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Air Force bombers land on [undisclosed] South China Sea island airport for first time

The island build up is for peaceful power projection purposes. Thinking otherwise does not serve the purpose of the assets installed, being installed and to be installed. What is better is that once the assets are fixed, they are cheaper to maintain.

Because China does not venture away it stays in its own maritime territories, yet, China's maritime territories, although as not far fetched as the US regime's extensions, serve the purpose of peaceful power projection objectives.

If China were to have a similar aggressive foreign policy like the US regime, then, it would be required to venture away far into high seas, but, currently and in the foreseeable future, the military facilities in China's maritime territories are enough. They are practical, less costly (in terms of human and material costs) and serve the purpose. Nothing can be better than this.

The US regime, on the other hand, requires a more extended military imprint although it is costly. If they are ready to bear it and of others, often unwillingly, to accept it as it is due to lesser power position, then, I guess China has no problem with that.

Current arrangement serves the purpose, especially given that the US regime has turned rather unpredictable, violent and irrational. It has created more disgust than respect. Even traditional US allies cannot take it anymore, as is seen in the developments with the Iran nuclear deal.

Therefore, I believe, innately, the VCP of Vietnam is also happy about China's regional imprint and power projection capabilities via China's own waters and lands. What is inimical to the VCP-led Vietnam is a blood-thirst warmonger like McCain having upper hand and dreaming another regime change plans in Vietnam.

In this respect, just as China is guarantor for national stability in the Philippines, it is in Vietnam, as well.
Calm down man, there is no single piece of evidence Vietnam owns you anything.

The roads, the bridges Chinese built were all destroyed by the PLA retards in the last war.

What’s about Vietnam cities along the border to China?

All destroyed.

I haven’t mentioned the lives of Vietnamese civiliians that were killed by the terror PLA bombardment yet.

You are a funny boy. Why should our future be bitter? Vietnam is concern because China is dangerous, like a islamist suicide bomber. If you don’t act as such, nobody in Vietnam will take note of anything in China.

In fact Vietnam foreign policy toward China in the last thousand years remains unchanged: keeping distance.
1.You are so funny. I donot care your policy toward us at all, there is almost no any information about our little and poor neighbor in our daily life, and no Chinese care about VN. So you should feel relaxed.
2.I said the future is much bitter for your country. It is obvious fact. As you said, you think we are dangerous. And we will be much more dangerous to you in the future. You are unhappy and pretend to ignore us, but in fact you cannot.
3.A islamist suicide bomber? Lol, no, you guys overestimated yourselves so much. You country is like a peanut to us, and we can chew the peanut without any "suicide".
ok you have few Kaliber let assume 50 to 150 CM and probably defend with layered missile defense system by PLAAN and ground based systems, so how can Vietnam defend itself from hundreds of CM launch by PLAAN ships ground launch vehicles PLAAF bombers/fighter bombers think logically @Viva_Viet :angel::enjoy:
So u admit that your country will not survive if CN lauch that attack ??

The island build up is for peaceful power projection purposes. Thinking otherwise does not serve the purpose of the assets installed, being installed and to be installed. What is better is that once the assets are fixed, they are cheaper to maintain.

Because China does not venture away it stays in its own maritime territories, yet, China's maritime territories, although as not far fetched as the US regime's extensions, serve the purpose of peaceful power projection objectives.

If China were to have a similar aggressive foreign policy like the US regime, then, it would be required to venture away far into high seas, but, currently and in the foreseeable future, the military facilities in China's maritime territories are enough. They are practical, less costly (in terms of human and material costs) and serve the purpose. Nothing can be better than this.

The US regime, on the other hand, requires a more extended military imprint although it is costly. If they are ready to bear it and of others, often unwillingly, to accept it as it is due to lesser power position, then, I guess China has no problem with that.

Current arrangement serves the purpose, especially given that the US regime has turned rather unpredictable, violent and irrational. It has created more disgust than respect. Even traditional US allies cannot take it anymore, as is seen in the developments with the Iran nuclear deal.

Therefore, I believe, innately, the VCP of Vietnam is also happy about China's regional imprint and power projection capabilities via China's own waters and lands. What is inimical to the VCP-led Vietnam is a blood-thirst warmonger like McCain having upper hand and dreaming another regime change plans in Vietnam.

In this respect, just as China is guarantor for national stability in the Philippines, it is in Vietnam, as well.
Show that your stupid PLAF (that have no single win in air combat) can protect CN barren land and desert first, bro.

In last CN-US conflict in 1958 in TW, US slaughterred Cn troops as easily as pigs wt no single US troop lost , PLAF completely failed.
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1.You are so funny. I donot care your policy toward us at all, there is almost no any information about our little and poor neighbor in our daily life, and no Chinese care about VN. So you should feel relaxed.
2.I said the future is much bitter for your country. It is obvious fact. As you said, you think we are dangerous. And we will be much more dangerous to you in the future. You are unhappy and pretend to ignore us, but in fact you cannot.
3.A islamist suicide bomber? Lol, no, you guys overestimated yourselves so much. You country is like a peanut to us, and we can chew the peanut without any "suicide".
Actually, Vietnam is not small. 100 million people.

Vietnam is not quite so poor now. It is like China 30 years ago in terms of living standards. In terms of cost of living Vietnam is actually fairly close to today's China already due to foreign money infusion.

Vietnam is not quite so weak either since they define their strength as their ability to bully their ethnic Chinese minority.

The historical Vietnam was a joint creation of the ethnic Chinese and the ethnic Vietnamese. In recent decades the ethnic Vietnamese have seized power and disrupted the balance. The fact that they are getting away with this aggression shows they are a serious threat.

While it is true that the average Chinese do not think about Vietnam, to me it just demonstrates ignorance and passivity in the average population. That is nothing to be proud of.
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It's quite stupid to ask people for proof, yet you always ask people to proof themselves before they speak, believe it, fine, not believe it, it's up to you, but no one is dumb enough to try to claim something that they aren't on the internet to proof a point they made in a forum.

I have no problem you don't think I was a soldier, nor had I killed anyone before. I do have problem you said War this, kill that when you have never killed before, the problem is not on me, it's on you. Because I never said I will go war this, and kill that just that easily on a forum.


When you make such a wild and fantastical claim on an anonymous forum, then of course people are going to ask for proof. You keep mentioning that you have fought in wars and killed people in combat (even though nobody asked), sounds like typical fake internet boasting.

It's like if I were to claim that I could deadlift 500kg. Obviously that's a wild claim and people would ask for proof, and I wouldn't have any since it is not true.

I do have problem you said War this, kill that when you have never killed before, the problem is not on me, it's on you. Because I never said I will go war this, and kill that just that easily on a forum.

I never said "war this or kill that", you are the one constantly boasting online about having killed people in combat. I have never killed anyone in my life, nor do I intend to. Unlike some people, I would rather not have that on my conscience.
When you make such a wild and fantastical claim on an anonymous forum, then of course people are going to ask for proof. You keep mentioning that you have fought in wars and killed people in combat (even though nobody asked), sounds like typical fake internet boasting.

It's like if I were to claim that I could deadlift 500kg. Obviously that's a wild claim and people would ask for proof, and I wouldn't have any since it is not true.

I never said "war this or kill that", you are the one constantly boasting online about having killed people in combat. I have never killed anyone in my life, nor do I intend to. Unlike some people, I would rather not have that on my conscience.
Killing people is not worth boasting.
1.You are so funny. I donot care your policy toward us at all, there is almost no any information about our little and poor neighbor in our daily life, and no Chinese care about VN. So you should feel relaxed.
2.I said the future is much bitter for your country. It is obvious fact. As you said, you think we are dangerous. And we will be much more dangerous to you in the future. You are unhappy and pretend to ignore us, but in fact you cannot.
3.A islamist suicide bomber? Lol, no, you guys overestimated yourselves so much. You country is like a peanut to us, and we can chew the peanut without any "suicide".
You don’t care of Vietnam? Really? I bet if Vietnam signs a mutual defense pact with military power, all Chinese from small or big will run amok.
Kalibr uses both GPS and Glonass.

Don't forget that the RQ-170 was taken down by Iran in 2011. I'm willing to bet that stealth drone is far more sophisticated than any badly-made Russian missile sold to Vietnam.


Even if both systems are jammed, the missiles will fly to targets using onboard maps and navigation computers.

Onboard maps over several hundred miles of water? Good luck with that.
Don't forget that the RQ-170 was taken down by Iran in 2011. I'm willing to bet that stealth drone is far more sophisticated than any badly-made Russian missile sold to Vietnam.


Onboard maps over several hundred miles of water? Good luck with that.
Kalibr is proven in the war in Syria. The Russians say all missiles hit land targets.

Before introduction of GPS, how can a plane fly from London to New York?

Think about it, before you answer!
Before introduction of GPS, how can a plane fly from London to New York?

Heathrow Airport is a fixed, known location.

JFK is a fixed, known location.

A Kilo-class submarine floating around in the middle of the ocean is neither fixed or known.

Furthermore, airplanes have pilots inside. Cruise missiles do not.

So u admit that your country will not survive if CN lauch that attack ??
don't twisted your word, i'm asking about Vietnam, Can Vietnam survive hundreds of CM launch by different platforms and if you talking about Pakistan why China launch CM on Pakistan, China is a friend of Pakistano_O, if you talking about USA they have layered defense also:p:, I ASK SAME QUESTION TO YOU HOW WILL VIETNAM SURVIVE HUNDREDS OF CM LAUNCH BY CHINA BY DIFFERENT LAUNCH PLATFORMS @Viva_Viet ;)
Kalibr is proven in the war in Syria. The Russians say all missiles hit land targets.

Before introduction of GPS, how can a plane fly from London to New York?

Think about it, before you answer!
Calm down man, there is no single piece of evidence Vietnam owns you anything.

The roads, the bridges Chinese built were all destroyed by the PLA retards in the last war.

What’s about Vietnam cities along the border to China?

All destroyed.

I haven’t mentioned the lives of Vietnamese civiliians that were killed by the terror PLA bombardment yet.

You are a funny boy. Why should our future be bitter? Vietnam is concern because China is dangerous, like a islamist suicide bomber. If you don’t act as such, nobody in Vietnam will take note of anything in China.

In fact Vietnam foreign policy toward China in the last thousand years remains unchanged: keeping distance.

The PLA of the 1979 was weak with backward equipment and technology.

If they can resort such damage to Vietnam just within few days, then imagine the war machine of the PLA today, they can bomb the entire Vietnam into stone age just in few days.
When you make such a wild and fantastical claim on an anonymous forum, then of course people are going to ask for proof. You keep mentioning that you have fought in wars and killed people in combat (even though nobody asked), sounds like typical fake internet boasting.

It's like if I were to claim that I could deadlift 500kg. Obviously that's a wild claim and people would ask for proof, and I wouldn't have any since it is not true.

I never said "war this or kill that", you are the one constantly boasting online about having killed people in combat. I have never killed anyone in my life, nor do I intend to. Unlike some people, I would rather not have that on my conscience.

I would argue that those claims are extraordinary and arise from personal insecurities and childhood traumas. Even with a so-called proof, I would not believe it. The type of private information that is shared (allegedly) is beyond the roof.


Show that your stupid PLAF (that have no single win in air combat) can protect CN barren land and desert first, bro.

In last CN-US conflict in 1958 in TW, US slaughterred Cn troops as easily as pigs wt no single US troop lost , PLAF completely failed.

Rome was not built in a day. The efforts to increase China's power projection capabilities is a long-held vision, and, coupled with nuclear tried, poised with providing a significant barrier to any power that dares to challenge China's sovereign rights and titles.

This includes Taiwan.

The US can make noise and speaks of bravado, but, when the knife touches the nerve, they are as baloney as pumped up Hulk Hogan.

Believe me, we have seen it in many places. For Heaven's sake, they got saved their back in Afghanistan only after they negotiated and signed a truce with the same groups that they argue are responsible for bringing down the twin towers for which they have been crying for two decades now with no signs of easing.
When you make such a wild and fantastical claim on an anonymous forum, then of course people are going to ask for proof. You keep mentioning that you have fought in wars and killed people in combat (even though nobody asked), sounds like typical fake internet boasting.

It's like if I were to claim that I could deadlift 500kg. Obviously that's a wild claim and people would ask for proof, and I wouldn't have any since it is not true.

Even if I show you proof, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT WAS ME? You never see me behind the computer, you don't actually know WHO is me.

Maybe I was not in the military, and use my father/brother's military history to fool you, would you ever know? So in the end, what's that gonna do with stuff here?

You claim you can deadlift 500KG, I have to take it as face value, even if you show me "your" picture lifting 500KG, that may not be you. So, what is the point of making proof. The action, thus appropriate to your "claim" is that either I believe you, or I don't.

As I said, I DON'T ASK people to believe I was in the military. And you can claim you are queen of the Shiba for all I care, I don't really believe or not believe it. But I will never ask people proof you are a queen of Shiba. And I would not care if you believe I was a soldier in battle. I will show my proof if I am interviewing with a Security Company face to face who require my service record. You are quite naïve to think proof mean anything in an anonymous forum.

I never said "war this or kill that", you are the one constantly boasting online about having killed people in combat. I have never killed anyone in my life, nor do I intend to. Unlike some people, I would rather not have that on my conscience.

so post 36 again, never happened?

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