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Allah has punished me


Jun 12, 2017
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United States
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.
Hey, in my opinion, that's the best thing that ever happened to you. You realised you were wrong, and this is God's blessing.
I hope you are ready to accept new life. Repent and Allah will forgive. Aameen.
Be happy, it's the moment of realization and blessing. Look up in sky, you will see a shower of blessings.
if this ain't the wrath of Allah
Don't declare/attribute anything from/to God.
There is a natural system Allah created. Yes, He made fire cool for Hz Ibrahim as, but general rule is , if you touch, you will get burnt.

Similarly, if you eat a lot of sugar, you get diabetes. If one falls, he gets hurt.
In the same manner, if you exceed in some physical exertion, chances are that body try to shut it down for a while. So seek consultancy, both from physician and psychiatrist.

Lastly, it is better to be on the right path.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

Do pranayam couple of hour and you will find things getting changed from day 1.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

You are very honest, appreciate your candor. May Allah help you getting a normal life. Every test means that its time to ask for astaghfar and repent.. All will be normal. We all go through it in life, you are not alone.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.
simple solution; stop womanizing & sincerely repent...go on ummrah & do some soul searching. Allah's wrath will stop & He will open doors for you to find a loving & caring life partner.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

If your little falcon won't soar anymore, go see a doctor. It sounds to me that you carry guilt about your past, luckily for you, Allah is the MOST merciful. You just have to have sincerity in your repentence and he will InshaAllah forgive you.

You might not feel forgiven, life might get better, it might be worse, but it will be what he has willed for you. You should try to get better, if it is his will, it will happen. Our job is to try - if you only do 1 good deed it might be so blessed that he forgives all your misdeeds - this is all in His capability.

Also you should consider marriage, once you are healthy, or your health has stabilised. Marriage is a halal sexual outlet for us, it is a blessing.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

What did I just read?
you need help from doctor
Dr @Imran Khan shahib....give him one of your special tekas
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