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It is the anglo-saxon world, not the entire west world,
It is the British-American alliance that is the worst of the worst.
Both British and Washington are still fighting WWI, wanting to divide up the world between London, Washington, and Paris. With Moscow as useful idiots.
So not Anglo-Saxon. British. British Empire of Canada, US, Australia, NZ and homebase of the UK. And France. Now Italy is possibly in the camp of losers with a banker as "prime minister".
The Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms were introspective, did not wage wars throughout the world. Anglo-Saxon Britain was a good time for Europe. Italians have no problems with Anglo-Saxons. We were betrayed by the British, French and Russians in Africa who armed our enemies. Betrayed in the Mutilated Victory of WWI, where Britain and France kept the spoils. Britain still hold Turkey as colony and puppet regime. Turkey is UK project. Then Italy punished for having small colonies in DARVO by abusive UK and France in their colonies. Then pushed into an alliance with those Italians hate - nazis, after Italy wanted a European war to destroy Nazi Germany. These British Nazis are cunning and evil.
And neo-nazis are the enemy of the free world, besides the British Empire. These who are not British, yet have a taste for genocide and bloodlust, such as Salvini and lega idiots.

Italy’s Far-Right Leaders Are Pushing Debunked Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories To Millions Of Followers
Struggling for attention, Italy’s former deputy prime minister and others are sharing false claims the virus was engineered in a Chinese lab.
Lega loser Salvini wanted to sue China over US bioweapon attack. putin supports the rise of Salvini. putin is in on it, the same as Joe Biden. Simply an option the deepstate does not want to win, the opposition to USA genocide is Russian genociders. So you are trapped
The Bankers have two sides controlled: banker neo-liberals vs neo-nazi racists.
Italy wanted to defeat that d**chebag Hitler before the Allies. Hitler was a project of the Entente. a controlled puppet of the banksters to get Germany into a big long war for a new world order.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president.
The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics
Hitler and his henchmen victimized an entire continent and exterminated millions in the quest for a co-called "Master Race," and IBM aided and abetted the effort.

Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild & Hitler – American Free Press

zionist run media in Germany treated Hitler with same kid gloves as zionist media treated domestic terrorist trump, both Hitler and trump were puppets of the media establishment, both did nothing to stop Hitler or trump other than to basically say Hitler is bombastic and unorthodox:

Who Voted for Hitler?
Just as there are myths about Trump voters, there are damaging misconceptions about who brought the Nazis to power.

Hitler was run out of London and New York big pockets and rise was funded by them. London controlled both sides of WWII to cripple the threat of Germany and to vassalize any German ambitions of rivaling the UK. China was not even on the radar then, the enemy was Germany and propaganda was aimed at dehumanizing Germans. That is the tactics of these warmongering gencoiders.
Russia is a cia project. US seeks to control both sides of every conflict. Yeltsin was the first of the cia puppets. The 1996 election, even Medvedev asserted was rigged by the cia, so that cia puppet Yeltsin continued the vassalization of Russia by Washington.
putin is the nationalist cia solution to the anger of the Russians in Yeltin selling off Russia cheap to Western capitalists and criminal banksters. Yeltsin, the cia puppet, ok-ed the cia successor to Yeltsin. putin was agreed to be successor so long as Yeltsin is not thrown in a Russian prison for selling out Russia to criminal gangsters and banksters. putin is the nationalist leader who is the controlled opposition to Washington. putin plays this role in vilifying Washington for obvious crimes. And Washington in turn vilifies putin. This is the strategy to get opposition of Washington into Russian plot. If you don't like Washington and the cia, you are a Russian agent.
If the US does not control both sides to every conflict, US loses it. What is precious to the US gets lost. That is why the US is losing their minds over China. China is not controlled by Washington. So China is even a greater danger than Hitler, the puppet.
The British has not seen a danger like China since The German Kaisar and the German Empire. China is no puppet of Western Imperialists.
That is why US/UK is taking the same route as the war path of 1914.

A Manufacturing War Between the UK and Germany in the 19th Century Set the Stage For Today's Trade Crisis - History Collection
Today, the word “globalism” is on everyone’s mind. Some fear a world increasingly dependent on foreign trade. Others worry about domestic industries dying due to overseas competition. Many are anxious about what a changing economy will mean for their material prospects. Do we allow free trade to...

The loss of Italy in the Triple Alliance defeated Germany. So China needs to keep allies and friends, even in Europe.
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