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Allah has punished me

Eat right, sleep right and excercise. Stop chasing women and get married.

Why is this in world affairs? This should be in member's club.
stop any sexual acts with women amd spending on them, and have just friends with beautiful woman without using ur willy, greatest test of all to do it. This will increase ur patience many folds.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.
You became mentally ill?! Depression?? Some antidepressants cause erectile dysfunction and anorgasmia... You should see a doctor...
Eat tons of salajeet.

What exactly happened

I did shrooms in large quantity and they triggered schizoaffective disorder in me. After I seeked some medical help/medicines my willy turned on me and stopped functioning. Its been almost 8 months and it still isn't working properly. 😕
something like this happened to my mate but he wont tell me fully i think one day he picked up a nice caramel blk girl but it was tranny with big ... and my mate touched it i think that wat happened. now he calm down chasing girls.

About 11-12 years ago I went into a club named pacha in nyc. Same shit happened to me I started dancing with this good looking chic, bought her drinks all night long and all. After a few hours of dancing and chit chatting she allowed me to touch her front part and walla it was a micro penis down there. I felt so embarrassed but I was already too deep into the mess. At the end of the night my willy didn't even spare his hole if you know what I mean.
See a psychiatrist bro. Such kind of issues are to common. You will be alright.

I am but the meds they are giving me is causing dysfunction. I don't think I'm getting better anytime soon. This illness is lifelong and I have to take these darn meds for life .
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Define mentally ill

You must have bought tesla stocks

Being mentally ill and the fact you have problem with your "inspector gadget , Go go gadget go" are two different things

Colonel Sounders (KFC) guy struck rich after age 65 never too late to turn it around
Define mentally ill

A mental health condition including schizophrenia and mood disorder symptoms.
Schizoaffective disorder is a combination of symptoms of schizophrenia and mood disorder, such as depression or bipolar disorder. Symptoms may occur at the same time or at different times.

I'm barely able to function normally now. I transgressed guys and now I have brought this punishment upon me.

I have high hopes my after life will be good InshaAllah.
Fuvk israel.

I think you are still sane person don't loose hope

There are many people who claim they are sane (wisest of the wise , infact even lead a country example Biden or Trump) but they are at lost in life and after life they will go to hell.

Compared to all the Evangelicals , you are likely still very very much sane

If anytime you feel like you are at lost just tell yourself , you are still more intelligent then 99% of Evangelicals

If you hear , something , perhaps accept it , and ask it to help you write a story don't push it away embrace it
may be it is a hidden aspect of brain most humans have not yet discovered.

Just because most of the people can't see all colors in spectrum and we can't hear all frequencies does not mean there are no shadows walking around , and sounds we don't accidently record on our recordings there is far too much we don't understand

In a way your mind is fascinating because it can project a vision into real world , while rest of us only visualize that in our heads as "imagination". But in both cases , the vision/imagination disappears after a while and typically no harm is done
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Not exactly the material i want to read at 7 AM ! xD

Hope you feel better soon. Like others have mentioned , if you are going through something mentally, it is only natural that any desire will fade and take a back seat until you are back to normal
pray 5 times salat and more use ayat surah ad-duhaa of 30 juz allot .

donot go to any one just pray and face ALLAH you willmbe fine stay in wadu all the time so shatan will not come close to you

surah as duhaa is for removing depression learn how to read or jus listen on your cell
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

Women and trophies...

Sounds like more than one.

And that is the problem I guess.

There's something you don't see.

Either you or the other side (woman).

You need a reflection, maybe you are not good enough. Or too good can be backfired as well. Some people have a fate to have a failure marriage since he was born because he has a character that doesn't suit for long-lasting marriage life, whatever because of his own bad behavior. Or his type is a bad type of woman who is not suitable for a long-lasting marriage, so he always falling in love with the wrong persons, again and again.

From the other side, maybe it's their problem, not yours. Well, we are living in the era of Dajjal, most people don't have good behavior, they dump you because of their own problem. You just married the wrong person, but in today's era, it's hard to find the right person. You can choose to have a good partner, but another problem arises, your problem because it's not your type.

It's like a fate, a destiny, to have a failed marriage since you are born.

The hard thing is, many times we already know our own problem, and we know where this thing is going to lead (which is, of course, a bad result). But it's hard to change because it's already hardwired into our character. It's like an effort of climbing a huge mountain.

Successfully conquering ourself, is harder than conquering the whole world, but that is our duty.

It's not a punishment from God, but a warning to you.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

Oh No Don't Blame That On Allah Those Were Your Poor Choices
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