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Allahabad will soon be called 'Prayagraj'

India does not belongs to Muslims anymore. Be a hindu or die. Pakistan is for those who supported indian partition.

#abul kalam azad teri phen di siri
India does not belongs to Muslims anymore. Be a hindu or die. Pakistan is for those who supported indian partition.

#abul kalam azad teri phen di siri
British Indian partition. That colonial construct.
I have been honest multiple times before. Funny enough, other hindus on the forum have had similar reactions. "Thank you for being honest"...

But point remains: WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT?!


Read my previous reply on this forum. It put things even more in context.
This sort of talk is not becoming of you. Please be respectful. You are talking about my ancestors and the ancestors of many Pakistanis.
Akbar has bigger celebration for his birthday, Pakistan. Not just a mere name but a huge landmass won for him and his kind. Here forever.
India does not belongs to Muslims anymore. Be a hindu or die. Pakistan is for those who supported indian partition.

#abul kalam azad teri phen di siri
I think the Subcontinent of India did not belong to Muslims since at least 1857. The only parts of India that belong to Muslims are the Land of the Indus and Bangladesh.
hahaha, the guys been dead more than 400 years and yet he still imposes himself on their mindset. The statement about this could have been about India returning to it's hindu roots, instead it's about sticking it to a guy who stuck it to India so hard, they still remember him 400 years later.

Absolutely, the guy is long gone dead

The legacy of Muslim empires is 600 million muslim in South Adia

Prayag or whatever is just proving Muhammad Jinnah and the two nation theory correct

What do we care that indians change the names if their towns, this is why we made Pakistan

This is a slap in the face of indian Muslim its up to them to fight back and do something about it
on topic allahabad is one of the oldest cities in south asia and the world, and its ancient name was prayag.

Exactly. What does one see here. Allahabad or Prayag?


including pakistan ?

Yes. Just like anything south of vindyas is called dravida.


I always wonder why do hindu names always sound so unimpressive and feminine.

Were you ashamed of names given by your forefathers that you embraced Islam?:D

Hindus has always given equal or even more rights to the women than men.

Adi Shakti is considered the supreme energy which is depicted as a Female.

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