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Ahwaz Militants accuse ‘Iran is Planing Terrorist Attacks During Hajj’'

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[/COLOR]And besides this was an official message from ahvaz liberation organization so it should be taken at some face value.

how similar or differnt are they from Jundullah Group? we captured one of their terrorist leader and handed him over to Iran.

by the way, countering the allegation of Iran should be done in a better way otherwise one side will be as good or bad as the other.
Assalam alaikum

Mosa, i have to disagree with u ahwaz is not a sunni region true now there r many sunnies now but the majority is still shia. Double standard and racist policies of mullahs in iran made many of them sunnies.

Iranians did create problem in the 80's during hajj

Saudi security forces r alert i don't think iranians will do any thing wrong , i don't think it is a credible news

Doctor bhai , this (shia, sunni ) is truth u have to accept it

i know its a truth but tell me how long we will fight with each other ? check the history and you will know that its a useless fight among muslim brothers..... we are fighting with each other for a long time and cutting each others throats ... what is the result of of all this fight ? every passing day we become weaker and weaker and enemies of Islam getting stronger and stronger
Islam told us to be united like a single human body so that we can become a power but what we doing ? ...
i dont think there is any truth behind this news that Iran plans terrorist attack during HAJJ .... Propaganda is at its peak so that the relations between Iran and KSA become worst ......

For goodness sake what a load of tosh. The western theology is working over time to take full advantage of the rift between the 2 factions. Iran is not planning anything of this nature and the Saudis also know it. Let this blog be bedded and terminated.
If Iranians indeed planed it this, it is not the first time this will happen in Makkah (1987 Hajj incident).

ya I agree but that wasnt a terrorist attack but a rally of the Hajis which was brutally crushed by KSA. these were unarmed people.
many Pakistanis also died and I attended the Namaz e Janaza of them when the story of the carnage reached Quetta.

the use of force was same as the one used on the protesters in Bahrain, that even included medical staff that was snipped by the security forces that was found trying to help the mortally wounded protesters.

I have all the respect for KSA and its people but I cant turn the blind eye on some of its brutalities in recent times even the bombings on the tribes in Yemen, we all condemn the drone strikes but you might want to see how the torn bodies of the fellow Arabs look like after the bombings of Saudi F-15s.

lets get back to the topic, instead of general secterian divide and past incidents lets see if there is any flesh to the bone in this story? as you know that the talk is going somewhere which is actually discouraged in this forum.
there are many secterian forums out in the web one can release his/ her frustration
Probably Saudis will ask for some French advice as they did during the Grand mosque siege.
Probably Saudis will ask for some French advice as they did during the Grand mosque siege.
those times are gone

they did a good job of quashing the "arab spring" in Bahrian, no harm done there as far as the west is concerned

pun aside, this news is as credible as the blog is. tens of thusands of Iranians also perform hajj every year and its one of the life time experiences and if someone indeed is planning such atrocity then Muslim world wont wait for UN resolution and will storm Iran.
I just stand back and wonder who will gloat over it if it happens?

Israel and America
i know its a truth but tell me how long we will fight with each other ? check the history and you will know that its a useless fight among muslim brothers..... we are fighting with each other for a long time and cutting each others throats ... what is the result of of all this fight ? every passing day we become weaker and weaker and enemies of Islam getting stronger and stronger
Islam told us to be united like a single human body so that we can become a power but what we doing ? ...

Assalam alaikum

As i mentioned in other thread, i blame the sunnies for our weakness all the history the rulers, men responsilble for spreading of islam were sunnies. but now since we have only corrupt and dictators they can't do any good. shias r only 15 percent they can't do much harm and we should not be waisting our time by abusing each other

i know its a truth but tell me how long we will fight with each other ? check the history and you will know that its a useless fight among muslim brothers..... we are fighting with each other for a long time and cutting each others throats ... what is the result of of all this fight ? every passing day we become weaker and weaker and enemies of Islam getting stronger and stronger
Islam told us to be united like a single human body so that we can become a power but what we doing ? ...

you got some fair points. But your argument will have effect if we consider/accept each other muslim.
you got some fair points. But your argument will have effect if we consider/accept each other muslim.
why dont we accept each other Muslims ?
this is the main problem that we think as shia and sunni but we dont think as Muslim .............
when we call ourselves muslims and we claim that we follow Quran and its teachings then why we be so selective in it ... when Quran says that unity is the key thing among muslims and all muslims are brother then we ignore this thing ....
Islam is the religion of Muslims not sunnis and shias if you think you are sunni or shia first then you are muslim then you are wrong ... you are muslim first
ya I agree but that wasnt a terrorist attack but a rally of the Hajis which was brutally crushed by KSA. these were unarmed people.
many Pakistanis also died and I attended the Namaz e Janaza of them when the story of the carnage reached Quetta.

the use of force was same as the one used on the protesters in Bahrain, that even included medical staff that was snipped by the security forces that was found trying to help the mortally wounded protesters.

I have all the respect for KSA and its people but I cant turn the blind eye on some of its brutalities in recent times even the bombings on the tribes in Yemen, we all condemn the drone strikes but you might want to see how the torn bodies of the fellow Arabs look like after the bombings of Saudi F-15s.

lets get back to the topic, instead of general secterian divide and past incidents lets see if there is any flesh to the bone in this story? as you know that the talk is going somewhere which is actually discouraged in this forum.
there are many secterian forums out in the web one can release his/ her frustration

My mother was in Hajj in that year she said and I quote "The Iranians had machine guns we just ran we didn't know what to do except to run"

And don't tell me you support the Houthi rebels?? They used our land to circle the Yemeni forces thus got us in the fight two of our border guards in patrol were killed so we responded heavily to make sure they don't dare to use our lands or killed our soldiers anymore.
how similar or differnt are they from Jundullah Group? we captured one of their terrorist leader and handed him over to Iran.

by the way, countering the allegation of Iran should be done in a better way otherwise one side will be as good or bad as the other.

Ahvaz Liberation Organization are not an armed group it is a political movement.
My mother was in Hajj in that year she said and I quote "The Iranians had machine guns we just ran we didn't know what to do except to run"

And don't tell me you support the Houthi rebels?? They used our land to circle the Yemeni forces thus got us in the fight two of our border guards in patrol were killed so we responded heavily to make sure they don't dare to use our lands or killed our soldiers anymore.

We all respect the relation of a mother. if she says that she saw the Machine Gun wielding Iranians in the crowd her self and she was positive that they were Iranians not because what another lady told her who heard it from her brother or son then I have no choice but to accept that.
but it was the Saudi forces that were sparying the pilrgims with bullets , I have seen the bullet ridden boddies of the victims and they were all in Ahram, no one had any weapon on them

as far as the Houthi tribes are concerned or anyone for that matter I dont support anyone against KSA. but what I dont support is the merciless bombing of their villiages , I have seen digging up and extracting the harf torn bodies of their young ones from the rubble after the F-15 attacks and they are as shocking as the the pictures of our own tribals that are cought in the collateral damage from Pakistan army, Airforce and US drone attacks.
lobbing a 500lb to 2000lb bomb on a settlement is plain murder there is no other explanation on that.

back to the story, I repeat again, even if my state is found to be involved in this then I will condemn it and confront it.
Our hearts go with the brave people of Ahvaz in their struggle against oppression of Iran. The real face of Iran is rarely shown here look at the face of this brave shaheed knowing that his about to meet his creator in heaven. His only crime was being an Ahvaz movement activist.


(more graphic pictures removed as point is made)
And our hearts go to the hoothi martyrs and freedom fighters that are fighting your army. Is that how you wanna be respected by others Mosa?
Ahvaz is a Sunni Arabic area in Iran that is seeking independence from Iran. Of course they will not waste a second to bash Iran and try to get on Saudi Arabia's good side.


history & sayings .... don't forget it.
I fear it the most, but it has to happen.
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