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Air Force bombers land on [undisclosed] South China Sea island airport for first time

Actually, Vietnam is not small. 100 million people.

Vietnam is not quite so poor now. It is like China 30 years ago in terms of living standards. In terms of cost of living Vietnam is actually fairly close to today's China already due to foreign money infusion.

Vietnam is not quite so weak either since they define their strength as their ability to bully their ethnic Chinese minority.

The historical Vietnam was a joint creation of the ethnic Chinese and the ethnic Vietnamese. In recent decades the ethnic Vietnamese have seized power and disrupted the balance. The fact that they are getting away with this aggression shows they are a serious threat.

While it is true that the average Chinese do not think about Vietnam, to me it just demonstrates ignorance and passivity in the average population. That is nothing to be proud of.
VN is not like China 30 years ago. 30 years ago, CN leader Deng bowed down to Jap in 1978, US in 1978, accept the US's control over TW (PLA also too scared to retake TW after 1958 humiliate defeated) to get they support while VN now still bow down to No one. VN defeat all enemies, keep stationing abt 60,000 under cover troops in Laos, control the whole riot police force in Camb and get big lands from Camb and even can become a founding member of strong group TPP.

CN has nothing to proud of (barren land, big desert, 1.3 billion trouble makers, no special high tech product, coward and useless PLA, PLAF got no single win but mainly humiliated lost in history ) while VN can pround of our glory history (defeated mighty Mongol when the whole Europe-CN kneed down to her, kick US out of VN while CN still surrender to US over TW conflict, strong air force wt brave-smart ACE pilots wt many victory against US might air force ).

Its very stressful to be born as a normal CNese who has no human right, living under a stupid King who just gave him the right to sit on throne forever, no healthy food, cant grow crop in winter, no good and stable jobs now due to Trump's bully. Thats why Cnese have no choice but to keep masturbating on internet abt some unreal thing ("mighty bomber" can scare VN, "mighty " PLA who can destroy all enemies , "mighty" CN economy that will take over US's one etc) somethign they know thats not true, but bragging on internet may make them happy, so they temporary can forget the real hard life (Boss force Cnese to eat worm, crawl around lake, beat them like slave etc ):cool:

Rome was not built in a day. The efforts to increase China's power projection capabilities is a long-held vision, and, coupled with nuclear tried, poised with providing a significant barrier to any power that dares to challenge China's sovereign rights and titles.

This includes Taiwan.

The US can make noise and speaks of bravado, but, when the knife touches the nerve, they are as baloney as pumped up Hulk Hogan.

Believe me, we have seen it in many places. For Heaven's sake, they got saved their back in Afghanistan only after they negotiated and signed a truce with the same groups that they argue are responsible for bringing down the twin towers for which they have been crying for two decades now with no signs of easing.
Rome is not in CN, and CN may get big chaos in 2023 due to Trump's bully and TPP that take away million jobs from CN.

Many countries has nuke power, even VN also got the right to enrich uranium on our soil, CN only can do what many countries can do while CN army still can not do (and never can due to stupid is the nickname of PLA) what VN can (kick US out of TW) .

Why PLA , PLAF dont try to fight in real war instead of sending some fan boys to internet and brag ?? your PLA, PLAF is just for parade only ??
VN is not like China 30 years ago. 30 years ago, CN leader Deng bowed down to Jap in 1978, US in 1978, accept the US's control over TW (PLA also too scared to retake TW after 1958 humiliate defeated) to get they support while VN now still bow down to No one. VN defeat all enemies, keep stationing abt 60,000 under cover troops in Laos, control the whole riot police force in Camb and get big lands from Camb and even can become a founding member of strong group TPP.

CN has nothing to proud of (barren land, big desert, 1.3 billion trouble makers, no special high tech product, coward and useless PLA, PLAF got no single win but mainly humiliated lost in history ) while VN can pround of our glory history (defeated mighty Mongol when the whole Europe-CN kneed down to her, kick US out of VN while CN still surrender to US over TW conflict, strong air force wt brave-smart ACE pilots wt many victory against US might air force ).

Its very stressful to be born as a normal CNese who has no human right, living under a stupid King who just gave him the right to sit on throne forever, no healthy food, cant grow crop in winter, no good and stable jobs now due to Trump's bully. Thats why Cnese have no choice but to keep masturbating on internet abt some unreal thing ("mighty bomber" can scare VN, "mighty " PLA who can destroy all enemies , "mighty" CN economy that will take over US's one etc) somethign they know thats not true, but bragging on internet may make them happy, so they temporary can forget the real hard life (Boss force Cnese to eat worm, crawl around lake, beat them like slave etc ):cool:
LOL maybe that is how the world appears to you when your eyes pop out of your head like a fish thanks to so much Orange :lol:
Rome is not in CN, and CN may get big chaos in 2023 due to Trump's bully and TPP that take away million jobs from CN.

Trump would be some 90 years old by the mid 2020s.

TPP is more of a mental gymnastics than reality, as of now. And Trump made every country to be more sensitive about their own industries. No free chips. :lol:
Trump would be some 90 years old by the mid 2020s.

TPP is more of a mental gymnastics than reality, as of now. And Trump made every country to be more sensitive about their own industries. No free chips. :lol:
yeah, but US will not stop bullying CN cos your PLA/ PLAF is just too weak, coward and useless. Its just like why human keep eating pigs, dogs ? cos pig, dogs cant fight back human :laugh:

Aussie, NZ, JP start buying more products from VN (seafood, fruit, steel ), seem like TPP start working well at least to VN :cool:

LOL maybe that is how the world appears to you when your eyes pop out of your head like a fish thanks to so much Orange :lol:
US dont even need to spray Orange to stupid PLA, PLAF, Cnese peasants and US still can easily slaughter thousand Cnese like pigs wt no US troop lost in 1958 TW conflict. Man. PLA, TW troops and their civilians are stupid like pigs in real battle and so easy to be slaughtered:laugh:


704 215,000
Casualties and losses
440 ROC troops killed[1] 460 PRC troops killed, 218 civilians killed.
US dont even need to spray Orange to stupid PLA, PLAF, Cnese peasants and US still can easily slaughter thousand Cnese like pigs wt no US troop lost in 1958 TW conflict. Man. PLA, TW troops and their civilians are stupid like pigs in real battle and so easy to be slaughtered:laugh:


704 215,000
Casualties and losses
440 ROC troops killed[1] 460 PRC troops killed, 218 civilians killed.
Only Viets get sprayed like insects by USA, nobody else in history :lol:

When we invaded Vietnam in 1979, we were poor and backward, so only 100,000+ Viets killed and Lang Son completely destroyed in 28 days of fighting :cry:

You are right. Nothing does it like Orange. We have room for improvement.
Only Viets get sprayed like insects by USA, nobody else in history :lol:

When we invaded Vietnam in 1979, we were poor and backward, so only 100,000+ Viets killed and Long Son destroyed in 28 days of fighting :cry:

You are right. Nothing does it like Orange. We have room for improvement.
But we won the Vn war while US happy to slaughter dumb Cnese like pigs again and again if u guys dare to touch your belove TW . "Keep living in your barren land and dirty desert, hand off TW" ... thats remind me a sign board"dog and Cnese r not allowed" :lol:

In 1924 Mao took a Chinese friend, newly arrived from Europe, to see the notorious sign in the Shanghai park, 'Chinese and Dogs Not Allowed'.

Nobody knows for sure how many LACMs Vietnam purchased and will purchase from Russia. We don’t need to kill our enemy hundred times. One time is enough. We can mount a nuclear warhead on Kalibr. The missile range is 2,500 km.
The missile range is 2,500 km.

Unlikely. MTCR limits the range of export missiles to 300 km.

Ballistic and cruise missile systems, including the 3M-14E1, are limited by the MTCR treaty to having a maximum range of 300 km with a payload (warhead) of no more than 500 kg.

BrahMos initially had a range of 300-km, but after India became a part of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), the range was extended to 450-km,
Hi, the French also has erected the same sign in indochina 'Vietnamese and dogs Not allowed' in their clubs.
So may I know what is your point of dwelling in past? :lol:
Monkeys don't even have their language... Yet talking about colonialism here... So funny! They speak their master's languages throughout the history...
Unlikely. MTCR limits the range of export missiles to 300 km.
MTCR is a non sanctioned voluntary agreement. The Russians can keep the promise but must not.

Heathrow Airport is a fixed, known location.

JFK is a fixed, known location.

A Kilo-class submarine floating around in the middle of the ocean is neither fixed or known.

Furthermore, airplanes have pilots inside. Cruise missiles do not.

View attachment 475880
Kalibr is a smart missile with auto pilot. Its navigation computer can guide the missile to target with deadly accuracy: plus minus 3 meters. It’s almost impossible to intercept the missile.

Trust me: the Russians will never sell junks to Vietnam.

As said all Kalibr hit target in Syria thousands miles away.


Nobody knows for sure how many LACMs Vietnam purchased and will purchase from Russia. We don’t need to kill our enemy hundred times. One time is enough. We can mount a nuclear warhead on Kalibr. The missile range is 2,500 km.
First ask your russian daddy for permission. And since when your monkey land had "nuclear war head"? You should not always talk in your dreams... If everyone is like you, there is no meaning even have a debate here...

BTW, no one on the planet can threat China ( with ~300 megtons of thermal nuclear fire power, the third largest on the planet), not even your daddy!
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First ask your russian daddy for permission. And since when your monkey land had "nuclear war head"? You should not always talk in your dreams... If everyone is like you, there is no meaning even have a debate here...

BTW, no one on the planet can threat China ( with ~300 megtons of thermal nuclear fire power, the third largest on the planet), not even your daddy!
First, Russia is Vietnam’s friend, not Daddy. Second, haven’t all Chinese posters here supported NK nuclear program for world peace? What’s the difference if Vietnam acquires nuclear weapons for world peace?

China made nuclear devices when China was a backward primitive country. So you can realize making nuclear weapon is easier than making a good car.

Ah by the way we will soon start mass production of electric cars and electric buses.
First, Russia is Vietnam’s friend, not Daddy. Second, haven’t all Chinese posters here supported NK nuclear program for world peace? What’s the difference if Vietnam acquires nuclear weapons for world peace?

China made nuclear devices when China was a backward primitive country. So you can realize making nuclear weapon is easier than making a good car.

Ah by the way we will soon start mass production of electric cars and electric buses.
You always sound like a 5 year old kid. If making nuclear weapon is easier than making a good car, than Iran, which is technologically decades ahead of you, would have nuclear weapons long long time ago to wipe Israel out of the map as they wished... And the world will have at least 40 nuclear nations (still you are not qualified) instead of less than 10... Besides technical barriers which are beyond your reach, you also don't have balls like NK, your government is like dogs which have to obey your russian and american masters... Seeking for nuclear weapons? You will have a regime change...

And you say "China was a primitive and backward country", but we sent our satellite with our own rocket into the space in 1970, something SK, which is again, decades ahead of you, struggled with russian help, and barely accomplished it today... And the countries capable of send satellite into the space (which has no restriction like nukes) are numbered even today. BTW, we also have ICBMs (10,000 km range) in the 70s, something india which is again again, decades ahead you (frankly speaking) haven't achieved even today... To compare your backward shit hole to a permanent member of the UNSC is a insulting to all these top five nations...

And "soon will produce electric bus and electric cars", is that the "vinfast" again? where the batteries come from? German tech again? Lol...

P.S. I really don't need to explain so much to a delusional guy who claim shit in another post like: a backward and poor country vn can produce their own high speed train within 2 years, just because they can make some "Bphone" crap ...
Assemble some crappy triply priced phone using foreign parts equals produce state of the art bullet train... Ok, man, ask this guy to make a bullet train for you and ask some high-school kids to design a nuke for you, as you claimed in some previous posts....

You tiny backward country vn are irrelevant when it comes to whatsoever technology... period!
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yeah, but US will not stop bullying CN cos your PLA/ PLAF is just too weak, coward and useless. Its just like why human keep eating pigs, dogs ? cos pig, dogs cant fight back human :laugh:

Aussie, NZ, JP start buying more products from VN (seafood, fruit, steel ), seem like TPP start working well at least to VN :cool:

US dont even need to spray Orange to stupid PLA, PLAF, Cnese peasants and US still can easily slaughter thousand Cnese like pigs wt no US troop lost in 1958 TW conflict. Man. PLA, TW troops and their civilians are stupid like pigs in real battle and so easy to be slaughtered:laugh:


704 215,000
Casualties and losses
440 ROC troops killed[1] 460 PRC troops killed, 218 civilians killed.
Lol are Vietnames only capable of insulting other’s past? No wonder why Vietnam is sh!t and will never be strong.
Trust me: the Russians will never sell junks to Vietnam.

I don't trust you. I trust the facts.

Vietnam purchased 50 missiles all limited to 300km range or less.

“Vietnam is in the process of acquiring 50 anti-ship and land attack 3M-14E Klub supersonic cruise missiles for its burgeoning fleet of SSK Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines,”

“[w]hile it is unknown whether the anti-ship variant of the weapon sold to Vietnam is the 3M-54E Klub-S (range 220km) or 3M-54E1 (range 300km) – both of which can be launched from submarines – the land-attack variant is almost certainly the 3M-14E (range 300km), capable of carrying a 450kg warhead.”

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