ M1 Abram tanks...Pakistan has 150 nuclear weapons....and you think india is stronger than all of em combined? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You can't even defeat Pakistan, let alone even imagining taking on the global Islamic civilization spread from Atlantic Ocean to the pacific! You couldn't even take one major city in Pakistan....not even one. And you think you'll fight combined military power of Islam?!!! No wonder Muslims conquered hindustan and piss on you for 1000 years and you couldn't do anything. With a military genius like this, even congo will defeat poor hindus

Holy sh!t, you are so embarrassed now that you have literally stopped thinking straight. Must be hard to face the fact that hindus got dominated to badly and there is nothing you can do about it. Now you are acting in desperation to hide your embarrassment in the face of the fact that Islam literally c*cked hindus for 1000 years and then broke you into three parts

@Vikki @M Boss for you ch*tyes as well

Best post ever on this forum
What does Praygarj means?
Prayag, a word of Sanskrit origin refers to a place of sacrifice, confluence or meeting place.

According to Agni Purana, it is place of confluence of the 3 holy rivers - Ganga, Jamuna and Sarasvati i.e. the place with the modern name Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.

PrayagRaj means king of Prayag or Best of such a place .
Prayag, a word of Sanskrit origin refers to a place of sacrifice, confluence or meeting place.

According to Agni Purana, it is place of confluence of the 3 holy rivers - Ganga, Jamuna and Sarasvati i.e. the place with the modern name Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Makes sense.
Somebody was telling me the other day that all great rivers of the world are listed in the Vedas. To quench my thirst i curiously browsed through some. Quite fascinating the conjecture.
hahaha, the guys been dead more than 400 years and yet he still imposes himself on their mindset. The statement about this could have been about India returning to it's hindu roots, instead it's about sticking it to a guy who stuck it to India so hard, they still remember him 400 years later.
hahaha, the guys been dead more than 400 years and yet he still imposes himself on their mindset. The statement about this could have been about India returning to it's hindu roots, instead it's about sticking it to a guy who stuck it to India so hard, they still remember him 400 years later.
Sure . Nice meeting with Mr Yogi .
Rituals at Kashi, Prayag (Allahabad), Gaya pilgrimage.

Shri Kashi Vishwanatho Vijayatetaram
Varanasi or Kashi or Benaras are the names of this holy place to be visited by each person once in lifetime. Kashi is one of the sacred place, believed to be existing from tretha yuga to our current kali yuga. It is one of the holy cities of sapta puri (Ayodhya, Mathura, Hardwar, Varanasi, Kanchipuram, Ujjain,Dwaraka). It is believed that the demise in Kashi kshetram gives salvation to soul.

According to hindu dharma pilgrimage to kashi should be undertaken once in a lifetime. Its a belief that performing rituals during kashi pilgrimage will please our ancestors and bring welfare to the family members and next generation.

The pilgrimage of kashi starts from Rameswaram (especially for south indians).

The yatra starts with a pilgrimage to Rameswaram, where Lord Rama did pooja to Lord Shiva who is called Sri Ramanatha Swami in Rameswaram Temple.
  1. Before starting from home, perform Yatra dhanam and take Brahma Dhandulam (one spoon of rice and dhal). After finishing the kashi yatra, this brahma dhandulam can be used during samaradhana once your yatra completes (according to your family tradition).
  2. After reaching Rameshwaram, take bath at Agni Theertham(holy dip).
  3. Ganapathy pooja.
  4. Sankalpam.
  5. Take bath at 22 sacred Theerthams at Rameshwaram's Ramanadha swami temple.
  6. Full Srardham or Hiranya srardham with wet rice as pindam( offerings).
  7. Take sand (3 big scoops) from Agni theertham, each named as Sethu Madhava, Veni Madhava & Bindhu Madhava.
  8. Sethu Madhava, Bindhu Madhava should be dissolved in rameshwaram and Veni Madhava will be taken to Kashi. The pandits will guide you respectively.
  9. In horoscope if you find any pithru dhosha, Thila homam can be performed.(Not a ritual for kashi yatra).
Carry along with you Veni madhava to kashi. Next prepare for your pilgrimage to kashi. Following items are required to perform rituals during yatra.

  1. For Ganga pooja & Sumangali, Blouse bit, Turmeric Powder, Kungumam(Sindhoor),Comb,Mirrors,Bangles,Turmeric (varali manjal).
  2. For Srardham 9 X 5 Dhothi 3 or 5
  3. For Thambadhi Pooja, one 9 yard saree, one 9 X 5 Dhothi, one ThiruMangalyam (mangal sootra), one set Metti (Minji), 2 sets of bangles, Turmeric and Kungumam(Sindhoor)
  4. For Dhasa Dhanam, cocunut, sandal powder, Rice, Jaggery, Salt, Thilam, Ghee, Gold, Silver, two 9 X 5 Dhothi.
  5. Pancha Dhanam Dheepam, Mani, Sombu, Book, one 9 X 5 Dhothi.
  6. At Gaya, Srardham will require five or six 9 X 5 Dhothi.
From Rameshwaram travel to Allahabad.
You can travel to kashi and then come to allahabad or straightly to allahabad and then to kashi. The rituals are named as following
  • Prayag Mundan (at triveni)
  • Gaya Pindam (at akshaya vatam)
  • Kashi Dhandam (at kaal Bhairava temple)
Following rituals are performed at Allahabad.
  1. Anugnai
  2. Ganapathy pooja
  3. Graha preethi Dhanam
  4. Veni Dhanam.
  5. Dissolving Veni madhava (the veni madhava from rameshwaram).
  6. Triveni Sangama Snanam. Collecting pure Ganga
  7. Hiranya srardham
  8. Pinda Pradhanam
  9. Shetra pindadhanam
  10. Thila Tharpanam
  11. Brahma Yagnam
  12. Veni Madhava, Hanuman temple dharshan.
  13. Other temple dharshan.
Afterwards,collect water from the sangam and get it sealed in coppeer vessels. One vessel,about half a litre or so are to be preserved for the Abhishekam at Rameswaram to conclude the Sampoorna Kasi Yatra. The other small copper vessels filled with the holy water can be used in poojas at home and for offering to friends/relatives. Once these rituals are completed travel to varanasi.

Rituals at Kashi
We can perform Full srardham or hiranya srardham. Priests may help us with procedures and ceremony. The strange fact at Varanasi is the complete absence of Crows! Hence pindams (offerings) are fed to the cows only.

Day 1
  1. Anugnai
  2. Ganapathy pooja
  3. Poorvanga Sankalp
  4. Navagraha preethi dhaanam
  5. Nandhi Srardham
  6. Punyaha vachanam
  7. Godhan
  8. Vaishnava srardham
  9. Dhasa Dhanam
  10. Pala Dhanam
  11. kruchchara charanam
  12. Maha Ashivadham
  13. Maha Sankalpam
  14. Chakkara Theertha snanam
  15. Manikarnika Theertha snanam
Day 2
  1. Manikarnika hiranya roopa theertha srardham (or) Annaroopa theertha srardham (with homam)
  2. Pinda dhanam
  3. Thila tharpanam
  4. kshetra pinda dhanam
  5. Brahma yagnam
After completing Day 2 travel to Gaya.

Rituals at Gaya
  1. Palghuni Theerthasnana maha sankalpam
  2. Palghuni Theerthasnanam
  3. Palghuni Hiranya srardham
  4. Pinda dhanam, kshetra pinda dhanam, thila tharpanam
  5. Vishnu padha hiranya srardham
  6. pinda pradhanam
  7. kshetra pinda dhanam
  8. vishnu padha dharisanam
  9. Mathru shodachi
  10. Akshya vata anna srardham( with homam)
  11. Pinda pradhanam
  12. kshethra pinda pradhanam
  13. Mathru Shodachi
  14. Shaka, patra, pala dhanam
  15. Bodhi vruksha Dharshan
Now travel back to Kashi and perform the day 3 Rituals.

Day 3 - Pancha Ghata theertha srardham at kashi

  1. Assighat
  2. Dhasasvamedha Ghat
  3. Varana Ghat
  4. Pancha Ganga Ghat
  5. Manikarnika Ghat. In all these 5 Ghats Theertha srardham, Hiranya srardham, Pinda Dhanam, kshetra pinda dhanam, Thila Tharpanam, Brahma Yagnam
  6. Ganga Mata pooja
  7. Thambadhi pooja
  8. Dhasa Dhanam
  9. Pancha dhanam
  10. Kalabairav Samaaradhanai
  11. Thundi Ganapathi, Annapurni, Vishwanath, visalakshi, kal Bairav, Dhandapani, Athmaveereswarar, Bindhu Madhava Dharshan
  12. Kamakoteeswar, Kedhareeshwar, Thilapandeshwar, chindhamani vinayakar Dharshan
  13. Sankat Mochan Hanuman, Vana durga, Thulsi manasa devi, Gowdi Madha, vyasakasi Dharshan.
At the Murugan Temple here,Lord Dhandapani,Lord Muruga strangely sports a beard .The priest ,has a stick at the sanctum sanctorum and gives three strokes/taps with it on your back. It is supposed to be a punishment for the sins committed by us.

Travel from Kashi to Rameshwaram
Perform Abhishekam to the Lord of Rameswaram,Sri Ramanatha Swamy and do archana and conclude Kasi Yatra.

Back to Residence
Perform a Samaradhanai, pooja to Ganga with Ganges water filled vessels, feed 2 brahmins and gift Ganga Jal etc to relatives/close friends and conclude the Kasi Yatra.

Performing Religious Rites and Vaidhika karmas at "Prayag(Allahabad), Kasi(Varanasi) & Gaya" will be arranged by traditional Veda Pandits. Neccessary arrangements will be made for Boarding, Lodging and transport in these places


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