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Asma Jahangir blasted PMLN Govt on ISPR Press Release

You think so? Look at the number of threads on Indian polity and what members say about progressives in Inida.

Ask @SarthakGanguly @Star Wars @ranjeet - all of whom describe Indian civil society as 'piece of shit' and useless.
As of yesterday Sarthak described two persons approximately equal to Asma Jehangir as 'liars who are patting each other's backs'. He calls me a liar even otherwise, so I guess that doesn't count :D
For 2 years scams rocked the country. And then communal issues.

Do you see this as being used by RAW/ IA or any other agency to ask for 'better governance'? It's not their job no matter how bad civil society. polity etc. are supposed to be rotten by a group of people. Even Sarthak will not ask for RAW to take over the country- that just cannot happen. It's not their job. PERIOD.

When I say see the difference then you must understand that this difference is not made in one year. You at least have a voice. You people are still sane, retuning awards, writing columns in newspapers, discussing it on electronic and print media ? Has any Journalist got killed ? Has anyone of you voicing your opinion on social websites got killed ? What are you talking about ? Does your Army has balls to interfere in government policies ? Do they decide when and where they have to do operation ? Sonia Gandi would have met the same fate what BB has gone through so don't tell me about civil society and specifically about Pakistan.
Men in uniform should better do their duties , instead on commenting and judging the competence of a democratic government.

They should abide by their oath and should serve as servants of Pakistan and not the masters.

they are STATE PILLAR and defintly they have RIGHT to DEFEND what they tell repeadtely to the GOVT ... this govt is BIG SHIT nothing else more... After APS Attack 14 points agenda decided in which 4 points related to the Army which they imeplemented... rest of 10 points government responsibility. your Ch Nisar uncle categoracaly "Offficial statement" : "Ye Govt mujhe NACTA kiliye funds nahe day rahe" this is DRECTLY link with the agreement and accord SIGNED by your chumi tatooo Govt.

No Madarsa reforms, No NACTA funds, No POLICE reforms these all are directly linked with the SITUATION and the RESPONSIBILITY - AGREEMENT - ZARB E AZB.

Now every person talking about - infact directly blame Army that kahan gaye saray mamamlaat sab kuch kahan gaya itne pakar dhakar kyo ruk gye hain and all... BECAUSE YOU TATOO ganja along with tola with PPP and MQM in a single basket ... defending eek doosray ko kyoonkay sab ko pata hey eek baar haath dala tu sab ka shaeer sa laykar kutay tak ka sab ka peeshi nikal jana hey...

Unhonay bohat baar kahdiya internal meetings may par inko samaj nahe arahe ub unhonay ye Press Release inkay liye nahe DUNYA kiliye nikali hey kay HAMNAY APNA KAAM KARDIYA HEY IN BEGERATOON nay nahe kiya... rather than all and all blame Army pe paray kay mamalaat ruk kyo gaye hain

****** har ,,,,,,,, kar chawal maar raha hey baat ka pata hey nahe kay kis context aur press release de kyoon gaye hai woh kakay bachay hain ? LOLzz
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On The Front - 11th November 2015 | Tune.pk

In every single current affair program yesterday every single journalists, anchor, expert, think tank blasted PMLN Govt on ISPR smashing slapping and CLEAR-CUT message....

Funny remarks by Asma Jahangir to PMLN PM defender (A lady well known for bashing Army in Pakistan)

"ye apna demaagi ilaaj karwayeen... inko lagta hey samaj nahe aye hey statement ke" He also make funy remarks on PMLN goverance repeatedly in the entire program. Same Talat Hussain did with Kashif Abbasi...

"Jab inko zaroroat parti hey tu ye Dharnay may pora tola inka parliament may ajata hey... aur jab inko lagta he yub koi masla nahe tu Prime Minister say laykar inka pora tola Parliament may ata tak nahe ye hey jamhooryat... Fauj nay jo kaha hey biklul SAHI kaha hey"

GB Fauj Chala rahe hey
Baluchistan Fauj chala rahe hey
Karachi Fauj chala rahe hey
Foreign policy inkay haath de the fauj ko foran idea hogaya inka tilt kis taraf hey agloo nay wapis layli woh b unkay haath may hey aur ub tu jo bachi kuchi 1 % b inkay haath may the woh b insay layli gaye hey
Punjab may woh ghunsay walay hian aur ye bhi bahir agaye hey baat kay Chief nay catagorically kahdiya hey

sara kuch tu woh chala rahay hain tu inka faida kya hey ye kya ka rahay hain...

Umar Shareef (Well known legend comedian) remarks on ISPR Press Release on Govt
"Nawaz Sharif sahab jab say hakomat may aye hain woh eek he kaam kar rahay hain.. Raheel Sharif ko koosh rakhna" HAHHAHAHAHAHHA

very surprising coming from her. she must be smoking something special in her ciggys these days.
This is pointless. As Umar Sharif pointed out in the show according to OP, Nawaz Sharif is determined to keep Raheel Sharif happy. It is obvious why after Azadi march pushed PMLN in favor of power-sharing agreement with Pakistan army thus allowing them to empower over democratic elected government and Pakistan as whole. What can PMLN do about this? Not easy to attract many billion dollars investments despite of PMLN limited powers. That gotta mean something. :D
The roar of the stuffed lions
Ayaz Amir
- Friday, November 13, 2015

Islamabad diary

There is a world of meaning hidden in the ISPR statement on government performance and the government’s counter-statement rejecting the army charge and spinning a story of its own. The army says the civilians are not delivering on: a) the National Action Plan, b) Fata reform, c) terrorism-related investigations, and d) return and rehabilitation of displaced persons.

The prime minister’s office responds with a fairy tale…that it was the government which forged the political consensus underpinning the operation against terrorism. It speaks of the “brave action by men and officers of the armed forces” but the consensus-building claim comes first.

The PM’s statement goes on to laud the role of the provincial governments and civilian law-enforcement agencies but not before appending a not-so-subtle warning: “However, it is to be noted that implementation of the NAP is a shared responsibility and all institutions have to play their role while remaining within the ambit of the constitution.” This is telling the army the limits of its territory.

The consensus claim suggests that Nawaz Sharif and company took the lead in the assault on the bastions of terrorism. This would be news for most Pakistanis who well remember that it was just last year that the brave-talking civilians were paralysed by fear and indecision. The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan led by Mullah Fazlullah had made a mockery of the Pakistani state, freely launching terror attacks across the country, even going to the extent of playing football with the severed heads of captured soldiers – and the political class was for talks with these murderers, these precursors of the Islamic State or Daesh.

It was the army under its present command which overruled the civilians – all of them including the prime minister – and launched Operation Zarb-e-Azb. Does the PM’s office take public memories to be so short?

The entire nation had been led to believe that it was too risky to go into North Waziristan. Well, the army with close support from the air force (PAF) went into North Waziristan, smashing the terrorist sanctuaries there and putting the TTP to flight. The nation had been told that no one could go into the Tirah Valley. The army, supported by PAF, went into that forbidden vale…taking heavy casualties but without its advance faltering. We had been led to believe that the Shawal Valley was impregnable. Army units, at considerable cost, went there too.

Karachi, we were told, was too tough to handle, its problems too complicated. And who could beard the MQM lion in its den? At any rate, with the army heavily engaged in Fata it was foolhardy to get stuck in Karachi. The army command, putting the Sindh Rangers in the lead, took on this challenge too, even as it was engaged in Fata, and even as it had to keep a sharp eye on the Indian border. Confounding the doubters, the Karachi situation has turned around, with extortionists and killers on the run and the MQM’s deadly grip on the city removed.

Who could have thought that the MQM would be tamed? This was the seemingly impossible coming to pass. Before the Rangers’ operation brave media lions, all of them, dared not criticise the MQM. They wouldn’t whisper its name. Now they casually mention the MQM as if its reign of terror, more fearsome than any martial law, never existed. Altaf Hussein was the master of the nation’s airwaves, his telephonic addresses, at times featuring clownish performances that any bona-fide circus would have been proud of, lasting for hours and TV channels obliged to carry them live. Have we forgotten all that?

Indeed, the entire nation was given a university education in cowardice, the notion drilled into its collective imagination that the blowback from Fata, that from Karachi, would be too hot to withstand…that if we were foolish enough to set out on this path there would be hell to pay, the TTP blowing up our cities and Karachi erupting into something like civil war.

Not a defiant word that could touch the nation’s spirit and rouse it to action escaped the lips of the political class. It was the army under its present command which cast vacillation aside. Why is Gen Raheel Sharif such a popular figure? Because the ordinary people of this country, the overwhelming majority, realise what the political class and the government find so hard to concede: that if the national situation has changed for the better, if despair has given way to hope, it is only because of the armed forces.

Let’s not beat about the bush. The civilian contribution to this turnaround – except in Balochistan where Chief Minister Abdul Malik and the military have acted in harmony – is zero, raised to the power of ten.

If marriage halls and marquees – the leading national industries today being marriage halls and real estate – are doing a roaring business across the country and new shopping malls are coming up in cities large and small, and well-off Pakistanis dig into karahi gosht and chicken tikkas every evening - -and if bootleggers can scarcely keep up with the insatiable demand for Black Label and other stuff to cater to the great thirst of Pakistan’s lucky privilegentsia – it is only because soldiers and officers are putting their lives on the line in Fata and elsewhere.

This is Pakistan’s longest and toughest war, longer and tougher than all its previous wars put together. More soldiers have died in it than all previous wars – from Kashmir to East Pakistan to Kargil. And the PM’s office, quaking at the mere mention of the Taliban just last year, has the cheek to say that the government achieved the broad political consensus behind the launching of the present military operation.

The only consensus the government achieved was for talks with the murderous TTP. Tough decisions were no part of its agenda. Even when army and PAF had started Zarb-e-Azb the civilians were behaving little better than foot-dragging children being led reluctantly to school. The Peshawar school attack, with TTP gunmen mercilessly shooting down young boys and girls – the same TTP with which the government had been so keen to negotiate – left the political class no choice but to clamber aboard the military’s war chariot.

Now the PM’s office is claiming credit for the prime minister for leading this war. No doubt it takes this to be a nation of fools, easily misled and unable to recognise the truth. But the statement also reveals something else: that the PML-N top leadership is past changing and can never mend its ways.

During the dharna and the long marches its spirits were down and out. The fight had gone out of it. It thus made a virtue of deferring to Gen Raheel Sharif. But something has happened lately: either some vitamin shot given by the Americans during the PM’s US visit, or the first phase of the Punjab local elections during which the PML-N has done well or Imran Khan’s discomfiture…but something seems to have happened to bring back some of the PML-N’s traditional cockiness, the readiness with which, throwing caution to the winds, it takes on army chiefs and butts its head into the thickest walls.

A month ago the computers in the PM’s office would have shook before such a statement was issued. Now we are seeing the straw lion in his element again. And this is just Nov 2015. Just wait another six months when Gen Raheel Sharif comes closer to the end of his term. The confidence of the stuffed lions will then be something to behold.

If the army command thinks that the PML-N government, or the political leadership as a whole, can be prodded into becoming Churchills through ISPR tweets it should soon enough learn the limits of its influence. Military exhortations will not make for better civilian governance. The civilians are into orange railway lines, etc. Terrorism will remain the military’s baby. The military must sink or swim on its own.

But the people are with the military. This is the telling combination in this survival war against extremism and terrorism: military and the people. But it is getting to be near evening time and the shadows are lengthening. And the stuffed lions are waiting to have the last laugh.

Email: bhagwal63@gmail.com
It was the army under its present command which overruled the civilians

Hasn't that always been the basic issue? What is the legal chain of command is not the real chain of command. Hence the national schizophrenia.
asma jehangir hamid mir yeh woh e hn jinko india ki trf s woh award dia gya h jo 1971 m pakistan ko torny walo ko dia gya so yeh idiots hn e bgert..
Hasn't that always been the basic issue? What is the legal chain of command is not the real chain of command. Hence the national schizophrenia.

You quoted only one half sentence from whole article. I request you to consider whole article to make your point valid.
You quoted only one sentence from whole article. I request you to consider whole article to make your point valid.

I did read the whole article. All of the discussion is about the symptoms, not the root cause of the disease afflicting the country's policies in dealing with terrorism.
I did read the whole article. All of the discussion is about the symptoms, not the root cause of the disease afflicting the country's policies in dealing with terrorism.

Raheel Sharif is the root cause of disease? Sorry I don't agree with your prespective sir.
Raheel Sharif is the root cause of disease? Sorry I don't agree with your prespective sir.

No Sir, he is just one man. The root cause is that the legal chain of command is not the real chain of command, causing the national schizophrenia.
Men in uniform should better do their duties , instead on commenting and judging the competence of a democratic government.

They should abide by their oath and should serve as servants of Pakistan and not the masters.
#ThankYouRaheelShareef :omghaha:
you talk as if army came from mars and not from the houses streets districts cities counties of the nation if this piece of $hit government has the right be thieves & crooks then you deserve the likes of them!
Bhai jan ajkal patwari ghabra gaye hain al serious na lo inki baton ko.
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