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Aid convoy from India reaches Gaza Strip


Oct 12, 2010
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Aid convoy from India reaches Gaza Strip

Convoy from India reaches Gaza Strip Convoy from India reaches Gaza Strip. A convoy carrying humanitarian aid from India has reached the Gaza Strip with 1,000 tons of food and medical supplies. :cheers::yahoo:

The convoy left India in November and travelled through Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria. According to Maan news agency, 112 activists were allowed entry into the coastal enclave, with Iranian and Jordanian activists excluded.

Activists of the Asia 1, aid convoy backed by nations in Southeast Asia entering Gaza were from India, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Kuwait. The group brought food, medical supplies and children’s toys.

Israel imposed an economic blockade on Gaza after Hamas seized control of the coastal strip in 2007. The government, however, eased restrictions last year after a deadly Israeli commando raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla, which sparked international condemnation.

Convoy from India reaches Gaza Strip | Stock Market Today
The Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan, (Asia 1) entered the coastal strip through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt on Monday.

The Asia to Gaza Solidarity Caravan, (Asia 1) entered the coastal strip through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt on Monday.

Some 105 human rights activists gathered at the crossing. Most of them flew to Egypt from Syria. And eight activists arrived at the Egyptian port of El Arish onboard a ship.

Egyptian authorities had prevented Iranian activists with the convoy from entering Egypt.

The convoy had travelled 7,000 kilometers, but was stuck in Latikia, in the northwest of Syria, for more than a week awaiting Egypt's permission.

The aid convoy started its journey in the Indian capital, New Delhi. It had passed through Iran, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria to reach Egypt and finally the Gaza Strip.

The activists say they want to display solidarity with the Palestinian people in their resistance against Israel.

Tel Aviv has been enforcing an all-out land, aerial and naval blockade on the 1.5 million Palestinians in the enclave since mid-June 2007.

The embargo persists while Gaza is far from recovering from the December 2008-January 2009 Israeli war that claimed the lives of over 1,400 Palestinians, inflicting a damage of above $1.6 billion on the enclave's economy.
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