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All India Radio - Indian Intelligence to launch Balochi language propaganda broadcasts.

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We should Azadi Radio service in IOK....
Interesting strategy, this needs to be taken to logical end. Pakistani's will find Indira Gandhi was angel comparatively once Baluch, Durrand line is taken to logical closure .
Indeed !!

Whole Jammu and Kashmir is atoot aang of India and hence we need to have AIR India and Doordarshan in all of these areas.

AIR Baluchistan and Doordarshan Baluchistan is good gesture to our neighbour country Baluchistan. :tup:
yes. air balochistan will be great entertainment for the local of pakistan. its a good effort from india. i heard Air india shows all latest movies of shahrukh khan and salman khan. it will help to create love in both countries.
we also want to return this good will gestures and love with equal measure except pakistan is a weaker economy and backward country so our radio transmission won't be showing any videos. but still we hope you enjoy our songs and entertainment news.

We should Azadi Radio service in IOK....
orders have been given to pakistan broadcasting association regarding hindi and kashmiri programs.
Dirty Games of India. Jam the Indian Radio Frequency. And for Modi, the states of Khalistan and Kashmir will be separated from India. Stop the genocide of Kashmiris and Sikhs communities. Otherwise Armageddon is coming.
pakistan broad casting association ordered by government to launch hindi and kashmiri language programs. a tit for tat policy.

Why Hindi man...Urdu is also an Indian language ...Our people can very well listen to your radio..
just because india has changed, how could the same issue change too? if it was not a dispute then why was it a part of negotiations under bjb government previous rule? or was india same during vajpayes visit to pakistan, or was he forced to sign lahore accord? why did you add kashmir as a dispute in simla agrrement. you were the winners after all?

Air kashmir is nice too.

When Pakistan can unilaterally try to change the geography of Kashmir by attacking it (1965 & 99) and by supporting insurgency (ongoing) why do you expect India alone to respect the UN resolutions and recognize it as a dispute ??

Why should India give something to Pakistan that you couldn't achieve via military adventures ??

P.S: Now please don't tell me that 65 war was not started by us, it was India who attacked us. LOL, the whole world know the truth. :p:
Can understand pakistan, chinese, BD and other neighbors trolling India.
But what has Netherlands got to do with this? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Dirty Games of India. Jam the Indian Radio Frequency. And for Modi, the states of Khalistan and Kashmir will be separated from India. Stop the genocide of Kashmiris and Sikhs communities. Otherwise Armageddon is coming.

Chill mate. :)

Well I'm from Kerala, the southern part of India now in the worst case a nuclear war does happen, Pakistan will surely nuke top cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad etc. for sure. But then the after effects will be felt more in Pakistan than us or our northeast. (That too if Pakistan exist after your first strike) :p:

Nukes :p:
RSS-Sanghi PM of India has basically handed another victory to Pakistan. All the anti-Pakistan rhetoric from Modi is only empowering the nationalists in Pakistan. What happened to Altaf Hussian? MQM itself threw him out. Modi's India is a testament to Two-Nation theory and its why Sikhs demand Khalistan.

Oh the luck of the ever-optimistic Pakistanis cannot ever be underestimated! :D
Start Khalistan Radio, live from Guru nanak home town. Punjabi news station and program are already available in Pakistan, let see how far Indians get with their Baluch language stunt.
Have you really followed the response?
That was of bemusement and not anger! It started as "WTF are they talking about" you will see people trolling, memes floating and what not. Even the international feedback was not was being expected. As time passed we realized that this whole episode is acting like quick sand for you, the more you try to cover up of explain, the worst it was looking. So that sense of bemusement was soon overcome with an instinct to poke you people more and troll back.
It is funny how people are desperately trying to portray it as a "slap" or a "master stroke" it is neither. It is called falling flat on face dear.

We are not interfering with you internal matter sir. We just talk about Kashmir. The same Kashmir we both have fought wars on and the same Kashmir that stands to be the bone of contention between two nuclear armed countries. Remember that?

Frankly speaking, i am surprised how the GoI messed up so bad. They were doing a splendid job up till this particular episode. I am also not saying that it is all down the drain. Being a HUGE market and strong economy you may try and actually get back there pretty quickly however one cannot and must not ignore how the initiative have been lost in the past few weeks.

That is pretty much all i have to say on this matter, have tried explaining it previously as well but much is not happening. Try and look at it without the glasses of patriotism and you may understand the whole situation.

I have seen this through a neutral perspective without any influence of patriotism .

Oh please sir ,Dont twisted like that .Hundreds of threads are already in here that India is doing this ,India is doing that in Balochistan even before this episode ,even before the GoI considers this action .
So what we can deduce from this panic mentality and paranoia from other side is that their worst prediction becomes a reality .And worst question began to simmer in your leaders mind ? Will they repeat 1971?
Of Course GoI is not that unprofessional .But your leaders pushed their maximum and forced our GoI to took this option .

If Pakistan and their establishments were truly self confident ,they would have been reject this claims and continue their shouting about Kashmir .But vice versa did happen .Since then Pak elites gone to a silent mode and began heated debates about a possible ramifications and further actions from our part .

GoI didnt messed this up sir .In fact their plan is going well without any hiccup.That is why they start this initiative .
AIR transmission in Balochi language after that Red Fort speech happened a few weeks ago

simla agreement, un resolutions,lahore accord all states that this is a disputed territory. if it wasn't then why was bjb government involved in talks with pakistan over this issue during musharraf times? why didn't they knew about their internal matters?

That is then ,this is now .
Perhaps GoI concluded that MEA shouldnt waste their energy for unnecessary talks .That means they concluded this issue shouldnt be matter and shouldnt give unnecessary importance to Pakistan.

just because india has changed, how could the same issue change too? if it was not a dispute then why was it a part of negotiations under bjb government previous rule? or was india same during vajpayes visit to pakistan, or was he forced to sign lahore accord? why did you add kashmir as a dispute in simla agrrement. you were the winners after all?

Air kashmir is nice too.

Already pointed out there
I have seen this through a neutral perspective without any influence of patriotism .
I wish you were dear. :(

Oh please sir ,Dont twisted like that .Hundreds of threads are already in here that India is doing this ,India is doing that in Balochistan even before this episode ,even before the GoI considers this action .
All that is about the insurgency, support of terrorist elements. The claims being made now are of help for Baluchi people which are denounced by Balochistan population anyway. Dont mix up the two things as that is when the views get twisted dear.

So what we can deduce from this panic mentality and paranoia from other side is that their worst prediction becomes a reality .And worst question began to simmer in your leaders mind ? Will they repeat 1971?
Of Course GoI is not that unprofessional .But your leaders pushed their maximum and forced our GoI to took this option .
oh come on, dont flatter yourself. The gov is doing enough of that already. The mention of Baluchistan was simply to try and deviate the attention from that Kashmir mess up, a poor attempt at that really judging by the intial reaction. Seriously, you did way better than this in 71, you expecting the same with some pics of masked men in rajistan? lolz. it is not paranoi dear, the chatter you hear are people laughing at these ridicilious attemp of cover up and now, poking and provoking GoI further and they are taking the bait.

If Pakistan and their establishments were truly self confident ,they would have been reject this claims and continue their shouting about Kashmir .But vice versa did happen .Since then Pak elites gone to a silent mode and began heated debates about a possible ramifications and further actions from our part
lack of confidence? seriously? well if we talk about it you call it paranoi, if we ignore it you call it lack of confidence?
plus trust me, no one, and i mean NO ONE will forget kashmir because you talked about Baluchistan. You think the world is fool enough to even remotely compare an issue that is source of wars between two nuclear states with something that is not related at all!! no dear it is not. Frankly, India and Indains are not this idiot either. Most of your own have realized it already and ithers will do the same in time. :)
till then, we are having fun here. :P
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