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Al-Faisal to the US : Veto a State, Lose an Ally.

which article in presstv?
anyway presstv is international propaganda newspaper from Iran . i didn't trust and read anything now in this bad newspaper. it is not independant at all.
but i am waiting for the article...


saudi, @PressTVGlobalNews - YouTube

EVRYDAY there is some crab released by them against Saudi Arabia and it has been that way for years.
That was just their youtube channel.

Feast your eyes on the lies and propaganda and slander and whatever name you want to call it and look at this "JOKE" http://www.presstv.ir/detail/197005.html

Oh oh look at the comments on this article please and see the type of thought Iran is spreading sometimes i wish my country would do something to counter it but I don't want them to stoop that low.
This is what the US has in store for the Saudis:

From Obama to Palestians: No you can’t

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
ISTANBUL - Anatolia News Agency

US President Barack Obama said on Monday that a Palestinian bid for recognition next week at the United Nations was a “distraction” and would not result in viable statehood. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton also urged a return to Israeli-Palestinian negotiations instead of a statehood bid.

In a roundtable with Hispanic journalists, Obama also said that Israel would “hurt itself” if it retaliated to any such action by withdrawing resources that in any way harmed Palestinian self-policing efforts. The U.S. has already threatened to veto any bid for full recognition by the Palestinians in the UN Security Council, a step that is expected at the UN General Assembly next week in New York. Obama said the Palestinian tactics were “a distraction” and did not solve the problem of statehood.

“This issue is only going to be resolved by Israelis and Palestinians agreeing on something,” he said. “What happens in New York City can occupy a lot of press attention but is not going to change actually what is happening on the ground until the Israelis and Palestinians sit down,” Obama said. The president said that he believed the most likely scenario was for the Palestinians to seek to upgrade their representation from current observer status to non-member state in the U.N. General Assembly. “We are only one vote in the General Assembly. Clearly there are a lot of countries ready to go with the Palestinians -- depending on the resolution,” he said. “That’s very different than going to the Security Council and it’s true that I have said very publicly that if this were to come to the Security Council we would object very strongly.” Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas is expected to submit a formal request for the United Nations to accept Palestine as its 194th member when the General Assembly opens on September 20.

‘EU clearly in favor of negotiatiations’

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Monday urged a return to Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, according to a statement, as Palestinians pressed ahead with an initiative to win recognition of statehood from the U. N. Ashton discussed the issue with Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Amr and said European countries have differing views on the Palestinian U.N. initiative, according to Egyptian government spokesman Amr Rushdi. Ashton said the EU has not formulated a position because there is no Palestinian resolution on the table, the statement said, She added, “What we’re very clear about from the EU is that the way forward is negotiations.” Rushdi said Amr told Ashton that Arabs support the Palestinian drive because negotiations have not resulted in peace. The EU chief is in Cairo meeting with Arab foreign ministers and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ahead of the Arab League meeting. She is expected to urge Abbas to relaunch negotiations with Israel.

Without a Security Council recommendation to the General Assembly, Palestinians cannot be admitted as a member state in the U.N. Palestinians, who hold observer status at the UN, may opt instead to submit a statehood recognition request to the U.N. General Assembly a largely symbolic move.

Compiled from AFP, AP and Reuters by the Daily News staff.
I don't like Bandar bin Sultan in fact I hate the guy but if anyone can get a job done its him. The current Saudi King is NOT in US pocket.

Bandar can do only things that goes against Saudi and Arab interest. If you have example of otherwise do share. His mother — Khizaran — was an illiterate sixteen-year-old servant from Libya for his father. Bandar, an only child, has said she was Sultan's "concubine". (Source wikipedia). Now you know as Secretary-General of the National Security Council what Bandar has accomplished by bank rolling millions and fight for NATO's looting of Libyan wealth.

As far as current Saudi king, his action speaks louder on which pocket he is in. This king awarded US $60 billion arms contract to US, for what?

He has aligned with US plot to divide Arab and Muslims, why? Could you tell us which pocket current Saudi king is in? Most of these Saudi realignment with US plot in middle east happened as soon Bandar landed in Saudi Arabia and taken helm of Saudi National Security Council.
Alarmed US sends top official to Jeddah

Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:29PM GMT

A top US official has expressed Washington’s firm support to the Persian Gulf states during a visit to Saudi Arabia amid the major political changes taking place in the region.

US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns on Wednesday affirmed his country's "firm and enduring commitment to [Persian] Gulf security" in Jeddah during his meeting with King Abdullah, AFP quoted the US consulate as saying.

Burns's two-day trip has come after a former Saudi spy chief warned the US it ran the risk of "risk losing the little credibility it has in the Arab world" if it opposed the Palestinians' statehood bid.

The Palestinians are preparing to submit a formal request to become the 194th member of the United Nations, despite US and Israeli opposition, when the General Assembly begins its meetings on September 20.

Prince Turki al-Faisal, former chief of Saudi intelligence services and ex-Saudi ambassador to Washington, wrote in an opinion piece in Monday's The New York Times, "With most of the Arab world in upheaval, the 'special relationship' between Saudi Arabia and the United States would increasingly be seen as toxic by the vast majority of Arabs and Muslims, who demand justice for the Palestinian people".

If Washington imposes its veto at the UN Security Council then "Saudi Arabia would no longer be able to cooperate with America in the same way it historically has," Prince Faisal wrote.

Burns "discussed the United States' and Saudi Arabia's shared interest in ensuring security and stability across the Middle East," statement added.

During his visit to the kingdom, Burns "exchanged views (with Saudi leaders) on a range of issues, including peaceful transfer of power in Yemen, the need for political and economic support for the transitions underway in Egypt and Libya," said the statement.

PressTV - Alarmed US sends top official to Jeddah
Hahaha America runs. :lol:

I doubt that the US is going to be deterred by the Saudis. The Saudi ruling dynasty is known for its spineless nature. They are very resolute against the Iranians but totally impotent against the US or israel. This is going to be exposed one more time.
Jews are Abrahamic and so are Muslims - both Arabs and Jews are Semitic people - their languages are related, Aramaic is the language of Christ and Arabic and Hebrew are both it's descendants.

In the long run, a unified state with one man, one vote - will be the end result of this historical dispute.

If only cooler heads would prevail. The Isrealis are not fond of this solution though...they would be a minority again and they have bad memories of that.

---------- Post added at 11:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 PM ----------

Hahaha America runs. :lol:

Of course, we don't need Arab tanks patroling D.C.!

saudi, @PressTVGlobalNews - YouTube

EVRYDAY there is some crab released by them against Saudi Arabia and it has been that way for years.
That was just their youtube channel.

Feast your eyes on the lies and propaganda and slander and whatever name you want to call it and look at this "JOKE" PressTV - Princess accuses Riyadh of corruption

Oh oh look at the comments on this article please and see the type of thought Iran is spreading sometimes i wish my country would do something to counter it but I don't want them to stoop that low.
ah about this
i have read the same in the newspapers here dear mosamania
and you already know that people here (i mean west) having the same bad opinion about your country
you said yourself in a post before
As far as current Saudi king, his action speaks louder on which pocket he is in. This king awarded US $60 billion arms contract to US, for what?.

This deal is not finalized yet this deal is waiting for the US response in 5 days. On the other hand we have deal also with France (Palestine Bid supportive) China (Palestine Bid supportive) and Russia (Palestine Bid supportive). Which are also on hold waiting for "Their response" and the US's response.

---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------

ah about this
i have read the same in the newspapers here dear mosamania
and you already know that people here (i mean west) having the same bad opinion about your country
you said yourself in a post before

The west is also spreading lies about my country. One of the things both the west and Iran agree on is to give a bad Image of KSA.
This deal is not finalized yet this deal is waiting for the US response in 5 days. On the other hand we have deal also with France (Palestine Bid supportive) China (Palestine Bid supportive) and Russia (Palestine Bid supportive). Which are also on hold waiting for "Their response" and the US's response.

---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------

The west is also spreading lies about my country. One of the things both the west and Iran agree on is to give a bad Image of KSA.
If Saudi Government show guts it can do a lot of things and can put really great pressure on America

I doubt that the US is going to be deterred by the Saudis. The Saudi ruling dynasty is known for its spineless nature. They are very resolute against the Iranians but totally impotent against the US or israel. This is going to be exposed one more time.

I think it's not about being spineless, it's rather that these three share a basic outlook on the world and in particular about Muslims - the three are pas in a pod if you will - The Sodie Brinces depend on Israel and the US to keep them on their throne, in return the Brinces ensure that Israel will have a partner in the so called Arab world, and the US and the West will have oil supplies at prices they can live with - it's win win - and none of this would be bad were it not for the fact that the three have made sure that they will be perceived as enemies of Muslims.
I think it's not about being spineless, it's rather that these three share a basic outlook on the world and in particular about Muslims - the three are pas in a pod if you will - The Sodie Brinces depend on Israel and the US to keep them on their throne, in return the Brinces ensure that Israel will have a partner in the so called Arab world, and the US and the West will have oil supplies at prices they can live with - it's win win - and none of this would be bad were it not for the fact that the three have made sure that they will be perceived as enemies of Muslims.

Excellant analysis. The saudi fat Fxxas parading as the royal family are the ones that are selling us all out. We dont expect anything from israel or america but saudies the supposed guardian of our holy sites?
The west is also spreading lies about my country. One of the things both the west and Iran agree on is to give a bad Image of KSA.
My friend i never wanted to say bad points about your country.
But look: the fact is that the all world (almost except a very few countries) have a very bad picture of your country
they have the same bad opinion about Iran
That doesn't mean they dont do business with you or with us
This bad picture is partly the result of our bad policies and especially our bad perception of Islam. World wants religion to be tolerant. This is us to change our countries , to make it better . then the picture will be better.

It is not only for our country but this is also for the truth of Islam.
Using barbarian methods to kill people will never be something people all over the world can see as positive... for exemple.
Both our ocuntries use barbarian methods to punish or execute homosexuals, adultry and so
HAHAHAHA lol...the usa will say we loose you then you loose the 90 billion weapon deal lol. saudi arabia is a zionist/usa ally, they lick their a$$
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