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Alert! UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco!

Good catch! :smokin:

let's see him trying to weasel out of this inconsistency!

On another note, guy is trolling, US infected with bad aliens (USA bad) while India hosts the capital of good aliens (good India).

I think the uneducated comfort their miserable existence with stories like this. If you made up aliens some patriotism wont stand out too much in the bigger picture lol.

my 2 cents...

I made a slight error. The F-22 was infact reported to be marble sized. Not golf ball.
@obambam is it night in china? Are you Drunk?.... Alcohol not good for health.... 2nd thing please read my previous post and this post at morning when u are not drunk.... Where i mentioned a toy F-22 taking on UFO? Please my friend dont be a fool.... Read my post again at morning. Am sure u will laugh at ur own post because i am laughing on it..... Read what i wrote.... i mentioned in america the pleiadians gets attacked by Tall greys technology (which is power lazor beams) near mountains.... (you are drunk my friend).... UFO are many types.... There are around 70 types of UFO. Stealth and NON-stealth.... NON stealth are used for communicating and meeting goverments of world.... They use NON stealth because to let them know they are coming.... They get caught on Radars.... i can give u around 1000s videos of military radar catching UFO on radar but i mentioned india so here is the pic when Pleiadians came to meet our pm in new delhi....
and now i will show u the spaceships (beamships) of Pleiadians.... These are NON STEALTH beamships they use to communicate and to patrol indian sky including world....
@Audio i dont know you are female or male but it seems u are more drunk than obambam.... You too havent read my post fully and making fun of me.... well am watching u since long.... if u dont believe in UFO, aliens than why waste ur time here friend? By the way havent i was on ur ignore list? Well if i am or was, i dont care.... u will be ignored by me from now.... Read my post when u are sober and dont make fool out of ur self....
@obambam is it night in china? Are you Drunk?.... Alcohol not good for health.... 2nd thing please read my previous post and this post at morning when u are not drunk.... Where i mentioned a toy F-22 taking on UFO? Please my friend dont be a fool.... Read my post again at morning. Am sure u will laugh at ur own post because i am laughing on it..... Read what i wrote.... i mentioned in america the pleiadians gets attacked by Tall greys technology (which is power lazor beams) near mountains.... (you are drunk my friend).... UFO are many types.... There are around 70 types of UFO. Stealth and NON-stealth.... NON stealth are used for communicating and meeting goverments of world.... They use NON stealth because to let them know they are coming.... They get caught on Radars.... i can give u around 1000s videos of military radar catching UFO on radar but i mentioned india so here is the pic when Pleiadians came to meet our pm in new delhi....
and now i will show u the spaceships (beamships) of Pleiadians.... These are NON STEALTH beamships they use to communicate and to patrol indian sky including world....

Are you calling me a drunken fool? That is it, I am angry now! I will spend the rest of
the evening emitting negative energy to the friendly grey aliens of the Himalayas. Don't blame me when they become full and come after you in New Delhi. Hope your country have enough Orgonite warheads ready for an invasion. The next thing India's radar pick up could be Mothership Satan and it will be as big as a beachball.
@obambam i didnt mean that.... u shouldnt emit negative energy.... By doing that u are helping negative aggressive aliens like perticular Grey catagory aliens and Reptilians.... i take my word back. i never wanted to use word 'fool'.... am here to guide people and i shouldnt insult them. i hope u forgave me....
on topic
the Reptilians made a best cigar shape drones.... This drones are nearly impossible to see at night and even at day it needs high resolution cam to catch it by slow motion.... This drones are all over world but Russia is the main country where this drones been seen most of time.... There size are small may be car size but alot slim and exact same like cuban cigar.... These drones are taking out most of russian planes in russia. Both jet fighters and civilian planes.... These drone was in indonesian mountain where recently russian latest new plane went down.... Many died if u remember.... The russian plane went too close to the reptilian base mountain.... These drones are built for two reasons.... One for keeping eye on humans and 2nd for causing heavy casulties where many human dies.... the reptilians got the technology to collect negative humans soul for energy when they die sudden death in plane crash or natural disasters.... I will give u all details how these cigar drones works but first check what these cigar shape drone did to su-27 in ukrain where over 85 died and over 100 injured when su-27 flying over people at airshop and Cigar drone jammed and stalled the su-27 totaly and it fall on people.... (very sad video. i have alot videos where cigar drone been caught on cam but i will put that up later)....
YouTube - Russian Jet Fighter crosses UFO before Crash
YouTube - Famous Russian military video - Cigar Shaped UFO - Vailixi - CNN Report
YouTube - UFO CHASED BY RUSSIAN MIG29 | Soviet Goverment Material
and here is the best evidence from the top pilots around world.... Please anyone who had doubt on UFO and aliens should watch this video and am sure u will know the truth.... These men are most trusted men and this video had emergency call recordings when these pilots flying plane and sees UFO from coakpit....
The Aggressive catagory Greys (not all greys as there are many types of Greys but one perticular Grey catagory) been testing its technology on humans and animals.... This technology been tested for something.... May be to end humans on Earth or to take over humans.... Most experiments by greys went wrong.... Recent one was from europe when a trucker got abducted for a experiment.... The technology this Aliens used had radiation in them.... It made the human brain to create a world which dont exist.... The trucker lost for two months (he didnt know because he didnt felt it was two months, he felt it was just a long day) and after two month he came back home and was shocked when his wife told him he was lost for two months.... He told her he got abducted by a UFO and the road seems to be empty all day and night never came as sun was up even at night.... Later he died.... His skin was peeling off and hair started to fall.... He died of radiation that aliens used on him....
if you all knows the famous real story of 9 hich hicker college students died in russia.... These students were died by internal organs explosion (car crash type) but they didnt had any external injury.... Their cloths were highly radio active and it seemed they tried to run by something.... However there was no foot mark of any other thing other than 9 of them (UFO beamed them in an experiment).... They all were full of life before their deaths.... Please check them smiling just few hours before their deaths.... (very sad)....
Mountain of the Dead: The Dyatlov Pass Incident | Mysterious Universe
and here is the trucker who lost for two months recently and died.... Aliens technology far superior and they building more technology to control humans.... This is the reason tall greys and humanoids are at war against this aggressive greys who want to take over earth....
Truck Drivers Go Missing For 2 Months, Radiation Poison, Russia | <i>Educating Humanity</i>
My friends what i will add now is very disturbing images.... Please u shouldnt view it if you are weak heart.... Am here to educate u all about good and bad aliens.... Here is a pic of beautiful ludilima dubinina who was 1 of 9 college students who got high pressure radiation beam attack by aliens....
and here is what happened after she got attacked.... 9 dead bodies were found.... Dubinina's death body was found near 1 of her friend's dead body.... Her tongue was ripped off from root, her chest was broken internaly (without external mark on chest) and her skull had fractured.... All 9 students seems to panic so much that they tore the tent from inside as if someone was inside.... This students didnt rip off tent or used the tent opening door which shows so much in panic they were.... They run without picking up even basic tools, food stock and most of them run in underwear as if they were about to take sleep but saw someone inside tent and by knife tore the tent and ran outside but all 9 of them were killed by high pressure nuclear beam....
and here is the total pictures of them with every each details what happened.... MUST VISIT (please)....
Dyatlov Pass Incident
@czar let me explain you what is annunaki and who created Jinn.... The Babylonian epics Marduk was son of ENKI.... Enki is a half reptilian and half humanoid who is half brother of the King of annunaki the ENLIL who ruled india and made indian Gods.... Let me explain you in simple english rather than Quotes.... ENLIL who ruled india was Pure. He the Real GOD while ENKI was dirty (chief engineer). Enki was dirty mind (ENKI loved humans while ENLIL never loved humans truely due to humans nature who are not trusted). When ENKI saw that ENLIL created Gods then ENKI decided to create negative energy known as JINN.... you are saying jinn is son of SATAN. You dont get it.... The ENKI's mother was queen of alpha draconian race. To alpha Draconian the Satan is LORD.... So to negative energies the SATAN is father. So to ENKI, marduk, jinn or any negative energy the Satan is Lord.... Do you know Lord shiva, Lord hanumaan etc etc are the most powerful Gods? Do you think jinn can even stand nano second front of them? No jinn cant. Hanumaan chalisa and the most powerful Mantra MAHA MRITYUNJAYA MANTRA is what makes Jinn dissapear.... You are talking about 4th dimension.... i think you not saw my posts in previous threads.... i gave a formula how to be in 4th dimension by Meditation.... Jinn is in 4th Dimension.... But Annunaki humanoids are between 4 and 5th dimension and Arcturians elohims are between 5th to 6th dimension.... We humans are stuck in 3rd dimension.... There are 10 dimension in our universe.... i gave total formula how to upgrade into 4th dimension in previous threads.... Annunaki race is about to return on Earth.... Lord shiva will open his 3rd eye and than you know what will happen.... Start reciting MAHA MRITYUNJAYA MANTRA which is power to defeat Death.... This Mantra was from Alien God Lord shiva who known as Universe....

The entity you are talking about are jinn there are different type of jinn some have ability to fly and fly very fast ,like the object we see in the sky triangle and sourcer .some have ability to change animal shape and can manupulate humanbeing .
by meditation you mean astra travel yeh we can go to 4th dimention but who ever does meditation without proper guidance gets hurt or become mad because their are entity with bad energy they hurt you.

in Kabalah magic their is 10 safra or step used by magician i never heard of 10 dimension.
Death is reality and its going to come on each and every life thing so there is no escape from death.
Shiva is a mythological character or if real may be very powerfull jinn with lots of power but still mortal why we ask protection from him rather then ask protection from almighty or a creator .

i am giving you lots of example from your religion books please spend time to read


The Upanishads are considered sacred scriptures by the Hindus.

The following verses from the Upanishads refer to the Concept of God:

1. "Ekam evadvitiyam"
"He is One only without a second."
[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]1

2. "Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah."
"Of Him there are neither parents nor lord."
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]2

3. "Na tasya pratima asti"
"There is no likeness of Him."
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]3

4. The following verses from the Upanishad allude to the inability of man to imagine God in a particular form:

"Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam."

"His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye."
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]4

1[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 447 and 448]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 1 ‘The Upanishads part I’ page 93]

2[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 745]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, ‘The Upanishads part II’ page 263.]

3[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 736 & 737]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, ‘The Upanishads part II’ page no 253]

4[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 737]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, ‘The Upanishads part II’ page no 253]

Vedas are considered the most sacred of all the Hindu scriptures. There are four principal Vedas: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda.

1. Yajurveda
The following verses from the Yajurveda echo a similar concept of God:

1. "na tasya pratima asti"
"There is no image of Him."
[Yajurveda 32:3]5

2. "shudhama poapvidham"
"He is bodyless and pure."
[Yajurveda 40:8]6

3. "Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste"
"They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements" (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). "They sink
deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti."
[Yajurveda 40:9]7

4. Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

The Yajurveda contains the following prayer:
"Lead us to the good path and remove the sin that makes us stray and wander."
[Yajurveda 40:16]8

5[Yajurveda by Devi Chand M.A. page 377]

6[Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T. H. Giffith page 538]

7[Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T. H. Giffith page 538]

8[Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T. H. Griffith page 541]

2. Atharvaveda

The Atharvaveda praises God in Book 20, hymn 58 and verse 3:
1. "Dev maha osi"
"God is verily great"
[Atharvaveda 20:58:3]9

3. Rigveda
1. The oldest of all the vedas is Rigveda. It is also the one considered most sacred by the Hindus.
The Rigveda states in Book 1, hymn 164 and verse 46: "Sages (learned Priests) call one God by many
[Rigveda 1:164:46]

2. The Rigveda gives several different attributes to Almighty God. Many of these are mentioned in
Rigveda Book 2 hymn 1.

Among the various attributes of God, one of the beautiful attributes mentioned in the Rigveda Book II hymn 1 verse 3, is Brahma. Brahma means ‘The Creator’. Translated into Arabic it means Khaaliq. Muslims can have no objection if Almighty God is referred to as Khaaliq or ‘Creator’ or Brahma. However if it is said that Brahma is Almighty God who has four heads with each head having a crown, Muslims take strong exception to it.

Describing Almighty God in anthropomorphic terms also goes against the following verse of Yajurveda:

"Na tasya Pratima asti"
"There is no image of Him."
[Yajurveda 32:3]

Another beautiful attribute of God mentioned in the Rigveda Book II hymn 1 verse 3 is Vishnu. Vishnu means ‘The Sustainer’. Translated into Arabic it means Rabb. Again, Muslims can have no objection if Almighty God is referred to as Rabb or 'Sustainer' or Vishnu. But the popular image of

9[Atharveda Samhita vol 2 William Dwight Whitney page 910]

Vishnu among Hindus, is that of a God who has four arms, with one of the right arms holding the Chakra, i.e. a discus and one of the left arms holding a ‘conch shell’, or riding a bird or reclining on a snake couch. Muslims can never accept any image of God. As mentioned earlier this also goes against Svetasvatara Upanishad Chapter 4 verse 19.

"Na tasya pratima asti"
"There is no likeness of Him"

The following verse from the Rigveda Book 8, hymn 1, verse 1 refer to the Unity and Glory of the Supreme Being:

3. "Ma cid anyad vi sansata sakhayo ma rishanyata"
"O friends, do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One. Praise Him alone."
[Rigveda 8:1:1]10

4. "Devasya samituk parishtutih"
"Verily, great is the glory of the Divine Creator."
[Rigveda 5:1:81]11

Brahma Sutra of Hinduism:

The Brahma Sutra of Hinduism is:

"Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan"

"There is only one God, not the second; not at all, not at all, not in the least bit."

Thus only a dispassionate study of the Hindu scriptures can help one understand the concept of God in Hinduism.

0[Rigveda Samhita vol. 9, pages 2810 and 2811 by Swami Satya Prakash Sarasvati and Satyakam Vidyalankar]

11[Rigveda Samhita vol. 6, pages 1802 and 1803 by Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati and Satyakam Vidyalankar]

as from the sun." The Prophecy confirms:

1. The name of the Prophet as Ahmed since Ahmed is an Arabic name. Many translators misunderstood it to be ‘Ahm at hi’ and translated the mantra as "I alone have acquired the real wisdom of my father".

2. Prophet was given eternal law, i.e. the Shariah.

3. The Rishi was enlightened by the Shariah of Prophet Muhammad. The Qur’an says in Surah Saba Chapter 34 verse 28 (34:28):

"We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not."
@czar i never heard that meditation can make people mad.... meditation is a secret of long life.... Meditation increases life by couple of decade.... Meditation are many types.... Law of attraction too is meditation of focusing on anything we want.... There is astral meditation which is totaly different from main meditation which is focusing.... In astral we think of traveling in space smiling and the space got beautiful colorful multi billion stars.... While main meditation is about focusing on object and not thinking anything like focusing on nose tip.... About jinn i already mentioned that jinns are created by annunakis and there r two types of jinns.... A good jinn and a bad jinn.... They are light speed and can travel place to place within a second.... And has technology to steal body and also to dissapear.... About Brahma i already mention.... Brahma is universe including one night of Brahma equals to many years.... i gave exact details in my previous posts....
@everyone later tonight i will tell u whats going on and what aliens got in mind against humans.... i will also give all details with total info.... i will tell u whats going on and what will happen.... Do keep an eye for latest updates....
Whole world going through hell as it already been predicted 5000years ago.... Just yesterday earthquake came in north east india while typhoon are in japan, philippines, usa while floods are everywhere including china, india, balochistan, uk, europe, philippines while earthquakes in middle east including war, indonesia while many old people suddenly dying by organ failures.... The big threat is to New delhi.... My prediction is that earthquake will come in new delhi and punjab as aliens busy hovering over it.... Let me tell u that every natural disaster happened on earth an group of UFO seen before it and after it.... The old people dying due to extremely low frequency (E.L.F) Technology used by aggressive aliens.... America stole this technology and working on it.... It is believed (info leaked by american soldiers who later been courtmarshal) that FEMA planning to use this technology on humans to reduce our population to 5 million and save planet earth as our population is out of control atm.... India will be main target as our population truely out of control.... E.L.F Technology can make human act like exactly the way america wants.... Humanoids, greys, reptilians use this technology since millions of years on humans.... This technology can take over humans or whole country same time.... Aliens right now using this technology on old people.... This technology has ability to even weaken immune system.... Here is what america stole from Tall greys....
Safety and Health Topics | Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Radiation
An Evaluation of the U.S. Navy's Extremely Low Frequency Submarine Communications Ecological Monitoring Program
American FEMA already buyed multi million plastic coffins for its citizens (in a bid to save planet earth by reducing population)....
aliens too are upto something huge.... They are more into creating natural disasters by the help of mother nature.... They want to protect earth.... By 2030 there wont be enough oxygen to breath.... Before that situation comes aliens want to reduce world population and America already got warnings by aliens to take action by reducing population of planet Earth....
YouTube - Aliens Killing Human Beings - A Very Rare, Yet Documented Case
YouTube - Watch this and you will know we&#39;re in END TIMES!
YouTube - US Soldier speaks out on hidden truth of 2012 We are in the end times! America is doomed
Americans may have ELF technology but Indians have higher technology of meditation. if Americans try to reduce India's population, positive energy emitted by baba Ramdev alone will be enough to jam ELF emitters in American submarines. only problem is that sonia Gandhi and manmohan singh seem to be completely controlled by Americans using E.L.F.
@dushmann its true that meditation and mantra has more power than E.L.F Technology.... If you remember what atlantis empire did to win wars around world.... He choosed handful of saints who were powerful saints and used powerful mantras to weaken weapons of enemy.... Mantras are sheild.... Like MAHA MRITYUNJAYA MANTRA creates a sheild around human who chants it and than no disease and tragedy can penetrate that sheild.... However its not America who took over indian congress goverment.... America didnt masterd the technology to do that.... Its the tall greys who did it.... While humanoids and reptilians too does it.... Peaceful cities in india are controled by Humanoids (pleiadians) and the hot temper cities controled by aggressive aliens.... Gujarat was controled by aggressive aliens frequency and we saw huge earthquake in 2001 and in 2002 we saw riots in gujarat.... However pleiadian took over krishna's city and made it peaceful and prosper.... Mark my word that new delhi will get huge earthquake anytime.... Be it tomarrow or in 2 to 3 years.... The activity of aggressive greys have increased in new delhi.... People in new delhi the most hot temper people. Drive car and even tiny mistake u do driving u might get shot by another driver.... Rape has increased in new delhi.... Kids are more tortured in new delhi than any other city and country.... The mountain plates below new delhi is a ticking bomb.... Aggressive aliens working below to jolt it. Even a tiny (around 8 magnitude) jolt will destroy new delhi's old buildings including fake materials latest buildings and than u know what will happen....
btw your user name not positive.... Its dushmann.... Thats enemy.... Our names do effect our life.... Change it to positive user name....
btw your user name not positive.... Its dushmann.... Thats enemy.... Our names do effect our life.... Change it to positive user name....

Thanks for pointing it out but I hope extra 'n' in my username will help. I am no expert, but you see 'n' is root letter for negative sounding words in Indo-European languages like no, nahi, &#2344; , negative etc which are derived from most ancient language that is also the language of manrtas. So i am hoping 'Dushman'+n will make it positive because two negatives cancels each other and make it positive is the law of universe.
@dushmann you may be right but i dont think adding one more same word would make any difference.... When we pronounce the word dushmann than its still sounds same like dushman.... Its true that negative and negative turns positive.... But its also true that 1 sugar is sweet and 2 sugar sweeter.... 1 pill is bitter and 2 pills even more bitter.... So its better to use positive name rather than taking risk....
@everyone there is one very disturbing news thats making me worried.... I dont want to panic anyone but this is what i think and so do few scientists around world.... i will later tell u all what bothering me including the evidence of it.... Please do keep an eye.... The info i have makes even more sence but its disturbing news and makes me worried what if what i am and scientists around world thinks comes true.... i wish it wont but the evidence is shocking.... Later i tell everything in details....
Recently NASA have spotted atleast 6 huge cigar shape motherships near saturns ring.... Smallest one was about 200km in length, mid size was 4500km long and the biggest cigar mothership was 12,000km long near saturns ring.... Many scientists predicted that this mothership planning an invasion of planet Earth on right time.... They predicted that this cigar motherships might launch spaceships (parked inside mothership in huge number) and that spaceships will enter planet earth.... When the info got leaked that tall greys making base around world than scientist said that its because to fight aggresive greys and its army who going to enter earth.... But many scientists believes that tall greys created aggresive greys in a bid to fool Humans.... And tall greys creating bases around world (on mountains, volcanos, under sea bases) to welcome the tall greys that are parked near saturn ring.... The huge motherships than been seen over planet sun refueling through sun ray energy.... NASA than caught a stunning pic of the cigar shape mothership launching huge saucer type spaceships (about 200km long spheres shape) and they launched a cigar shape spaceships in huge number about a jetfighter size.... The huge 12,000km long cigar shape mothership docked near saturn and sun while it launches 200km wide long saucer spaceships who enters earth and dive in sea and launched cigar shape spaceships in huge number.... Recently around world this been seen.... Specially over china (china sea is main base of this aliens).... Invasion already started.... They just waiting for right time.... Check here full details of cigar shape mother ships upto 12,000km wide, saucer spaceships about 200km wide which are parked inside 12,000km wide motherships....
also check here how this saucer ships entering inside earth and dives in sea towards bases that tall greys created....
UFO in China Closes Airport and Prompts Investigation - ABC News
UFO & Paranormal News
UFO & Paranormal News
UFO Spotted Over China . . . This Time, It's Aliens | The Stir
i am giving you lots of example from your religion books please spend time to read


The Upanishads are considered sacred scriptures by the Hindus.

The following verses from the Upanishads refer to the Concept of God:

1. "Ekam evadvitiyam"
"He is One only without a second."
[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]1

2. "Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah."
"Of Him there are neither parents nor lord."
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]2

3. "Na tasya pratima asti"
"There is no likeness of Him."
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]3

4. The following verses from the Upanishad allude to the inability of man to imagine God in a particular form:

"Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam."

"His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye."
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]4

1[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 447 and 448]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 1 &#8216;The Upanishads part I&#8217; page 93]

2[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 745]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, &#8216;The Upanishads part II&#8217; page 263.]

3[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 736 & 737]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, &#8216;The Upanishads part II&#8217; page no 253]

4[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 737]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, &#8216;The Upanishads part II&#8217; page no 253]

Vedas are considered the most sacred of all the Hindu scriptures. There are four principal Vedas: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda.

1. Yajurveda
The following verses from the Yajurveda echo a similar concept of God:

1. "na tasya pratima asti"
"There is no image of Him."
[Yajurveda 32:3]5

2. "shudhama poapvidham"
"He is bodyless and pure."
[Yajurveda 40:8]6

3. "Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste"
"They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements" (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). "They sink
deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti."
[Yajurveda 40:9]7

4. Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

The Yajurveda contains the following prayer:
"Lead us to the good path and remove the sin that makes us stray and wander."
[Yajurveda 40:16]8

5[Yajurveda by Devi Chand M.A. page 377]

6[Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T. H. Giffith page 538]

7[Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T. H. Giffith page 538]

8[Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T. H. Griffith page 541]

2. Atharvaveda

The Atharvaveda praises God in Book 20, hymn 58 and verse 3:
1. "Dev maha osi"
"God is verily great"
[Atharvaveda 20:58:3]9

3. Rigveda
1. The oldest of all the vedas is Rigveda. It is also the one considered most sacred by the Hindus.
The Rigveda states in Book 1, hymn 164 and verse 46: "Sages (learned Priests) call one God by many
[Rigveda 1:164:46]

2. The Rigveda gives several different attributes to Almighty God. Many of these are mentioned in
Rigveda Book 2 hymn 1.

Among the various attributes of God, one of the beautiful attributes mentioned in the Rigveda Book II hymn 1 verse 3, is Brahma. Brahma means &#8216;The Creator&#8217;. Translated into Arabic it means Khaaliq. Muslims can have no objection if Almighty God is referred to as Khaaliq or &#8216;Creator&#8217; or Brahma. However if it is said that Brahma is Almighty God who has four heads with each head having a crown, Muslims take strong exception to it.

Describing Almighty God in anthropomorphic terms also goes against the following verse of Yajurveda:

"Na tasya Pratima asti"
"There is no image of Him."
[Yajurveda 32:3]

Another beautiful attribute of God mentioned in the Rigveda Book II hymn 1 verse 3 is Vishnu. Vishnu means &#8216;The Sustainer&#8217;. Translated into Arabic it means Rabb. Again, Muslims can have no objection if Almighty God is referred to as Rabb or 'Sustainer' or Vishnu. But the popular image of

9[Atharveda Samhita vol 2 William Dwight Whitney page 910]

Vishnu among Hindus, is that of a God who has four arms, with one of the right arms holding the Chakra, i.e. a discus and one of the left arms holding a &#8216;conch shell&#8217;, or riding a bird or reclining on a snake couch. Muslims can never accept any image of God. As mentioned earlier this also goes against Svetasvatara Upanishad Chapter 4 verse 19.

"Na tasya pratima asti"
"There is no likeness of Him"

The following verse from the Rigveda Book 8, hymn 1, verse 1 refer to the Unity and Glory of the Supreme Being:

3. "Ma cid anyad vi sansata sakhayo ma rishanyata"
"O friends, do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One. Praise Him alone."
[Rigveda 8:1:1]10

4. "Devasya samituk parishtutih"
"Verily, great is the glory of the Divine Creator."
[Rigveda 5:1:81]11

Brahma Sutra of Hinduism:

The Brahma Sutra of Hinduism is:

"Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan"

"There is only one God, not the second; not at all, not at all, not in the least bit."

Thus only a dispassionate study of the Hindu scriptures can help one understand the concept of God in Hinduism.

0[Rigveda Samhita vol. 9, pages 2810 and 2811 by Swami Satya Prakash Sarasvati and Satyakam Vidyalankar]

11[Rigveda Samhita vol. 6, pages 1802 and 1803 by Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati and Satyakam Vidyalankar]

as from the sun." The Prophecy confirms:

1. The name of the Prophet as Ahmed since Ahmed is an Arabic name. Many translators misunderstood it to be &#8216;Ahm at hi&#8217; and translated the mantra as "I alone have acquired the real wisdom of my father".

2. Prophet was given eternal law, i.e. the Shariah.

3. The Rishi was enlightened by the Shariah of Prophet Muhammad. The Qur&#8217;an says in Surah Saba Chapter 34 verse 28 (34:28):

"We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not."

Unadulterated bullcrap from the charlatan, fraud Zakir Naik.

Dont peddle that BS here.
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