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Aksai Chin not disputed: China hardens position for showdown

Sorry we were not so humiliated like the Chinese were humiliated by the Japanese... You people are not ever able to save your women.. Speaking about Indian humiliation... What a joke!
the difference is we fought them for 8 years and they lost, but indians .lol..happily to be ruled by so many and for too long
Dear indian friends don't get trapped in Kashmir issue and revenge of 1962, i don't want you people to get pink slips...leave them on their own...typing words won't let them have Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh....:D :D :D
Dear o dear....you are a senior member and you come to this level...posting pics on tempted by few indians and going completely off-topic....hope you don't get pink slip :D


It seems you going to turn pink soon as i saw your multiple post offtopic in this thread whereas i posted the picture of indian occupied Kashmir where people are hosting Pakistani flag & burning indian flag & this picture was demanded by one indian member here who said indian flag fly high in Kashmir, he seriously need immediate medical treatment.
indeed you indians need that revenge badly, as you people have been living with that humiliation for too long, so after that 1962 revenge is done then you can get back on Brits for the even bigger humiliation, then the muslims, then the mongols, later on the greeks and the list goes on and on, sorry mate too many has humiliated you people for too long

Humiliation is the word made after Chinaman got Tooled by the Mongols. :lol:

Battle of the Badger Mouth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mongols: 100,000 Chinese: 500,000

Chinese Causalities: 500,000

Now China has greatly hardened its position on the border dispute. There is no longer a Western sector dispute. Aksai Chin belongs to China. Everything else belongs to Pakistan. Only then Eastern sector is disputed with india, and we are demanding our share of Southern Tibet.

The Hindu : News / International : Month after border talks, Chinese paper says Aksai Chin is a closed chapter

Indian political system behind border impasse: China

Great, then don;t bother coming to any border talks by stopping the whole charade.....If you can agree with Burma on the Mcmahon line then you Chinese are full of ****. Also, an Indian paper has announced there is no dispute in the Northeast or any borde areas with China or Pakistan...
does it matter???manage your own country...its getting out of hands
Yes it matters , it proves that even after 60 years of illegal occupation ... Kashmiris still hate you and burn your flags ... You cant control even a valley with 5 million troops ... Shameful isn't it ? ... And whats with the obsession with my country ? :azn:
So why China claim this "garbage" as disputed territory. :what:
The only reason is there is an alien base in that garbage and we steal their technology and doing reverse engineering.
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