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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

We had 5 fully operational prototypes which would have been delivered very soon but duo the recent crash of one of the prototype it has been delayed for another 2 Years, Damn it...

Cabatli, is it true?
Cabatli, is it true?

I don't suppose. It was 3 prototype (No: 1,2,3) that have been built heavier and One of them Prototype No:1 crashed at acceptance trials. I mean Those 3 heavy ANKA-A is called downgraded version, will be delivered one less to army and serial production will be commenced for modified ANKA-A's which is lighter than first 3 prototypes...
ANKA Mission Computer Test Panel



Proud ANKA engineers looking ANKA UAV like their babies and equating the development steps of ANKA like growth of a baby and so shed their tears Whenever they witness a new success of ANKA.


I just wanted to share it...
. .

ANKA destroyed itself on its own

After ANKA lost the connection to ground control station for 20 seconds, the 'self-destroy' command was given by the computer task. After that ANKA destroyed itself. The purpose of 'self-destroy' command is to prevent technology to fall into enemy hands.

Test uçuşunda düşen ANKA kendi kendini imha etmiş

Türkiye’nin ilk insansız hava aracı ANKA’nın geçtiğimiz ay test uçuşu sırasında düşmesinin sebebi belli oldu. Yer kontrol istasyonuyla 20 saniye boyunca bağlantıyı kaybeden ANKA’ya, görev bilgisayarı tarafından ‘kendini imha et’ komutu verildi. ANKA da burnu üzerine düştü. Buradaki amacın, kullanılan teknolojinin düşmanın eline geçmesini engellemek olduğu belirtiliyor.

Test uçuşu sırasında düşen insansız hava aracı ANKA’ya ilişkin kaza kırım raporu için çalışmalarını sürdüren Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayi (TUSAŞ) uzmanları, ön incelemeyi tamamladı. Alınan bilgilere göre, ANKA yer kontrol istasyonuyla 20 saniye boyunca bağlantıyı kaybetti. Görev bilgisayarı da ‘kendini imha et’ komutu verdi. Bu komut üzerine de ANKA, burnu üzerine düşerek kendi kendini imha etti. İnsansız hava araçlarının (İHA) yer bağlantısı koptuğunda, araç düşmanın eline geçmesin diye ‘kendini imha et’ komutu veriliyor.

ANKA, test uçuşlarının ardından, 24 Eylül 2012 tarihi itibarıyla kabul test faaliyetlerine başladı. 3 gün sonra Genelkurmay Başkanlığı’ndan yetkililerin önünde bir uçuş gerçekleştirildi. Fakat beklenmedik bir olay yaşandı ve ANKA düştü. TUSAŞ’tan yapılan açıklamada, “Test uçuşu esnasında meydana gelen teknik bir sorun nedeniyle bir prototip hava aracı ile kırım yaşanmıştır. Arıza tespitine ilişkin çalışmalar devam etmekte olup kabul test faaliyetlerine diğer hava araçları ile devam edilecektir.” ifadelerine yer verildi. TUSAŞ, elindeki diğer prototiplerle test uçuşlarını sürdürüyor. Savunma kaynakları, “Eğer ANKA düşmeseydi, test kabul faaliyetlerinin devamı Batman’da gerçekleştirilecekti. ANKA hem test edilecek hem de terörle mücadelede etkin olarak kullanılmaya başlanacaktı. Bu kaza, süreci biraz erteletti. Fakat büyük bir sorun yok. Diğer ANKA’lar uçmaya devam ediyor.” bilgisini verdi.

İHA’ların ‘kendi kendini imha’ komutu vermesinin birçok örneği bulunuyor. ABD’nin dünyanın çeşitli operasyon bölgelerinde kullandığı binlerce İHA’da da zaman zaman benzer sorunlar yaşanıyor. Komuta merkeziyle iletişimi kaybeden araçlar kendini imha ediyor. Burada asıl amaç, kullanılan teknolojinin düşman unsurların eline geçmesini engellemek.

Öte yandan Başbakan Erdoğan ve Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Necdet Özel’in katıldığı son Savunma Sanayii İcra Komitesi (SSİK) toplantısından ANKA’nın geliştirilmesi ve daha kuvvetli bir motorla yenilenmesi kararı çıkmıştı. Bir sonraki ANKA, uydu üzerinden kontrol edilecek. Üzerinde taşıyacağı çeşitli sınıflardaki silahlarla, aynı görevde birden fazla hedefi etkisiz hale getirebilecek. Böylece Türkiye’nin İHA noktasında dışa bağımlılığının ortadan kalkacağı belirtiliyor. Başka ülkelerden satın alınan İHA’larla yapılan terörle mücadelenin, istenilen sonucu vermesinin mümkün olmadığı kaydediliyor.

Test uçu
I see so the recently chrashed ANKA was actually caused by the self-destruct sequance, That good news indeed meaning its impossible for enemies to lay a hand on it, However i have trouble believing this, The first thing a MALE UAV does when lost connection is trying to regain contact with HQ and tries to return to base autonomosly so the story is kind of blury...
Zaman BS.

Let me tell you What ANKA will do If connection losts and There isn't any technical failure,

ANKA is automatically driven to auto-pilot modes (If not), While trying to re-gain the signals. If The contact isn't reached in a specific time, ANKA automatically starts manouvring to navigate the route signals (recorded) she came (to arrive the port of take-off) and perform automatic landing.

If It is impossible to perform all those I mentioned, ANKA (Automatic/Manual) activates self destruction modes...
Zaman BS.

Let me tell you What ANKA will do If connection losts and There isn't any technical failure,

ANKA is automatically driven to auto-pilot modes (If not), While trying to re-gain the signals. If The contact isn't reached in a specific time, ANKA automatically starts manouvring to navigate the route signals (recorded) she came (to arrive the port of take-off) and perform automatic landing.

If It is impossible to perform all those I mentioned, ANKA (Automatic/Manual) activates self destruction modes...

Bro, I thought it is good news, since with the "self-destroy" command, the ANKA is in safe hands. On the other hand, your explanation makes sense. However, we do not know exactly what happened yet (I don`t know if you have the info what really happened. If you do, please let us know). We`ll learn when TAI releases the report that what caused this accident.
Zaman BS.

Let me tell you What ANKA will do If connection losts and There isn't any technical failure,

ANKA is automatically driven to auto-pilot modes (If not), While trying to re-gain the signals. If The contact isn't reached in a specific time, ANKA automatically starts manouvring to navigate the route signals (recorded) she came (to arrive the port of take-off) and perform automatic landing.

If It is impossible to perform all those I mentioned, ANKA (Automatic/Manual) activates self destruction modes...

Hmm Acc to reports ( It is stated that TAI approved it), 24 Sep. 2012, While ANKA 001 is performing the acceptance tests for Turkish General Staff officials, The connection were lost many times. When It is understood that Something goes wrong, The system gave "automatic turn back" command but This time, Suddenly A new problem occured between the software and devices which enable to perform turning.

With last problem which already keep ANKA in autonomous mode Despite the "turn-back" command given, This time, ANKA automatically gave self-destruction command. Engineers tried to save the ANKA but It was lost.
Zaman BS.

Let me tell you What ANKA will do If connection losts and There isn't any technical failure,

ANKA is automatically driven to auto-pilot modes (If not), While trying to re-gain the signals. If The contact isn't reached in a specific time, ANKA automatically starts manouvring to navigate the route signals (recorded) she came (to arrive the port of take-off) and perform automatic landing.

If It is impossible to perform all those I mentioned, ANKA (Automatic/Manual) activates self destruction modes...

Hmm Acc to reports ( It is stated that TAI approved it), 24 Sep. 2012, While ANKA 001 is performing the acceptance tests for Turkish General Staff officials, The connection were lost many times. When It is understood that Something goes wrong, The system gave "automatic turn back" command but This time, Suddenly A new problem occured between the software and devices which enable to perform turning.

With last problem which already keep ANKA in autonomous mode Despite the "turn-back" command given, This time, ANKA automatically gave self-destruction command. Engineers tried to de-activate the mode to save the ANKA but It was lost.
^^so that's why ANKA was crashed? malfunctioning self-destruct system?

Well that's a relief :) our UAV is mechanically okay. They'll fix the software and start production.

I have a question, how does this self-destruct sequence progress? I assume we aren't practically flying with C4s trapped in the fuslelage :)
Hmm Acc to reports ( It is stated that TAI approved it), 24 Sep. 2012, While ANKA 001 is performing the acceptance tests for Turkish General Staff officials, The connection were lost many times. When It is understood that Something goes wrong, The system gave "automatic turn back" command but This time, Suddenly A new problem occured between the software and devices which enable to perform turning.

With last problem which already keep ANKA in autonomous mode Despite the "turn-back" command given, This time, ANKA automatically gave self-destruction command. Engineers tried to de-activate the mode to save the ANKA but It was lost.

What is the point of implementing a self-destruction command into a fvcking PROTOTYPE which were being used in order to find out such problems? I mean, the loss of communication problem shouldn't be something unexpected... And the engineers working to de-activate the mode instead of working on the problem. Unfvckingbelievable...
What is the point of implementing a self-destruction command into a fvcking PROTOTYPE which were being used in order to find out such problems? I mean, the loss of communication problem shouldn't be something unexpected... And the engineers working to de-activate the mode instead of working on the problem. Unfvckingbelievable...

If prototypes dont have Self-Destruct feature how can finished products have it? Its perfectly reasonable to install to prototype and check whatever working properly. Plus think like this where ANKAs are operating always? PKK infested mountains.Now forget about technologic secret crap think about how much Turkiye would lose face if PKK actually found an intact ANKA in a possible event where ANKA lost signal with HQ but instead of self-destruct its somehow landing/crashing as one piece and found by PKK supporters? A new one always can be built better not risk an event like American drone falling into hands of Iranians.
I have a question, how does this self-destruct sequence progress? I assume we aren't practically flying with C4s trapped in the fuslelage :)

Wondering same thing too...
If prototypes dont have Self-Destruct feature how can finished products have it? Its perfectly reasonable to install to prototype and check whatever working properly. Plus think like this where ANKAs are operating always? PKK infested mountains.Now forget about technologic secret crap think about how much Turkiye would lose face if PKK actually found an intact ANKA in a possible event where ANKA lost signal with HQ but instead of self-destruct its somehow landing/crashing as one piece and found PKK supporters? A new one always can be built better not risk something like American drone falling into hands of Iranian.

Well, i'm sure there was a way to switch it off in the first place instead of waiting for such problem to occur so that they can waste their time on solving it. Every single second that lost is a shame while it offers a priceless experience for the every single second it remains in air.

Engineers tried to de-activate the mode to save the ANKA but It was lost.

It just doesn't make sense. You're testing it on a controlled area, hence there is no such threat for it to captured by some other party.

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