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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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A tourist comes across a small town,Gulja, in northern Xinjiang, is Surprised at how developed and lively this remote tiny rural town is, everyone enjoys their lives peacefully and the tourist says he feels that he doesn't want to leave.

Because Xinjiang is 2 hours behind Beijing, and the guy shows the time, it's passed the midnight, but the small town is still packed with people.

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The west and Indians are feeling extremly sorry that China destroyed every Uighur traditional mud house even in the remotest and tiniest towns and villages and completely genocided Uighurs housing tradtions.

Their hearts are bleeding for unlucky Uighur people, who have to leave their wonderful adobe houses and move to earthquake proof government houses with untraditional running water, gas, electricity, wifi , shower, flush toilet and heating...they have to change their donkeys to private cars cause modern highways are everywhere now in Xinjiang and they don't allow donkeys in, so cruel!! genocide of Uighurs thousands of years old donkey transportation tradition is another crime against Uighur people.
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Excellent, amazing development in China.
@xizhimen no need to bring India into discussion here, I don't think we Indians have anything to do with Xinjiang issue. That's an issue with China and west, leave India out of that debate.
No place can develop and grow this fast if the whole bunch of the local population are under persecution or lockup, why many people here just can't get this simple common sense...

And I don't like garlic soup

And therefore the garlic soup is anti-Semitic
I don't know about anti-Semitic but I am certain not liking garlic soup means your judgement is questionable

Xinjiang region beefs up wind, solar power generation

This is the stuff where the U.S. is really falling behind. We could stand to look at how China's making use of their renewable energy sources .
When even the poor people of China never got to worry about any meals as even then , they knew they could afford good wholesome meals even if no top grade beef or pork or caviar.


Contrast this with the all too common scenes of average Murican cities
and getting worser and worserest



How Murica lost so badly to China

“Do you think China’s doing that, letting political correctness get in the way of nurturing their best and brightest?” Maher continued. “Do you think Chinese colleges are offering courses in ‘The Philosophy of Star Trek, ‘The Sociology of Seinfeld,’ and ‘Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse’? Those are real and so is China. And they are eating our lunch. And believe me, in an hour, they’ll be hungry again.”

“We lost,” Maher declared.

:enjoy: :enjoy::enjoy:

🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 *WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲*🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
A tourist comes across a small town,Gulja, in northern Xinjiang, is Surprised at how developed and lively this remote tiny rural town is, everyone enjoys their lives peacefully and the tourist says he feels that he doesn't want to leave.

Because Xinjiang is 2 hours behind Beijing, and the guy shows the time, it's passed the midnight, but the small town is still packed with people.

Is this the same place, Yili, mentioned in the song 可可託海的牧羊人.
Hundreds of cars trapped in heavy snowstorm were rescued by the Police in Xinjiang
In south China is already full spring, but in Xinjiang it is still frigid deep winter..

China still blocking EU visit to Uighur 'genocide' region
  • MEPs, who still have to bless the EU-China business treaty, honoured Uighur activist Ilham Tohti in 2019 (Photo: europarl.europa.eu)

China is refusing to let EU diplomats conduct a "meaningful" visit to its Xinjiang province, while saying new EU sanctions over its persecution of the Uighur minority there are based on "lies".
The fact-finding trip, by EU ambassadors in Beijing, has been under discussion since 2019 and was put on hold last year due to the pandemic.
  • No EU access to "convicted criminal", China's EU envoy, Zhang Ming, said (Photo: Chinese embassy)
But with the virus abating, China is now refusing to let them go because they want to meet a prize-winning Uighur activist who is serving a life sentence on charges of separatism.
Europe's "expectations include ... access to specific locations, and the terms of access to those locations, as well as a visit with European Parliament Sakharov-prize recipient Ilham Tohti," an EU spokesperson told EUobserver on Tuesday (16 March).
"EU ambassadors would be visiting - should the conditions for a meaningful visit be acceptable to us - without any presumptions or partiality, but precisely to establish the facts," the spokesperson added.
The impasse over the Xinjiang trip comes as EU countries prepare to impose their first-ever sanctions on China since the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.
The visa-bans and asset-freezes on four Chinese officials and one entity, to be agreed next week, are tied to Uighur abuses.
These include rape and forced sterilisation of Uighur women, according to investigations by leading media and NGOs, such as the BBC and Human Rights Watch (HRW).

They also include cutting off Uighur women's hair to make wigs, forced labour, and cultural brainwashing in mass-scale internment camps.
"As regards the situation in Xinjiang, we have spoken out clearly and repeatedly on the situation of Uighurs, expressing grave concerns about political re-education camps, surveillance, and restrictions on freedom of religion and belief," the EU spokesperson said.
But for Zhang Ming, China's EU ambassador, all that was just "lies ... disinformation ... [and] fake news" spread by "China-haters".
"Sanctions based on lies could be interpreted as deliberately undermining China's security," Zhang told a video-conference held by the European Policy Centre, a think-tank in Brussels, also on Tuesday.
"We ask the EU side to think twice. If some insist on confrontation, we will not back down," he said.
"Countries like the US, the UK, and France have established deradicalisation centres or correction centres [for Islamist terrorists]. China's measures are not entirely different," the ambassador also claimed.
"We have agreed all the requirements except one," Zhang added, on the EU-Xinjiang trip.
"They [EU ambassadors] insist to have a meeting with one criminal [Tohti] imprisoned and convicted under Chinese law. This is unacceptable. I'm so sorry," he said.
EU business
Meanwhile, EU countries, last year, agreed a new investment treaty with China despite what many independent observers have called the "genocide" in Xinjiang.
It still has to be ratified by the European Parliament to enter into life.
Opposition is growing among MEPs due to the Uighur abuses, as well as China's crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.
But for Zhang, any criticism of Beijing's actions in Hong Kong was also "meddling" in China's "internal affairs".
The diplomat claimed Europe was no different because the EU parliament recently lifted the immunity of pro-independence MEPs from the Spanish region of Catalonia.
He also accused the EU of "double standards" on Hong-Kong protesters because Europe had criticised the mob that stormed the Capitol in January to try to overturn democratic elections in the US.
"I take the concerns of some MEPs seriously and talk to them frankly," Zhang said of his EU diplomacy.
But he noted that EU "business leaders" and top European Commission officials were happy to decouple trade from human rights the way Beijing wanted to.
"The investment agreement is not a package solution to all the differences between China and the EU, still less a tool to exert pressure," Zhang said.
"Economic issues should not be politicised," he said.
Strategic appeasement?
Zooming out into the geopolitical arena, EU Council president Charles Michel recently accused China of abusing coronavirus vaccine exports to increase influence in poor countries.
The US has also urged Europe to cool its China-trade love-affair for the sake of transatlantic relations amid mounting global rivalry.
But Zhang waved aside Michel's concerns the way he did those on Uighurs and Hong Kong.
When foreign leaders greeted Chinese vaccines at airports amid fanfare, this was a "natural expression of emotions", rather than a quid pro quo, he said.
The US was trying to "build circles" around China the same way it tried to contain the Soviet Union in the Cold War, he noted.
"The EU should not form an anti-China front with the US," he said.
There were "sensible voices" in Europe calling for EU "strategic autonomy" from America and "hopefully the EU will act in this spirit," Zhang added on Tuesday.
But for at least one voice, the ambassador's claims on Uighurs, Hong Kong, and the rest were about as convincing as "flat-earther nonsense".
"Human-rights groups are the true 'China lovers', by calling on the abusive authorities to respect the fundamental rights of all people in China," Andrew Stroehlein, an HRW spokesman, told EUobserver.
"The government in Beijing, which is committing grave abuses against its own people, absurdly calls them 'China haters'. If you love your people, respect their rights," Stroehlein said.
China on Dutch Uyghur motion, EU Xinjiang invite, EU not interest in visiting
China again invites EU to visit Xinjiang, EU set the precodition that China allows EU to have full access to all prisons in Xinjiang and interview prisoners. otherwise EU won't interest in visiting.


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