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Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

Should change the names of all cities/villages of the state in one go ,no point in creating unnecessary controversy everytime.
Changing names involves a lot of legal paperwork a lot of formalities a lot of money is spent in changing documents.
But it won't create jobs in bhaiyya land. Bhaiyyas will keep flocking to our land like always.

I can't even fathom how dumb these bhaiyyas are.
Even in Pakistan many places having Hindu names have been changed to Islamic or Arabic. Wan Radha Ram is now Habibad, a town in Kasur district of Punjab, I mean the pakistani one
Can say that any thing.

Why have gandhi statues? wasting tax payers money - fk govt
Why give Bharatha rathna to one family? Wasting tax payers money - fk govt
Why name all roads, sports awards, airports, gallis after one family? Wasting tax payers money - fk govt

Should I go on?
Yes you can. Tell me do you think vallabhai would want a statue which costs the same as a bullet train?
1) Chamar converts like you are not "Muslims". Your ancestors got cucked by "Muslims" not mine.

Two of my brothers are married girls from "Muslim" families so don't tell me who cucked who, it's bajirao mastani all around for us.

Even in Lahore a Muslim majority area till 1947 your kind was not even allowed to use tap reserved for Brahmins and khatris despite being a minority.
That's auqaat of your kind.

2) Sindh is not original or ancient Hindu land, it's just an dustbowl.

I see.

What about mixed ones like Baloch(Iranic+maratha+jat+African+Gujjar+dravida+Dalit collection) ?

Will parsis allow mixing between pure Iranians and half dravida like Baloch ?

We don't care about Baloch or Pashtun or the dozens of ethnicities that are part of the IRI.

The Kurds came to us.

The Yazidi after a lot of internal churn have been mainstreamed.

The Baha'i have always lived in our shadow. We are not overly interested till they come to us. Or if. We have very close connects in India.

The Tajik, Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Turkmen, Armenians, and even much of the Iraqis are cousins. But whether they revert or continue being cultural.Zoroasyrians nominal Muslims does not mean much for Indian Parsis.

Iran will come to us. There has never even been a doubt, to be honest.

Till then we will continue pumping money into those communities that need it. And theological support.

As we have done for Iranian Zarthosthis since the past 600 years.

Much of the first 700 years in India is largely spent under the radar as you guys fell like a pack of cards, and we were back at war.

Till your fightback by the Marathas.

And then our migration from Gujarat to create Mumbai.

And that is what India knows of the Parsis. Only the past 300+ years.

Cheers, Doc
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yet there are over a billion hindus in the world, and indian culture and civilization has been spread around the world. IHindu culture even dominates the worlds larheat muslim country, whuch has a hindu god on their currency. Pakistani muslims know nothing about glory because they have been nothing but slaves for 10000 years and have failed to produce ay indiginous empires. Pakistanis still ave traumatic memorieaabout being ruled by tje hindu mauryans for over 500 years.

Hindu culture and civilization has "spread" around the world? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::lol::lol: Where? Name a single hindu country outside of subcontinent? Name one?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I exposed humiliation of hindus so bad that it has to catching at the straws. Hindu culture is being laughed at and mocked even within india...forget about having any influence globally. Hindu gods are mocked in Western tabloids on the regular and we barely see any reaction.

hindu culture "dominates" Indonesia?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Yeah, that's why indonesia went from Hindu-Buddhist land to 90% Muslim with Sharia-inspired laws and deeply Islamic society.

Do you know most of American military's weapon systems are named after Native-American tribes? OMG, Native American tribes must have been "dominating" American military and culture all these years?!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Your response is so sad and so pathetic that I'm now feeling bad for bringing up the reality of defeated, humilitated hindus so brazenly. Truth hurt you dawg, it really did!

1) Chamar converts like you are not "Muslims". Your ancestors got cucked by "Muslims" not mine.

Two of my brothers are married girls from "Muslim" families so don't tell me who cucked who, it's bajirao mastani all around for us.


Hundreds of thousands of hindu girls have been converted and married to Muslims in post-independence Pakistan. You literally have your media yelling about "Hindu conversions" in Pakistan. And you think your imaginary bullshit will impact us?

There is a reason why hindus keep crying about "love jihad" globally....and your MAJOR figures bring up this issue. Have you EVER seen Pakistani major politician bringing up the issue of Muslim girls marrying hindus? No, you haven't....because it does not happen.

However, in india and worldover, Hindu girls love Muslim cawk so much that you have to bring up campaigns to stop them having sex with Muslims :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You truly are c*cked. So c*cked that you have to cry in public about "love Jihad" and your highcourt has to bring up this issue :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Even in Lahore a Muslim majority area till 1947 your kind was not even allowed to use tap reserved for Brahmins and khatris despite being a minority.
That's auqaat of your kind.

Lahore district was Muslim majority. Not Lahore "city"

Secondly, you mistreated us----we urinated on hinduism, destroyed the civilizational unity, divided the ancient hindu homeland, erased hindu presence, and established an Islamic state in these lands.

What could YOU do? :lol::lol::lol::lol: Nothing! Millions of hindus were killed, their women raped, thousands upon thousands of your temples destroyed, your kings beheaded, your lands ruled----your people literally made second-class citizens under Islamic rule for CENTURIES.....and what could you do?! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

NOTHING! Hell, you did not only lose Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, parts of Kashmir etc----you are even decreasing in percentage in the remaing, broken, bastardized india you got :lol::lol::lol:

True dusts.

We Muslims literally urinated on your brahmin peoples, their holy texts, brahmin temples, your brahmin gods---and what could you do? NOTHING......N O T H I N G!

Your brahmin girls are still getting f*cked by Muslims so bad that you have to launched a campaign of "love jihad" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

2) Sindh is not original or ancient Hindu land, it's just an dustbowl.


Sindh and lands around Indus are sacred lands of ancient hinduism. We just demolished all signs of hinduism in these lands and made them Islamic while you couldn't do anything. Hell, for these lands, Muslims in Bangladesh decreased hindus from 22% to 8% within 30 years :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Son of your Ram was born in Lahore---where hinduism has been floushed down the toilet by us.

You were and remain inferior, defeated, humiliated peoples infront of superior Muslims. That's the reality you can never escape.:agree::agree:
We don't care about Baloch or Pashtun or the dozens of ethnicities that are part of the IRI.

The Kurds came to us.

The Yazidi after a lot of internal churn have been mainstreamed.

The Baha'i have always lived in our shadow. We are not overly interested till they come to us. Or if. We have very close connects in India.

The Tajik, Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Turkmen, Armenians, and even much of the Iraqis are cousins. But whether they revert or continue being cultural.Zoroasyrians nominal Muslims does not mean much for Indian Parsis.

Iran will come to us. There has never even been a doubt, to be honest.

Till then we will continue pumping money into those communities that need it. And theological support.

As we have done for Iranian Zarthosthis since the past 600 years.

Much of the first 700 years in India is largely spent under the radar as you guys fell like a pack of cards, and we were back at war.

Till your fightback by the Marathas.

And then our migration from Gujarat to create Mumbai.

And that is what India knows of the Parsis. Only the past 300+ years.

Cheers, Doc

India knows only about the last 300 years of parsi history because before that you were a part of us in fighting the islamic invasion.

When the british arrived, you switched side and sided with the Goras to make hay. So your history became different and distinct from us.

How is that for reality ?
India knows only about the last 300 years of parsi history because before that you were a part of us in fighting the islamic invasion.

When the british arrived, you switched side and sided with the Goras to make hay. So your history became different and distinct from us.

How is that for reality ?


We were traders. City builders. Educationists. Lawyers. Doctors. Land owners. Cotton. Opium (yes). Teak. Tea. Spices. Media moguls. Steel makers. Mills. Weavers. Railways. And also a large part still rural farmers in Gujarat. Orchards. Plantations. Chikoos.

None of the above were limited to Parsis.

But the sanghis need a small soft most successful and least desi target to paint as villainous Jews.

Yes bro. You guys are our Nazis.

But unlike the Germans you have a feeble Hitler and Indians will not remain silent.

We will not be gassed. None of us.

Cheers, Doc
I'm just being honest with a fellow Indian.

Did you guys really think you will maginalise non Hindus and not reap a wave of alienation?

We will be patriots till the end.

But the end is now near.

Cheers, Doc
Bhikari is not Indian. He has been posing as one on various threads. Which community has contributed more to the nation of India than the Parsis?

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