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Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

yet there are over a billion hindus in the world, and indian culture and civilization has been spread around the world. IHindu culture even dominates the worlds larheat muslim country, whuch has a hindu god on their currency. Pakistani muslims know nothing about glory because they have been nothing but slaves for 10000 years and have failed to produce ay indiginous empires. Pakistanis still ave traumatic memorieaabout being ruled by tje hindu mauryans for over 500 years.

Hindu culture and civilization has "spread" around the world? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::lol::lol: Where? Name a single hindu country outside of subcontinent? Name one?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I exposed humiliation of hindus so bad that it has to catching at the straws. Hindu culture is being laughed at and mocked even within india...forget about having any influence globally. Hindu gods are mocked in Western tabloids on the regular and we barely see any reaction.

hindu culture "dominates" Indonesia?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Yeah, that's why indonesia went from Hindu-Buddhist land to 90% Muslim with Sharia-inspired laws and deeply Islamic society.

Do you know most of American military's weapon systems are named after Native-American tribes? OMG, Native American tribes must have been "dominating" American military and culture all these years?!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Your response is so sad and so pathetic that I'm now feeling bad for bringing up the reality of defeated, humilitated hindus so brazenly. Truth hurt you dawg, it really did!

1) Chamar converts like you are not "Muslims". Your ancestors got cucked by "Muslims" not mine.

Two of my brothers are married girls from "Muslim" families so don't tell me who cucked who, it's bajirao mastani all around for us.


Hundreds of thousands of hindu girls have been converted and married to Muslims in post-independence Pakistan. You literally have your media yelling about "Hindu conversions" in Pakistan. And you think your imaginary bullshit will impact us?

There is a reason why hindus keep crying about "love jihad" globally....and your MAJOR figures bring up this issue. Have you EVER seen Pakistani major politician bringing up the issue of Muslim girls marrying hindus? No, you haven't....because it does not happen.

However, in india and worldover, Hindu girls love Muslim cawk so much that you have to bring up campaigns to stop them having sex with Muslims :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You truly are c*cked. So c*cked that you have to cry in public about "love Jihad" and your highcourt has to bring up this issue :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Even in Lahore a Muslim majority area till 1947 your kind was not even allowed to use tap reserved for Brahmins and khatris despite being a minority.
That's auqaat of your kind.

Lahore district was Muslim majority. Not Lahore "city"

Secondly, you mistreated us----we urinated on hinduism, destroyed the civilizational unity, divided the ancient hindu homeland, erased hindu presence, and established an Islamic state in these lands.

What could YOU do? :lol::lol::lol::lol: Nothing! Millions of hindus were killed, their women raped, thousands upon thousands of your temples destroyed, your kings beheaded, your lands ruled----your people literally made second-class citizens under Islamic rule for CENTURIES.....and what could you do?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

NOTHING! Hell, you did not only lose Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, parts of Kashmir etc----you are even decreasing in percentage in the remaing, broken, bastardized india you got :lol::lol::lol:

True dusts.

We Muslims literally urinated on your brahmin peoples, their holy texts, brahmin temples, your brahmin gods---and what could you do? NOTHING......N O T H I N G!

Your brahmin girls are still getting f*cked by Muslims so bad that you have to launched a campaign of "love jihad" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

2) Sindh is not original or ancient Hindu land, it's just an dustbowl.


Sindh and lands around Indus are sacred lands of ancient hinduism. We just demolished all signs of hinduism in these lands and made them Islamic while you couldn't do anything. Hell, for these lands, Muslims in Bangladesh decreased hindus from 22% to 8% within 30 years :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Son of your Ram was born in Lahore---where hinduism has been floushed down the toilet by us.

You were and remain inferior, defeated, humiliated peoples infront of superior Muslims. That's the reality you can never escape.:agree::agree:
Sorry Padamchen religion cleaning aside you want ethnic cleaning in Iran ?


But we were there first.

Cheers, Doc

@Ziggurat “TepeSialk“

I an confused.

If you are a Persian, as you claim, how are your bloodlines living there for only 1300 years.

The exact period of time the true Persians, us, who own and maintain the ancient legacy, have NOT been living there.

The ones who refused to give up and bend. The ones who left their land and braved the violent seas to go to an alien land only to save the Atash from the Arab invaders who first set out to defile every Atash gah and Atash kadeh. Systematically. As they destroyed the libraries and scriptures. And our language and script.

Sounds weird no?

What else is there for a people when they lose their faith and language?

Cheers, Doc
gujjar is angry. I know how fake ancestors were invented in pakistan. Go chill.
ofcourse u knw everthing abt us, some would call it obsession but then, who wouldnt be a little bit intrigued about thier former masters. Oh, how i envy my anscestors, they got to cut off the heads of little indian shits like u, no offence.
Hindu culture and civilization has "spread" around the world? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::lol::lol: Where? Name a single hindu country outside of subcontinent? Name one?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I exposed humiliation of hindus so bad that it has to catching at the straws. Hindu culture is being laughed at and mocked even within india...forget about having any influence globally. Hindu gods are mocked in Western tabloids on the regular and we barely see any reaction.

hindu culture "dominates" Indonesia?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Yeah, that's why indonesia went from Hindu-Buddhist land to 90% Muslim with Sharia-inspired laws and deeply Islamic society.

Do you know most of American military's weapon systems are named after Native-American tribes? OMG, Native American tribes must have been "dominating" American military and culture all these years?!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Your response is so sad and so pathetic that I'm now feeling bad for bringing up the reality of defeated, humilitated hindus so brazenly. Truth hurt you dawg, it really did!


Hundreds of thousands of hindu girls have been converted and married to Muslims in post-independence Pakistan. You literally have your media yelling about "Hindu conversions" in Pakistan. And you think your imaginary bullshit will impact us?

There is a reason why hindus keep crying about "love jihad" globally....and your MAJOR figures bring up this issue. Have you EVER seen Pakistani major politician bringing up the issue of Muslim girls marrying hindus? No, you haven't....because it does not happen.

However, in india and worldover, Hindu girls love Muslim cawk so much that you have to bring up campaigns to stop them having sex with Muslims :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You truly are c*cked. So c*cked that you have to cry in public about "love Jihad" and your highcourt has to bring up this issue :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Lahore district was Muslim majority. Not Lahore "city"

Secondly, you mistreated us----we urinated on hinduism, destroyed the civilizational unity, divided the ancient hindu homeland, erased hindu presence, and established an Islamic state in these lands.

What could YOU do? :lol::lol::lol::lol: Nothing! Millions of hindus were killed, their women raped, thousands upon thousands of your temples destroyed, your kings beheaded, your lands ruled----your people literally made second-class citizens under Islamic rule for CENTURIES.....and what could you do?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

NOTHING! Hell, you did not only lose Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, parts of Kashmir etc----you are even decreasing in percentage in the remaing, broken, bastardized india you got :lol::lol::lol:

True dusts.

We Muslims literally urinated on your brahmin peoples, their holy texts, brahmin temples, your brahmin gods---and what could you do? NOTHING......N O T H I N G!

Your brahmin girls are still getting f*cked by Muslims so bad that you have to launched a campaign of "love jihad" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Sindh and lands around Indus are sacred lands of ancient hinduism. We just demolished all signs of hinduism in these lands and made them Islamic while you couldn't do anything. Hell, for these lands, Muslims in Bangladesh decreased hindus from 22% to 8% within 30 years :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Son of your Ram was born in Lahore---where hinduism has been floushed down the toilet by us.

You were and remain inferior, defeated, humiliated peoples infront of superior Muslims. That's the reality you can never escape.:agree::agree:
You can cry all you want, that doesn't change the fact the Mughals failed to conquer the entirety of India like they did with Pakistan, and they failed to wipe out Hinduism despite their best efforts. Today, Hinduism is the world's third largest religion with over a billion followers around the world. And modern Indian is bigger than Paksitan, Bangladesh, and Malaysian combined, so we are good. Oh, and we occupy Muslim Kahsmir. When are you going to get it back? Afraid we are going to destroy you like we have whenever we have fought in history? You won't have central Asian invaders to save you this time. WE also conquered Muslim areas such as Hyderabad, where overthrew and humiliated the Nawab, and Junagadh. Not to mention, there are hundreds of districts that were Muslim majority but are now Hindu and Sikh majority because we kicked them out during partition. In fact more Muslims died during partition than Hindus and Sikhs, All of those areas were supposed to go to Paksitan, but they went to India after we kicked out all the Muslims. This made Jinnah cry about how he got a "moth eaten Pakistan." Its also funny how you try and take credit for central Asian invaders, because you know deep down inside you belong to a weak people who has never created an indigenous empire and was fruled by every invader to pass by. In fact, you were ruled by Hindu Mauryans for over 500 years, I bet you still have nightmares about that. You are talking about how Hindus are portrayed in the West, do you know how Muslims are? Even the British respected Hindus more than backwards Muslims. India's GPD is equal to most Muslim countries combined, and our military is stronger than that of the entire OIC. You are just going to have to get over the fact you will continue to be dominated by Hindus like you have throughout history.

Wow Is This Part f Some Therapy Recommended By A Psychiatrist
Do you need to see a psychiatrist? I will help you find one if you need.
No I Was Talking About You Since Your Posts Show What An Insecure Person You Are
Thank you for concern but I was simply responding to Auz in his own tone. Are you sure there is nothing wrong with you? I have never met anyone who begins every word with a capital. I am a big proponent of mental health care, and I will help you get whatever you need.
Thank you for concern but I was simply responding to Auz in his own tone. Are you sure there is nothing wrong with you? I have never met anyone who begins every word with a capital. I am a big proponent of mental health care, and I will help you get whatever you need.

It's Force Of Habit.You Should Concentrate On My Content Not Typing Style
please do massacre all the Indian muslims too, I know the dipshits from India here are dying for it as their parents have bred them for this.


What "glory" are you reclaiming? Re-naming cities in your own country?

Muslims conquered india, annihilated indic civilization from Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, North-Western subcontinent (the sacred lands of Hinduism and Indus river). We reduced Hindus from 19% to 1.5% after Independence.

And all you got is renaming cities in remaining india to hindu names? Hell, even in the remaining reduced, broken-down, incompete "india" of today---Islamic population is rising while hindus are merely 75% :lol:

some "glory" right there.

Sorry mate, Islam humiliated and c*cked hindus and hinduism on permanent basis. There is no reclamation now. it's permanent, Alhamdulillah! No amount of self-masturbation and self-deceiving lies will compensate for that. We laugh at hindus using lines like "reclaiming our glory" while a full-fledged nuclear-weapons equipped Islamic Republic exists around Indus controlling Sindh and other ancient Hindu lands :lol:

please do massacre all the Indian muslims too, I know the dipshits from India here are dying for it as their parents have bred them for this.

Say the people who did the above.

And also ignoring the fact that Muslim population has almost doubled in a mere span of 70 years. And illegal Muslim immigrants from Bangladesh who keep flocking to India.

Although it will be karma when people who indulged in countless genocides, themselves get wiped out by their victims.
Rubbish, since Prayag is a Generic term for a confluence of two or more rivers. There are hundreds of Prayags in India.

The most significant prayag in India is the one called Prayagraj or the King of all Prayag.

Before Akbar renamed the city, it was known as Prayagraj. Since there were/are multiple prayag in UP.

I remember a guy called @Manvantaratruti ... who claimed to be sole expert on hinduism and everyone else is a fool. You seem to be a reincarnation.

I was born and currently living in Allahabad only ... so don't try to peddle "Your Rubbish" as truth.

Confluence of Rivers is called "Sangam" not Prayag. Prayag means a place where you can make offerings / "Tarpan" for the people who have deceased.

There are many prayags according to Hindu practices but all have a prefix e.g. Rudraprayag, Karnaprayag, Devprayag, Vishnuprayag etc. They are known after the deities to whom you can make offerings.

The place has been known since the time of Ashoka, as evident from the "Ashoka Pillar" erected on the banks of Sangam. Coming to History of Allahabad, the city was built by Raja Ila and was named after him as Ilavas. Later on Akbar built a fort at near Sangam, encompassing the "Akshay Vat" (The Everlasting Tree) and is equally sacred to Hindus as its supposed to be the only thing left standing after Pralay, during the Kalki Avatar and the end of "Kali-yug". Akbar merely renamed the city and expanded it and renamed it to "Ilahabas". Which was later on renamed as "Allahabad" by Shah-jahan as he was not a follower of Deen-e-Illahi. Now that was basic history lesson.

Now coming to the region called Prayag (be sure not "Prayagraj") is mentioned in Brahmapuran, a place where Brahma performed a thousand "Yagyas". In Vishnupuran, Prayag (not Prayagraj) was the resting place of the Devtas while they were running away from Asuras, while trying to protect the Amrit Kumbh and while running a few drops of Amrit fell down at Sangam. According to Ramayan, Lord Ram passed through Prayag(not Prayagraj) and Sangam also visited the Ashram of the Sage Bharadwaj while on their way to Chitrakoot.

And now coming to reference in common lingo, millions of Teerthyatris come to Sangam, Prayag(not Prayagraj) to offer tarpan. Also, Allahabad is commonly known as Triveni too. Allahabad even has a railway station named as Prayag(not Prayagraj).

So its all political... Allahabad if renamed should have simply been Prayag or Triveni. Other than a Train running between New Delhi-Allahabad there is nothing like Prayagraj in Prayag/Allahabad/Triveni.

@padamchen @Śakra

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