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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

Range 4000 km?

TB2 UAV has communication range of 150 km. TB2's range is expandable with a communications relay. It can fly up to 27 hours as long as the relay permits... A TB2 using relay is watching an area of 600 km on the photo.


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Our engineers may consider new innovations for our uavs like refuelling by using special disigned planes while they are on duty.
Big attack UAVs like TAI Aksungur and Baykar akıncı may go on flying for many hours with their weapons and may go to operations over countries like Libya if it is neccessary like last week.
Thinking of flying TAI aksungurs , Baykar Akıncıs,ankas and bayraktar tb2s with help of AWACS over Libya for days and targeting Hafter forces.This is a nightmare for our enemies.
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I think 27 hours of flight time is more than enough for such operations, it's their payload (bombs) that are a nightmare for enemies. So the more correct payload you can load them with the better it becomes.
I dont think 27 hours flight time is enough for far distance operations. So why does Usa develop very long endurance uav systems while they have military bases with airports all around the world?
I dont think 27 hours flight time is enough for far distance operations. So why does Usa develop very long endurance uav systems while they have military bases with airports all around the world?

Bayraktar is a light UCAV so we cant expect from her more than that... but TAI Aksungur will fly for 40 hours so I believe our UCAV heavy strike force will be Aksungur and Akıncı...

The number of drones in our inventory has increased beyond 100. I remember a time when we were desperate to have drones so we were practically begging the US to sell them to us (after Israel’s drones horribly failed to meet our requirements). But they constantly dragged their feet and even after years agreed to “lease” unarmed predators to us which would be operated by themselves.

Now we are one of the greatest manufacturers, operators and exporters of drones in the world. Oh the wonders that the current administration has done for Turkey’s defence industry. My only hope is that The current government will stay in power till we fully develop the MMU.
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