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All is Not Well For India


Sep 26, 2018
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The current Indo-China standoff in Ladakh may be easing on the flash points along the LAC, but is it all hunky dory now! There are nearly one hundred thousand troops deployed in just Ladakh alone from both sides, with hundreds of Tanks,artillery pieces and Fighter Jets. China holds the LAC as a disputed border, and lays claim to thousand of Sq KMs of Indian Held Land from Ladakh to Arunachel Pradesh. Even if it takes slightly a longer time they will eventually take it.
Currently China has perfect lines of communications built specially for the purpose of taking their perceived territories in the future.


As we speak all the Western Command PLA mechanised divisions are poised and directed towards the Indian positions.

Indians are well known for their euphoria,hysteria and delusions. Even 58 years ago they claimed China had retreated, but much to their horror the PLA completely decimated them a few months later.


The events of the last few months tell a sorry tale of Indian STATURE viz a viz its neighbours and in the region as a whole. It also depicts their COWARDICE to the fullest as a nation. And finally their DELUSIONAL psyche has pushed them to confront an adversary that always takes what it WANTS at all costs.:pakistan::china:
The current Indo-China standoff in Ladakh may be easing on the flash points along the LAC, but is it all hunky dory now! There are nearly one hundred thousand troops deployed in just Ladakh alone from both sides, with hundreds of Tanks,artillery pieces and Fighter Jets. China holds the LAC as a disputed border, and lays claim to thousand of Sq KMs of Indian Held Land from Ladakh to Arunachel Pradesh. Even if it takes slightly a longer time they will eventually take it.
Currently China has perfect lines of communications built specially for the purpose of taking their perceived territories in the future.


As we speak all the Western Command PLA mechanised divisions are poised and directed towards the Indian positions.

Indians are well known for their euphoria,hysteria and delusions. Even 58 years ago they claimed China had retreated, but much to their horror the PLA completely decimated them a few months later.


The events of the last few months tell a sorry tale of Indian STATURE viz a viz its neighbours and in the region as a whole. It also depicts their COWARDICE to the fullest as a nation. And finally their DELUSIONAL psyche has pushed them to confront an adversary that always takes what it WANTS at all costs.:pakistan::china:

dont worry we can take care of china , let us first settle Kashmir now .
If China has accepted India's surrender of Galwan for now, then so be it.

But, China is exposed in her airbase infrastructure in that part of the world and she needs to fix that asap.
China is exposed in her airbase infrastructure in that part of the world and she needs to fix that asap.
Brother i beg to differ, the Chinese have four airbases in that region compared to just Leh airbase for IAF. PAF has been very busy lately with the PLAAF for the Shaheen series of exercises conducted in the HOTAN airbase near the LAC.
The Chinese have brought their latest hardware along the LAC.
dont worry we can take care of china , let us first settle Kashmir now .

Guys i think we have found silent poison and drumstick.....

On topic. With one lethal injection of force- China has strangled the wannabe superpowa by showing the regional bully there is someone bigger better and stronger in the region. Stop the perceived growth of infrastructure and stopped potential misdemeanors by India in the future. A classic well thought out move that has shuddered and bowed Indian heads realizing the game is up of showing delusions of grandeur.
Hopefully when the time arises we will join the Party.
Correct!!! One day Pakistani civilian and military establishments will join USA to liberate Lhasa. Something similar had happened before. Just as Pakistanis fought USSR by actually sending it's special forces into Afghan territory and pilots into Afghan airspace, one day Pakistani military personnels will be fighting to liberate Tibetan capital, Lhasa. Is @padamchen the only other member to share this view?

@@xxx[{::::::::::::::::::> @Gandhi G in da house @Soumitra @Joe Shearer @ARMalik @Mangus Ortus Novem @Nilu Pule @Areesh @Pakistani Fighter @AfrazulMandal @SrNair @xeuss


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