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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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I wanted get the Chinese posters' take on this. I understand the source is Indian news channel but the fact remains there were 4 Chinese companies in the top 10 in the world in 2007, now there are none. Decline in Chinese stocks makes me really nervous. I am a investor in Chinese companies, which I am sure will be fine in the long run, but in the short term, investors have been unloading Chinese companies like no tomorrow.

This is the result of ‘’common prosperity" policy, after all, Chinese is still a socialist country, it won't allow the widening rich and poor gap, but how far this new policy will go is still to be seen, it's too early to make any predictions.
This is the result of ‘’common prosperity" policy, after all, Chinese is still a socialist country, it won't allow the widening rich and poor gap, but how far this new policy will go is still to be seen, it's too early to make any predictions.
Common prosperity can be achieved without affecting growth. Chinese authorities will have to find that right equilibrium to pull back on the regulations and punitive action without impacting the growth of these companies.
Common prosperity can be achieved without affecting growth. Chinese authorities will have to find that right equilibrium to pull back on the regulations and punitive action without impacting the growth of these companies.
The growth is not affected, China still enjoys the highest growth rate among world major economies. Import and export, industrial ouput, trade surplus all go very well.
The growth is not affected, China still enjoys the highest growth rate among world major economies. Import and export, industrial ouput, trade surplus all go very well.
If growth is not impacted what's the concern then, choking of new ideas? No innovation so as to not fall foul of CCP?
If growth is not impacted what's the concern then, choking of new ideas? No innovation so as to not fall foul of CCP?
Too early to say, have to wait and see, don't know how far China will going after them, policies may change, China always adjusts its policies based on the trends and development.
All the students in this class are the children of the civilian border control guards, their parents are often away for months in the border mountains patrolling Chinese borders, many of these children haven't seen their parents for weeks even a month, some live school dorms and some live with their grandparents, but they all understand why their parents can not be always there with them and when being asked about what kind of a person they like to be after they grow up, they replied " a capable person who can help building up the motherland China".

They have been putting them in concentration camps since 2017 and do all kinds of worst things to them.

I have personally watched videos from both media sources and they usually bed it to fit their agenda its hard to trust them.
Xinjiang's first desert-crossing expressway opens to traffic
lXinhua, December 25, 2021

URUMQI, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- The first cross-desert expressway in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region officially opened to traffic on Saturday, cutting travel time between cities in north Xinjiang, said the regional transport department.

The expressway, linking Altay Prefecture and the regional capital Urumqi, stretches some 343 km, with sections of more than 150 km constructed through Gurbantunggut Desert, the second-largest desert in China.

As an artery of Xinjiang's transportation framework, the expressway will help shorten the journey between cities in the northern part of the region and improve travel conditions.
With a designed maximum speed of 120 km per hour, the travel time between Altay and Urumqi is reduced by half, to about three and a half hours.

In addition, the expressway is also designed to be a tourism-experience road, enabling drivers and passengers to enjoy diverse scenic views and services along the way, and facilitating economic development in regions along the route.

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I have personally watched videos from both media sources and they usually bed it to fit their agenda its hard to trust them.

What do you think about Islamic personalities and random vloggers who corroborate the same view that Uighurs are being oppressed?. For example Muhammad Hijab
Daniel Haqiqatjou

Dr Zakir Naik, Mufti Tariq Maqsood, and so many other Muslim personalities who have some reach, football celebrities and countless people have spoken about this

Why do you think they will lie and spread "CIA propaganda" when their whole channels are about countering western ideologies?

Do you think these people who dedicate their lives to Islam and strive for Jannah are liars but China whose whole society is about insulting religions is the truthful?

Do you know about how communism has always been harsh to Islam and Muslims in Soviet era for example. Why do you think Chinese communists love you?
Uyghur girl slams some Chinese who celebrate Christmas : Why the hell we Chinese celebrate Christmas?! Did you guys watch the movie "The Battle at Lake Changjin "? On that Christmas day,our Chinese PLA warriors were wearing thin clothes, eating raw frozen potatos, while US invaders were enjoying their Christmas turkeys. Do you think such a day is deserved to be celebrated by we Chinese? Grow a spine and get some self respect. You guys wouldn't be celebrating such a day if you had the slightest sense of patriotism. I really hope the all we Chinese can preserve and promote our own culture and traditions, have more national pride and confidence.

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What do you think about Islamic personalities and random vloggers who corroborate the same view that Uighurs are being oppressed?. For example Muhammad Hijab
Daniel Haqiqatjou

Dr Zakir Naik, Mufti Tariq Maqsood, and so many other Muslim personalities who have some reach, football celebrities and countless people have spoken about this

Why do you think they will lie and spread "CIA propaganda" when their whole channels are about countering western ideologies?

Do you think these people who dedicate their lives to Islam and strive for Jannah are liars but China whose whole society is about insulting religions is the truthful?

Do you know about how communism has always been harsh to Islam and Muslims in Soviet era for example. Why do you think Chinese communists love you?
Hmm thanks for that.
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