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All LNG spot cargo sold out, tough winter for Pakistanis

India is no different than Pakistan when it comes to sellouts and holes in security. Forex isn’t going to resolve embedded corruption.

you can defy USA and Saudi Arabia for a change and take care of your energy needs

India is having a hard time getting LNG as well. Indian LNG demand is down % wise almost as much as Pakistan's.

I will say that India's financial system is more developed and sophisticated then Pakistan's. Most Pakistani see stocks as gambling and only invest in real-estate or gold. Pakistani state is no better....always looks to get loans for projects instead of tapping domestic and foreign investors using stock markets. We have ministers recently go to Germany and S. Korea......I bet non discussed investment in LNG plants or pipelines through a publicly listed companies in the KSE. I bet our ministers only talked about debt relief, more loans, aid or weapons.

I cannot help you here. someone needs to set priorities straight
Why can't we restart Irani gas pipeline again do he'll with Sanctions these are worst than sanctions with no gas
The issue is not about importing gas or not. The issue is that the price of gas obtained from different sources has been set to do maximum damage to the national interest in the long run. If you pay local gas producers 10 cents for the same gas that you have to pay a full dollar to when imported internationally, then your local gas production will fall.

As it does, you will have to charge consumers more anyways. If you increase the price of gas, guess what? Suddenly, you may not need to import gas in the first place.

I don’t understand how people believe the Iran pipeline would solve anything. Yes, it maybe cheaper than LNG in ships-it’s a lot more expensive than what we pay for from local fields.

The problem is because we don’t believe in facts. We like to ignore inconvenient facts. Markets are real. Supply / demand is a thing. We don’t price gas adequately. Pipelines or more LNG terminals are not going to do dipshit
Pakistan needs to achieve energy independence as soon as possible, and the energy supplier cannot be single.

I suggest Pakistan build two natural gas pipelines.

One connects Iran and imports oil and natural gas from Iran.

The other one is Tazhong City, which connects China. Pakistan can use China's pipeline to import natural gas from Uzbekistan.
Pakistan needs to achieve energy independence as soon as possible, and the energy supplier cannot be single.

I suggest Pakistan build two natural gas pipelines.

One connects Iran and imports oil and natural gas from Iran.

The other one is Tazhong City, which connects China. Pakistan can use China's pipeline to import natural gas from Uzbekistan.
not only did the iranians completed their side of the pipeline they were offering to build ours too, only thing lacking is a pair
not only did the iranians completed their side of the pipeline they were offering to build ours too, only thing lacking is a pair
They were asking for too much money and wanted to hook gas price with Brent. They refused to lower price. That was the deal breaker.

you can defy USA and Saudi Arabia for a change and take care of your energy needs
If it’s in-house type deal, without involved dollars than I don’t think US or Saudis have much leverage. Pakistan can always ask them to provide a better deal, which they won’t be able too.
They were asking for too much money and wanted to hook gas price with Brent. They refused to lower price. That was the deal breaker.
Do you know the per kg rate of LNG these days for the average consumer in Pakistan? And, since the winter is coming, sui gas will become non existent, the LNG rates will sky rocket. But I don't think you care about these things.
Do you know the per kg rate of LNG these days for the average consumer in Pakistan? And, since the winter is coming, sui gas will become non existent, the LNG rates will sky rocket. But I don't think you care about these things.
What does it have to do with, Iranian asking more than fair market price and Qatar endup giving better deal years ago.

It doesn’t cost much to produce gas. Even if Iran sell Pakistan at same price as they do to their domestic market, Iran will be profiting billions.
What does it have to do with, Iranian asking more than fair market price and Qatar endup giving better deal years ago.
We have no gas, LNG is set to become even more expensive, children will sleep hungry. Thanks to the govt of Pakistan's inability to trade. btw last time I went to get the cylinders filled, it was Rs 240 /kg, it's probably more now.
It doesn’t cost much to produce gas. Even if Iran sell Pakistan at same price as they do to their domestic market, Iran will be profiting billions.
That's not how it works.
Russia can feed tge TAPI, they have the indistrial capacity to do so. Problem is Pakistan has to sort things out with Afghan Taliban and stop allowing USA to use its airspace. That way, they can have a pipeline throughout Afghanistan.

The IP pipeline from Iran to Pakistan is almost dead since the pipeline changed its course, now it feeds the south eastern cities of Iran at subsidized price.

It is true that the cost of TAPI will be much more than IP because of the multiple countries in between but the point is in its unrgency.

Iran can only provide Pakistan with LNG/LPG at lower price.
Exactly, that’s why I don’t go for Labbayk ya khamenai. Khamenai wants cold hard cash $$ for his gas.
Yeah, we'll let the poor starve but won't give a cent to the Mullah. Can't upset uncle sam and mbs.
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