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Aitezaaz Ahsen Speech blasted PMLN and their incompetent government

What did ch. Nisar said?
Watch here:

Btw It was obivous this to happen.. after all Plan B has been activated.. and small trail was seen in july, now its continuation of that.
What plan B?

China is lost anyway, now let Pakistan suffering continue...
What has it do with the issue on hand?

any video link ?

All of the stuff that PPP does on routine basis.
You were talking about PMLN right?

I am talking about what ch. Nisar said.. not atezaz..

Noora League is finished after current blasts from Aitzaz Ahsan.
Papou Patwari:lol: this laqab new for me, I already write in some other post that PMNL & group must be remain humble and avoid to insult and sarcasm towards dharna parties, their demands are genuine
and opposition parties are just defending the parliament system not NS.
Watch here:

What plan B?

What has it do with the issue on hand?

You were talking about PMLN right?

Noora League is finished after current blasts from Aitzaz Ahsan.
Plan A: non parlimentary force
Plan B: parlimentary forces utilizing
Plan C: Opposition forces engaging.

Not sure Is there any Plan D or not.
Plan A: non parlimentary force
Plan B: parlimentary forces utilizing
Plan C: Opposition forces engaging.
Not sure where is there any Plan D or not.

And WHO is behind this planning? Anti-government forces? Who might that be?
LOL at PTI supporters. Atizaz Ahsan becomes a good guy when he criticizes PML-N and suddenly becomes a bad guy when he criticizes PTI
And WHO is behind this planning? Anti-government forces? Who might that be?

So far from the looks, x-isi cheif and musharaf are major key holders. But who is sponser is yet to discover.

One thing is for sure COAS is the victom here.
So far from the looks, x-isi cheif and musharaf are major key holders. But who is sponser is yet to discover.

Ex-ISI chief did meet IK before the march began. If there is a culprit, it must be him. But why would IK sacrifice his 18 year constant struggle to change Pakistan for an ex-ISI? It doesn't make sense. Also, aren't COAS and ISI supposed to be on the same page?
Ex-ISI chief did meet IK before the march began. If there is a culprit, it must be him. But why would IK sacrifice his 18 year constant struggle to change Pakistan for an ex-ISI? It doesn't make sense. Also, aren't COAS and ISI supposed to be on the same page?

One has to be extremely charitable to call it 18 year struggle. Till Musharraf committed an illegal coup IK did politics as a hobby and had absolutely no effect on national political discourse. He gained immensely by blaming PMLN/PPP of muk mukka - which was because PMLN was not willing to play on the tunes of khakis and bring down PPP govt.
One has to be extremely charitable to call it 18 year struggle. Till Musharraf committed an illegal coup IK did politics as a hobby and had absolutely no effect on national political discourse. He gained immensely by blaming PMLN/PPP of muk mukka - which was because PMLN was not willing to play on the tunes of khakis and bring down PPP govt.

One can always accuse IK for being part of ex-ISI conspiracy. But who is behind Qadri? Ex-CIA, Ex-Mossad, Ex-RAW? LOL.
Ex-ISI chief did meet IK before the march began. If there is a culprit, it must be him. But why would IK sacrifice his 18 year constant struggle to change Pakistan for an ex-ISI? It doesn't make sense. Also, aren't COAS and ISI supposed to be on the same page?

Obivously, he would have been offered PMship, or may be has been guarenties for next elections.. or may be he himselve dont know he was staged, this game came from shah mehmood. and i dont think he would have been told he will fail. Obivously script writter didnt consider pretty key points while writing.

COAS and ISI chief yes but X-ISI cheif who is working for another country, i doubt

One can always accuse IK for being part of ex-ISI conspiracy. But who is behind Qadri? Ex-CIA, Ex-Mossad, Ex-RAW? LOL.
Why not? Who is supporting UAE security agency for whome X-ISI cheif has been hired to do consulting, isnt TTP was failed after karachi and waziristan operation?
One can always accuse IK for being part of ex-ISI conspiracy. But who is behind Qadri? Ex-CIA, Ex-Mossad, Ex-RAW? LOL.

Qadri is being supported by khakis, why do you find it so funny? You like other inqilaabis seem to have no idea about TuQ's political history.
Qadri used to be big friend of Noora in the 80's. No idea when he befriended PakArmy. Also COAS refused to support him when he met him for 2 hours.

Qadri the lunatic was not only friends with Shariffs (his first adoptive parents) he then went to the door of every political party and alliance for shelter. He has been in politics for 30 years and track record of his success is winning one seat. Do you find it logical that an absolute failure rejected by this nation continuously for 30 years decided one fine day that Pakistan needs a Khomeni and invaded the capital?
Here I want to give Aitezaz benefit of the doubt......., Doubt on Ch. Nisar's conduct since May 2014.

I think Nisar trying to oversmart since G. Election and double minded due to his 'Khaki' backgrounds right uptill now;

Remember, Nisar participate on Provincial assembly seat as an Independent candidate, Bcz someone tells him that the wind is blowing for IK/PTI and their is no chance of PMLN. then he gets angry towards NS on Zarb-e-Azab and talks with TTP and then more recently he tend to signalling IK to joins his dharna at any time.

I think, what Aitezaz is doing to Nisar....could not be done by any PMLN rep themselves at the moment. For me Aitazaz doing us PMLN a favour in this particular case.
LOL at PTI supporters. Atizaz Ahsan becomes a good guy when he criticizes PML-N and suddenly becomes a bad guy when he criticizes PTI

like Javed Hashmi who was shity and a traitor before 1 Sept speech and now one of the most credible guy LOL
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