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All is Not Well For India

the good old pull out technique :omghaha:

In Doklam china withdrew and dare not come back. Let us see whether China has balls or nor. If China doe8come back, it will prove to be a paper dragon.

Hopefully when the time arises we will join the Party.

You will be well come with open arms. First of all ask your government whether they have the guts.

Wait till August ,will see who has the last laugh!

All right. It is just less than 2 months. We will see if china has the guts to come back.
Your graphics skills could do with some improvement.
Don't.worry we have one million man army thousands of tanks and artillery and hundreds of fighters to prevent boundary redraw.

It's more likely China will lose territory than gain it over himlayera they can't stay in this region long they are not equipped for winter war.
They have withdrawn for now .
They can come back we understand but winter is coming and fighting India is no joke that you can win in one week.

It could be long war of attrition on the mountains and the geography is massive 3000km border is huge

You need massive logistics especially China whose military complex is in South East China need scs and Japan and their industrial.heartland.

Pakistanis wanted a war in the hope China battered India to submission but they. Caved in to use pressure and economic sanctions by India too.

And please don't tell me they did this from goodness of their hearts they have disputed claims with 6 or 7 countries as we speak even austr8lia
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They can come back we understand but winter is coming and fighting India is no joke
Subramanian Swamy predicts August and September suits them as the Weather will favour them. 1962 they withdrew in July and took Aksai Chin by October.
You need massive logistics especially China whose military complex is in South East China
They have built well connected roads and Helicopter bases within the vicinity.
It could be long war of attrition on the mountains and the geography is massive 3000km border is huge
It will not be a long war, no one can afford it.
Subramanian Swamy predicts August and September suits them as the Weather will favour them. 1962 they withdrew in July and took Aksai Chin by October.

They have built well connected roads and Helicopter bases within the vicinity.

It will not be a long war, no one can afford it.

better you wait for your party which is scheduled in August.
Just one more 15 th June like incident will be needed.
Are you sure buddy, 20 of your men got killed! Now if you say you killed 100 Chinese in return, no sane person will believe it. Because we know Chinese would have gone crazy with REVENGE. Most of your casualties happened because of hypothermia with men falling into the icy river flowing towards your positions in Galwan.
China and India are not fools to fight a full fledged war for some kilometres of disputed land. Both have biggest standing armies and are armed to the teeth. China tried the usual bullying and pushing technique India responded and I believe the message has been sent across loud and clear. It's funny to see Pakistanis jumping up and down with excitement.
China tried the usual bullying and pushing technique India responded
China will never relent its HISTORICAL lands, lets see for how long India can afford a prolonged Military Deployment. For decades China has been Salami Slicing Indian held territory without a single bullet fired.
China will never relent its HISTORICAL lands, lets see for how long India can afford a prolonged Military Deployment. For decades China has been Salami Slicing Indian held territory without a single bullet fired.

Nor will India, there is a high level border management mechanism between the two countries trying to sought out the LAC. There will have to be a give and take wherein both countries will have to loose some land which they currently claim. But both countries are mature enough to sought this out peacefully and not fight a war. Usual blow hot blow cold, small skirmishes and patrol issues will happen until then, no biggie.

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