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All LNG spot cargo sold out, tough winter for Pakistanis

Russia can feed tge TAPI, they have the indistrial capacity to do so. Problem is Pakistan has to sort things out with Afghan Taliban and stop allowing USA to use its airspace. That way, they can have a pipeline throughout Afghanistan.

The IP pipeline from Iran to Pakistan is almost dead since the pipeline changed its course, now it feeds the south eastern cities of Iran at subsidized price.

It is true that the cost of TAPI will be much more than IP because of the multiple countries in between but the point is in its unrgency.

Iran can only provide Pakistan with LNG/LPG at lower price.
IP can still be completed. It can terminate south eastern Pakistan, which is only a small hop from Bandar Abbas. Turkmenistan is pushing hard for TAPI.....the Taliban have agreed to it. You are correct....Russia can also move its gas through TAPI since Turkmenistan is connected to the CIS gas pipeline system. Pakistan can be get pipelines to the 1, 2 and 6 largest gas reserves in the world......if it plays it hand correctly.
Undoubtedly biogas is environmentally friendly. However it also has some shortcomings.

Firstly the biogas production system is very inefficient (Maximum conversion to solid mass into biogas is only 30%). Additionally, even after refinement, biogas still contains impurities thus can only be used for burning. Also the bacteria that digest the bio-waste are best effective at 37Deg C.. Hence not suitable for most places in Punjab, KPK and Baluchistan where during winter months the day time temperature is below 30 deg C.
@niaz sb


Firstly the biogas production system is very inefficient (Maximum conversion to solid mass into biogas is only 30%).

Well, it maybe thermodynamically inefficient but not necessarily economically so. We are anyway burning 100 million MT plus rice and wheat stubble every year- it doesn't give us any useful energy but rather causes very dangerous pollution. Effectively we are dealing with an input which at the moment has a negative price. This 100 million MT alone can give us about 15 million MT equivalent LNG (latest technology gives about 1 kg 95% pure CNG for every 7 kg dry biomass)

Also the bacteria that digest the bio-waste are best effective at 37Deg C..

As you can see that will not be a problem in most of India. But I believe Indian vendors like Praj Industries and Enviro Tech have come out with systems which work at much wider temperatures and a much wider range of substrates- distillery spent wash, pressmud, rice husk, bagasse, wheat and paddy stubble, cotton and arhar stalks to name a few.

If the SATAT scheme takes off as promised, Pak will be well advised to collaborate with India on this indigenous technology.

Cow dung I believe.

Interesting point. Incidentally cow dung and other agri waste, which is generally burnt and causes a lot of pollution can be converted into bio gas very efficiently. If India could utilise the dung and biomass which is currently being wasted and convert into bio gas it could generate 60 million MT of LNG equivalent (or 210 million cubic meters of gas per day). India has already started a project which hopefully in 3-4 years time generate 15 million MT of Bio CNG. While I dont have similar numbers for Pak, since its agricultural output is about one fifth of India's safely we can assume a potential of 10 million MT plus.

Issue is that biogas is a bit expensive- it costs around Rs 55/kg- it is economical if crude prices are above USD70 or so, else it is costlier. My view is that both India and Pak should go for it. Even if expensive it saves a huge amount of forex, plus most of the money will go to farmers and workers rather than Arab sheikhs.

Any views- @niaz @VCheng @Wood @Clutch @nahtanbob and other learned Maulaners here?

we are going low-tech here :enjoy:

we are going low-tech here

Not exactly. The production of crude biogas is reasonably low tech, but purifying it to get 95% methane and then compressing it requires a fair bit of technology. Anyway something which converts a serious pollutant into a reasonably economical decentralised source of energy for low income, energy importing countries like India and Pakistan is nothing to be scoffed at.

Let's see how many programs will shahzeb kannada, kamran khan, hamid mir and other anchors hold to bash or berate the current government on this.

My prediction.. most won't and others will make it a joke of what used to happen previously

we are going low-tech here

Not exactly. The production of crude biogas is reasonably low tech, but purifying it to get 95% methane and then compressing it requires a fair bit of technology. Anyway something which converts a serious pollutant into a reasonably economical decentralised source of energy for low income, energy importing countries like India and Pakistan is nothing to be scoffed at.


Sorry I was assuming this

extraction of methane gas might be sophisticated. it may be worthy of technical effort

we are going low-tech here

Not exactly. The production of crude biogas is reasonably low tech, but purifying it to get 95% methane and then compressing it requires a fair bit of technology. Anyway something which converts a serious pollutant into a reasonably economical decentralised source of energy for low income, energy importing countries like India and Pakistan is nothing to be scoffed at.


my family is using biogas for household cooking & heating of rubber-sheets
my family is using biogas for household cooking & heating of rubber-sheets
Can you share your complete project ? .. but rubber sheet burning causes massive air pollution.
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Can you share your complete project ? .. but rubber sheet burning causes massive air pollution.

Its common in south canara side to use biogas for cooking as every-house involved in animal husbandry, let me see I can show some of his inventions.

we don't burn rubber sheet we smoke it to dry rubber sheets.
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