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Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani

Lets see how things started...

Some people claim that the attacks are false flag. I rememvber how I lamented about this theory(Actually one of the reasons that made me join this forum). And a hero emerges for Pakistan in all this(Zaid Hamid) talking about 'kalava' and 'AmarSingh'(wonder where he got the name).

And then comes Nepal-RAW theory wihch fell apart after Nepal's rejection of the claims.

More Pakistanis(here I am not talking about the intellectuals here) hated India for offending Pakistan by pointing fingers. Also many worshipped Zaid Hamid(You may say I got pissed off with this. But why shouldn't I be?). This is what has been happening. Some say that Government committed treason now(how horrible!!). That show how deeply people got convinced. Atlest with this announcement, majority understood the circumstances.

Now more people, I hope will disregard conspiracy theories(also in future).

Everyone concerned practically knew there was not going to be any war. Reasons being avoidind nuclear war and risking economic progress. But Indian diplomatic offensive really showed results both with the internatinal community and Pakistan leadership. I think mainstream media on both sides should not be blamed.(Correct me here. was the tv ZaidHamid talked on mainstream media? I recognise Geo and Dawn as mainstream media in Pakistan).
And whatever conflicting statements people complained about were from the days of operation when understandably there would be too much confusion.

I don't see why Pakistanis here should apologise. They will be harmed by the same terrorrism tomorrow, if they do not take action now. They are just kept in the dark by the authorities about the investigations at home.

Pakistan will(have to) give legal assistance to the terrorist.
More internatinal focus on Pakistani terrorism. Pakistan will be forced to act on all terrorist activities. More investigations will ensure.

Really??!! I don't think so. Anyway that's not a justification.
please give links to sources.

There is nothing shameful in accepting that 'a terrorist may be from my country' either(I mean before investigations). But no need to be sorry for anything. That's the perseption you were made to hold.

Now I think, Indians will want to see the same interviews and laugh.

I think the diplomatic approach cannot be flawed. War would have been dirty.

Nobody ever mentioned 'war' in India. I don't find any faults with their remarks.
There was not that much war hysteria in India(I guess Indians used the word first).

The pictures were alway there. You or the newspaper you read chose to ignore them. You might also want to look at Nariman house's CCTV footage.

And nice theory, I can help improve it.
MARCOS are marine commandos and J&K has no navy presence:woot:. SO use army commandos may be.

I think he will not be hanged in India. The human rights issue meant there were no hangings in India anywhere recently. But this guy is an exceptional murderer.

I wondered about the same thing. In countries like ours, there are lakhs that don't have any kind of registration.

I think Indian PM said 'must have been involved' given the sophistication of attacks.

Why shame? Pakistan was in a state of denial. And please don't talk about moral rights. We can make a book of it.


Mann!! another conspiracy theory...
Nepal Government clarified this already.

The dossier is an Information Report kind of thing. It gave some names among other information. Pakistan's Government is not court to please with evidence. They should investigate upon any information.

This is 2009 dear. There were earlier reports which were based on SMSs. This doesn't surprise me.

I think the leak actually helped Pakistan by preparing people for the announcement(I still don't know how official it is).

Nobody said all Pakistanis are terrorists. Are you kidding about Afghanisthan? Next time they will kill 500000 not just in US in India and also Pakistan. Wake up!! There was no war.

That is for Pakistan to investigate the links. Pakistan committed to the world that it will not let its territory to be used by terrorist activities.

Thanks for the offer. But we will pass. Everyone knows what Sharif said.

ru by jackass;sir

Mann!! another conspiracy theory...
Nepal Government clarified this already.

plz post a link about "Nepal Government clarification" into the matter of "AJMAL QASSAB"!:angry::hitwall:
ru by jackass;sir

Mann!! another conspiracy theory...
Nepal Government clarified this already.

plz post a link about "Nepal Government clarification" into the matter of "AJMAL QASSAB"!:angry::hitwall:

Boss - A denial was issued on media by the Ambassador of Nepal in Islamabad. This was about 2 weeks ago I guess.
Boss - A denial was issued on media by the Ambassador of Nepal in Islamabad. This was about 2 weeks ago I guess.

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This act of terror is unlike other.
It is not attract on gov property or deface establishment which people must recognize.

It is on common people many of whom ever saw even a bullet untill it came to kill them.

It is in discrimination killing on innocents on crouded roads on streets.
It can be you me on some day.

instead each restoring to there nation feeling everone should do there part to bring justice to these common people like us.

I know any allegation from India kicks national felling in Pakistan but fact of the matter is we keep over looking them or supporting them until they come hunting for us.

for example
Pakistan is last country has diplomatic relation with Taliban.
look what is happing they are coming hunting in FATA killing innocent people detroying gal schools.

this mumbai matter will end
by pakistan saying they are from pakistan but did not have any connection with state or non state actors in pakistan.
And nothing with done to people behind them

and history go on.... with such events in years now in India and in Pakistan as well.
Actually I believe that the confirmation of Kasab's identity came about as a result of Pakistan's own investigations, not because of 'milk packets and pistols'.

The evidence dossier is a different issue, in that Pakistan has to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to try the LeT and JuD people she has arrested in Pakistani courts, for connections to the Mumbai attacks.

If I am not hurting you can you tell you one thing if Pakistan investigations are so strong can they tell me who killed benazir or general zia.
Being the representative of Nepal Government in Pakistan, the Ambassador's remarks are official statement from the Nepalese Government! Here is a link from an Iranian news source - Nepalese ambassador denies arresting Ajmal Kasab - Irna

epool, sir
thanks for the link :tup:, but can you plz find any pak media report, or any indian repots cause "IRNA" , cant be taken seriously.:undecided:
anyway thanks for that, but its again, not the proper "official response", i am very shocked , why "PAK GOVT" not asked directly to the govt of "NEPAL" to clear the whole issue, & i think , it still can be done, "Ambassadors" of many countries, ate thier words ,in the history?:azn:
If I am not hurting you can you tell you one thing if Pakistan investigations are so strong can they tell me who killed benazir or general zia.
The verdict on Zia's death is accidental for now.

And I am not sure why you are trying to compare investigations into the identity of an individual vs an investigation into who sponsored a suicide bomber to assassinate a political leader?

The cases are different, with different levels of evidence available etc. Drawing conclusions about the efficiency of Pakistani investigators from one set of unrelated cases is not a very good exercise.

In any case, Pakistani investigators are all we have available for investigating the Mumbai attacks, since India has refused to form a joint investigation team.

Perhaps India is extremely confident of the capability of Pakistani investigators?
epool, sir
thanks for the link :tup:, but can you plz find any pak media report, or any indian repots cause "IRNA" , cant be taken seriously.:undecided:

thanks a lot, for this!
but at least , this report shows, that the lawyer was talking right!

A Pakistani lawyer named C M Farooque had claimed this week that Kasab was arrested two years ago in Kathmandu by "Indian agencies" with the help of Nepali authorities. He claimed Kasab was on a "business visit" when he was arrested.
His claim was rejected by the Nepalese court officials, who said Farooqi had filed a case for the release of two other Pakistani nationals, not Kasab, and later the court had dismissed the case as he had failed to follow its proceedings.:eek:;):)

Nepalese Ambassador said there are many Pakistanis in Nepal's jails while many Nepalese were in Pakistani jails though he did not have the exact number of prisoners.:lol::tsk::rofl:
i guss, he needs immediate briefing from his forghein office, "IGNORANT" isnt he? or un-informed?:
by thway!
plz check out ! dawn news.tv

but he is a pakistani & crazy too, sure:agree:
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epool, sir
thanks for the link , but can you plz find any pak media report, or any indian repots cause "IRNA" , cant be taken seriously.

thanks a lot, for this!
but at least , this report shows, that the lawyer was talking right!

A Pakistani lawyer named C M Farooque had claimed this week that Kasab was arrested two years ago in Kathmandu by "Indian agencies" with the help of Nepali authorities. He claimed Kasab was on a "business visit" when he was arrested.
His claim was rejected by the Nepalese court officials, who said Farooqi had filed a case for the release of two other Pakistani nationals, not Kasab, and later the court had dismissed the case as he had failed to follow its proceedings.:eek:

Nepalese Ambassador said there are many Pakistanis in Nepal's jails while many Nepalese were in Pakistani jails though he did not have the exact number of prisoners.:lol::tsk::rofl:
i guss, he needs immediate briefing from his forghein office, "IGNORANT" isnt he? or un-informed?:

His statement stands. I don't see any contradiction.

by thway!
plz check out ! dawn news.tv

but he is a pakistani & crazy too, sure

What are you talking?
I didnt understand.
Pakistan has been rejecting the proof already. What are you dancing about?
His statement stands. I don't see any contradiction.

What are you talking?
I didnt understand.
Pakistan has been rejecting the proof already. What are you dancing about?

ru by jackass sir,
i think, a uninformed , ambasdor shouldnt been allowed to state anything, & on issue like this?:azn:
it was, just rejected today again, after kicking out durrani! in a meeting today by pm & president of pakistan , US ammbasdor called in , & told by!:D;)
now can you understand it , my dear sir?:)
His statement stands. I don't see any contradiction.

What are you talking?
I didnt understand.
Pakistan has been rejecting the proof already. What are you dancing about?

can u prove wat u have just said. when did pak said evidence provided by india stands for nothing?????
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