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Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani

ru by jackass sir,
i think, a uninformed , ambasdor shouldnt been allowed to state anything, & on issue like this?:azn:
it was, just rejected today again, after kicking out durrani! in a meeting today by pm & president of pakistan , US ammbasdor called in , & told by!:D;)
now can you understand it , my dear sir?:)

He must be informed. He is not Pakistni ambassador.;)

can u prove wat u have just said. when did pak said evidence provided by india stands for nothing?????

Ok bhai!
was being lazy...
Pakistan has been saying that the evidence is insufficient.
Happy now??
He must be informed. He is not Pakistni ambassador.;)

Ok bhai!
was being lazy...
Pakistan has been saying that the evidence is insufficient.
Happy now??

rubyjackass, sir
in that articale, the "napalese ammbasdor" accepted that , he dont know about, how many pakistanis still in napalese jails, & how much of napalese"citizens" in pakistani jails, a perfect example of un-informed person?:azn:
well at least youmade me happy, thanks for that!:enjoy:
quality of top pakistani leaders is on parade

why dont u guys quit and realize military rule is the only rule possible in pakistan..u guys are looking like fools..practice democracy behind closed doors pl..

islam and democracy dont mix

Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani

Mr. Durrani's dismissal came amid reports of mounting differences between Prime Minister Gilani and President Zardari. Political analysts said Mr. Durrani's sacking was the latest instance of confusion over who is in charge in Pakistan.

In his interview, Mr. Durrani contended he was removed because Mr. Gilani was unaware of a decision by Mr. Zardari and senior security officials to publicly confirm Mr. Kasab's nationality and because the prime minister felt the need to exert his authority. Officials at the prime minister's office weren't immediately available for comment.

A senior aide to Mr. Zardari said the president wasn't consulted by Mr. Gilani on his decision to dismiss Mr. Durrani, which he came to know about after it had already been announced. "The prime minister did not consult anyone, not even his cabinet ministers," said the aide.

A reversal of the decision by Mr. Zardari could plunge the country into a serious political crisis, the aide said, because it would openly pit Mr. Zardari against Mr. Gilani.

Pakistan's civilian government, which came to power last year after more than eight years of military rule, has multiple power centers, including a president and a prime minister who are both vocal and visible. The Pakistan military also remains a powerful political force, despite the country's return to civilian rule.

hum, good post but, let me include some?
now every body is oky , regurding the "decision to dismiss Mr. Durrani", this decision came from angel's(the ultimate power):police:;) in the pakistani affairs.
cant you understand it, Gilani cant act alone, & Zardari had to accept it!;)
no other way around, i guss!
Cama Hospital attack plan dropped to avoid Muslim casualties

MUMBAI: If the 10 Pakistani terrorists were asked by their handlers to go to the highest floors of their given targets and take hostages why did
two of them — Ajmal Kasab and Ismail Khan — not take hostages at the Cama and Albless hospital?

Sources said Kasab has said that they had clear instructions from their handlers in Pakistan to avoid Muslim casualties so when they saw several burkha-clad women and children at the hospital they decided to leave the place.

Many lower middle class Muslim patients from nearby areas such as Bhendi bazaar, Mohammed Ali road, Dongri, Pydhonie, Byculla and even Sewree and Wadala visit the hospital which is a walkable distance from CST railway station.

On 26/11 after their attempt to climb up to the office of CST failed due to resistance from railway cops, the duo walked out of the station and entered Cama hospital from the rear entrance. At Cama Hospital, a group of policemen (led by additional commissioner Sadanand Date) engaged the two terrorists, who were on the terrace, for 45 minutes. Finally, the duo threw hand grenades in which two policemen were killed and Date and the others were injured.

After leaving Cama Hospital, the duo hid behind the bushes near Rang Bhavan and opened fire on a police jeep, killing three senior officers, including Hemant Karkare. Kasab also told the police that the actual plan to attack Mumbai was in September which was the holy month of Ramzan.

Cama Hospital attack plan dropped to avoid Muslim casualties-India-The Times of India
Kasab admission may put ISI under scanner

NEW DELHI: On Thursday, in a show of solidarity, Gilani and Zardari reportedly met to look for a new NSA, but that could not conceal the cracks
in the PPP leadership. There were other powers who objected to Durrani being the apparent source for stories in the western media about Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Zarar Shah’s (both Lashkar-e-Taiba commanders who supervised the Mumbai attacks) revelations to Pakistani interrogators.

These damning reports established more than anything else the involvement of the LeT in the attacks. By extension, the ISI, which bred and nurtured the LeT, would ultimately come under the scanner. These disclosures not only forced the Pakistan military-intelligence establishment on the backfoot, it brought in the Americans, pushing the Pakistanis to acknowledge Kasab.

India is preparing to push Islamabad on the next set of issues. This would include further admission that all 10 terrorists were Pakistani. That could lead to further probe into their training camps, their leaders, sources of finance and weapons and finally their connections with the official military-intelligence establishment. In many ways, Kasab’s capture could be used to open the can of worms that is the ISI and its terror ideologies and groups. And it’s something the Pakistani establishment would want to avoid at all costs.

Durrani is seen not just as a friend of former president Pervez Musharraf but also as a friend of the US. His past activities of being involved in a track II peace process with India couldn’t have helped him either. But it still doesn’t explain why he would be sacked if the ISI knew and approved of the disclosure. Sources said it may point to more fissures that are not yet apparent.

In his explanation, Durrani said, ‘‘Obviously, this would help the situation with India and that is the primary concern, that you tell the world, tell India, that ‘yes, guys, we didn’t make this announcement because we were not sure of the facts. Now we are sure of the facts and we’re saying yes.”

Kasab admission may put ISI under scanner-Pakistan-World-The Times of India

An answer for those asking: What next!

There is a lot that Pakistan can do and needs to do. Admitting Kasab is a Pakistani is a start.
JuD dismisses Kasab's identity, denies links with Rehman, Shah

NEW DELHI: An unrepentant Jamaat-ud-Dawa on Thursday made light of the establishment of lone terrorist survivor Ajmal Amir Kasab's identity,
suggesting that Kasab might be one of those Pakistani youths in Nepal who are regularly "abducted" by Indian agencies and forced to work for them.

In an apparent attempt to shield its leader Hafiz Saeed, JuD leader and chief spokesperson Abdullah Muntazir told TOI on Thursday that both Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Zarar Shah, the two men who masterminded the carnage in Mumbai, never had any link with either Saeed or JuD. Saeed, he said, is still in police custody in his Lahore house.

"We don't know what took the Pakistan government so long to admit that Kasab is a Pakistani. This was known in Pakistan. We all know about the disclosure made by lawyer C M Farooq that Kasab was a Pakistani based in Nepal from where he was abducted by Indian agencies," Muntazir told TOI.

The same JuD had earlier said there was not enough evidence to prove that Kasab was a Pakistani. Farooq is a Pakistani lawyer who had earlier tried to prove that Kasab had been abducted from Nepal by Indian agencies. The Nepal ambassador in Pakistan had later denied Kathmandu having knowledge about any such kidnapping there.

"In any case, Lakhvi and Shah, the two men India is talking about, were never associated with JuD which has always been into charity work only. This had been conveyed by Hafiz Saeed himself after the Mumbai attacks," claimed Muntazir as he expressed doubts about the evidence provided by India to Islamabad, adding that there were elements in the Pakistan government which wanted to target religious organisations.

Lakhvi was earlier said to have been close to Saeed but later apparently fell out with him over a financial dispute and formed a splinter group. Reports in Pakistan suggest that the two made up in 2005 and have since been friends.

Muntazir also said that Tehreek-e-Hurmat-e-Rasool, under which JuD is said to have reorganised itself, actually comprises several religious and political outfits. "Tehreek-e-Hurmat-e-Rasool came into being when blasphemous caricatures of our Prophet Muhammad were published in Denmark and it is not one organisation but comprises all religious and many political parties," he said.

JuD dismisses Kasab's identity, denies links with Rehman, Shah-Pakistan-World-The Times of India

So LET is still hanging on to the discredited Nepal theory for dear life!
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NSA Durrani's sacking shows cracks in Pak establishment

NEW DELHI: Who in the Pakistani establishment got the country's NSA out when he enjoyed the confidence of President Asif Zardari?

The sacking of Mahmud Ali Durrani has once again trained the spotlight not just on who calls the shots in Pakistan but also on a simmering power feud between Zardari and his nominee, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani.

Pakistan's admission that captured terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab was one of its own has been overshadowed by the churn it has caused in the highest echelons of the Pakistani establishment.

The admission was first hinted at by NSA Durrani. While foreign secretary Salman Bashir waffled, it was later confirmed by information minister Sherry Rehman and foreign office spokesperson Mohammed Sadiq. None of them were sacked. In his defence, Durrani said his statement about Kasab came after it was cleared by Zardari and security agencies.

The claim that he was not shooting his mouth off, did not save him.

The sacking has once again underlined the pre-eminence of army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kiyani, besides pointing to the possibility of Gilani having switched over to the army camp.

Gilani and Zardari have been at odds with each other for some time, to the extent that the latter has reportedly mulled replacing the PM with foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi. So when Gilani sacked Durrani, it was seen as a show of defiance, because Durrani was personally appointed by Zardari.

On Thursday, in a show of solidarity, Gilani and Zardari reportedly met to look for a new NSA, but that could not conceal the cracks in the PPP leadership.

There were other powers who objected to Durrani being the apparent source for stories in the western media about Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Zarar Shah's (both Lashkar-e-Taiba commanders in charge of the Mumbai attacks) revelations to Pakistani interrogators. These damning reports established more than anything else the involvement of the LeT in the attacks. By extension, the ISI, which bred and nurtured the LeT, would ultimately come under the scanner.

These disclosures not only forced the Pakistan military-intelligence establishment on the back foot, it brought in the Americans, pushing the Pakistanis to acknowledge Kasab.

India is preparing to push Islamabad on the next set of issues. This would include further admission that all the 10 terrorists were Pakistani. That could lead to further probe into their training camps, their leaders, sources of finance and weapons and finally their connections with the official military-intelligence establishment. In many ways, Kasab's capture could be used to open the can of worms that is the ISI and its terror ideologies and groups. And it's something the Pakistani establishment would want to avoid dearly.

Durrani is seen not just as a friend of former president Pervez Musharraf but also as a friend of the US -- he was Musharraf's ambassador in Washington. His past activities of being involved in a track II peace process with India couldn't have helped him either.
But it still doesn't explain why he would be sacked if the ISI knew and approved of the disclosure. Sources said it may point to more fissures that are not yet apparent.

In fact, in his explanation, Durrani said, "Obviously, this would help the situation with India and that is the primary concern, that you tell the world, tell India, that `yes, guys, we didn't make this announcement because we were not sure of the facts. Now we are sure of the facts and we're saying yes, he was Pakistani'."

He added, "We are prepared to take this process forward with a view to uncovering full facts, thus ensuring that the perpetrators of this heinous crime, whosoever they may be, are brought to justice. I have no bad conscience. I was doing what is best for Pakistan, I was doing what is best for peace between India and Pakistan. If it doesn't suit some people, then so be it."

NSA Durrani's sacking shows cracks in Pak establishment-Pakistan-World-The Times of India

So, a can of worms has opened!
Dont want to make a fuss but can someone please explain this:

PS Anyone? And dont these images look a bit to sharp for CCTV? ;)

I am certain this is not CCTV!
Dont want to make a fuss but can someone please explain this:

PS Anyone? And dont these images look a bit to sharp for CCTV? ;)

I am certain this is not CCTV!

Hey.. it would have been nice if you have read the entire thread..!! This pic was taken by MID-Day photograher.. which was shown in the video in the first page..!!! Right arm left arm... leg.. hair.. nail... suspiciion all over.. earth is defintely not round right... !!!:lol:
Dont want to make a fuss but can someone please explain this:

PS Anyone? And dont these images look a bit to sharp for CCTV? ;)

I am certain this is not CCTV!

Indian photoshop wizardry in an attempt to downplay the Kalava, apparent when they stuck up picture of Shoaib Akhtar and claimed Pakistanis wear em :enjoy:

It's not really relevant what his nationality is anyway. It's a very minor thing. Pakistan's government is more interested in clearing itself, ISI. Plus, there are some advantages in using this strategy, so I don't blame them entirely.

My personal opinion is that is still an Indian. If it talks in Hindi, it looks Hindu, chances are it's an Indian.

Quak Quack :angel:
Indian photoshop wizardry in an attempt to downplay the Kalava, apparent when they stuck up picture of Shoaib Akhtar and claimed Pakistanis wear em :enjoy:

It's not really relevant what his nationality is anyway. It's a very minor thing. Pakistan's government is more interested in clearing itself, ISI. Plus, there are some advantages in using this strategy, so I don't blame them entirely.

My personal opinion is that is still an Indian. If it talks in Hindi, it looks Hindu, chances are it's an Indian.

Quak Quack :angel:

Yeah photoshop.. the guy who posted this pic in this forum with the TAG RIGHT LEFT AND CENTER.. ARM.. have surely done lot of work in photoshop.. he have mirrored the photoshop and hoped for another consipiracy theary.. or may be a time pass!!!:lol: and ofcourse kasab is an indian, and indian from an india before 1947..!!!!:lol:
ya, you quite right, same as KSA, after USA FOUND "OSAMA BIN LADDEN", was from there?
so, till now what "KSA" has done?:lol::tup::rofl::wave:


KSA had done nothing, but you can see what USA had done to Afganistan and may be in future with P........

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