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Air Force Question Thread

We already have 2 modified by Peru, notice the Gatling gun space on the C-130 when it came to UK painted with relief photos. 1 in Karachi and 1 in chaklala. Right now they are busy with relief camps dropping food.
So we have come to this low that we got our C-130s modified by Peru! interesting progress.
So we have come to this low that we got our C-130s modified by Peru! interesting progress.

I feel sorry for people like your self who say stuff without knowing anything about it. Most Air Forces send there fleet to Peru for structural improvements, avionics upgrades and overall.
Lockheed has a set up over there since 1984 so different forces can send there Charlie's over there Cheap labor.
I feel sorry for people like your self who say stuff without knowing anything about it. Most Air Forces send there fleet to Peru for structural improvements, avionics upgrades and overall.
Lockheed has a set up over there since 1984 so different forces can send there Charlie's over there Cheap labor.
You don't have to feel sorry, because this is not my arena. I had no clue that Lockheed had a setup in Peru. Now I know, thank you. Next time, please provide with little more information, not everybody on this forum has a military background. The confusion could have been avoided if your sentence was like this "We already have 2 modified by Lockheed facility in Peru".
hi! i scrolled through the Pakistan AWACs/AEW&Cs Aircrafts thread.. but couldnt find a definative post which shows
1]the paf specific chanes in Erieye as compared to other countries.. suppose say brazil?.

Many differences. Some we know about, others are obviously not known. The biggest difference is the PAF's extended coverage requirement which is up to ~360 degrees now. Secondly, we have 5 operator consoles on the aircraft which were not available in the early versions. Thirdly, our aircraft have different ECM/ECCM gear than those that are on board the Hellenic AF's Erieyes.

2]In the newer posts on net, also the Erieye is called AEW&Cs.. .what was done to upgrade standard Erieye to make it become AEW&Cs from just AWACs..what upgrades were done?[was the seating arrangement increased in the front only?]

Nothing has been done. The aircraft category has undergone a change. Now all such aircraft are termed AEW&C instead of AWAC. This is because there has been a generational change in the abilities of such aircraft. The current term is AEW&C.
3]paf also has the same upgraded AEW&Cs

Yes. Ours are the SAAB Erieye AEW&C aircraft. Some officers and old timers will still refer to the aircraft as AWACS...that is because they are used to that terminology.
4]how much effect will Erieye ' AEW&Cs' have against phalcon?

Not sure what this question means. Each platform has different capabilities.

Some more details from an earlier article:

Saab 2000 AEW&C Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft, Sweden

The Saab 2000 AEW&C airborne early warning and control aircraft is a variant of the Saab 2000 regional transport turboprop aircraft equipped with the spine-mounted Saab Systems Erieye PS-890 side-looking reconnaissance radar.

The first customer for the Saab 2000 AEW&C, the Pakistan Fiza'ya (the Pakistan Air Force), placed the order on Saab, based in Stockholm, in June 2006. The first of five aircraft was rolled out in April 2008 and is scheduled to enter service in 2009. Thailand announced the selection of the Saab 2000 AEW&C in June 2007.

The aircraft, fully equipped for airborne early warning and control, can also be used for national security missions, border control, airborne command and control, disaster management coordination and for emergency air traffic control.

Saab 2000 construction
Saab Surveillance Systems is the lead contractor for the Saab 2000 AEW&C programme. Saab Aerotech is responsible for the development and modification of the Saab 2000 regional aircraft to the AEW&C configuration. Six other Saab business units are also contracted for major elements of the programme.

The outer wing sections have been strengthened, as has the roof of the fuselage, to accommodate the weight of the Erieye antenna and its housing. The vertical tail area has been increased to provide improved stabilisation.

Main cabin
The main cabin is fitted with five mission operator consoles on the starboard side. The windows on the starboard side of the main cabin have been removed. The cabin is air-conditioned and fitted with an active noise cancellation system.

The aft section of the main cabin accommodates fuel tanks and mission equipment. Two auxiliary fuel tanks are installed on the starboard side in the mid fuselage section immediately aft of the mission consoles.

The mission operator consoles perform: system and sensor management; mission planning and simulation; track data processing; asset management and control; identification and allocation. The display systems incorporate digital maps and use high-resolution flat-panel colour displays and touch input display controls. The main cabin aft section also accommodates the electronic warfare equipment, the Erieye equipment and the Erieye power units.

Saab Microwave Systems (formerly Ericsson) is the lead contractor for the Erieye surveillance radar. The Erieye radar is operational on a number of other aircraft including the Saab 340, Embraer R-99 and Embraer EMB-145. Erieye is an active phased array pulse Doppler radar operating in the 3.1GHz to 3.3GHz band. The radar is operational from three minutes after take-off and during climb and provides an effective surveillance area of 500,000km².

The Erieye radar has an instrumental range of 450km and detection range of 350km against a fighter aircraft sized target in dense hostile electronic warfare environments and at low target altitudes. The system is capable of tracking multiple air and sea target over the horizon and provides above 20km altitude coverage, 360° coverage and has sea surveillance capability. The radar incorporates an identification friend or foe interrogator. The system comprises an active phased array pulse Doppler radar with a secondary surveillance radar.

The fixed dual sided electronically scanned antenna array is installed in a rectangular housing, dorsally mounted above the fuselage.

Electronic warfare suite

The aircraft's electronic warfare suite is based on the Saab Avitronics HES-21 electronic support measures (ESM) and self-protection suite. The HES-21 also provides a ground-based support system (EGSS), which provides mission data for the aircraft electronic warfare system and for analysis of recorded data.

Electronic support measures

The electronic support measures (ESM) system comprises digital narrow band and wide band receivers and associated antennae, providing close to 100 % probability of intercept (POI). The digital receiver is equipped with interferometer antenna arrays.

The ESM obtains the electronic order of battle (EOB) data and intercepts, characterises and identifies signals, defines their direction of arrival, generating and displaying warning information. The ESM system operates autonomously and allows real time ESM analysis and presentation to the ESM operator on board the aircraft. ESM data is recorded during missions for post mission tactical and technical analysis. Information is transferred to other onboard systems including the command and control system and the radio data link-controller.

The radar receivers cover low band (7GHz to 2GHz), mid band (2GHz to 18GHz) and high band (28GHz to 40GHz).

The digital RF receiver provides very high sensitivity and selectivity and uses fast Fourier transforms (FFT) and channelisation signal processing techniques. The ESM's wide band and narrow band receivers provide 360° coverage, and close to 100% probability of intercept. The system provides high sensitivity and selectivity in dense and hostile signal environments.

Self-protection system

The self-protection system (SPS) comprises: defensive aids control system, radar warning, laser warning, missile approach warning and chaff and flare dispenser systems. The self-protection suite provides selection and, in automatic mode, the initiation of the chaff and countermeasures sequences.

The laser warning system is based on the Saab Avitronics LWS-310 laser warner operating in the 0.5 to 17 microns wavelength bands. Spatial and spectral coverage is provided by an array of three sensors on each side of the aircraft.

The missile launch and approach warner (MAW) is based on the Saab Avitronics MAW-300, which can simultaneously monitor and track up to eight threats. It has four sensors, two on each side, and each with 110° azimuthal coverage to provide the overlapped 360° spatial coverage.

The chaff and flare dispensing system (CFDS) comprises a dispenser control unit, (CFDC) with a cockpit mounted display and control panel, defensive aids suite computer with a threat library database, two BOL electromechanical dispensers and six BOP pyrotechnical dispensers.

The BOL dispenser is a high-capacity, 160-cartridges, electro-mechanical chaff dispenser. The BOL dispensers are installed in the fairings under the wingtip-mounted radar warning pods. The dispenser incorporates vortex generators which provide chaff blooming characteristics and a chaff cloud Doppler response.

The BOP dispenser is a pyrotechnic dispenser carrying Nato standard rectangular cartridges or magazines of 39 1in² cartridges. The dispenser has the capability to dispense different ammunition types concurrently. The BOP dispensers are housed on each side of the underside of the fuselage to the aft of the wings.


The aircraft is fitted with two Rolls-Royce AE 2100A turboprop engines developing 3,095kW.
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You don't have to feel sorry, because this is not my arena. I had no clue that Lockheed had a setup in Peru. Now I know, thank you. Next time, please provide with little more information, not everybody on this forum has a military background. The confusion could have been avoided if your sentence was like this "We already have 2 modified by Lockheed facility in Peru".

MY BAD SORRY. He asked me the question I should have been more clear about the details :cheers:
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We already have 2 modified by Peru, notice the Gatling gun space on the C-130 when it came to UK painted with relief photos. 1 in Karachi and 1 in chaklala. Right now they are busy with relief camps dropping food.

any pictures to verify this claim!
Pakistan is not listed as a AC-130 operator!
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New Delhi, August 07, 2007 - Indian intelligence agencies on Tuesday categorically rejected newspaper reports about the detention of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim and some of his henchmen by Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence in Karachi.

The intelligence agencies, which have been tracking Dawood all this while, say it is highly improbable that Dawood and his henchmen have been taken into custody by the ISI. "There is no basis for these reports," they say.

These agencies have, however, confirmed to CNN-IBN that the gangster is very much in Karachi, and not in Quetta as reported in sections of the media on Tuesday.

Newspaper reports on Tuesday claimed Dawood has been taken into custody by the ISI along with his trusted lieutenant Chhota Shakeel and the 1993 Mumbai blasts mastermind Tiger Memon.

The reports claimed that the trio was rounded up last Thursday from their hideout near the Pak-Afghan border. The three are currently being held at a safe-house on the outskirts of Quetta, they say.

The reports described the ISI move as a desperate move by the Pakistani intelligence agency to save face of the Musharraf regime amid mounting US pressure to arrest these criminals.

The Indian intelligence, however, trashed these reports. They, however, confirmed that the don was indeed injured in a gambling brawl on Monday. The underworld don, India's most wanted fugitive, was shot in his left leg when a scuffle broke out between him and his fellow gamblers — Firoz Gitto, Firoz Dausa and Black Prince.

The incident took place in the penthouse of Regent Crown Plaza Hotel in Karachi. The hotel belongs to infamous gambler Firrazudin Baweza.

For years now, India has been claiming that Dawood is indeed in Pakistan and he has been enjoying the full support of the ISI. From time to time, New Delhi has also furnished proofs to Islamabad about Dawood's presence in Karachi and demanded that he should be handed over to India, as per ibnlive.com.

On its part, Pakistan has always denied the presence of these people in its territory.

Last week, US endorsed the view of India that Dawood was indeed in Pakistan after the FBI and US drug enforcement agencies laid their hands on evidence that proved Dawood's role as a facilitator of the al-Qaeda and his complete control over the international drug syndicate.
So we have come to this low that we got our C-130s modified by Peru! interesting progress.

I consider this post as malicious. Please do not forget that we have the brightest minds working to achieve the best. They take every consideration in to account before a decision is made within the limited resources the government offers. Further more, LM and Boeing have several facilities outside US including Pakistan for it's commercial aircrafts. PAC manufactures aviation parts for Boeing 747, 767 and 777 aircrafts.

You are new on this board---a little more respect to the posters will be appreciated in your replies.

Qsaark is an extremely respected member on this board. Thankyou. MK

Qsaark Friend I am sorry for being rude, I was in a totally different state of mind when I replied and hope you will forgive me. I hope we will end up as very good friends as a token of friendship please send me your email through pm, Will send you a collectors photo of JF-17 Just for you.:cheers:
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I am sorry I just read this and yes you are right I apologize on his behalf Qsaark . It will be taken care off and will not happen again for his sake.

no sorry from you sir its sir jabbar statement and he already say sorry .you are my favorite boss :smitten: please sit on highest seat.:cheers:
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