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Al Qaeda executes 3 men for not knowing prayers

R u a muslim ? , don't say shia bc they r not muslims, those nusayria were killed bc we r at war with kuffars, in a state of war we apply the verse 190 in sourat al Baqara :"And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers."
if u think that is radical view , these r the ulama declaring jihad in Syria :

No according to your version ... im a Kafir... also why are shia kafirs allowed in Mecca if they are kaffir?

As for taking verses out of context....nobody can beat you terrorists................ Also tht verse say" fight those "who fight you" and drive you out of your houses and do not "transgress".....As Allah does not like "transgressers"... for Allah is most merciful and beneficent .......... and cease when if they desist"..........

Where does the verse says "kill innocent"...?
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Wow, Congratulations muslims, we have successfully become christians. We listen to our scholars like GOD has given them authority on anything. Instead of reading the beautiful Quran we listen to man made hadiths and do whatever the scholar say even though GOD has given them no authority. No wonder the muslim world is in such a mess. First I used to get angry on why our countries were so weak. But how can we expect GOD to help us when we don't even follow his words. When we followed the Quran alone we defeated 2 super powers. Now we can't even defeat a tiny country like israel.

they day you become like christians.. you will see end to bloodshed among you..
they are under control.. and ordinary christians are not like them.. christians do not have brotherhood thingy but they stick together anyway and help each other.

And ordinary muslims are all terrorists? if so with almost 2 billion terrorists... earth would have been a living hell..
And ordinary muslims are all terrorists? if so with almost 2 billion terrorists... earth would have been a living hell..
dont put words into my mouth... one must be complete blind to say... oh muslims have become like christians.. especially if he has lived in west. Hope he is not talking about spanish inqusition.
they are under control.. and ordinary christians are not like them.. christians do not have brotherhood thingy but they stick together anyway and help each other.

So are you implying ordinary muslims are like these terrorists thugs. The day we give up hadiths is the day we will prosper. There is no way you could justify killing like they did in this video from the Quran.
Fun Fact of the day- Hadiths came into existance 300 years after the quran, They contradict the quran, And you can make one up and pass it off like it was made centuries ago. Trust me i did it once.
dont put words into my mouth... one must be complete blind to say... oh muslims have become like christians.. especially if he has lived in west. Hope he is not talking about spanish inqusition.

If you mean like "dnt care abt religion at all etc" ... than no thanks..
R u a muslim ? , don't say shia bc they r not muslims, those nusayria were killed bc we r at war with kuffars, in a state of war we apply the verse 190 in sourat al Baqara :"And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers."
if u think that is radical view , these r the ulama declaring jihad in Syria :

Fighting 'kuffar' while enjoying the 'kuffar's technology' in Germany, heart of 'kaffirs land'?

These so called 'ulamas' are making people suffer with their stupid fatwas, and they will pay for it in hell, for sure.
Mindsets like this has destroyed image of Islam in the whole world, extremists who believe all Jews, Christians, Shias, Hindus and others should be executed in their 'unholy war'.

Why don't you travel to ME to execute some kuffars? Or your job is just promoting hate on internet?
So are you implying ordinary muslims are like these terrorists thugs. The day we give up hadiths is the day we will prosper. There is no way you could justify killing like they did in this video from the Quran.
Fun Fact of the day- Hadiths came into existance 300 years after the quran, They contradict the quran, And you can make one up and pass it off like it was made centuries ago. Trust me i did it once.
look.. nobody is interested in technical details.. do I bother what is written in bible if christians start killing me .. no I wont..

secondly I did not imply ordinary muslims are terrorists... but I would love if all muslims be more christian like. You can have your own conclusion.
If you mean like "dnt care abt religion at all etc" ... than no thanks..

well.. if it requires muslims to care less about religion ..to behave and remain civil.. then why not... if it can be done while still remaining religious then do it..
bottomline.. you cant be serious in suggesting muslim societies of today are better than christian ones.. even a blind islamis will agree with me.
Or as muslims here say.. 'gosh!! british are more muslims than us' (in my language that will mean gosh.. british are better human being than us')
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