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Air Force bombers land on [undisclosed] South China Sea island airport for first time

China currently has the equivalent of FIVE aircraft carriers in the South China Sea.

Aircraft carrier #1.


Aircraft carrier #2.


All “Big 3” artificial islands in the Spratlys — Fiery Cross, Mischief, and Subi — have 3-kilometer runways.


These island runways can accommodate BIG AIRCRAFT like the Chinese P-3 ASW, along with the H-6K and fighter jets.


And everything is located smack dab in the middle of major strategic sealanes.

Think twice before act stupid. Such islands will be destroyed in the first hour by a massive bombardment of land attack cruise missiles, fired by Vietnamese kilo submarines.

Think twice before act stupid. Such islands will be destroyed in the first hour by a massive bombardment of land attack cruise missiles, fired by Vietnamese kilo submarines.

View attachment 475711

LACMs are easily driven off-course via GPS jamming. In your case, it would be jamming the Russian GLONASS signal, which should be even easier.

Iraq had this capability over a decade ago.

"We have noticed some attempts by the Iraqis to use a GPS-jamming system that they have procured from another nation," said Maj. Gen. Gene Renuart

Air strikes by allied pilots in recent days destroyed six jammers the U.S. was able to identify, Maj. Gen. Renuart said

GPS satellites, conceived by the military during the 1970s, circle the globe twice a day, continuously beaming radio signals that provide timing and logistical information to anyone with a GPS receiver. But because the signal travels 11,000 miles to get to the Earth's surface, it is fairly weak, and thus can be easily interfered with, Air Force officials and GPS specialists say.


Any remaining cruise missiles that get through can be intercepted by Chinese air defense destroyers.

LOL no, I said I support the CPC because they have lifted over 800 million Chinese out of poverty, and because they have kept China away from foreign wars/invasions for the past four decades.

I am anti-war. Which is why I support the CPC.

no, you said this, let me quote you on Post 36

Sure, and after Duterte is replaced, they will fight China right? :lol:

Only Vietnam seems interested in that (that implies war), and you may soon get your wish (So I may soon get a Chinese Invasion). Maybe China will one day turn into the USA and use military force at the drop of a hat, and Vietnam is the one in the firing line.(so China will act like US and snoop into Vietnam business and go to war with Vietnam, because that is what you accuse of US doing)

You are saying on pulling an offensive on Vietnam like the US did in the future, you are not saying you support CPC because they steer away from War/Invasion. Before hand, neither of us is talking about warring. I am talking about country being neutral and not Pro-China and how Chinese path may lead to confrontation, you then start throwing this war BS.

Maybe you need to get your head check, because I think you have dementia and/or memory problem. Seriously, I am scared of your health.

And no, I don't want to assassinate Donald Trump, I think he is fantastic, because he shows America's true face. I don't want to overthrow the US regime because they are letting China have over $300 billion in trade surpluses every single year (not to mention all the loans and investment), and they are also letting China continue to build islands and military bases in the SCS.

So while I dislike the US regime enormously, I do not want to overthrow them and I think it is better for China if they stay.

So if you are anti-US regime, and not going to come to Washington DC to assassinate Trump or something, then ON WHAT GROUND I have to come to China and overthrown CPC if I am anti-CPC?

No offence, but this is a stupid, for lacking a better word, analogy.

Again, I never claimed to be a soldier who fought in foreign wars, and I never claimed to have killed anyone in combat, that was you. If your claim is true then why are you afraid of fighting for what you believe in? One of these things is a lie, so which one is it?

Am I afraid to fight in China? LOL Read above, give me a ground why I need to come and fight China because I am an Anti-CPC. if you find a single reason why I will hop on the first plane and come take over CPC because I am anti-CPC, I will be there in a minute. Beside, overthrowing a Regime most of the time DID NOT INCLUDE blood shed, look at how Thailand overthrown their regime in bloodless coup. So exactly how a citizen of a self proclaim "Peaceful Nation :D:enjoy:" liken to associate everything on needless bloodshed is really, beyond me:crazy:

But if you are talking about killing and war, I will and more than gladly to come to China as fast to kill people like you, but if I do that, you need to come to US and kill people like me? Deal? If you have to talk about war and killing Otherwise you are chicken. :D:enjoy:

Soldier ARE not your personal punching line, unless you are one of them or becoming Xi, you have NO RIGHT to use soldier of any country, INCLUDING your own, to just score some point over some internet forum. Got it?

I hated people like this because they know square root of jack shit about war, yet they keep talking about war over and over and over again like it is some movie. If you are so good about talking, why not go and do something?

Yawn, stop whining and stop your usual game by saying who can and whose not. And stop comparing your beloved US and China. Each doing what their think best suited for them, that's including power projection. Hint for you J, by placing illegal base on sovereign country on whatever pretext done by your beloved USA like in Syria, what your call it?

Did I said who can or who's not?

I only talk about what is power projection and what did the SCS achieve by building Military base for China, with respect to said definition, if you disagree with my "terminology" of Power Projection, we can talk about it. If not, then...….errr, I don't actually know what to say.

What US did to gain their sovereignty is called expansion (of influence). Similar to what China did from Qin Dynasty to Modern Day China. On the other hand, Power Projection brought on by the United States are global, where China, if they can project their Power, would be in their own region (if you can call that "power projection" to begin with)

Which bring it back to my first point, that my point of "Power Projection ALWAYS leads to confrontation" is true as you can see what US did to project their power in places like Syria, a confrontation between US and Russia.
Am I afraid to fight in China?

So your answer is yes then?

You "claim" to have fought in foreign wars, and you "claim" to have killed people in combat, with absolutely zero proof.

Yet you are afraid of coming to protest for what you believe in? Does that make any sense?

Unlike you I never made any fantastical claims of fighting in foreign wars or killing people in combat, because that would sound completely unrealistic and ridiculous.

Do you even have any proof for these wild claims?
So your answer is yes then?

You "claim" to have fought in foreign wars, and you "claim" to have killed people in combat, with absolutely zero proof.

What proof you need? My 201 record? Or should i scan you my DD215 letter that i attachs to my employer detailing what i did for the army in that 7 years? That still wouldnt say i have killed people lol

My proof here is my knowledge, if you ask any Pakistani, Indian or American member who is more likely served in a war? Mr Chinese Dragon or Mr Jhungary? Do you know what is most likely the answer?

LOL there is a reason i have 309 positive feedback here and you have a lousy 51

Lol i need to proof i killed people, the only definite proof i can provide is for me to come kill u in a war. You want that?

Yet you are afraid of coming to protest for what you believe in? Does that make any sense?

How did you know i never protested CPC in Hong Kong? Oh, do you need proof on that too?

Unlike you I never made any fantastical claims of fighting in foreign wars or killing people in combat, because that would sound completely unrealistic and ridiculous.

Do you even have any proof for these wild claims?

So, r u saying post 36 NEVER happened? Again, I am not the one who said kill that war this first, you are

There are a chinese proverb if you dont have a big head, dont wear a big hat. In this case typical PDF Chinese motormouth at work, where u venture into an unknown territories and get call at.

What proof you need? My 201 record? Or should i scan you my DD215 letter that i attachs to my employer detailing what i did for the army in that 7 years? That still wouldnt say i have killed people lol

My proof here is my knowledge, if you ask any Pakistani, Indian or American member who is more likely served in a war? Mr Chinese Dragon or Mr Jhungary? Do you know what is most likely the answer?

LOL there is a reason i have 309 positive feedback here and you have a lousy 51

Lol i need to proof i killed people, the only definite proof i can provide is for me to come kill u in a war. You want that?

How did you know i never protested CPC in Hong Kong? Oh, do you need proof on that too?

So, r u saying post 36 NEVER happened? Again, I am not the one who said kill that war tha5 first, you are

There are a chinese proverb if you dont have a big head, dont wear a big hat. In this case typical Chinese motormouth at work, where u venture into an unknown territories and get call at


Except I never claimed to be a soldier, I never claimed to have fought in a war, and I never claimed to have killed people in combat. :lol:

You made those claims, so I asked if you have any proof. It seems the answer is no. Just like everyone else who uses the internet for boasting.

If you do have any, send it to me by PM and I'll check it when I come back later. Looking forward to it.
You are so delusional. Today our cruise missile have a range of 2500+ km. Can you shoot our bomber down with your old soviet junk???

Or can your tiny airforce get close to our bomber protected by our numerous 5th/4th gen fighter jets with AEW&C???

You ungrateful viets should always remember: you were just used by big powers as battle field and cannon fodder, nothing else; without soveit and China's support, you are piece of shit...
What is the different btween firing missile range of 2500+ km from Cn land to VN and firing missile range of 2500+ km from your stupid bomber to VN ??

We share the border just like "teeth and lips"
What is the different btween firing missile range of 2500+ km from Cn land to VN and firing missile range of 2500+ km from your stupid bomber to VN ??

We share the border just like "teeth and lips"
ok you have few Kaliber let assume 50 to 150 CM and probably defend with layered missile defense system by PLAAN and ground based systems, so how can Vietnam defend itself from hundreds of CM launch by PLAAN ships ground launch vehicles PLAAF bombers/fighter bombers think logically @Viva_Viet :angel::enjoy:
LACMs are easily driven off-course via GPS jamming. In your case, it would be jamming the Russian GLONASS signal, which should be even easier.

Iraq had this capability over a decade ago.


Any remaining cruise missiles that get through can be intercepted by Chinese air defense destroyers.

View attachment 475716
Do you think you are the only one that is smart while others are dumb? Kalibr uses both GPS and Glonass. Even if both systems are jammed, the missiles will fly to targets using onboard maps and navigation computers.

Oh yes, and Vietnam will be the first in the firing line, since they are the only ASEAN member who is still openly opposing China (after the Philippines became friendly to China).

And it won't be like the USA-Vietnam war. China's manufacturing base is the largest in the world and we are right next door.
Amazing post from a Think Tank. When Japan invaded China, why didn’t you fail to surrender immediately? Oh I forgot, Chinese communist and nationalist troops were busy fighting among themselves.
Except I never claimed to be a soldier, I never claimed to have fought in a war, and I never claimed to have killed people in combat. :lol:

You made those claims, so I asked if you have any proof. It seems the answer is no. Just like everyone else who uses the internet for boasting.

If you do have any, send it to me by PM and I'll check it when I come back later. Looking forward to it.

lol, would you send your ID Card to me? To proof that you are Chinese?

It's quite stupid to ask people for proof, yet you always ask people to proof themselves before they speak, believe it, fine, not believe it, it's up to you, but no one is dumb enough to try to claim something that they aren't on the internet to proof a point they made in a forum.

I have no problem you don't think I was a soldier, nor had I killed anyone before. I do have problem you said War this, kill that when you have never killed before, the problem is not on me, it's on you. Because I never said I will go war this, and kill that just that easily on a forum.


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