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All Aboard ! Let's tour the JS Izumo , folks !

Hmmm, tricky question, but i think i caught her in the process of transforming....



Izumo can into punch?! LOL ;)





Nippon still has the best shipbuilding tech/capabilities in Asia. Kudos @Nihonjin1051 , Your country excels in everything it does..:cheers:
Nippon still has the best shipbuilding tech/capabilities in Asia. Kudos @Nihonjin1051 , Your country excels in everything it does..:cheers:

Thank You Mike!! Japan merely follows naval excellence from the Royal Navy which really influenced the Imperial Navy / JMSDF. :)

Flawless. Give credit when due.:tup:
Hopefully when Japans fully lifts its self(and U.S/western) imposed ban on offensive weapons, it can build far Larger fixed wing aircraft carriers. I know Japans has the capabilities to do it, it just couldn't due to its constitution.

I look forward to seeing Japanese and British Carriers sailing side by side....like the good ol' days ;)
Till there is an introduction of F35-B the talk of aircraft carrier is all conjecture. Till now it is a platform for anti-submarine helicopters and to speculate further would be wrong.
Yes, it does prove that the next step is not only possible, but probable and this ship is testing the sanctions and the will of the Japanese people towards further military expansion.
You are right
I think Japan has no plan for F35B yet..
Also Izumo has no capacity for placing F35B.
Yet it shows further expansion of Japan navy..

Till there is an introduction of F35-B the talk of aircraft carrier is all conjecture. Till now it is a platform for anti-submarine helicopters and to speculate further would be wrong.
Yes, it does prove that the next step is not only possible, but probable and this ship is testing the sanctions and the will of the Japanese people towards further military expansion.
Japan is a country with very high GDP and a lot of people.
Even the population is declining, it has sufficient manpower to operate the modernized weapons which does not require many people.
Also Japanese does not support the expansion because they want Japan to stay neutral.
Yet there is also many people that want to change their country.
These people think Japan is a super economy power and also should have equivalent military and political power. .

Real question though, japan has a really large navy and with declining population couples with the younger generation prefering white collar work, how is japan maintaining its manpower in the navy? Plus, most japanese i have talked to does not really support the expansion of their navy.
Japan is a country with very high GDP and a lot of people.
Even the population is declining, it has sufficient manpower to operate the modernized weapons which does not require many people.
Also Japanese does not support the expansion because they want Japan to stay neutral.
Yet there is also many people that want to change their country.
These people think Japan is a super economy power and also should have equivalent military and political power. .

True, but dont you think those people are right to want their country to be a normal cuntry like every other country out there? I think Japan should be allowed to become a normal country like every other country out there and build the type of weapons they deem necessary for their own security. Be it full fledge aircraft carriers, ICBM etc. Japan has all the capabilities to do all these for a long time now, unlike other countries who may have the funds but not the capabilities/know how. Everything the Japanese do i miat say is top class and second to none(including the west). Other Asian countries should learn from Japan. Their Soryu submarine is another tastament to this. :cheers:

Thank You Mike!! Japan merely follows naval excellence from the Royal Navy which really influenced the Imperial Navy / JMSDF. :)

I look forward to seeing Japanese and British Carriers sailing side by side....like the good ol' days ;)

Our two queen elizabeth aircraft carriers will soon be commisioned (the first one next year and the other before 2020) with displacement of 65,500 to 70,600 tonnes. They will be bigger than any aircraft carriers outside the U.S.A. :enjoy: powered by our powerful top class 2 × Rolls-Royce Marine Trent MT30 36 MW (48,000 hp) gas turbine. By the way whivh engine does japans Izumo runs on? Could do with our world proven Rolls royce engines, afterall, only the U.S comes close to us in this field. :usflag:
Different countries have different answers.
It is US that does not want Japan to be a normal country.
US limit all attacking force for Japan and only leave defense force to Japan.
But as China is rising, US trend to loose limitation on Japan and give some attacking force back to Japan.

Korea will surely hate Japan to be a normal country.
Korea is smaller and weaker than Japan and has too much competition with Japan.

China orally says NO to Japan`s normalization. Yet China do nothing to stop Japan.
In fact China is wishing Japan to get more independent from US control.
Also China military power and economy is exceeding Japan, China does not feel threatened.

And your answer is typically someone who is far away from far east.
No matter how Japan becomes, it has very limited influence on you.

True, but dont you think those people are right to want their country to be a normal cuntry like every other country out there? I think Japan should be allowed to become a normal country like eveey other and build the type of weapons they deem necessary for their own security. be it full fledge aircraft carriers, ICBM etc. Japan has all the capabilities to do all these for a long time now, unlike other countries who may have the funds but not the capabilities/know how. Everything the Japanese do i miat say is top class and second to none(including the west). Other Asian countries should learn from Japan. Their Soryu submarine is another tastament to this. :cheers:
Different countries have different answers.
It is US that does not want Japan to be a normal country.
US limit all attacking force for Japan and only leave defense force to Japan.
But as China is rising, US trend to loose limitation on Japan and give some attacking force back to Japan.

Korea will surely hate Japan to be a normal country.
Korea is smaller and weaker than Japan and has too much competition with Japan.

China orally says NO to Japan`s normalization. Yet China do nothing to stop Japan.
In fact China is wishing Japan to get more independent from US control.
Also China military power and economy is exceeding Japan, China does not feel threatened.

And your answer is typically someone who is far away from far east.
No matter how Japan becomes, it has very limited influence on you.

NOOOOOOO, i disagree, China is still very much scared of an independent militarized Japan. Since Japan still has a technological edge over China overall, plus Japan has the financial and even industrial might to compete with China far more than any other asian country can. Reason your leaders/media are always worried/focused about Japan. They are right to be worried.

You say china doesnt do anything to stop Japan from being more independent/act like a normal country?? Lool Come on bro, what can China do? Lol China basically has no leverage over Japan(only the U.S does) not even big Russia does(since there is nothing at all that China or even Russia can provide Japan that Japan doesnt already have or even better.lol). China cant even reign on small poor backward Burma as of now and you think China can do anything about limiting asias most advanced industrial power Japan own internal policy of rearmament? Lol good luck with that. :lol: japan will rearm as much as it wants, when it wants. Taking into consideration ONLY U.S sensitivities/concerns, not china or any other country.:agree:

To take an examle of how China is worried about Japan, just look at this thread. NO CHINESE MEMBER LIKED THE OPs post about the IZUMO nor did any of them even remotely admire/give some credit for such a well built warship. This shows they are worried(or should i say bitter/insecure). As i said before you can be rivals, but that doesnt means you can give credit when due or sdmire something your rival did good. As for me i always give credit when due, whether its from Russia(which i dont fancy that much.lol), China. Iran, Turkey, U.S, India, France etc. No crime in that. :cheers::azn:
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