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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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I'm suspecting the population growth is lower is cause by higher participation of women in labor.
China official data that you have posted also shows sharp decline in Xinjiang data, maybe it can be shocking if Uigyur ethnic data is revealed

View attachment 723567

Xinjiang is industrializing, and the population growth rate has fallen normally, and it is still higher than the national population growth rate. The high birth rate of Uyghurs is also one of the reasons for Xinjiang’s problems. Population growth has exceeded the carrying capacity of the land. A lot of land in southern Xinjiang is The Gobi Desert will not work without industrialization. Too fast population growth is also a common problem in Muslim countries. Of course, this is not my consideration, but Xinjiang is a problem that China needs to consider. If there is a population race in the world one day, I think China also Won't lose.
If you Americans care about Muslims so much how about you first stop being a hypocrite and bring Israel to task for committing genocide (ACTUAL GENOCIDE BY USING TANKS, GUNS, SNIPER RIFLES AND FIGHTER JETS TO KILL UNARMED NURSES (Rouzan al-Najr), CHILDREN AND DISABLED PEOPLE) against Palestinian Muslims instead of providing them with uncountable levels of weapons of mass destruction.

Let's just for argument's sake say we Americans do not care about anyone, and we are horrible people. I still have the question, why does that make you sell-out your fellow Muslims and not care about their genocide at the hands of the Chinese?
Let's just for argument's sake say we Americans do not care about anyone, and we are horrible people. I still have the question, why does that make you sell-out your fellow Muslims and not care about their genocide at the hands of the Chinese?

Do you see Chinese Tanks, Sniper Rifles, Guns and Fighter Jets killing Muslims? because I don't but I do see American provided Tanks, Sniper Rifles, Guns and Fighter Jets used indiscriminately in killing unarmed innocent Muslims in gaza and else where, an open air prison with out any future funded, politically and militarily protected by the American empire, we are done fighting your wars for you, the biggest mistake we made was side with you by cutting down the USSR and making you a unipolar power, we will not make the same mistake twice, the American power needs to be cut down for true world peace to have a chance.

Your tax payer money killed her, the facist regime that your country supports.

Do you see Chinese Tanks, Sniper Rifles, Guns and Fighter Jets killing Muslims? because I don't but I do see American provided Tanks, Sniper Rifles, Guns and Fighter Jets used indiscriminately in killing unarmed innocent Muslims in gaza and else where, an open air prison with out any future funded, politically and militarily protected by the American empire, we are done fighting your wars for you, the biggest mistake we made was side with you by cutting down the USSR and making you a unipolar power, we will not make the same mistake twice, the American power needs to be cut down for true world peace to have a chance.

Your tax payer money killed her, the facist regime that your country supports.


Are you are saying the tens of investigations, the hundreds of eyewitness accounts, the UN, and practically every civilized country that has found genocide or severe targeted actions taking place against Muslims in China, as being a lie?

Question: why are selling out on the genocide of Muslims in China for convenience, but then want us to believe you care about Muslim persecution in Palestine?
Are you are saying the tens of investigations, the hundreds of eyewitness accounts, the UN, and practically every civilized country that has found genocide or severe targeted actions taking place against Muslims in China, as being a lie?

Question: why are selling out on the genocide of Muslims in China for convenience, but then want us to believe you care about Muslim persecution in Palestine?

The so called "civilised world" (btw how the US can be considered a civilised nation when she has been at war for 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776 when she achieved her independence, I am pretty sure war mongering is not akin to the word civilised so please refrain from calling yourself a civilised nation) has vested interest for the containment of China so any tens of investigation by the so called "civilised world" should be taken with a grain of salt specially when they turn a blatant blind eye to the heinous war crimes their own allied countries like Israel and their mercenaries forces like Blackwater has committed.

According to Pakistan's national security advisor to the Prime Minister Dr Mooed Yusuf, Pakistan has a complete transparent relations with the Chinese even more transparent and closely connected then the NATO and we discuss almost every issue there is to discuss and we have discussed the Xinjiang as well, Pakistan's delegations has visited Xinjiang. We have seen and we are 100% satisfied and we consider it to be a non-issue. We know everything we need to know about the Uighurs and we has zero concerns, the west on the other can say what it wants.

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The so called "civilised world" (btw how the US can be considered a civilised nation when she has been at war for 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776 when she achieved her independence, I am pretty sure war mongering is not akin to the word civilised so please refrain from calling yourself a civilised nation) has vested interest for the containment of China so any tens of investigation by the so called "civilised world" should be taken with a grain of salt specially when they turn a blatant blind eye to the heinous war crimes their own allied countries like Israel and their mercenaries forces like Blackwater has committed.

According to Pakistan's national security advisor to the Prime Minister Mooed Yusuf, Pakistan has a complete transparent relations with the Chinese even more transparent and closely connected then the NATO and we discuss almost every issue there is to discuss and we have discussed the Xinjiang as well, Pakistan's delegations has visited Xinjiang. We have seen and we are 100% satisfied and we consider it to be a non-issue. We know everything we need to know about the Uighurs and we has zero concerns, the west on the other can say what it wants.

Again, what does American behavior have to do with you selling out fellow Muslims and their genocide in China? Either you are the keeper of Muslims or you are a part-time and convenient gatekeeper of only SOME Muslim communities. Pakistan's delegation has a vested interest to not rock the boat, some would say with a high dependency on China, it puts them in a precarious situation to challenge China.

BTW, if you are asking the rest of the world to ignore china's genocide because your delegation said there is nothing there to see..then we can say the same of every grievance you file against us. They should be ignored too because our delegation also said so.
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Again, what does American behavior have to do with you selling out fellow Muslims and their genocide in China? Either you are the keeper of Muslims or you are a part-time and convenient gatekeeper of only SOME Muslim communities. Pakistan's delegation has a vested interest to not rock the boat, some would say with a high dependency on China, it puts them in a precarious situation to challenge China.

BTW, if you are asking the rest of the world to ignore china's genocide because your delegation said there is nothing there to see..then we can say the same of every grievance you file against us. They should be ignored too because our delegation also said so.

You're a broken record so I will repeat it again, your investigations holds no value to us as we have an open transparent relationship with China and we have sent our own delegations there and have done our own investigations regarding Xinjiang and we are completely 100% satisfied with the situation there and do not even consider it to be an issue, we are not asking you to do anything, you have a rivalry with China and you will use this issue as a political "victory points" in your bid to challenge the geopolitical and strategic reach of China, if you want to continue to wage war against China then go ahead and continue to do so just keep us out of it.

No Pakistani prime minister or political leader has ever claimed to the best of my knowledge that Pakistan "are the keeper of Muslims", we do not have the political clout and strategic and military strength to be considered one not yet at-least, and frankly the rest of the Muslim world doesn't consider us as well, we do however have always spoken in favour of oppressed Muslims where ever they may be and Dr Moeed Yusuf in my eyes is a very respectable and genuine fellow and if he says there are no issues and he is putting his reputation on the line by saying that than I believe him, and if Pakistan really was not concerned about the issues faced by the oppressed Muslims than we would have recognised Israel for monetary gains decades ago.
You're a broken record so I will repeat it again, your investigations holds no value to us as we have an open transparent relationship with China and we have sent our own delegations there and have done our own investigations regarding Xinjiang and we are completely 100% satisfied with the situation there and do not even consider it to be an issue, we are not asking you to do anything, you have a rivalry with China and you will use this issue as a political "victory points" in your bid to challenge the geopolitical and strategic reach of China, if you want to continue to wage war against China then go ahead and continue to do so just keep us out of it.

No Pakistani prime minister or political leader has ever claimed to the best of my knowledge that Pakistan "are the keeper of Muslims", we do not have the political clout and strategic and military strength to be considered one not yet at-least, and frankly the rest of the Muslim world doesn't consider us as well, we do however have always spoken in favour of oppressed Muslims where ever they may be and Dr Moeed Yusuf in my eyes is a very respectable and genuine fellow and if he says there are no issues and he is putting his reputation on the line by saying that than I believe him, and if Pakistan really was not concerned about the issues faced by the oppressed Muslims than we would have recognised Israel for monetary gains decades ago.

I'm not a broken record- it's your selective outrage that is being called out. It's NOT JUST us, who has come to the conclusion that Muslims in China are facing genocide. There are ten's of investigations far and diverse that have come to the same conclusion. Yet your fixation with America somehow makes it okay for one set of Muslims to be ignored. It's you who acts as the keeper of Muslims, espousing your shock and horror for them in Palestine but then conveniently sells out on the Muslims in China- because some Pakistani politician said nothing here to see.

Feels like you look at the lives of Muslims from a prism of economics and national security...your motivation is not to be your brother's keeper, nope- you keep saying (in so many words), you guys don't like China, well, I'm going to take their side. making those Chinese Muslims expendable.

Is the UN lying, is everyone lying. When 9 out 10 doctors say you have cancer, you go with the one that said otherwise. come on ...

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Comparison with india will always be there. Why should a hindutvadi qualify to even utter a word on muslim rights? Its like Nazis complaining about anti antisemitism in the US.

Now in Pakistani context. Has China killed a million muslims as was the case in 1947? Did China invade East Pakistan? Is China fanning terrorism in Pakistan? Is China occupying kashmir? Is it bombing it like gaza?

If the choice is between China and the ideological and civilizational enemy of Pakistan and muslims which is by far the hindu state of india one would easily choose China.

And yes China is an iron brother. It has proven it time and gain.

China has probably killed upwards of one million Han since 1947......you seem to forget that Xinjiang used to be free....it was called East Turkestan. China took over it and started oppressing the population by any means necessary, including importing Han Chinese from Eastern China to Western China.

This is what the Chinese Embassy (in the US) had to say about Uyghurs:


lol......see how they call Uyghur women "baby making machines"?? That's how despicable the Chinese mindset is. And there is no "extremism or terrorism" in East Turkestan.......those guys tried to fight for their freedom. Still are...

You can be a good little slave to your "iron brothers"....who don't even think about you as a ally or a "iron brother"...


That's the same guy who's saying that Uyghurs are all fine^ See how he doesn't even mention Pakistan?? That's how all Chinese think of Pakistan. :lol:

You and Pakistani like you are just high of govt. "iron brother" propaganda.....while China keeps you under debt and under their thumb. :D

Here he say's that "allies are more like blood suckers". :rofl:

He literally called your nation a "blood sucker". Yet you consider his nation a "iron brother". AHAHAHAHAHA


Here's the same guy telling a Turk how Uyghurs got kicked out of their "ancestral lands".......every Chinese knows about the oppression against Uyghurs....and they're proud of that.....it's only low iq people like you who like to bury their heads in sand like an ostrich. :D


Meanwhile.....Uyghurs are like this:


More Evidence:

There are literally hundreds of similar threads on PDF explaining the plight of Uyghurs....you really got be a idiot to not see that.
Do you see Chinese Tanks, Sniper Rifles, Guns and Fighter Jets killing Muslims? because I don't but I do see American provided Tanks, Sniper Rifles, Guns and Fighter Jets used indiscriminately in killing unarmed innocent Muslims in gaza and else where, an open air prison with out any future funded, politically and militarily protected by the American empire, we are done fighting your wars for you, the biggest mistake we made was side with you by cutting down the USSR and making you a unipolar power, we will not make the same mistake twice, the American power needs to be cut down for true world peace to have a chance.

Your tax payer money killed her, the facist regime that your country supports.


Read my post...stop being a ostrich who likes burying his head in the sand...
Only Low IQ retarded will believe this empty lie, You need a fucking team with multiple doctor/nurse/specialist and million dollar equipment/lab/x-raw to even have a chance to make it work! I bet there's less than a hundred doctor in your country that can perform this operation given how backward and shitty the medical condition you guy have.
"Are you are saying the tens of investigations (!?) the hundreds of eyewitness accounts (!?) the UN, and practically every civilized country (!?) that has found genocide (!!!) or severe targeted actions taking place against Muslims in China, as being a lie?"

Yes, of course

The word "genocide" is used with complete frivolity, it's completely outrageous

-In this bar there is no cold beer, this is unbearable, this is ... a genocide

-we, the west empire, have unleashed Chaos and Terror all over the face of the earth either directly or through subcontracted thugs ... well, these killings are things that happen, life is like that, c'est la vie, and people are very sensitive and cannot endure a joke

This is the West mind, a complete moral ruin, a colossal drunk and intoxicated narcissism

The West Empire is a world of fantasies

The West Empire is a big kindergarten

And I don't like garlic soup

And therefore the garlic soup is anti-Semitic

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