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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

  • Yes

    Votes: 64 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 55 46.2%

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Hotan town in southern Xinjiang, can you imagine it is actually a desert town?

Kek....."incredibly fast development" in other words the CCP turned Xinjiang into a tourist destination for rich Han Chinese whereas the local Uyghur population still lives in their old houses in the old city.






You gotta do better to earn that social credit. :D
Kek....."incredibly fast development" in other words the CCP turned Xinjiang into a tourist destination for rich Han Chinese whereas the local Uyghur population still lives in their old houses in the old city.


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Old photos from decades ago? This is Kashgar old town, it had been completely rebuilt and now every house in Kashgar old town can withstand 8.5 richter scale earthquake, can your house do it?

Inspiration. Dealing with Xinjiang Kashgar old town earthquake vulnerable old houses

Kashgar, Xinjiang, is a very earthquake active region, houses in Kashgar old town are beautiful with over 1000 years long history but they can't withstand even minor earthquakes. Local Uighur people refuse to move to the earthquake resistant new houses built by the government in the suburbs cause they have lived in those old house for generations. See how Chinese architects' inspirational way to deal with this issue.

Today's Kashgar old town
Old photos from decades ago? This is Kashgar old town, it had been completely rebuilt and now every house in Kashgar old town can withstand 8.5 richter scale earthquake, can your house do it?

Inspiration. Dealing with Xinjiang Kashgar old town earthquake vulnerable old houses

Kashgar, Xinjiang, is a very earthquake active region, houses in Kashgar old town are beautiful with over 1000 years long history but they can't withstand even minor earthquakes. Local Uighur people refuse to move to the earthquake resistant new houses built by the government in the suburbs cause they have lived in those old house for generations. See how Chinese architects' inspirational way to deal with this issue.

Today's Kashgar old town

You have been blocked again! what's the situation?
What kind of a Muslim defends the oppressors of Muslims? What America has done is wrong but it is limited in scale compared to what China is doing to Uighurs. Just because China has thrown a few pennies to Pakistan as "LOANS" doesn't mean that Muslims should side with the oppressors against Muslims.

Chinese are the most vicious and brutal people alive on earth today, they even make the Mongols look like good people. Mongols never tortured people for their religious beliefs or forced them to give up their religious beliefs

Chinese are the parasites of the brain going after the religious belief of Uighurs and the MEGA pig XinPIG feels threatened from unarmed Uighurs.

I was responding to the poster on the lines of a kettle calling a pot black. The US has a longer and larger history of human rights abuse to the point where they had to actually move out of the mainland US to avoid legal issues arising out of human right violations. It does not at all mean that China should not be condemned for human right abuses, if there are any.

Having said all that, we Muslims are the most vicious and brutal humans on Earth, there is none other who can beat us in this regard. We Muslims subjugate and kill more Muslims than any other human on Earth can; some of the Muslims countries have human right violations which are not only the worst on any index, they are outright inhumane and evil. And lately, some of the Muslims countries have been very good at making others go to war with Muslims countries with which they have a problem, religious, border etc.
So I see the vote. Should Pakistan support East Turkistan movement and break their ties with China?
Kek....."incredibly fast development" in other words the CCP turned Xinjiang into a tourist destination for rich Han Chinese whereas the local Uyghur population still lives in their old houses in the old city.


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You gotta do better to earn that social credit. :D

  • Uighurs are supposed to live in their old houses, what's wrong with that?If the government demolished the squalid mud houses and rebuilt them, Uighur separatists and opinion leaders like MEMBERS of Congress, as well as various human rights groups, would call it genocide, or at least cultural genocide
Relocated villagers in Xinjiang enjoy warm, comfy winter with access to power grid
Xinjiang: Twitter closes thousands of China state-linked accounts spreading propaganda
Content was often ‘embarrassingly’ produced and pumped out via repurposed accounts, analysts say
A watchtower at a re-education camp in Xinjiang, china
Twitter found China state-linked accounts were publishing propaganda to counter evidence of internment camps in Xinjiang. Photograph: Greg Baker/AFP/Getty Images

Helen Davidson
Fri 3 Dec 2021 05.16 GMT

Twitter has shut down thousands of state-linked accounts in China that seek to counter evidence of human rights abuses in Xinjiang, as part of what experts called an “embarrassingly” produced propaganda operation.
The operations used photos and images, shell and potentially automated accounts, and fake Uyghur profiles, to disseminate state propaganda and fake testimonials about their happy lives in the region, seeking to dispel evidence of a years-long campaign of oppression, with mass internments, re-education programs, and allegations of forced labour and sterilisation.

Staff members stand in front of a booth for the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), a state-run authority that handles administrative, economic, and paramilitary functions in parts of western China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, at the China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) in Beijing, Friday, Sept. 3, 2021. Chinese and foreign enterprises are showcasing their latest technology and services during the annual CIFTIS expo this week. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
Airbnb allegedly hosts Xinjiang rentals on land owned by sanctioned group
Read more

The networks were found to share themes and content, but often used repurposed accounts dedicated to pornography or Korean soap operas with little engagement except when they were amplified by Chinese diplomats and officials. Twitter is banned inside China but officials frequently operate accounts overseas.
According to analysts at thinktank the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), the content from the 2,160 accounts that Twitter closed down was often “embarrassingly” produced but provided a level of “implausible deniability” which muddied the waters around the issue.
The accounts linked to Chinese operations were in two sets, the largest being a network of 2,048 accounts amplifying the Chinese Communist party’s narratives related to Xinjiang, and the second set of 112 accounts connected to “Changyu Culture,” a private company that ASPI said appeared to be contracted by the Xinjiang regional authority to create videos of Uyghurs supporting the government.

More than 30,000 tweets from each network were identified, frequently responding to other tweets labelling evidence of abuses as “lies” under the hashtag #StopXinjiangRumours or sharing videos they claimed were “the truth” of Xinjiang, or targeting foreign politicians while claiming to be a Uyghur person.
When the data were analysed byASPI, it found much of it linked to pornography, Korean soap opera fans, and spam accounts and content. “That’s most likely because they’ve taken over these existing accounts and repurposed them,” said ASPI senior analyst Fergus Ryan.
“They take them over and pump out this content that’s generally quite reactive … It’s so ham-handed, and really not done very well. One of the really weird things about one data set was that for some unknown reason they include hundreds of tweets with this handle for an account @fuck_next.”
The tweets also repeatedly mis-tagged the account of former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo, and many videos linked to the now-suspended Changyu Culture YouTube channel, which is known to be a marketing outfit backed by the Xinjiang provincial authorities.
The result was a torrent of highly implausible propaganda, obvious to most eyes but still a cause for concern, said ASPI.
ASPI found 97% of the identified accounts had fewer than five followers, and 73% of accounts had zero. While 98% of tweets had no likes or retweets, the remainder were often boosted by Chinese diplomats and officials, spreading the content and giving it legitimacy.
“The target is not actually people who are sceptical of the Chinese government, but is giving content to people who trust Chinese state media and are sceptical of western mainstream media,” said ASPI researcher Albert Zhang. “It’s propaganda appealing to the base.”
ASPI’s report said the propaganda campaign reflected the likely direction of future information operations by the Chinese Communist party (CCP). However, Zhang and Ryan also said it also showed there might be a lack of understanding by Chinese propaganda and media purveyors about what is believable or legitimate – as was showcased last month with attempts to rebut concerns about tennis star Peng Shuai.
Ryan said a portmanteau term originally ascribed to China’s surveillance system – “Chabudwellian” – also applied here, combining “Orwellian” with the Chinese term “cha bu duo”, which means “almost” but is often used to describe something done with poor or minimal effort.
“Outside of China, foreigners think their surveillance system is highly sophisticated … but in reality a lot of the time this infrastructure is gerry-rigged and not super effective,” said Ryan. “That can apply to the information campaigns as well.”

Remember Twitter, Facebook and YouTube hire so called independent third parties to identify or rather label people as state affiliated. Those happen to include U.S. regime created and funded and even military linked selfproclaimed "non-government" organizations like the infamous U.S government and U.S. military industry funded Australian Strategic Policy Institue (ASPI) hired by Twitter

Who now decide that a random streamer girl in West China is state linked propaganda simply because her very existence contradicts U.S. regime popaganda lies about China.

Yet U.S. regime created and U.S.regime funded disinformation networks, with an explicit public agenda to serve the strategic and economic interests of the U.S. regime, with management full of "former" CIA and other U.S. government official, whos editors pump out only U.S. regime propaganda all day and nothing else, like Radio Free Asia or Radio Free Europe, those continue to be classified as independent media.

The icing on the cake: Twitter labels U.S. regime funded ASPI itself as a non-government-linked organization while it receives funding from the U.S. regime and even the Japanese and Australian governments and does nothing but serve U.S. strategic interests with spreading disinformation and fake reports.

The U.S. regime is defacto censoring Twitter, Facebook and YouTube with abuse of "state linked propaganda" claims that need zero evidence and I wouldnt put it past them staging their own all too visible fake raids with their own botfarms without the knowledge of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube just to keep their China narratives in the heads of their domestic population and is halfassing any attempt to hide it beacuse their domestic population is already so brainwashed and caught up inside their propaganda bubble the wouldnt bother if it hits them in the face..
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