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Aksai Chin not disputed: China hardens position for showdown

It is Occupied land illegally occupied by india you can call it 'indian occupied Kashmir'.

You don't see daily protest cuz your media don't want you to see.

You can call what ever you like... For us Kashmir is NO different except for we cannot buy land there!

Some group of 10 20 cannot make the voice of million.
You must be one of God's "especial creations" ..since the blood has now started circulating in your nerves!!??
:blah::blah: Can't you read it correctly? Well Don't waste my time with ya.. just read my signature
...u mean the same way pakistan occupied balochistan

Balochistan is legally part of Pakistan, my son. Check the UN website it is a legal part of Pakistan just as maharatra is of india. Kashmir on the other hand is disputed territory illegally occupied by india.

BTW you should've read the rules of forum, you commit violation & i'm reporting your troll post.
:blah::blah: Can't you read it correctly? Well Don't waste my time with ya.. just read my signature

Pehaps!! ..it might be because the Mughal blood hasn't started circulating in my nerves yet.

PS: only thing I can make out of your signature, other than your poor vocabulary..your spelling suck too! ;)
hey look at his video ...kashmir gone now balochistan
Balochistan will not remain with Pakistan: Mengal
So resorting to Youtube videos now , troller ? :azn:

If it wasn't for the reason that it would be off topic , I would have posted dozens of videos claiming the same for your restive areas !
hey look at his video ...kashmir gone now balochistan
Balochistan will not remain with Pakistan: Mengal
Balochistan will not remain with Pakistan: Mengal - YouTube

Mengals, Marris & Bugtis are the only three tribes in Balochistan who are headache, Rest of Balochs plus other ethnics living in Balochistan like Makranis, Brahvis, Pushtoons, Hazarwis, Sindhis etc are patriotic Pakistanis. Even many Mengals & Bugtis are patriotic Pakistanis.

Also watch that video again, this Mengal said that IF killing doesn't stop than, also he said that Army should understand they are army of Pakistan & there is nothing wrong in saying this.
No need for twisted Indian logic here. Aksai Chin is just a strategic asset for China. Once liberation of Kashmir is done, China will already come to the table to resolve territory. They have already issued stapled Visas to the Kashmiris. :tup:

Well they have realised ties with india are also to important....
As far as i knoe, they have stopped issuing stapled visas...
As far as Aksai chin is concerned, they can havi it, we will have arunachal...
If western border is not negotioable, so is the eastern border.....
Arunachal shall remain with us....
Dont worry, it will be fine with india, than with chinese...
....hey lisen ok this is not a troll its slap on ur comment have guts then defend the truth is truth u like it or not....trolling is done by you read the topic first then comment...Aksai Chin not disputed: China hardens position for showdown...aksai chin is nothin to do with pak its matter between india and china so....now report this tooo.....
About time you take some English classes :rofl: ... Worked up guy , are you looking for an inhaler now ? :lol:
I don't find any millions brain far*ing, I am not interested in this endless debate... I checked the status of Kashmir just now it is with India... So I can sleep happily today!

I suggest you better check the picture again ... Also keep an eye on the daily protests in the valley ...

Yeah sleep happily ... You control just 47 % actually ...
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