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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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The propaganda methods used during the Cold War didn’t work today, did they? Xinjiang is open to tourists, including foreigners. Now there are so many self-media, who can you fool?

How is Xinjiang now? People living in Xinjiang have the most say.

Sorry pal - watch the videos before i posted; any one visiting xinjiang is being monitored by police, videos are getting erased on demand etc.

Cold war - that was long back; this is now present. Your communist party has no morales or conscience on what it does to its people.
An entire report made based on hearsay. Shameful.
really.. same nanjing massacre was also a lie; mao's collusion with japanese a lie; the millions that mao induced famine was a lie, what you did in tibet a lie, now what you are doing in xinjiang a lie, not to mention - covid was not from china... the biggest lie of all.

So,, cool it dude.. too much of winnie pooh xi wine is no good; gray matter is dead.

You people are so desperate for bonus cheques from winnie to support his lies.
Go to Xinhua or KCNA and float these glorious ideals there.

hey i told you to take propaganda 101 Literature class at Radio Pyongyang.. They do a better job that you and dont ask for any pay liek you do to be posting here.
trump, macron, modi, netanyahu are "outraged" about China's treatment of Muslims. If you did not fall for their lies to spread anti-Muslim sentiment of the past 20 years, yet fell for the Western lies to spread anti-China sentiment. It is the same lies repackaged.

This bioweapon attack was blamed on Muslims. Even blaspheming the name of God to get dumb Amerikkkans to hate Muslims.

Anthrax Letters 2001

This bioweapon was from Ft Detrick. The patsy "committed suicide".

Some "US government" agent(s) spread a bioweapon in the USA to blame Muslims. The problem was the bioweapon was traced to Ft Detrick.

To prevent this disaster from happening again, where a bioweapon is again released by the USA traced back to the US, the USA had to plant the bioweapon in the targeted country to blame.

The USA released a bioweapon to blame China to get hatred of the Chinese. The anthrax attack was to get hatred of Muslims.

So what does the USA do. The USA develops a bioweapon almost a decade ago, by weaponizing a Horseshoe bat virUS in the US (this happened). Then the USA planned to release that weaponized bioweapon on the world in the future to stop the rise of China. Implimenting the same strategy of the anthrax bioweapon false flag to start a war with Iraq, this time with China. Yet the USA learned from the anthrax attack, the US sent the research to China on this horseshoe bat virUS to frame the Chinese, so not only the USA has the weapon - the bioweapon... China was sent to weapon years ago, funding for the research paid in part by the USA.

US was forced to admit that the USA MEDIA LIED ABOUT THE ANTHRAX ATTACK "LINK TO MUSLIMS", the Anthrax attack was a false flag committed by American player(s), yet blamed some Ft Detrick scientist who "committed suicide" to deflect blame from Washington and the real culprits.

3. The Anthrax False Flag
As it turns out, 9/11 may not prove to be the most long-lasting and world-changing false flag event to have taken place in the fall of 2001. Although largely forgotten today, the anthrax attacks that followed on the heels of “the day that changed everything” have had a profound effect in shaping public policy and setting the stage for the biosecurity state that is emerging today.​
The week after September 11, 2001, a series of letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to various media outlets and, later, to two US Senators, Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, who had raised concerns about the Patriot Act which the Bush regime was attempting to rush through Congress. The anthrax-laced letters—which caused the shut down of Congress and lead to the emergency passage of the Patriot Act before legislators even had a chance to read the bill—would go on to kill five and injure 17 others.​
In those first chaotic days of the attack, ABC’s Brian Ross began reporting from his anonymous “well-placed” sources that the anthrax spores contained traces of bentonite, a “troubling chemical additive” that just happened to be a “trademark of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s biological weapons program.”​

Of course, this turned out to be a complete lie (a lie that Ross has never clarified or retracted to this day).​
As was later confirmed, the spores in question were actually derived from the Ames strain, a strain of anthrax whose virulence makes it the “gold standard” for research into the bacterium by the biological warriors at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Unsurprisingly, once the anthrax was found to have sourced from the US government’s own biological research labs and not an Iraqi weapons program, coverage of the affair in the mainstream media became less frequent and less detailed.​
After years of floating the name of bioweapons expert Steven Hatfill as a “person of interest” in the investigation, the FBI pinned the blame on Bruce Ivins, a “lone wolf” who allegedly orchestrated the entire attack himself because of mental instability. Hatfill successfully sued the FBI for nearly $6 million for undue harassment and Ivins conveniently killed himself before ever being charged with any crime. In the end, not a single person was arrested or indicted for their participation in one of the highest profile attacks in American history.​
The anthrax false flag killed multiple birds with one stone:​
  • It associated the terror attack of 9/11 with a subsequent bioterror attack that was quickly connected to Saddam Hussein and Iraq. That association was still strong in the mindsof many Americans (some who may still have erroneously blamed Iraq for the attack) during the build up to the Iraq War in 2002 and 2003.
    • As Whitney Webb points out in her exhaustive report on the event, the anthrax attack also saved Bioport, the crony-connected DoD contractor that supplied the US military with the highly controversial anthrax vaccine. Facing growing concerns about the safety and efficacy of its vaccine, Bioport faced financial ruin . . . until the anthrax attacks happened and demand for their questionable product skyrocketed. Later rebranding as Emergent Biosolutions, the company benefited from the largesse of the Gates-backed Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness, and, as Webb notes, the company “is now set to profit from the Coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis.”
    • The anthrax attack also gave an excuse for the creation of a wide-ranging legislative and institutional framework for implementing medical martial law in the event of a subsequent bioterrorist attack, including the wide-scale adoption of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act authorizing forced quarantines and forced vaccinations in the wake of a declared health emergency.
The anthrax false flag also gave a gigantic shot in the arm to another major wing of the military-industrial complex: the “biodefense” sector. Before anthrax entered the public consciousness as a weapon of terror in the fall of 2001, bioweapons research had been sidelined and shrouded in secrecy. After the attacks, however, the US government—and, indeed, every government in the world—had a perfect excuse to vastly expand its biological weapons programs in the name of “biological security.” As Jonathan King, a professor of microbiology at MIT, explains:​

And now, two decades later, that massive billion-dollar campaign made to “defend us” from the anthrax threat has led to the creation of a vast biosecurity infrastructure. From biological labs conducting gain-of-function research to government offices conducting bioterror “simulations” to legislation granting extraordinary powers to unelected health “authorities” in the wake of the next attack, the groundwork has been laid for the next stage of government-sponsored false flag terrorism.​

Where in the past, the USA got the blame because the bioweapon was traced back to Ft Detrick. US taxpayers fund research of laying the blame of China. China in cooperating with the USA had the weapon placed in China for the USA to release this on China, not from a lab leak.

Italy had cases before China, USA had cases before China. Chinese doctors who the media claims are heroes, tell the evidence that China caught their cases early, thwarting the out of China lie promoted by Washington.

Please take it outside this thread..... you are again about whataboutsim and suppressing the narrative on this thread.

Post reported for trolling

Same old NSA bots spamming the same USA state propaganda fake reports under different fake US state propaganda outlet names on different accounts
Same old anti-China disinformation campaign
Same old CIA cutout fake "activist group"
Same old circular citations of fabrications by U.S. state propaganda mouthpieces "detailing" absolutely nothing
Same old projection of U.S crimes against humanity and U.S. terrorism against Muslim and other minorities.

Same old rolleyes 🙄
stop trolling... too much winne pooh xi wine is destroying your gray matter.

lord man you guys are so desperate for bonus from master xi to sell every 2c of lies.
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Uyghur Transitional Database EMBARRASED at the Uyghur Tribunal

i am amazed you have to balls to put pathetic paid videos.

you are really desperate for a small bonus.

Let me ask you - how much are you folks getting paid to be doing this work?

Let me match or even volunteer to give you 50% more that your present Xi master's payroll.

First prove you are not a CCP bot with your real Wechat id; then we can discuss pay terms.
i am amazed you have to balls to put pathetic paid videos.

you are really desperate for a small bonus.

Let me ask you - how much are you folks getting paid to be doing this work?

Let me match or even volunteer to give you 50% more that your present Xi master's payroll.

First prove you are not a CCP bot with your real Wechat id; then we can discuss pay terms.
Chinese are extremely bad at counter-propaganda and should realise the best option is just to ignore these accusations instead of obsessing over them. CGTN is always talking about Uighurs as if they are over-compensating.
Chinese are extremely bad at counter-propaganda and should realise the best option is just to ignore these accusations instead of obsessing over them. CGTN is always talking about Uighurs as if they are over-compensating.
yes - really pathetic indeed... you can see how stupid and baseless/kiss *** their reporting is to know this is potempken village scenario.
yes - really pathetic indeed... you can see how stupid and baseless/kiss *** their reporting is to know this is potempken village scenario.

check out this article by Max Blumenthal to find the truth. Max is one of the most respected journalist and one of the few legitimate ones. The other legitimate ones are Chris Hedges, Aaron Mate, Glenn Greenwald and Ben Norton.There are really few legitimate ones besides these ones.


If they can make the dead talk, maybe they will revealed whether they were raped or tortured before they were killed by the Chynadian.
Megha Rajagopalan's Xinjiang series won the Pulitzer Prize in the International Reporting category. Minutes after she won, Ms Rajagopalan said she wasn't even watching the ceremony live because she wasn't expecting to win. She only found out when she received a call.


Megha Rajagopalan's Xinjiang series won the Pulitzer Prize in the International Reporting category

New York:
Megha Rajagopalan, an Indian-origin journalist, along with two contributors has won the Pulitzer Prize for innovative investigative reports that exposed a vast infrastructure of prisons and mass internment camps secretly built by China for detaining hundreds of thousands of Muslims in its restive Xinjiang region.

Ms Rajagopalan from BuzzFeed News is among two Indian-origin journalists who won the US's top journalism award on Friday.

Tampa Bay Times'' Neil Bedi won for local reporting. Neil Bedi along with Kathleen McGrory has been awarded the prize for the series exposing a Sheriff's Office initiative that used computer modelling to identify people believed to be future crime suspects. About 1,000 people were monitored under the programme, including children.

Neil Bedi is an investigative reporter for the Tampa Bay Times.

"What Kathleen and Neil unearthed in Pasco County has had a profound impact on the community," said Mark Katches, Times executive editor. "This is what the best investigative journalism can do and why it is so essential."

Ms Rajagopalan's Xinjiang series won the Pulitzer Prize in the International Reporting category.

In 2017, not long after China began to detain thousands of Muslims in Xinjiang, Rajagopalan was the first to visit an internment camp - at a time when China denied that such places existed, BuzzFeed News said.

"In response, the government tried to silence her, revoking her visa and ejecting her from the country," BuzzFeed News wrote in its entry for the prize.

"It would go on to cut off access to the entire region for most Westerners and stymie journalists. The release of basic facts about detainees slowed to a trickle."

Working from London, and refusing to be silenced, Ms Rajagopalan partnered with two contributors, Alison Killing, a licensed architect who specialises in forensic analysis of architecture and satellite images of buildings, and Christo Buschek, a programmer who builds tools tailored for data journalists.

"The blazing Xinjiang stories shine desperately needed light on one of the worst human rights abuses of our time," said Mark Schoofs, editor-in-chief of BuzzFeed News.

Minutes after she won, Ms Rajagopalan told BuzzFeed News she wasn't even watching the ceremony live because she wasn't expecting to win. She only found out when Mr Schoofs called to congratulate her on the victory.

"I'm in complete shock, I did not expect this," Ms Rajagopalan said over the phone from London.

She said she was deeply grateful to the teams of people who worked with her on this including her collaborators, Killing and Buschek, her editor Alex Campbell, BuzzFeed News'' public relations team, and the organisations that funded their work, including the Pulitzer Center.

Ms Rajagopalan also acknowledged the courage of the sources who spoke to them despite the risk and threat of retaliation against them and their families.

"I'm so grateful they stood up and were willing to talk to us," she said. "It takes so much unbelievable courage to do that."

The three of them set out to analyse thousands of satellite images of the Xinjiang region, an area bigger than Alaska, to try to answer a simple question: Where were Chinese officials detaining as many as 1 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other Muslim minorities?

For months, the trio compared censored Chinese images with uncensored mapping software. They began with an enormous dataset of 50,000 locations.

Buschek built a custom tool to sort through those images. Then, "the team had to go through thousands of images one by one, verifying many of the sites against other available evidence," BuzzFeed News wrote in its prize entry.

They ultimately identified more than 260 structures that appeared to be fortified detention camps. Some of the sites were capable of holding more than 10,000 people and many contained factories where prisoners were forced into labour.

The groundbreaking technological reporting was also accompanied by extensive old-fashioned "shoe leather" journalism.

Barred from China, Ms Rajagopalan instead travelled to its neighbour Kazakhstan, where many Chinese Muslims have sought refuge.

There, Ms Rajagopalan located more than two dozen people who had been prisoners in the Xinjiang camps, winning their trust and convincing them to share their nightmarish accounts with the world.

Pulitzer prizes are awarded yearly in twenty-one categories. In twenty of the categories, each winner receives a certificate and a USD 15,000 cash award. The winner in the public service category is awarded a gold medal.

@waz @LeGenD @PakSword @Foxtrot Alpha

His doing it again after having another thread locked from him in less than 24 hours ago for the same reasons.... I have reported this. His just spamming instead of using the mega-thread breaching the rules on purpose despite others informing him about it... I even think he has multiple accounts..

Here is the mega-thread and everyone who posts outside of it is getting a ban.. Feel free to post in there
Just another Video. Enjoy. :p:

Please keep your paid youtubers to yourself and enjoy it at your canteen meals.

Useless and fake paid posts. Same people you will pay and they will say anything for money.

Shows the lowest level that CCP Winnie XI Pooh is getting down to desperation.

Here are the evidences of genocide by Chynada.

no one is denying what Western countries have done and what crimes they have committed

but by posting this you are basically guilty without acceptance

when they interview Israeli foreign minister about the Gaza deaths they always say yeah well look what the Assad has done in Syria look what Saddam did in Iraq

a guilty person has this response and you just did exactly that
If one is to believe Robert Vannrox, an American engineer and scientist who has previously worked closely with the U.S. government and military, the incessant propaganda campaign on Xinjiang is borne out of Washington's fear of a rising China and part of a larger strategic plan to destabilize a region that is key to the success of Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

read this article

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