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All Churches must be destroyed! - Saudi Arabia

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Even though I don't agree with him but every country has its own rules
when France banned neqab no one can tell them not to do so
and we are a country that applies a strict law and we believe our land is a holy land that would never share any peice of the land to other people
simple huh ?
i agree with you this is stupid to make your own brothers and sisters in your country your enemy and then they wonder why saudi shi3a for example hate saudi and support iran
a great example is the muslim christian relations in egypt we are as we have always been brothers in victory and defeat in good times and bad times one nation throughout our long history
What Christian brothers and sisters?
Your example is flawed, all Khaliji Shia have treason gene, it has nothing to do with their rights.

It will be good if instead of destroying churches we build mosque.

And it will be best if Saudis work to enhance the living standard of its people.

Arabs must stop the evil practice of not treating all Muslims equally.....they don't treat pakistani, bangladeshi, African, Malaysian Muslims very well.................. Self improvement is the message of Islam.
Even though I don't agree with him but every country has its own rules
when France banned neqab no one can tell them not to do so
and we are a country that applies a strict law and we believe our land is a holy land that would never share any peice of the land to other people
simple huh ?

even if Saudi Arabia may destroy its churches, it would hardly effect on the 'systematic removal' of Muslims from the Western nations as below. I think Arab countries would bargain with the Western nations that if they will stop discriminations with Muslims, their Churches may stand as it is in the Arab nations....

Muslims face "massive discrimination" when applying for jobs, according to the first scientifically validated study of anti-Muslim bias among employers in France.

Researchers now want to study whether there is a similar bias in Britain, where unemployment among Muslims is higher than in any other religious group.

what an idiotic thing to say........

"our side" cries foul when fascists talk about in ill fashion about our Mosques and when they make highly offensive remarks; but then reports like these also come out and collectively make Muslims look intolerant

this is not helpful or useful

and calling for destruction of other religious groups' temples or churches or synagogues, etc. -- is un-Islamic

mr. mufti should gain access to a copy of the Quran and read it and interpret it properly
This is old news..

Dear, I would respect a common pathetic Pakistani mullah over this guy whose called a grand mufti
This guy is complete douche bag
He is a robot controlled by the government .. he is the kind of mullah that would tell people to be modest, have Piety and be satisfied with your low income while he is enjoying the stolen money from the people to protect the corrupt government

but again, the article is talking about a church that is in Saudi Arabia and he is demanding it to be destroyed, I'm asking what churches ? I have never heard of or seen any church in Saudi Arabia !

if you are comparing SA with the west, then this is an unfair comparison
We have never claimed to be a secular state and we don't have any christian citizens

You have more then you realize they are just underground. Destroying the church buildings will not stop Christianity. Many have tried that approach through the centuries and Christianity ended up growing instead.
Already 4 threads were started on this subject when it first came out why the hell are you guys discussing it again??

This guy talks a lot but that's it nobody takes him seriously at all. Nobody at all. I am surprised that you guys do it is not like his words is law you know. He said women should not work and always remain in their homes one day later a rule was passed for women to work in retail that is only one ******* day later after his fatwa mind you.

Seriously you guys take what this guy seriously?? Not even we take him seriously. Get a hold on yourself.
what an idiotic thing to say........

"our side" cries foul when fascists talk about in ill fashion about our Mosques and when they make highly offensive remarks; but then reports like these also come out and collectively make Muslims look intolerant

this is not helpful or useful

and calling for destruction of other religious groups' temples or churches or synagogues, etc. -- is un-Islamic

mr. mufti should gain access to a copy of the Quran and read it and interpret it properly

Can't believe you said it but cheers for saying the right thing :tup:
You have more then you realize they are just underground. Destroying the church buildings will not stop Christianity. Many have tried that approach through the centuries and Christianity ended up growing instead.

Not really. Saudia has "foreign workers" who are Christians and not many citizens. Yes , few converts might be there under-ground but Saudis won't change their laws for these few people. Christianity only grew because it got 'lucky' and found 'the new world' to expand into. Had any Arab accidentally landed in Americas and had Arabs imperlized that continent , Christianity would be a much smaller religion as compared to today. No one needs to destroy churches to stop christianity. One must develop the logical skills of their masses though high-quality education...thats it.
Not really. Saudia has "foreign workers" who are Christians and not many citizens. Yes , few converts might be there under-ground but Saudis won't change their laws for these few people. Christianity only grew because it got 'lucky' and found 'the new world' to expand into. Had any Arab accidentally landed in Americas and had Arabs imperlized that continent , Christianity would be a much smaller religion as compared to today. No one needs to destroy churches to stop christianity. One must develop the logical skills of their masses though high-quality education...thats it.

Saudia has "foreign workers" who are Christians and not many citizens

What a digression and subterfuge my Islamic friend....
Similarly in USA, there are many Muslims from 58 countries of the OIC block who have just work permits and Green cards, but they are not a citizen, yet we see that there are mosques in the USA, not only that, few percent of the Muslim stock are demanding Sharia laws in the usa, and, muslims taxi drivers refuse to take passengers with duty free alcohol bags.....and if thats not enough, one muslim driver refused to accept a blind woman with guiding dog, saying its against islam to have dogs, because they are ******.....this is what hPpened when musharaff landed in saudi with his two dogs......the royals were pissed off.....so even faithful animals like dogs are anathema to islam...lol ...time for introspection...thTs why muslims are looked upon with contempt everywhere....

Rule of a thumb...if muslims demand mosque in a non muslims lands, why not same for non muslims to have thier own in Saudi...what is suace for the goose, should not be a sauch for the gender?
Why such hpocricy my dear?
Saudia has "foreign workers" who are Christians and not many citizens

What a digression and subterfuge my Islamic friend....
Similarly in USA, there are many Muslims from 58 countries of the OIC block who have just work permits and Green cards, but they are not a citizen, yet we see that there are mosques in the USA, not only that, few percent of the Muslim stock are demanding Sharia laws in the usa, and, muslims taxi drivers refuse to take passengers with duty free alcohol bags.....and if thats not enough, one muslim driver refused to accept a blind woman with guiding dog, saying its against islam to have dogs, because they are ******.....this is what hPpened when musharaff landed in saudi with his two dogs......the royals were pissed off.....so even faithful animals like dogs are anathema to islam...lol ...time for introspection...thTs why muslims are looked upon with contempt everywhere....

Rule of a thumb...if muslims demand church in a non muslims lands, why ot same for non muslims to have thier own in Saudi...what is suace for the goose, should not be a sauch for the gender?
Why such hpocricy my dear?

C'mon my Christian friend...(or Hindu or Atheist whatever) ... No one defending Saudi Arabia here. I was just explaining the law to him. ANYONE that is not a Saudi citizen (whether Muslim or hindu etc) can not build ANY property...yes..ANY property..and Churches come under same law. There are many under-ground churches and Saudis know about them and they allow them..but you can not "build" a property (church) in KSA , if you are a foreign worker.

By the way , come out of your amreeka for once...Muslims are looked with "contempt" everywhere? In what world? Western? :lol: 1/4th of the world is already "Muslim" and other 1/4ish is Muslim Ally (China) ..So this is almost your half of the world right there..Now South America probably don't even know about Islam or Muslims etc lol...and India itself has 180 million + Muslims...So honey , majority of the world does not look down upon Muslims BUT they look America and Americans with deep contempt...Just google ANY survey on the internet about the most 'hated' country...and tell me who's at top? :azn:

And posting isolated acts of stupidity from Muslims doesn't make your case any stronger. I can post many such stupidities from Jews, Hindus , Muslims , Chinese , Americans etc etc etc ...

Other than Saudi Arabia , Christians can build churches all over Islamic world...and yes , there is no hypocrisy dear. Hypocrisy is when you justify your dislike of some group , just because 0.01 % of that group does something stupid...

Take care.
Already 4 threads were started on this subject when it first came out why the hell are you guys discussing it again??

This guy talks a lot but that's it nobody takes him seriously at all. Nobody at all. I am surprised that you guys do it is not like his words is law you know. He said women should not work and always remain in their homes one day later a rule was passed for women to work in retail that is only one ******* day later after his fatwa mind you.

Seriously you guys take what this guy seriously?? Not even we take him seriously. Get a hold on yourself.

My buddy its Islam per se, which would have grand ramifications on his issue......iF you know how a mufti is made, he is no molivi he is mufti....

A mufti is a Sunni Islamic scholar who is an interpreter or expounder of Islamic law (Sharia and fiqh).In religious administrative terms, a mufti is roughly equivalent to a deacon to a Sunni population. A muftiat or diyanet is a council of muftis.


A Mufti will generally go through an Iftaa course and the person should fulfill the following conditions set by scholars in order that he may be able to issue verdicts (fataawa). They are eight:
Mastering the science of principles of jurisprudence,
Mastering the science of Hadith,
Mastering the science of Maqasid ash-Shari`ah (Objectives of Shari`ah),
Mastering legal maxims,
Mastering the science of comparative religions,
Mastering the foundations of social sciences,
Knowing Arabic, and
Having sufficient knowledge of social realities.....

Go n fool someone else please with yr diatribe....

Somebody give this guy a copy of The Holy Quran!

How was he qualified without knowing the quran anywy?
Do u know how a mufti is qualified?
i m all ears, talk to me...
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