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AJK capital sees first march for occupied Kashmir's independence


Jul 12, 2014
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MUZAFFARABAD: In a first major pro-independence demonstration, a large number of men, women and children marched on the main thoroughfare on Monday, calling upon both India and Pakistan to quit the disputed and divided region of Jammu and Kashmir.

The rally, which had participants from five or six groups or factions of the organisations advocating complete independence of Kashmir from both nuclear-armed neighbours, began from the press club and concluded outside a military installation that houses the camp office of UN Military Observers.

While only anti-India and pro-freedom slogans including “Kashmir banega Pakistan” had been chanted at all previous protests and rallies since Aug 5 when India moved to annex the disputed region, the Monday’s rally was different in that the emotionally charged participants said they wanted both India and Pakistan out of their motherland to pave way for an independent state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Apart from men, participants included elderly as well as young women, some even holding their babies.

“One slogan one flag, foreign forces go back,” they shouted, holding flags of their respective organisation and Azad Jammu and Kashmir as well as placards inscribed with different slogans.

“If Pakistan is sincere to the Kashmiris, it should make Azad Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) one unit,” read one placard.

The participants had also brought a document, authored by chairman of the Jammu Kashmir Peoples’ National Alliance (JKPNA) Zulfiqar Ahmed, to be delivered to the UN observers.

However, they became angry and started chanting “Shame on UNO” when they were told by the administration that the UN observers were not present at their camp office at the moment. They also torched copies of the memorandum at the barricade set up by police and army personnel before the entrance of military installation.

Roohi Arshad, one of the participants, said they had staged the rally to give a message to New Delhi and Islamabad to vacate their parts of Kashmir to bring an end to the sufferings of Kashmiris. She said India had been torturing and killing Kashmiris, but Pakistan was merely paying lip service to them.

JKPNA leader Sardar Liaquat Hayat maintained that the narrative of the Kashmiris was missing at the moment when the narratives of Pakistan and India were being propagated on both sides of the divide.

“If we want the international community to support us, we will have to advance our own narrative,” he said, asking the Kashmiris on both sides of the divide “to neither associate themselves with Pakistan nor with India. Instead they should strive for their emergence as an independent nation”.

Published in Dawn, August 27th, 2019
Dawn news at it again only focusing on 4 or 5 placards and not on protest meaning which is to india to leave Kashmir.
Kashmiris are stupid people period
GB is not part of Kashmir and people of GB do not like being associated with kashmiris. GB has it's own languages culture etc. They are firstly Pakistani. Additionally, people of GB fought for their independence whilst Kashmiris have always slept. I mean just loom at the amount of kashmiris that join the army. Compare that with village in Phander valley where the amount of shared is way way above average
Well this proves people have freewill even if they are a minority within their own group.

As for Gilgit Baltistan people they were demanding for a long time to have own identity as they are ethnically not Kashmiris. That is why for longthey used to identify themselves as people of Northern Areas.
Roohi Arshad, one of the participants, said they had staged the rally to give a message to New Delhi and Islamabad to vacate their parts of Kashmir to bring an end to the sufferings of Kashmiris. She said India had been torturing and killing Kashmiris, but Pakistan was merely paying lip service to them.

maa sadkay, want Islamabad to vacate AJK but also start war with India. fack off
A landlocked "independent" small region which lacks any significant defenses of its own, and its surrounded by China, Pakistan, and India---all nuclear-armed states vying to control the geographic advantage existing in that "independent region"

How f*cking feasible is this? Do Dawn and libertards think through stuff? The best option for kashmiris is to join Pakistan. There are ethnic and cultural similarities, religious harmony with the wider population, and won't be any occupation under the boots of armed soldiers as is the case in IOK (Pakistan is not perfect. We all know that. But it is the best for Muslim Kashmiris by a light-years).
Hardly a first march but please they shouldnot bring their hatred of Gilgit Baltistan out like that let them have their own thing why should they be tied with us if they dont want to
A landlocked "independent" small region which lacks any significant defenses of its own, and its surrounded by China, Pakistan, and India---all nuclear-armed states vying to control the geographic advantage existing in that "independent region"

How f*cking feasible is this? Do Dawn and libertards think through stuff? The best option for kashmiris is to join Pakistan. There are ethnic and cultural similarities, religious harmony with the wider population, and won't be any occupation under the boots of armed soldiers as is the case in IOK (Pakistan is not perfect. We all know that. But it is the best for Muslim Kashmiris by a light-years).

Last thing we need is another landlocked failed state in our borders. To be controlled by foreign powers. May as well let India keep its part of Kashmir and call it a day. The independence was never a option.
Let's not forget it is not the majority's opinion anyway.
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