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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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They can have a good look at the most prosperous city in South China Sea. Because they have nothing that can compare.

no thanks they will probably sink in next few years due to global warming, building these was most stupid idea, china should have used the money to feed its people soon will be the fish
no thanks they will probably sink in next few years due to global warming, building these was most stupid idea, china should have used the more to feed its people soon will be the fish

No such thing as global warming. Even if there is, it happens over thousands of years. BTW, China will be having settlements on Mars by then. Come May China will deploy rover on Mars.
No such thing as global warming. Even if there is, it happens over thousands of years. BTW, China will be having settlements on Mars by then. Come May China will deploy rover on Mars.

I understand but to learn about these things you need to come outside China as everything in china is restricted and so is alot of information, btw China has not yet put a man on moon yet, maybe according to Chinese state media they have but they haven't

must be terrible living in China no real news
China won't put man on moon until droids build a function base first. Droids are less risky than putting men and bringing them back. Ever seen the movie Martian? The guy almost died.

sorry to tell you its only a Hollywood movie for goodness sake

Chinese have no access to Google from China? just search the movie
no thanks they will probably sink in next few years due to global warming, building these was most stupid idea, china should have used the money to feed its people soon will be the fish
China have lifted a large number of people out of poverty. Chinese socioeconomic development programs are impressive.
Lol, I guess Pakistan is not on this list.


Don't fall for the bait from the pom-pom cheerleaders who enjoy the US-Pakistan alliance where Pakistan get drone striked and tens of thousands of Pakistan civilians are slaughtered. These cia trolls don't care one bit about Pakistan. Nor do these trolls represent Pakistan.

The Pakistanis you should care about are those crying because their loved ones were killed by Washington.
Stupid logic ????

Here the decline is so sharp in Xinjiang compared to nationwide decline. Even it gets below average in just 2 years span, despite Uigyur is not part of China 2 child policy.

View attachment 723556

you should consider young Uygyur people move to other part of China,so the chart is meaningless.
By the Coalition To Stop The War.

This is a long video. I had not intended to watch the whole thing but when I started. I could not stop.
Start from 11:00 for the interesting portion.

Video Timestamps:
0:00 Introduction
11:02 Daniel Dumbrill's Presentation
24:43 Mme. LU Xu's Presentation
45:50 Omar Latif's Presentation
1:09:08 Max Blumenthal's Presentation
1:34:39 Q&A

China have lifted a large number of people out of poverty. Chinese socioeconomic development programs are impressive.
If you watch the video I just posted above. You will see that the United States, by targeting Xinjiang cotton industry is actually trying to destroy this poverty program that China has been using to successfully lift Uighurs out of poverty.

Their motive are very sinister.
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Views of Xinjiang Uyghur Girl living in Germany on the "Xinjiang Cotton" Incident
She says she decides to make this video because this Xinjiang and China smearing campaign by US is just too much and can no longer be tolerated. Slave labor in cotton plantations was created by US and now they shamelessly accuse China of doing what they did in the history.
She talked with her boyfriend, which is a German, about this issue too, and her German boyfriend told her that most educated and well informed German younger generation know it's just a trick by US to contain China, US never cares about Uighurs or Xinjiang, they only care about themselves.
She concludes that the reason for US to do this is because China now is so prosperous, powerful and rich, US is scared of China and tries to pull all stops to contain China's meteoric rise.
In the end of the video she appeals to the viewers not to be fooled by US, and we Chinese people should always remeber to think and form perspectives from the interests and benefits of our own country. As long as we are united as one, no force in this world can stop us from reaching the greatness.

She concludes that the reason for US to do this is because China now is so prosperous, powerful and rich, US is scared of China and tries to pull all stops to contain China's meteoric rise.
Remind me of this term named after an American,
An Uighur gils visits Chengdu H&M store at the weekend and is so happy to see the store is almost empty with few few costumers, she gives Chengdu people's patriotism two thumbs up, in the end of the video she performs a Xinjiang dance in front of H&M entrance.
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