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AirBlue Commercial Aircraft Crashes in Islamabad

Weather is much better now but this is what the rescue workers had to fight earlier in the day, thick fog, smoke and heavy rain:-

RR might be able to tell us about the situation when he returns from work.
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Apparently flight data recorder is still not found despite previous reports stating it has been found but eventually it will be found as send homing signals for a month or so.
Goodbye Ali Shirazi! We Will Remember You Forever: Team Telecom Recorder


Ali Shirazi, Manager Communications at Mediapulse (Pvt.) Ltd., has also lost his life in the tragic accident of air crash occurred in Margla Hills Islamabad on Wednesday morning.

He was in-charge of Telenor Pakistan public relations campaigns and media coordination at Mediapulse.

Sources in the industry said that he was scheduled to attend a meeting in the capital with Telenor officials to discuss business affairs.

The team of Telecom Recorder expressed sorrow on his death along with other passengers flying in Airblue’s flight.

With an MBA in Marketing & MIS from College of Business Management Ali had a four years of experience in marketing, advertising and PR. He had also managed ATL & BTL advertising of Toyota, FedEx, Engro & Singapore Airlines.

We will remember him forever as he was the first person of the industry who contacted us since we launched Telecom Recorder.

May Allah Almighty rest the departed soul in eternal peace and give the courage to member of the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss. Aameen

If you would like to share your own memories or thoughts of Ali Shirazi, please comment. We will try his loved ones get a copy of your posts.

Goodbye Ali Shirazi! We Will Remember You Forever: Team Telecom Recorder | Telecom Recorder
With ever increasing air traffic for civil and military use , how can an out dated and small Islamabad Air port can manage it all.

A sad day .
Pakistan declared it a day of mourning as everyone grieved the tragedy.




I saw this last night USA time and it has sadned my whole night and day today :( very sad news.
"Islamabad airport not an easy destination to fly into"

KARACHI: The captain of the Pakistani passenger jet that crashed in the hills of Islamabad on Wednesday was a top professional flying into one of the most testing airports for pilots, a colleague said.

“Islamabad airport's location is not an easy destination to fly into,” Hashim Raza Gardezi, a former colleague of Pervez Iqbal Chaudhry who piloted the doomed Airbus A-321, told AFP.

The craggy Margalla Hills to the north of the capital and unpredictable wind patterns can make an approach extremely difficult he said, going so far as to describe Islamabad as “one of the worst weather conditions in the world”.

“Irregular wind systems surround the Margalla Hills often make it difficult for the pilots while in the air,” Gardezi, a pilot for state Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), said.

Airblue's flight 202 from Karachi was coming into land at Benazir Bhutto International airport when witnesses saw a jet flying at unusually low altitude then heard a loud boom.

Gardezi told AFP that Chaudhry, was a true professional.

“Chaudhry was one of the finest professionals in this field... who never took unnecessary risks during his professional career.” Procedures for safe landing at Islamabad advise pilots not to descend lower than 1,000 feet (300 metres) unless they have full visibility of the runway.

Gardezi said half an hour before the crash, a PIA flight was diverted to the eastern city of Lahore owing to poor weather conditions.

“With the experience Chaudhry had, I suppose the weather had got better by then prompting him to go for landing,” he told Geo television.

Pakistan's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said the pilot had been in contact with the control tower at the airport until just before the crash.

“In the last conversation with the control tower, the pilot had been given landing clearance and the plane was proceeding normally for landing before it crashed into the hills,” said Riaz-ul-Haq, the authority's deputy director.

The civil aviation authority said all possible causes would be investigated, including terrorism and bad weather, although officials gave no indication that an attack might have been to blame.
well he might be a doctor but his concerns are valid, CAA should have held a press conference to clarify any lingering doubts, as one cannot easily apprehend the biggest question of all that " what in the world was that plane doing near Margalla hills" & equally significant one is that, why it wasn't allowed to land twice when it came at the airport?

You think that CAA is 'walia log organization'--CAA will publish a comprehensive detail AFTER doing an investigation.

Saad to CAA: What is a plane?
Media to CAA: Please answer the question
Media, people: CAA is not responding. Well we told you, CAA is incapable!
People: See, CAA is hiding something. GO CATCH THEM!!
CAA: What kind of fools we have here. The question was not worthy to be replied by a professional organization. GO AND ASK MEDIA!!
CAA: We need more time!!!

You think that my question was worthy to be asked at the first place?
No, it was not. Similarly, CAA will examine the accident and will publish the details. Right after the accident, doctor and co started to ask questions for which time is required. IT WAS BETTER FOR THE DOCTOR to go and HELP the rescue workers rather than criticizing all of the institutions!

Morons present foolish argument; thus, their criticism is nothing more than--.
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You think that CAA is 'walia log organization'--CAA will publish a comprehensive detail AFTER doing an investigation.

Saad to CAA: What is a plane?
Media to CAA: Please answer the question
Media, people: CAA is not responding. Well we told you, CAA is incapable!
People: See, CAA is hiding something. GO CATCH THEM!!
CAA: What kind of fools we have here. The question was not worthy to be replied by a professional organization. GO AND ASK MEDIA!!
CAA: We need more time!!!

You think that my question was worthy to be asked as first place?
No, it was not. Similarly, CAA will examine the accident and will publish the details. Right after the accident, doctor and co started to ask questions for which time is required. IT WAS BETTER FOR THE DOCTOR to go and HELP the rescue workers rather than criticizing all of the institutions!

Morons present foolish argument; thus, their criticism is nothing more than--.

Seriously dude our media is so very shitty! Completely ignorant.

And all these pictures of the victims loved ones, it aint a bloody drama, let them grieve in peace without turning their sorrow in a headline story. Victims grieve after plane crash. W T F else do you expect them to do??
Seriously dude our media is so very shitty! Completely ignorant.

And all these pictures of the victims loved ones, it aint a bloody drama, let them grieve in peace without turning their sorrow in a headline story. Victims grieve after plane crash. W T F else do you expect them to do??

People present media not vice versa. Media is important in our society but people presenting it are incapable. It is good to educate people about the accident but MEDIA should realize that she is not the JUDGE! God damn, they cannot understand this simple thing? CAA and other agencies will investigate and if media is not satisfied than go to the courts BS!
CAA has released the last minutes of the pilot-ATC conversation:-
Control tower’s first warning: You are getting away from the runway.
Pilot’s response: We can see the runway.
Control tower’s second warning: Immediately turn left, Margalla is ahead.
Pilot’s response: We can see it.
Is this all that was released or there's more? Any link to the source?

Dr Shahid Masud taunting in his analysis ... trying to be a smart ***.YouTube - Plane Crashed In Islamabad - Doctor Shahid Masood - 28 July 2010
BUT he's speaking reality...!!! Isn't he.? There's NO competent ppl to deal with fires/disasters. After earthquake in Kashmir/Islamabad there wasn't even cranes to lift those concrete slabs.

edit:Weather network's rep just said on GEO TV that BlackBox has been found.
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