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All Churches must be destroyed! - Saudi Arabia

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Even Jinnah wanted a secular pakistan.. But his view of pakistan has been hijacked by future leaders...

I wouldn't call them leaders, rather opportunists and thieves.
Excellent news. But in a bad way.

What's wrong with the fatwa? It's a mild and innocuous fatwa.

The analogy drawn in the article is also invalid because Italy itself, in its entirety, is not holy to any religion. The Arabian Peninsula is includes the two holiest sites of only one religion. Besides, the Grand Mufti or other similarly well informed, educated and knowledgeable people could elaborate on the religious reasons behind such ruling.

In any case, it is not out of hatred for Christians or Christianity but due to the strong Saudi stance against Shirk (loosely translated as "Polytheism", or more accurately, as the "act of associating partners with Allah (SWT), even though such definitions may need further elaboration). As many people may know, most Christians believe in Trinity nowadays, which is considered Shirk by most scholars.
Surrrrrrre it is not. Who do you think you are trying to fool here?
If this is mild wonder what would be severe ?

This man is asking for the demolition of places of religion and it is acceptable ?

Why dont we shut down electricity and phones too , they were invented by Christians.
Naaaah...The imams will strain Quranic interpretations to say that these things were predicted by the Quran, therefore they are muslims' inventions and can keep.
What was he thinking?!
Excellent news. But in a bad way.

Surrrrrrre it is not. Who do you think you are trying to fool here?

I do not understand the meaning of "Surrrrrrre". I need to fool nobody in this thread by stating simple facts. Saudi Arabia was willing to accept the building of churches on its territory only if the Pope accepted Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a prophet, I believe. Even though Muslims believe Jesus (PBUH) was a prophet, Christians do not reciprocate and instead believe in Trinity, which isconsidered Shirk, as explained earlier.

The strong Saudi stance, which is widespread amongst the clergy and not only the ruling regime, against Shirk is widely known amongst all Arabs or anybody who is well versed about the Middle East. That is in fact one of the main reasons the Saudi regime has been successfully able to rally a large number of Arabs against Iran (because the Iranian regime's official sect is accused of dabbling in Shirk as well, by most Saudi clerics and like minded Muftis).

Grand Mufti is not calling for demolition of churches worldwide, or in the entire Muslim world either. Where is the hatred for Christians?
I do not understand the meaning of "Surrrrrrre". I need to fool nobody in this thread by stating simple facts. Saudi Arabia was willing to accept the building of churches on its territory only if the Pope accepted Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a prophet, I believe. Even though Muslims believe Jesus (PBUH) was a prophet, Christians do not reciprocate and instead believe in Trinity, which isconsidered Shirk, as explained earlier.

The strong Saudi stance, which is widespread amongst the clergy and not only the ruling regime, against Shirk is widely known amongst all Arabs or anybody who is well versed about the Middle East. That is in fact one of the main reasons the Saudi regime has been successfully able to rally a large number of Arabs against Iran (because the Iranian regime's official sect is accused of dabbling in Shirk as well, by most Saudi clerics and like minded Muftis).

Grand Mufti is not calling for demolition of churches worldwide, or in the entire Muslim world either. Where is the hatred for Christians?

It stange how we needlessly complicate our lives.
What was he thinking?!

Did you read the article? As an Arab member who understands Arabic and is close to Saudi Arabia, you should have known better. He did not ask for demolition of churches in Turkey, let's say, but only the Arabian Peninsula. Do you support the presence of non Muslim western troops in Saudi Arabia or the Arabian peninsula? You should know why most Muslims do not support that.
The thread title is misleading. The grand mufti has expressed his scholarly opinion. It's not an official statement or policy by the Saudi government. Saudi Arabia does not have any churches any way. The Kuwaitis asked for the the grand muftis jurisprudence and he has delivered. Now it's up to the Kuwaitis to follow or ignore.
Did you read the article? As an Arab member who understands Arabic and is close to Saudi Arabia, you should have known better. He did not ask for demolition of churches in Turkey, let's say, but only the Arabian Peninsula. Do you support the presence of non Muslim western troops in Saudi Arabia or the Arabian peninsula? You should know why most Muslims do not support that.

Man... you live in non-Muslim country, where Mosques building are freely permitted. Why are they ok with building mosques and spreading Islam in their countries while we get furious from building churches? We always accuse the west of double standard policy, but in reality we are the ones who follow double standard logic, it's ok for me but never for you.:disagree:
A very stupid declaration for humiliating faith of Most popular religion on globe.

This is another Islam-Image-Destruction remark by Grand Mufti.

Its these people who send wrong image of religion to the globe & at end curse west & non-muslims for discrimination & anti-islamic agendas !!
Man... you live in non-Muslim country, where Mosques building are freely permitted. Why are they ok with building mosques and spreading Islam in their countries while we get furious from building churches? We always accuse the west of double standard policy, but in reality we are the ones who follow double standard logic, it's ok for me but never for you.:disagree:

1.What do you mean by "Man... you live in non-Muslim country"? I request you to get your facts right.
2. Churches are free to be built in most Muslim majority countries, I do not see any issues there.
3. If we speak about double standards of the West, then I do not know if I can finish this post by tonight because the list of their double standards is so long.
4. No one is prohibiting the building of churches in Turkey. Only Shirk ("polytheism", loosely speaking), should not be practised in the Arabian Peninsula, that is what the Grand Mufti says.
The thread title is misleading. The grand mufti has expressed his scholarly opinion. It's not an official statement or policy by the Saudi government. Saudi Arabia does not have any churches any way. The Kuwaitis asked for the the grand muftis jurisprudence and he has delivered. Now it's up to the Kuwaitis to follow or ignore.
Official governmental policy or not, look at what happened with the French and the headscarf issue. Have no doubt that this so called 'scholarly opinion' have been disseminated throughout Christendom's leaderships of all denominations. If a headdress is representative of religiously motivated modesty, then a house of worship is representative of the faith and of the faithful, no? An opinion such as this is equivalent to a declaration of war. So please do not tell me that there is no hatred for Christians and Christianity here.
The Lahore Resolution in 1940 promised rights to minority. Pakistan will never be able to follow the above said state of affairs, doing so will result in ideological suicide.

As as much proud I am in being Pakistani and as much i hate to admit it, but Pakistan is already on it's way to diminish the minorities. First Hindus, then Christians and now our own Muslim brothers (Ismailis and Shias).

In Pakistan there is this new trend to declare everyone non-Muslim who don't follow their 'true version of Islam'. And our Mullas follow Saudis, instead of din of Qoran.
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