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Inquiry into attacks on Ahmedis pulls off vanishing act

* CM had entrusted committee with determining factors that contributed to attacks
* Ahmedi leader says compensation for victims was never given

By Afnan Khan

LAHORE: The inquiry that was ordered by Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif to identify the security loopholes and the reasons behind the terrorist attacks on the worship places of Ahmedis has become long overdue and does not seem to be coming out of the works anytime soon.

According to the CM’s orders, the inquiry report was supposed to be filed within five days of the attacks, which left around 90 people dead and around 200 injured after terrorists stormed Ahmedi worship places at Model Town and Garhi Shahu on May 28. Rights activists and civil society members have accused the Punjab government for adopting a “neglectful and discriminatory behavior” towards the victims of the attacks.

The CM had set up a high-level inquiry committee, headed by Punjab Health Secretary Fawad Hassan Fawad and consisting of the provincial home secretary and inspector general of police.

The committee was given the task of discovering the factors that had contributed to the attacks. The issue has been put aside by the bureaucracy, as the inquiry report, which was due to be submitted before the CM by June 3, never surfaced and there is no government account on whether the negligence of government officials contributed to the loss of so many innocent lives.

A senior Ahmedi leader, requesting anonymity, told Daily Times that the community members were afraid and had felt exposed to danger a few days before the attack took place, adding that the minority group had made several requests to the government to provide them with Elite Force personnel to tackle any terror attacks, “but the government never listened to any of our demands and only provided a few guards who had no capacity to stand against such an attack”.

“But the thing that has further scared and confused the Ahmedis in the country is the fact that the government changed the station house officers of both the areas’ police stations a few days before the incident. Not only that, a magistrate visited the areas and removed all Ahmedi volunteers with weapons,” he said.

Missing compensation: He said that the compensation announced by the Punjab government was never given to those who had lost their loved ones and those who were severely injured in the attack. Munawar Ali, the spokesman for the minority group, told Daily Times that there were a number of discriminatory acts conducted by the Punjab government against the community, “which further increases the gravity of the tragedy”. He said that the terrorist had managed to kill so many people because of loopholes in security, “but the government downplayed the incident from the start”. He said the minority group was only allowed to depute a few volunteers inside the worship place, but they were not allowed to carry any firearms. None of the Punjab government officers, including government spokesman Pervaiz Rasheed and Senior Adviser to the CM Sardar Zulfiqar Khosa, commented on the issue. However, Fawad Hassan Fawad told Daily Times that he apologised for the inquiry not having been completed, adding that he could not complete it since he was busy with his own department’s issues. He said the inquiry should have been assigned to some other officer, “who would have worked on it”.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Netherlands: Hell Is a Hospital
Monday, Jul. 04, 1949

Early evening crowds thronged the neon-lighted sidewalks of the Spui (The Hague's Broadway). Many of them were moviegoers, eagerly getting down from busily clanging streetcars to see Song of My Heart, Fallen Idol, or Till the Clouds Roll By. A few, however, drifted unobtrusively towards a second-floor meeting room of the bleak Café de Kroon. They were searching for peace of soul and were willing to see if two bearded, 32-year-old Moslem missionaries could show them the way.

Hafiz and Bashir are missionaries for the Moslem Ahmadiyya sect,* whose 1,000,000 members have made proselytizing one of their major works. Ahmadiyya Moslem(s) already have mosques in Paris, London, Berlin and Chicago.

Islam's missionaries to Holland, however, have not had easy going. First schooled in their own soft Urdu, they had to learn the harsh Dutch language. Then they tirelessly passed out leaflets (20,000 a year) at big city railroad stations, beaches and among downtown shopping crowds.

Five times daily, Hafiz and Bashir spread their prayer mats and, facing toward Mecca, go solemnly through the Moslem prayer ritual. "Sometimes," says Bashir, "we get awfully homesick; then we work very hard and pray to forget it."

Standing before his middleaged, white-collar audience in the green-walled Café de Kroon, Bashir struggles valiantly to answer such questions as: "How do Moslem(s) treat their enemies?" A railroad worker wants to know, "How about Sundays?" and a shaggy-haired schoolteacher declares with Calvinist indignation, "Your Ahmad hasn't realized the importance of sin."

At times, Hafiz shakes his green turban sadly at all the misunderstandings. Some of his converts have tried to help him out. Nervous Archivist Piet van Wijk, 41, made a glowing speech about the beauty of Islamic prayer. Suave, mustached Zeno de Lyon explained that Islam always taught the middle road. "With their system," said Zeno, "one can avoid both communism and capitalism."

Hafiz and Bashir denounce the doctrine of original sin. "How cruel," says Hafiz, "to think a newborn baby is a sinner." Bashir adds cheerfully: "Islam says Heaven is eternal, but that Hell is only temporary. Hell is like a hospital, a place where people get better."

In two years, Hafiz and Bashir have made ten Dutch converts (four of them women). About 40 people attend their monthly meetings. Yet Hafiz and Bashir are sure all Holland will be Moslem in 100 years.

THE NETHERLANDS: Hell Is a Hospital - TIME

I came across this article at Time Magazine, it was written in 1949 and I really liked the phrase, "Hell is like a Hospital, a place where people get better". I also found the last paragraph to be humerous, where they say all of Holland will be Muslim in a hundred years.
Most of Ahmadies in Pakistan face religious extremism. Each humanbeing is respectalbe and worhty irrespective to which faith he follows. In Pakistan Ulamah/mullah and people say openly Ahmadies/Qadianis should be killed, if someone kill them he will get Janat (Paradies). Being a humanbeing if you think someone is wrong think him wrong, say him wrong, its your opinion but you have no right to kill.

Here i will put some youtube links, there are views of muslims and Ahmadies someone putted together. The biggest difference between muslims and Ahmadies are death of jesus, Ahmadies believes that jesus died in Kashmir, Kashmiri and afghan were also jews and jesus came here to preach them, and Khatme Nabuwat and in Khatme Nabuwat see what Gamdi says:

note: I have given here just few link rest you can see by yourself in youtube.


Khatme Nabuwat

Article 298-B
"Misuse of epithets, descriptions and titles, etc. reserved for certain holy personages or places.
1) Any person of the Qadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves Ahmadis or by any other name) who by words either spoken or written or by visible representation;
a) refers to or addresses, any person other than a Caliph or companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as 'Ameerul Mumineen', 'Khalifat-ul -Mumineen', 'Khalifat-ul-Muslimeen', 'Sahaabi’ or 'Razi–Allah-Anho'.
b) Refers to or addresses any person other than a wife of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) as 'Umm-ul-Mumineen';
c) Refers to or addresses any person other than a member of the family (Ahle-bait) of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) as Ahle-bait; or
d) Refers to or names, or calls his place of worship as ‘Masjid’,
Shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.
2) Any person of the Qadiani group or Lahori group (who call themselves 'Ahmadis' or by any other name) who by words, either spoken or written or by visible representation, refers to the mode or from of call to prayers followed by his faith as Azan; or recites Azan as used by the Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine.”

Discriminating article in constitution of pakistan:

“Person of Qadiani group etc. calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith. -- Any person of the Qadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves Ahmadis or by any other name) who directly or indirectly poses himself as a Muslim or call or refers to his faith as Islam or preaches or propagates his faith or invites others to accept his faith by words either spoken or written or by visible representations, or any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.
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ISI link doctor to Jinnah Hospital attack

LAHORE: The Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) have picked up a doctor in connection with the May 31 attack on the Jinnah Hospital after “a thorough surveillance lasting over a month and a half” on July 10, officials in the agency have told The Express Tribune.


The spokesman for the Jinnah Hospital told The Express Tribune that Dr Abdullah had been working in the hospital as the house officer in the surgical ward’s unit 1 for the past three months. He said that there was no doubt that Dr Abdullah was a “hardcore IJT activist, but he simply cannot be involved in facilitating the attackers”.

ISI link doctor to Jinnah Hospital attack – The Express Tribune
Well there you go...No wonder people were actually not condemning openly the attacks on Ahemdi.
Islami Jamiat-e-Taleba and all such groups are the menace of our society, I knew that someone from within was instrumental in these attacks on Jinnah hospital.

How pathetic and inhumane these brainwashed guys are. Way to go ISI, use your special interrogation techniques and get all the info out.
That makes you rather unique, doesn't it? Traditions are an important source of what Islam is, no?
Not really, I am just someone with different perspectives on the subject matter. I never denied the importance of traditions in islam. I have seen people quoting traditions to make a point which is sort of an overkill because tradition don’t hold any value without its chronological order or context in which that tradition came about. I asked you to provide background of that tradition you copy pasted which you failed to do so. Overindulge with traditions is injurious to health.
In order to grasp the real sense of a tradition, one need to establish certain attributes such as mental status of the speaker and the listener; its timestamp, circumstance in which it came about and if these aren’t taken into consideration then traditions’ are pretty unreliable and unauthentic.
Perhaps it can be said you are not a Muslim as you do not believe in traditions? What credibility do you have left now?
Stop using believe cards to cover your obscene lack of intelligence. Credibility comes with knowledge and nothing else.
Since you don't believe in traditions what is it that quran says on the definition of a Muslim, something on the lines..'A Muslim is one who...'? Please provide something clear, that is not open to interpretation. There must be a definition of a Muslim somewhere in the authentic text from 1400 years ago.
Minus the tradition you posted and tell me how a moslim will describes him/her as a moslim. They won’t be telling you about tenants of islam in reply but will define themselves as followers one god and his final messenger which has been fundamental belief of Islam for the last 1400 years If that’s not the case then we are both living on different rocks from the sun. Now back to your tradition I won’t go into the commentary of that but will give you a hint: both the speaker and the listener were moslim.
I can bring forth numerous verses from Koran and traditions which gives ample evidence of the principle belief(oneness of god and finality of prophet) and its importance over all revealed beliefs. If I take your tradition as you have posted literally then I think the companions of your prophet got it all wrong against Musailama.
You guys have seen videos which i posted, I think ahmadies/Qadianis are more moderate than general pakistani society and according to my research they have believe on Khatme Nabuwat, I think just bhuto called them non muslim to keep happy extremists.
Not really, I am just someone with different perspectives on the subject matter. I never denied the importance of traditions in islam. I have seen people quoting traditions to make a point which is sort of an overkill because tradition don’t hold any value without its chronological order or context in which that tradition came about. I asked you to provide background of that tradition you copy pasted which you failed to do so. Overindulge with traditions is injurious to health.
In order to grasp the real sense of a tradition, one need to establish certain attributes such as mental status of the speaker and the listener; its timestamp, circumstance in which it came about and if these aren’t taken into consideration then traditions’ are pretty unreliable and unauthentic.

One simple question; who is a Muslim, a long speech of a reply but still no answer substantiated from authentic sources.

What you said is all very subjective and an attempt at confusing the issue. What you are saying is you won't accept anything i.e. its unreliable and unauthentic that is against your predefined believes (even if it’s a tradition which is normally considered quite authentic). The exact same view can be taken by others for believing what they want to believe (an option that you want to deny to others but want to keep exclusively for yourself btw). How can then any view be considered an absolute Islamic view and rest being out of fold of Islam. I asked for a concrete definition of a Muslim from authentic 1400 old sayings and you provided none, obviously the definition provided in original 1400 years old text does not support your politically self serving view of who is a Muslim, hence your rejection of it. There is no concerted definition of a Muslim. This is pretty obvious. Everything is political.

Stop using believe cards to cover your obscene lack of intelligence. Credibility comes with knowledge and nothing else.

Who has this knowledge? Again this is very subjective. You will consider your view knowledgeable while others will beg to disagree. Try to see the shallowness of your argument.

Minus the tradition you posted

Why minus the tradition? Even better people than you have not dared that. If you keep minusing what you don't like then obviously you'll come to the conclusion that you wanted to arrive in the first place. This is subjective and highly selective. This pick and choose against predetermined results sounds like doing politics with religion to me.

How about this tradition?


and tell me how a moslim will describes him/her as a moslim.

I don’t know… I would think a definition of a Muslim would exist since Islam came, that every Muslim can use, however you have provided none. Since when what an average man says becomes authority in a religion? Isn't religion holy and god sent and its definition should be derived from divine text?

They won’t be telling you about tenants of islam in reply but will define themselves as followers one god and his final messenger which has been fundamental belief of Islam for the last 1400 years

See above. Who made this criteria that you claim an average Muslim follows? If not then what is the authenticity of it?

Now back to your tradition I won’t go into the commentary of that but will give you a hint: both the speaker and the listener were moslim.

How were they Muslim? They must have set a criteria for themselves.

A Muslim is one who …… (fill in the blank from original text).

I can bring forth numerous verses from Koran and traditions which gives ample evidence of the principle belief(oneness of god and finality of prophet) and its importance over all revealed beliefs.

Please bring forth whatever you like but please address the basic question; 'who is a Muslim' but not from your interpretation or subjective elements, instead something direct and obvious from original text. The more you avoid the direct answer the more it appears you are doing politics. Had there been any such criteria that you agreed with, you would have presented it by now instead of long speeches and beating about the bush. In fact the longer your speech is the less convincing you appear. Direct answer to 'who is a Muslim' from original text please. Let's get it over with instead of kidding ourselves.

If I take your tradition as you have posted literally then I think the companions of your prophet got it all wrong against Musailama.

I don’t know what happened there; again it depends on what traditions you want to accept and what not. How does one know what really is the truth? Any account of what happened 1400 years ago is questionable, especially when you yourself are selective about it. By denying the original traditions you have made the whole Islam doubtful, questionable and subjective; anyone can make up most whatever they like and then refuse to accept traditions that either oppose it or do not explicitly support it. Well done.
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boring ... after 1120 post this thread seems to be going no where... even it crosses 1 million mark it will remain same as of... because..

1) no Muslim in pakistan can accept Ahmadi as Muslim

2) Ahmadis will always try to call them self as muslim, which they can't because of above reason.
Here is an Eye opener for Muslims about Ahmadis.

"Allah has revealed to me that he who does not follow me and does not give me his oath of allegiance and remains in opposition is disobeying the will of Allah and His Rasul and is Jahannami (doomed to Hell)."

(Collection of Posters, Vol. 3, P. 275; Mirza Ghulam Qadiani)
"Question: Huzoor-e-aali (Respected Mirza Ghulam) has mentioned in thousands of places that it is not at all right to call Kafir a Kalima-go (someone who recites the Kalima) and an Ahle-Qibla.

It is quite obvious that except those Momineen who become Kafir by calling you (Mirza Ghulam) a Kafir, no one becomes a Kafir by merely not accepting you. However, you have now written to Abdul Hakeem Khan that anyone who has received my message and has not accepted me is no longer a Muslim. There is contradiction between this statement and your statements in previous books. Earlier in Tiriaq-ul-Quloob etc you had mentioned that no one becomes Kafir by not accepting you; now you are writing that by rejecting me he becomes a Kafir?!

Answer: This is strange that you consider the person who rejects me and the person who calls me Kafir as two different persons, whereas in the eyes of God he is the same type; because he who does not accept me is because he considers me a fabricator..."

(Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 22, P. 167, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani)
"All those Muslims who do not enter the fold of the Promised Messiah, whether or not they have heard of Messiah (Mirza Ghulam Qadiani) are considered Kafirs and are beyond the pale of Islam."
(Aeena-e-Sadaqat, P. 9/35, By Bashir-uddin Mahmud)

"God has revealed it to me that the person who did not believe in me after having heard about me is not a Muslim."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Jan 15, 1935 - Al-Hukum, 4:24, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani)
"It has been revealed to me that the person who did not follow me and did not enter into my fold, is disobedient and as such, should be thrown into Hell."
(Miyar-ul-Akhyar, Vol. 9, P. 27, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani)

"He (Mirza Ghulam Qadiani) has regarded him as an infidel who knows him to be truthful and does not belie him in speech but has not yet entered the fold."
(Tashi-ul-Azhan, 6:4, Apr. 1911, Miyan Mahmood Qadiani -
Aqaid-e-Ahmadia, P. 108)

"A man once asked the first caliph of the Messiah (Hakim Nuruddin Sahib) whether it was possible to attain salvation without having faith in mirza Sahib? He replied: 'If the Word of God is based on truth, it is not possible to attain salvation without having faith in Mirza Sahib."

(Aa'ina-e-Sadaqat, P. 25, Miyan Mahmood Ahmad Qadiani)
"In Lucknow, I (Mir Mahmood Ahmad Qadiani) met a man who was a great scholar. He said: 'Those are your enemies who make the propaganda that you condemn people as infidels. I can not believe that such broad minded people as you are can indulge in such things.' The man was making this remark to Sheikh Yaqub Ali Qadiani. I asked him to tell the man that we really believe them as infidels. The man was astonished to hear this."
(Anwar-e-Khilafat, Miyan Mahmood Ahmad Qadiani)

"It seems that the Promised Messiah had also suspected that the word 'Muslim' which he used also for non-Ahmadis might be wrongly understood. So, he has made it clear in his writings occasionally that the work 'Muslim' which he used for also non-Ahmadis meant 'those who claimed to be Muslims.' hence, wherever he has used that term for non-Ahmadis, he means by it those who claim to be Muslims, for he could not have recognized those who denied him as Muslims under divine instructions."
(Kalimatul Fasl, Vol. 14, No. 3, P. 126, Sahibaza Bashir Ahmad Qadiani)

"Chaudhari Sahib (Sir Zafarullah Khan Qadiani) stressed the point that we Ahmadis are Muslims and it is wrong to regard us as infidels. As for the question whether the non-Ahmadis are infidels, the Ahmadis hold that they are infidels. They said so in the subordinate court and the Chaudhari Sahib has supported this statement in the High Court."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Vol. 10, No. 21, Sep. 14, 1922)

"O you who are called Muslims! If you really desire Islam's victory and invite the rest of the world to join you, then first come yourselves to the true Islam (Qadianism) which is available throught the Promised Messiah (Mirza of Qadian). It is under his auspices that today the roads to goodness and righteousness are open. By following him alone, man can reach the desired goal of success and salvation. He is the same pride of the former and the latter mankind (Muhammad), who had come 13 centuries ago from now as 'Rahmatul Alemeen' (The Mercy to the Worlds)."
(Al-Fadl, September 26, 1915; Qadiani Religion, P. 211-212/264, 9th Edition, Lahore)

"To declare those who denied the Holy Prophet(SAW) in his first advent as Kafirs and outside the fold of Islam but to regard the deniers of his second advent (Mirza Ghulam) as Muslim is an insult to the Prophet and a joke against the signs of Allah, since the Promised Messiah has, in the Khutba-e-Ilhamia, compared the mutual relation between the first and the second advents of the Holy Prophet to the relations between the crescent and the full moon."
(Al-Fadl, Vol. 3, No. 10, July 15, 1915; Qadiani Religion, P. 262)

"The point is now quite clear. If it is Kofr to deny the Merciful Prophet, it must also be Kofr to deny the Promised Messiah, because the Promised Messiah is in no way a separate being from the Merciful Prophet; rather he is the same (Muhammad). If anyone is not considered a Kafir for denying the promised Messiah, then anyone else who denies the Merciful Prophet should not also be considered a Kafir.

How is it possible that denying him in his first advent should be considered Kofr, but denying him in his second advent should not be regarded as Kofr, even thought, as claimed by the Promised Messiah, his spiritual attainment is stronger, more complete, and more severe."
(Kalimatul Fasl, P. 146-147; Review of Religions, March-April 1915)

"Any person who believes in Moses but does not believe in Christ, or believes in Christ but does not believe in Muhammad or believes in Muhammad but does not believe in the Promised Messiah, is not only a Kafir, but he is a confirmed (Pakka) Kafir, and out of the fold of Islam."
(Kalimatul Fasl, P. 110, By Mirza Bashir Ahmad Qadiani)

"It is incumbent upon us that we should not regard non-Ahmadis as Muslims, nor should we offer prayers behind them, because according to our belief they deny one of the messengers of Allah. This is a matter of faith. None has any discretion in this."
(Anwar-e-Khilafat, P. 90, by Mirza Mahmood Ahmad Qadiani)

Marriage with non-Qadiani Declared Haram:
"He who gives his daughter in marriage to any non-Qadiani is a non-Ahmadi, even though he may call himself Ahmadi... It is also forbidden for our followers to participate in such marriage gathering."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, May 23, 1931)

"There is no harm if you marry a non-Ahmadi girl because it is allowed to marry women of the people of the Book... But an Ahmadi girl should not be given to a non-Ahmadi. There is no harm in accepting their girl but it is a sin to give them a girl."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Dec. 16, 1920)

"It is permitted to marry the daughters of Christians, Hindu, and Sikhs, (but to give them daughters is not allowed)."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Feb. 18, 1930)

"By giving up Ahmadiat I mean to do something which may amount to unbelieving; giving a daughter to any non-Ahmadi also falls in that category."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, May 4, 1922)

"The fifth tenet that is binding upon my sect in this erase is that you should not give your daughters to non-Ahmadis. He who gives his daughter to a non-Ahmadi does not know what Ahmadiat is.

Do you find non-Ahmadis giving their daughters to Hindus or Christians? Non-Ahmadis are, according to our faith Kafir, but they are better than you in this respect. In spite of being Kafirs themselves, they do not give their daughters to Kafirs but you, in spite of being Ahmadi, give your daughters to non-believers."
(Malaika-tullah, P. 46; by Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud)

"The promised Messiah (Mirza Ghulam Qadiani) has definitely prohibited Ahmadis to give their daughters in marriage to non-Ahmadis (Muslims). Let us be careful in the future. Ahmadis should follow this verdict."
(Barakat-e-Khilafat, P. 75, Miyan Mahmood Qadiani;
Al-Fazl, Qadian, Vol. 20, No. 97, Feb. 14, 1933)

"He who gives his daughter in marriage to a non-Ahmadi youth is not an Ahmadi in my opinion. None can give his daughter in marriage to a person whom he regards as a non-Muslim. The Qadi (Judge) who solemnizes such marriage should be regarded as a person who has conducted the marriage of a Muslim girl with a Christian or Hindu."
(Al-Fazl, Qadiani, Vol. 8, No. 88, May 23, 1921)

"There is no harm in marrying a non-Ahmadi girl because it is permissible to marry women belonging to the people of the Book as it might result in her enlightenment. But we should not give our girls to non-Ahmadis though we can take their girls. It means that there is no harm in talking in non-Ahmadi girls."
(Al-Hukum, Qadian, Vol. 8, No. 45, Dec. 16, 1920)

Praying Behind Muslims declared Haram:
"It is my considered religion: it is not permitted that you should offer prayer led by a non-Qadiani in any place whatsoever, whosoever he may be and however respected among the people he may be. This is an order from Allah and this is what Allah expects of you. Those who doubt this are considered deniers. Allah desires that a distinction be made between you and them."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Aug. 28, 1917)

"God has revealed to me that it is forbidden - strictly forbidden - that you should say prayers led by one who believes me to be a liar or is wavering in his allegiance to me. Instead it enjoined upon you that you should follow an Imam from amongst you."
(Arbaeen, Vol. 3, P. 28; "Tuhfa-e-Golarwiah", P. 27, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani)

"No Qadiani is allowed to say prayers which are led by a non-Qadiani. People have asked this question again and again - is it permissible to pray behind them? I would say, whenever I am asked, it is not allowed for any Qadiani to pray behind a non-Qadiani. It is forbidden - not permitted - prohibited."
(Anwar-e-Khilafat, P. 93)

Funeral Prayer for Muslims declared Haram:
"If one asks 'Is it permitted for us that funeral prayers be said for the children of Muslims', I would say: No - just as it is forbidden to pray for Hindu and Sikh children as the religion must follow his parents."
(Anwar-e-Khilafat, Page 93)

'To the question "What must be done to a Muslim who dies in a place where Qadianism is unknown? Should formal prayers be said?" I would say: "We do not know his full particulars but it would appear from his deed that he died in a state in which he was ignorant of Rasul of ALlah and His Nabi. Therefore, no prayers should be said for him. Nor would we say funeral prayers for a Qadiani who has followed a non-Qadiani in prayer or one who mixes with them by this action, he has left the pale of Qadianism."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, May 6, 1915, Bashir-ul-Din Mahmood Qadiani)

"Fadl Ahmad, the eldest son of promised Messiah (Mirza Ghulam Qadiani) from his first wife, died, but he (Mirza Ghulam) did not say funeral prayers over his son as he (Fadl Ahmad) did not believe in his prophethood or in his prophecies, although he was obedient to his father in matters concerning day to day life."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Dec. 15, 1931 - Jul. 7 1943, Page 3)
"Hazrat Mirza Ghulam did not attend the funeral service of his son (late Mr. Fazl Ahmad) only because he was a non-Ahmadi (Muslim)."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Vol. 9, No. 47, Nov. 15, 1921)
"Our prayer has been channeled and we are not allowed to marry our daughters to them. To say funeral prayers for them is also prohibited. What else remains that we share with them? Relations are of two kinds: religious and worldly. The former comprises prayers and the latter relates to marriage. Thus, following non-believers in prayer is forbidden and it is also forbidden that you make them your sons-in-law. Should you then ask: 'then why do we greet them?' Then I would say that even the Prophet(pbuh) used to greet the Jews. In short, our Imam (Mirza Ghulam) has declared has declared us a distinct sect in every respect. There is no ceremony which occupies an important position in Islam in which we have not been separated from others."
(Kalimatul-Fasl, Vol. 14, P. 169, Mirza Bashi Ahmed Qadiani)
"If a non-Ahmadi dies is it permissible to say" 'May Allah pardon him and grant him admission in the Heaven?
Answer: The infidelity of the non-Admadis (Muslims) is a proven fact and it is not permissible to pray for their salvation."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Vol. 8, No. 59, Feb. 1921)
"It is an established rule that:
The denial of even one of the prophets os enough to send a person out of the circle of Islam.
It is not permissible to pray for Salvation for a person who is out of the circle of Islam.

And as the Ahmadis believe that:
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib was as much a prophet as was Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa(pbuh) in the nature of prophethood.
So it is not permissible to pray for the salvation of a person who goes out of the circle of Islam by his denial of Mirza Sahib."

(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Vol. 9, No. 30, Oct. 17, 1921)
"Chirag Din is a student of the Taleem-ul-Islam High School, Quadian. Recently, when he returned to his native place, Sialkot, his mother died. She had loved her son dearly, but since she was not an Ahmadi, Chirag Din did not attend her funeral prayers. He thus clung to his faith and principle. Well-done; Proud son of Taleem-ul-Islam. The movement (Quadianism) needs worthy sons like you. Well done."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Vol. 2, No. 129, Apr. 20, 1915)

"I believe that those who follow the lead of non-Ahmadis (Muslims) in prayers, it is not permissible to hold their funeral service. Similarly, those who have given their daughters in marriage to non-Quadianis and died without repenting, it is not permissible to hold their funeral service."
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, Vol. 13, No. 102, Apr. 13, 1926)
BTW I've my self read in Rohaani khazaaein that Mirza Ghulam ahmad cursed the one who do not believe in him.. Also abused the the persons who do not believe in him.... With clear cut words and abuses no twisted words... So do not try to cover what you believe
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