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Aksai Chin not disputed: China hardens position for showdown

today more than 40 killed in bomb blast in your country;)
and no doubt baluchistan is going well;)
and you simply dont know about 5 million troops...

Yes , its going well ... What about the situation in Red Corridor ? :lol: ... Do you want stats of attacks carried by Naxalites ? :azn:
Are you afghani?
Is abdali was a Afghani ?Well I'm not afghani but Mughal's Blood is circulating in my nerve's , May be you are Marathi one? Just Check out about kashmir and wat its muslim majority wanted.
Really ? Situation is better there despite daily protests/demonstrations/massacres :azn: ? 5 million troops for a handful of freedom fighters crossing LOC ... Simply WOW !

So you expect us to ask Pakistan 'How many terrorists you are planning to send to Kashmir this month?' and then allocate the same number of troops? It is our land... We can station 50 million too... Its out choice.

I don't see daily protest in Kashmir.. If that is the case why Kashmir recorded 75% polling in the last 2009 elections? Keep your conspiracy theory to yourself.
@on the topic

I think all sane people should be reasonable. India will never get Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Axchai China, China will never get Arunachal Pradesh, And Pakistan will never get Kashmir. We will waste our time and energy by discussing these topics.No need to start dick measuring contest over these issues
So you expect us to ask Pakistan 'How many terrorists you are planning to send to Kashmir this month?' and then allocate the same number of troops? It is our land... We can station 50 million too... Its out choice.

I don't see daily protest in Kashmir.. If that is the case why Kashmir recorded 75% polling in the last 2009 elections? Keep your conspiracy theory to yourself.
No , its not anybody land at the moment ... It is a disputed territory ... Conspiracy theory ? :azn: ... KMS thinks otherwise ... They have daily reports from Kashmiris protesting in the valley ... Your Govt can even claim 100 % turnout ... Who' stopping them to twist facts ?
So you expect us to ask Pakistan 'How many terrorists you are planning to send to Kashmir this month?' and then allocate the same number of troops? It is our land... We can station 50 million too... Its out choice.

I don't see daily protest in Kashmir.. If that is the case why Kashmir recorded 75% polling in the last 2009 elections? Keep your conspiracy theory to yourself.

It is Occupied land illegally occupied by india you can call it 'indian occupied Kashmir'.

You don't see daily protest cuz your media don't want you to see.
Think Muslims are Divided in Subcontinent into 3 Nations on Nationalism Basis.

Think Muslims are getting killed day and night after getting tagged Terrorists.

Think Muslims have the lowest Standard of Living and Per Capita Income and Hindus are Industrializing and moving to the Developed World soon!

Who did that to you? :azn:


I always thought that your leaders were always opposed to partition ... Even to the extent of suggesting that Pakistan would accede back after a couple of years :rofl: ... Akhand Bharat anyone ? :D

Are you bragging the worst treatment and low living standards of minorities in your country now ? :azn:
And forgotten Th:enjoy:at Bangladesh is still a seperate nation ,By the way india look smaller then it was before 1947 ,Who did that to you?

There is a great difference between when the so called adopted parents partitioning the wealth for their sons and someone dismember a part of the body!
The polls in Kashmir proved most Kashmiris want to be a FREE INDEPANDANT country whereas many want to be a part of Pakistan, if majority is brain washed than i'm afraid in democracy majority is listened.

If I remember correctly, Last time in 2009 in Lok Shaba Elections... The voter turn out rate is 75% which is from Indian side of Kashmir... Kashmir is an integral part of India... You can cry as much as you want!
No , its not anybody land at the moment ... It is a disputed territory ... Conspiracy theory ? :azn: ... KMS thinks otherwise ... They have daily reports from Kashmiris protesting in the valley ... Your Govt can even claim 100 % turnout ... Who' stopping them to twist facts ?

You can cry what ever..... It is India's Kashmir... We will defend it to the core.
let's maintain the status-quo. anything which is under chinese control is not disputed, & anything which isn't is disputed!
I Missed a lot of fun in this thread from the start , As pointed out by someone here , if Aksai Chin is Not Disputed Nothing is - whether Kashmir Or Arunachal
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