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I say it again. The camps are not for all Uighurs. Stop quoting lies from western media. You may not know China was one of countries that suffered most terrorist attacks. Just Chinese government didn't report those attacks to outside world.

Your thread is suffering from schizophrenia since you are speaking in double tongues. I already stated I don't believe in the existence of the camps myself but what I take issues with is this thread's existence. It seems like you are speaking in double tongues.

And the tone in this thread is extremely Muslim hostile especially the first post in this thread. This thread is openly calling for genocide
Still remember a year ago how western countries criticized all China's measures to contain the covid? "Violation of human right", "Concentration camp". What about now? Some of western countries built concentration camps in their home.

Unlike democratic countries, who prefer to talk than act, China government is a problem solver. When there is a problem, measures to deal with it will be adopted, soon. No matter it is virus spread or terrorism spread. Somethings must be done to stop it.

Unfortunately doers always receive criticisms from talkers. Especially in a world where a doer is surrounded by a horde of talkers. Let's check how western countries dealt with terrorism. Except criticizing terrorist attack when it happened and lighting candles after it, literally they did nothing. Of course they bombed some places. But it only created more terrorists. We know after the pandemic next terrorist attack is bound to happen in the western countries. It's only matter of time.

How on the earth to eliminate terrorism? It's pretty much like how we deal with the covid virus. Susceptible population should be isolated from spread of extremism. For those who are already infected, build concentration hospitals to cure them and to prevent them infecting others. And another important step is, injecting vaccine to improve people immune capability. Which is what the "Xingjiang concentration camps" are doing. Teching those incapable Uyghurs some working skills and mandarine. It is said that ignorance and poverty are the cradle of terrorism. Chinese government is doing right thing.

Terrorism can not be wiped out by criticsms and lighting candles. In western countries' muslim communities thousands of jobless young men wandering around in the streets. We know there are somethings western countries should do, insead of sitting there talking. Their muslim population is getting bigger and bigger. When the heat reaches to a point that forces them to act, western countries will copy China's mode. China has successfully stopped both terrorism and covid virus spread anyways. There must be somethings worth learning.

Intetestingly, when Xinjiang region was unstable, people lost their life and property to terrorism, radicalism was rampant among small pockets of society, economic development stalled, wages low, poverty existing, the West never mentioned or bothered by human rights in the province.

Once China begun to successfully eradicate terrorism, end indiscriminate killings, ensure economic development, raise Xinjiang GDP highest in Central Asia, achieve life expectancy higher than that of India, achieve positive population growth for all segments, especially minorities, introduce art, literature, music, folklore, theater to daily life, ensure universal housing and healthcare in Xinjiang, the West started to scream human rights.

I feel the West do not think the best of interests of the Chinese nationals in Xinjiang. Maybe the West want Xinjiang to return to underdevelopment, extremism, violence and social detorioration.
Your thread is suffering from schizophrenia since you are speaking in double tongues. I already stated I don't believe in the existence of the camps myself but what I take issues with is this thread's existence. It seems like you are speaking in double tongues.

And the tone in this thread is extremely Muslim hostile especially the first post in this thread. This thread is openly calling for genocide
The word of "concentration camp" was created and used by western media. We call them reeducation schools. But you guys chose to believe west narrative. In my post I said they were for teaching skills and language. If this is genocide, we are all in genocide.
The word of "concentration camp" was created and used by western media. We call them reeducation schools. But you guys chose to believe west narrative. In my post I said they were for teaching skills and language. If this is genocide, we are all in genocide.

But even if your motives and methods are humane, you still have to consider outside opinion.

Canada has passed a resolution against you in their Parliament in recent news.

This may or may not be a precursor to sanctions.

How does China plan to react or tackle this?

Cheers, Doc
Everything the West accuses China of doing, they've already done it themselves. It's like they're projecting their own sins on to us mentally.
When you suddenly have only 2 kids rather than 5, the birthrate will drop drastically. This is the first time birth planning has been introduced to Xinjiang. The rest of the Chinese population has been living with it for over 40 years. I don't see you screaming bloody genocide for us.

On top of that, the employment rate and economy are rapidly improving thanks to security measures in place since 2014. When poverty rate drops, so does birth rate in any place.
Your thread is suffering from schizophrenia since you are speaking in double tongues. I already stated I don't believe in the existence of the camps myself but what I take issues with is this thread's existence. It seems like you are speaking in double tongues.

And the tone in this thread is extremely Muslim hostile especially the first post in this thread. This thread is openly calling for genocide
We commonly call it a vocational training center. Every city in China has it.Labour departments recommend jobs for the unemployed and train them in simple skills. It is open to all adults.

The difference between Xinjiang and other provinces, I think, is that other provinces don't need security because no one is going to attack the training center.Terrorism will never allow these people to have jobs, so they cannot train new terrorists.
But even if your motives and methods are humane, you still have to consider outside opinion.

Canada has passed a resolution against you in their Parliament in recent news.

This may or may not be a precursor to sanctions.

How does China plan to react or tackle this?

Cheers, Doc
China is aimed by anglo countries because China is a threat to their superiority. They must find some excuses to contain China. If there is no one, fabricate one. Just like #21 said, they are good at lying. No need to overreact to the farces
China is aimed by anglo countries because China is a threat to their superiority. They must find some excuses to contain China. If there is no one, fabricate one. Just like #21 said, they are good at lying. No need to overreact to the farces

But they can hurt you economically.

A China without a market for what it produces is a shackled China.

Cheers, Doc
The fertility rate in Beijing is declining because it is a genocide of the Han Chinese in Beijing :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
But they can hurt you economically.

A China without a market for what it produces is a shackled China.

Cheers, Doc
Firstly hurt is inevitable. China would still get hurt by them even sitting there doing nothing. They are good at creating problems from air. Secondly China will survive because Chinese people are smart and industrious. As #21 said, wealth is created by labour, not talks, let alone lies.
The zombie pried the head of the anti-China clown and walked away disappointedly. But the dung beetle screamed excitedly
we already have concentration camps here, they are called indian reservations & fema camps.

Do you realize who the OP is talking about imprisoning in concentration camps?

Are you really supporting mass incarceration of Muslims just because they are Muslims?
Do you realize who the OP is talking about imprisoning in concentration camps?

Are you really supporting mass incarceration of Muslims just because they are Muslims?
First of all, I have my native country that I can always go to. Secondly, I do NOT believe that the Chinese are "incarcerating muslims in concentration camps" and I can speak with authority cuz Xinjiang, China is the 2nd most popular vacationing spot for Pakistanis after Azarbaijan and my relatives go their almost every year and come back laughing at the western media brain farts. And thirdly, speaking of western media brain farts, I'm still waiting to see those infamous Iraqi WMDs that posed and imminent danger to all of europe.
This post is just another example of whataboutism, not to mention that the circumstances in which the Western & Chinese concentration camps were built are entirely different.

You cannot seriously compare public health restrictions to combat a global pandemic - of which "concentration camps" is NOT a part - to China interning an entire swath of their population based on ethnicity and religion due to so-called "terrorism".

China's leaders will face their maker when the military forces of democratic nations finally force an unconditional surrender in Beijing.

Give it a rest mate. The term "Concentration Camps" came from where!!

So chill and stop supporting those who have made people slaves for centuries, put them in chains, ferry them around the world to work as enslaved labour.

They invented the term "Discover" for the lands which were already populated by humans.
The locals were treated like non-humans and in most cases genocides were carried on grand scales.
The practice was not limited to one place, its spread around the world in many continents.

They gave the "conquered" the Bibles and introduced them to "saviour Jesus".
Unfortunately, that Saviour couldn't save the poor people from enslavement and grand scale murder by these criminals.
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