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An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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If you really strongly believe those western lies, you should first take it up with your own govenrment.

Turkey accused of deporting Uighurs back to China via third countries

Literally all the provinces lived in harmony then everything changed when the Chinese Government attacked.
I am spreading awareness about Indians and their hypocrisy. Last time i checked it is you who is getting stomach cramps just bcz i mentioned Kashmir here. Do you want to endorse this video by same channel as above.

Imagine knowing your mother and wife are suffering everyday and you have no idea where your children are..
Uighurs feel the same pain as the kashmiris. Aren't they muslims too?

Spread your hate elsewhere there are enough places for it..
With all due respect, you have been deceived.

Literally all the provinces lived in harmony then everything changed when the Chinese Government attacked.
Good sir, you have been deceived by very simple propaganda. It is in India's interests to create an issue out of thin air in Xinjiang because India simply has no military or political solutions for the mess it finds itself in. It is evidently demonstrable that the vast majority of people in Xinjiang come out of their homes on national day waving Chinese flags, live, work and eat together and live in peace and prosperity, free from religious bigotry such as hindutva encourages.

Miscreants in any country will be locked up but we should judge a situation on the weight and volume of evidence. There simply isn't any such evidence as you or MCB or Indian media are suggesting. On the contrary, in IIOJK, we see the true sentiments of an occupied people who are living behind barbed wire every day - the whole state is a concentration camp. When Kashmiris come out on Indian independence day, they wave Pakistani flags.
Thanks to our alliance with Iran, now we are neighbors with Turkey. PLA will create Kurdistan from the rotten carcass of Turkey!

There is no alliance. China's most loyal friend is the DongFeng ballistic missile.

The British government on Tuesday was urged to "take strong action” against China over the "ethnic cleansing of Uighur Muslims,” in a missive by the country’s largest umbrella group of Muslims.

China’s systematic mistreatment "has all the hallmarks of a genocidal atrocity. The UK Government must act now,” the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said in a statement, saying they wrote to Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to press him to take action.

The council’s letter to Raab underlines that the situation in Xinjiang, northwestern China, where some 10 million Uighurs live, "has not improved, and as you are well aware, the persecution of Muslims continues with the forced sterilization of women and the detention without trial in concentration camps of over a million people.”

"The actions of the Chinese Government against the Uighur Muslims has all the hallmarks of a genocidal atrocity, and I fear unless strong, substantive action is taken against the Chinese Government, we will be witnessing the total ethnic cleansing of the Uighur Muslims,” it said.

The council said the situation in China is "deeply distressing to many Muslims across Britain, and indeed across the world.”

"You and the Prime Minister have recently criticized the Chinese Government over its flagrant human rights abuses against the Uighur Muslims which has been very welcome, but I fear that without a tangible action plan to address the atrocities carried out by the Chinese Government, these abuses will not stop and more lives will be lost,” added the letter, signed the group's head, Harun Khan.

The council called on the British government to assert its diplomatic power by imposing sanctions, raising the issue with the United Nations Security Council and discussing the situation with Chinese counterparts.

"The UK Government must insist on a full and impartial international investigation, and the full force of international law against the perpetrators of these atrocities," it said.

Urging Raab to "follow up your strong stance condemning the ethnic cleansing of the Uighur Muslims with equally strong actions,” the letter said the "situation in Xinjiang will only continue to worsen the longer the international community take to respond.”

It is "looking increasingly likely that we are headed in a direction which will see the total destruction of Uighur Muslim communities unless urgent and immediate action is taken,” it said.

China is accused of carrying out repressive policies against the Turkic Muslim minority in Xinjiang and restraining their religious, commercial, and cultural rights.

People in XInjiang make a better living than you Turks. a two decade old picture won't help your cause much.

all countries should help uighar muslims get justice .
With all due respect, you have been deceived.

Literally all the provinces lived in harmony then everything changed when the Chinese Government attacked.
Good sir, you have been deceived by very simple propaganda. It is in India's interests to create an issue out of thin air in Xinjiang because India simply has no military or political solutions for the mess it finds itself in. It is evidently demonstrable that the vast majority of people in Xinjiang come out of their homes on national day waving Chinese flags, live, work and eat together and live in peace and prosperity, free from religious bigotry such as hindutva encourages.

Miscreants in any country will be locked up but we should judge a situation on the weight and volume of evidence. There simply isn't any such evidence as you or MCB or Indian media are suggesting. On the contrary, in IIOJK, we see the true sentiments of an occupied people who are living behind barbed wire every day - the whole state is a concentration camp. When Kashmiris come out on Indian independence day, they wave Pakistani flags.

Our brothers and sisters are suffering, and we did nothing. Shame on all the leaders of the ummah for keeping their mouth shut for the sake of the worldy benefits. Prophet Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) had already said that the day will come when holding my deen is like holding fire in your hand, but you have hold this... And then you will be rewarded for this. At the day of judgement.
@beijingwalker @Feng Leng

The greedy wolves are jealous when they see the rich family. They will slander, and use it as excuse to enter the house, openly rob all of your possessions, slaughter your family, and rape your loved one. Remember the lessons of Iraq and Syria. There's no need to argue with these filthy greedy bandits. Waste time. Prepare the gun.
Thanks to our alliance with Iran, now we are neighbors with Turkey. PLA will create Kurdistan from the rotten carcass of Turkey!

Attitudes like that broke the Soviet Union and the American Empire. Chinese are high on CPP propaganda of being invincible - save it for the ceremonies.

I support Chinese success because it is linked with the success of our nation and nations allied with us, without the cost of compromising sovereignty. The day that changes Chinese allies today will see China no different to the way people saw the Empires that came before them. That will be the opportunity the Americans will use to destroy everything you have built.

Don't under estimate the devil.
Don't get arrogant.

Today you threaten the Turks, tomorrow what stops you threatening us? We worked with the Americans and undermined them at the same time. The other nations you want to make alliances with will feel the same way if you cross that line.
All the people should have rights. Nobody should oppress for his religion.

Why doesnt Turkey take this issue to UN..The first thing Turkey should do is have a UN mandated fact finding mission sent to China. But nobody talks about it..
Where is Turkic council on it? dead silence there as well.
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Why doesnt Turkey take this issue to UN..The first thing Turkey should do is have a UN mandated fact finding mission sent to China. But nobody talks about it..
Where is Turk council on it? dead silence there as well.
Turkish government is silent but Turks on PDF are very active, they can't make Turkey to make any noise so they demand Pakistan do.
I wouldn't completely discredit that source. I do believe something's going on in Xinjiang, and i hope we're able to help those that are finding themselves persecuted against. But i as a Pakistani cannot really ask for a independent East Turkestan because that is going to create further problems down the line for us. Indians though should stop talking about Uyghur Muslims being persecuted against when they bring a blind eye to the suffering they cause to Kashmiri and Indian Muslims. To the Turks here, if you want to make your case strong, especially in front of Pakistanis, i suggest you do not allow a Indian to speak up for it. We know fully well with what intent they spew their "sentiments" to us, pure crocodile tears..
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