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All Aboard ! Let's tour the JS Izumo , folks !

Subic is quite far away from US other base and too close to China.
It will be a ideal target without much usage.

And Taiwan? Are you kidding by sending US troops to an island that we can simply attack with rockets?
Now US has started to withdraw troops back to Guam.
Japan is also too close to China..

We say "oh well" just like Subic Bay and find another place for a base....like Taiwan.
Right. Most Chinese actually hold a positive view on Japan.
the violent voice is louder but does not stand for majority.
When China develop with better economy and military, people are more calm and less aggressive

As an academic with years in direct contact and collaborative research with fellow scholars in Tsinghua as well as in Sun Yat Sen University, I've had the chance to work with Chinese academics and developed personal relationships with them beyond just the research sphere. The warm feelings is shared on both sides.

In my entreaty with Chinese scholars in the scholarly field, I think we both agreed that there are radical elements on both sides; in Japan as well as China, however one should not be too quick to repudiate the radicals as outliers completely because I believe that we all share some (be it partial or almost whole) beliefs as these so called radicals.
The only thing Taiwan matters is what kind of payback US can get by giving up Taiwan.

Well, the latter might be a reality when Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen comes out victorious in the Taiwanese National Presidential Election in 2016. :)
The only thing Taiwan matters is what kind of payback US can get by giving up Taiwan.

Conservatively and speaking as one with experience in the military affairs in Northeast Asia , I do not think that the United States will let go of the Taiwan in short to medium term future. The former may have seemed possible even plausible in the early 2000s when the United States' seemed to be exiting Asia and was preoccupied with her wars in Iraq and in the greater Middle East Region. Be that as it may that is not the case now , not especially with the US' recent reorientation to Asia and with the recent defense articulation changes with Japan. I believe there will be an even greater American military presence in the Asia-Pacific Region and Taiwan shall play a vital and integral role in that praxis.

If no immediate incident in Taiwan, I would say the current situation will keep.
China will not attack first. Time is on our side.
But if Taiwan declare to be independent, China will surely re-unite it.
And the problem is whether Japan and US is willing to pay the cost to get involved.
US is risking on the military force on the pacific and Japan is risking the entire country

Conservatively and speaking as one with experience in the military affairs in Northeast Asia , I do not think that the United States will let go of the Taiwan in short to medium term future. The former may have seemed possible even plausible in the early 2000s when the United States' seemed to be exiting Asia and was preoccupied with her wars in Iraq and in the greater Middle East Region. Be that as it may that is not the case now , not especially with the US' recent reorientation to Asia and with the recent defense articulation changes with Japan. I believe there will be an even greater American military presence in the Asia-Pacific Region and Taiwan shall play a vital and integral role in that praxis.

If no immediate incident in Taiwan, I would say the current situation will keep.
China will not attack first. Time is on our side.
But if Taiwan declare to be independent, China will surely re-unite it.
And the problem is whether Japan and US is willing to pay the cost to get involved.
US is risking on the military force on the pacific and Japan is risking the entire country

We live in truly exciting times, my friend.
@Nihonjin1051 do you know the operating cost of the Izumo and Hyuga? or is that classified?

According to news source, it is costing France 1.1 million USD a month to keep the 2 homeless Mistrals in dock!
Great snaps @Nihonjin1051 All my best to the mighty Japanese Navy. Keep building and building!
Nice 1.keep it up.
China is scared of Japan? Maybe 20 years ago yes. But now not.
China can build its own military weapons while Japan has to import most of key systems for their ship/planes
When Japan build a ship, we generally build three.

Right now it is hard to say people like Japan. But we do not hate Japan.
Hate does not make any sense. It make more sense to develop the military and economy power.

lets meet at SCS.

China builds its own military weapons without depending on any country AT ALL while japan depends on foreign powers/countries for its military systems/equipments? Lmao:rofl:.

Do you know that china is the worlds 3rd largest importer/buyer of arms?? Japan isnt even in the top 10. :rofl:

We in europe also export /license build many military tech/equipment in China. Remember most of your helicopters are based on french designs, your naval and even tank engines on european engines, your fighter jets on russian engines etc. Im not even going to start talking about all the soviey/Russian reverse engineered weapons you have in your arsenal(more like over 60-70% of your aweapons systems are based on copying/reverse engineering soviet weapons/designs). Lol So much for self sufficiency.:sarcastic: Not that im nlaming china though , since i know every country has to start from somewhere and learn from more advanced countries to catch up faster, but im just against you trying to claim some sort of higher moral ground/military superiority over Japan . To be honest, China isnt there yet.

And yes china is still very much worried about a militarized Japan more than any other country(bar maybe south korea). You trying to say otherwise/deny that is,just like vietnamese saying they are not worried about Chinas military . Lool

China was world's No. 3 arms importer in 2014|WCT

EU states strike lucrative military contracts with China overriding embargo - report — RT News

Chinese Military's Secret to Success: European Engineering

European Companies Are Supplying China With Billions In Weapons And Military Technology - Business Insider
Learn from other`s advantage is not something shameful
If European design is better, why not take it?
We do not need to invent the wheels twice.
Once you get the technology and invest enough money, you upgrade them as you need.
Like most Chinese modern air fighter are Russia based plane, China upgraded electronics with base model from west.
They are pretty good and are made in China. That is enough.

Comparing with China, the Royal Navy is not in better position.
Japan is also similar, limited size and limited resource.
What`s more, you don`t have the resource that China can put in military.

Nice 1.keep it up.
China builds its own military weapons without depending on any country AT ALL while japan depends on foreign powers/countries for its military systems/equipments? Lmao:rofl:.

Do you know that china is the worlds 3rd largest importer/buyer of arms?? Japan isnt even in the top 10. :rofl:

We in europe also export /license build many military tech/equipment in China. Remember most of your helicopters are based on french designs, your naval and even tank engines on european engines, your fighter jets on russian engines etc. Im not even going to start talking about all the soviey/Russian reverse engineered weapons you have in your arsenal(more like over 60-70% of your aweapons systems are based on copying/reverse engineering soviet weapons/designs). Lol So much for self sufficiency.:sarcastic: Not that im nlaming china though , since i know every country has to start from somewhere and learn from more advanced countries to catch up faster, but im just against you trying to claim some sort of higher moral ground/military superiority over Japan . To be honest, China isnt there yet.

And yes china is still very much worried about a militarized Japan more than any other country(bar maybe south korea). You trying to say otherwise/deny that is,just like vietnamese saying they are not worried about Chinas military . Lool

China was world's No. 3 arms importer in 2014|WCT

EU states strike lucrative military contracts with China overriding embargo - report — RT News

Chinese Military's Secret to Success: European Engineering

European Companies Are Supplying China With Billions In Weapons And Military Technology - Business Insider
Subic is quite far away from US other base and too close to China.
It will be a ideal target without much usage.

And Taiwan? Are you kidding by sending US troops to an island that we can simply attack with rockets?
Now US has started to withdraw troops back to Guam.
Japan is also too close to China..

Well drones are the future. We can just reopen some of our old Taiwan bases (from wiki):

Well drones are the future. We can just reopen some of our old Taiwan bases (from wiki):

There is a strong culture of interoperability between the two, the Taiwanese Armed Forces and the United States Armed Forces.


US Marine F-18s Land at Taiwan Air Base, Beijing Protests | The Diplomat
There is a strong culture of interoperability between the two, the Taiwanese Armed Forces and the United States Armed Forces.


US Marine F-18s Land at Taiwan Air Base, Beijing Protests | The Diplomat

There was already a thread here on it and some Chinese members were so out of touch with reality they were wondering why Taiwan didn't shoot them down. :omghaha: (or chop the planes into pieces and put it on a transport plane)

Lets list some of their planes

Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 6.45.39 PM.png

Screen Shot 2015-07-27 at 6.47.04 PM.png

I think US military aircraft are very welcome in Taiwan.


Hey how's it going...just dropping by to say hi.
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There was already a thread here on it and some Chinese members were so out of touch with reality they were wondering why Taiwan didn't shoot them down. :omghaha:

Lets list some of their planes

View attachment 241382
View attachment 241383

I think US military aircraft are very welcome in Taiwan.

Well, luckily for us there are some pragmatic, realistic minds that are active. Btw, Taiwan recently acquired new defense units from the United States. :)

US Frigates Approved For Transfer – Finally


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