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An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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Views of Xinjiang Uyghur Girl living in Germany on the "Xinjiang Cotton" Incident
She says she decides to make this video because this Xinjiang and China smearing campaign by US is just too much and can no longer be tolerated. Slave labor in cotton plantations was created by US and now they shamelessly accuse China of doing what they did in the history.
She talked with her boyfriend, which is a German, about this issue too, and her German boyfriend told her that most educated and well informed German younger generation know it's just a trick by US to contain China, US never cares about Uighurs or Xinjiang, they only care about themselves.
She concludes that the reason for US to do this is because China now is so prosperous, powerful and rich, US is scared of China and tries to pull all stops to contain China's meteoric rise.
In the end of the video she appeals to the viewers not to be fooled by US, and we Chinese people should always remeber to think and form perspectives from the interests and benefits of our own country. As long as we are united as one, no force in this world can stop us from reaching the greatness.

It would be better for her to add English subtitles.
Max Blumenthal debunk US accusations of China's "genocide" against Uighurs
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Freedom for Kashmir and East Turkestan
This is why I don't trust the Western media on the Uighur issue.
Plagiarism, selective reporting to push a narrative, and outright deception.

It was a satellite state of USSR. It seceded from China with support from USSR. PRC then took it back.

now such a congregation is not possible thanks to CCP's cultural genocide policy

Everyone can set up a republic, you can set up one in your bathroom too.
CCP did too much oppression and culture genocide, a state should serve its people not a proletariat, here the state is hunting its own people
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Especially after Chen Quanguo became secretary of Xinjiang, this seems obviously..
now such a congregation is not possible thanks to CCP's cultural genocide policy

CCP did too much oppression and culture genocide, a state should serve its people not a proletariat, here the state is hunting its own people
Thankfully, else that congregational cluster of COVID-19 will wipe out the Uighurs.
The Uighurs are lucky to have the CCP leaders looking after them.

Building so many Mosques for them.
Why do you want to break up Turkestan?

we dont, we want Turkestans people to hold referendum and decide for themselves what they want, if they want to stay in China fine no problem

if they want a Republic of East Turkistan then they should get it also no problem, let the people decide

all Ughurs living abroad have called for this and China has a obligation to grant freedom

if not, then there is many other ways
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