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Ahmadis in Pakistan

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First correct me if im wrong, Muslim is who who belives in 'Quran' and the 'Holy Prophet (PBUH)' and belives the 'Prophet (PPBUH)' is the last Prophet of God.

If the above statment isnt true then

Christan's are Muslims as they belive also in a book send from God
Jews are Muslims as they do belive in a book sent from God
Hindus are also Muslims as they belive in good, The ONLY religion in the world that respects other living things so much so they have Gods for them.
Bhudists are Muslims as they belive in peach for all man kind.

The point is there HAS to be a LINE which is to be KNOWN which defines who is Muslim and who is not that is a logical thing to do, otherwise I have no problem in calling the entire humanity Muslims and they calling us what they are and make peace prevail!

To be logical there is ought to be no middle point in a religion either you are in it or your out of it simple.

Please no hate comments. Im a Muslim by birth though if given a choice to be a part of no religion and only for peace on earth im all for it. but if Religion stands it has to has a line otherwise this is what happens.

The line is that there has to be a leeway for minor adjustments. Ahmediiyas also believe in Mohamed but just that he is not the last. So that point should be recognized. Does it mean that you dont recognize Iran as an islamic country because they are shia?
that means just call yourself a Sunni not muslim. Because Sunni is also JUST a belief that is different from the rest like shia/ahmed/bohri etc

No i call myself Muslim and i dont believe in any other thing .

I believe tht Allah is the only God and Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
is the last prophet of Allah.

and plz dont try to exploit the situation here .
The line is that there has to be a leeway for minor adjustments. Ahmediiyas also believe in Mohamed but just that he is not the last. So that point should be recognized. Does it mean that you dont recognize Iran as an islamic country because they are shia?

U are no one to decide that line . Quran already did tht . and we follow tht line so there is no debate over tht limit. Got tht .

if u dont know anything abt Muslims it is better u keep quiet. it better than trolling.
No i call myself Muslim and i dont believe in any other thing .

I believe tht Allah is the only God and Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
is the last prophet of Allah.

and plz dont try to exploit the situation here .

Because of your belief you should call yourself a Sunni muslim. If you said 'I believe in Allah as the only god and Mohammed as a prophet but not necessarily the last' you could have called yourself an Ahmedi Muslim.
I am not exploiting anything here.. THere is nothing to exploit, I just feel outraged that so many wre killed over just a point of view.. May they rest in peace.
U are no one to decide that line . Quran already did tht . and we follow tht line so there is no debate over tht limit. Got tht .

if u dont know anything abt Muslims it is better u keep quiet. it better than trolling.

Not trolling. Can you please answer my question on Iran?
The most innocent, patriotic, peaceful but miserable Pakistanis I have ever seen in Pakistan - are these Ahmadis luckily and unluckily.
The poster has little or no knowledge of Islam and Ahmedis.
It is no "Tragedy" to be an Ahmedi in Pakistan, they are entitled to all services and rights that a Sunni or Shia Muslim is entitled to, they are the largest minority in the army and they can also become CoAS, in fact, Ahmedis can become anything except president or prime minister.
Can somebody answer the question that i have posted above?? Please!!!!
Ahmadis plead for world help after Lahore killings

NEW YORK: A leader of the Ahmadi community pleaded Thursday for international pressure on Pakistan, warning that extremists were bent on wiping out the community after nearly 100 people were killed.

The Ahmadi community in the United States urged Pakistan to repeal laws restricting the community and to clamp down on hardline Sunni clerics, who it said have waged a campaign of incitement.

“The time is now for the world to wake up to the realisation that the goal of the extremist clerics is to execute a full-scale holocaust,” said Naseem Mahdi, the missionary-in-charge of the US Ahmadi community.

“Even today, after this massacre, on television, in the streets, on billboards, in public meetings, the hatred continues to be preached and no one in any governmental body takes steps to stop people from such incitement to murder,” he told a news conference in New York.

Militants last week stormed two Ahmadi prayer halls in Lahore, killing 82 worshippers in gun and grenade attacks. Gunmen later raided the hospital where victims were treated, killing four people in a shootout.

Mahdi, who put the death toll at 94, said urged US officials to raise religious freedom with Pakistan, which is receiving a 7.5 billion-dollar US package aimed at building its economy and democratic institutions.

“The US government must take every measure in its power to have all levels of government in Pakistan eliminate the laws and ordinances that have become the tools to facilitate and institutionalize the persecution of Ahmadi Muslims” and have been used against other minorities, he said.

Founded by Ghulam Ahmad, who was born in 1838, the Ahmadis believe that Ahmad himself was a prophet and that Jesus died aged 120 in Srinagar.

Pakistan declared them non-Muslims in 1974 and 10 years later they were barred from calling themselves Muslims.

The Ahmadis are strongly critical of violence in the name of Islam.

“The extremists have repeatedly used their power over the masses to brutally attack us in the name of the defence of Islam. They try to gain by violence what they fail to gain by argument, reason and rationality,” Mahdi said.

Religious violence in Pakistan, mostly between majority Sunni Muslims and minority Shias, has killed more than 4,000 people in the past decade.

The Ahmadi community has also encountered problems in other countries including Egypt, which earlier this year detained nine Ahmadis.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom, a government advisory board, called on Egypt to release them “immediately and unconditionally.”

Egypt has held the Ahmadis using a prohibition against insulting Islam along with a controversial emergency powers law.

Neither charge has “any merit whatsoever,” said Leonard Leo, the chairman of the US commission.

“Both are a blatant violation of their international right to freedom of religion or belief as well as contrary to Egypt's own constitutional protections,” he said.
I just feel outraged that so many wre killed over just a point of view.. May they rest in peace.

I just call myse4lf Muslim thts it .nothing more

FYI there is war on terror going on in my Motherland , these terrorists are hitting pakistani everyday , whether u are a muslim or shia or any minority .It is the first time in these many years tht Ahmadis are attacked and killed . and i dont think it has anything to do with difference in point of view rather its a wave of terror trying to spread hatred among the Pakistanis on the basis of their faith.

May Allah Protect :pakistan: and its People.
Ahmadis plead for world help after Lahore killings

NEW YORK: A leader of the Ahmadi community pleaded Thursday for international pressure on Pakistan, warning that extremists were bent on wiping out the community after nearly 100 people were killed.

The Ahmadi community in the United States urged Pakistan to repeal laws restricting the community and to clamp down on hardline Sunni clerics, who it said have waged a campaign of incitement.

“The time is now for the world to wake up to the realisation that the goal of the extremist clerics is to execute a full-scale holocaust,” said Naseem Mahdi, the missionary-in-charge of the US Ahmadi community.

“Even today, after this massacre, on television, in the streets, on billboards, in public meetings, the hatred continues to be preached and no one in any governmental body takes steps to stop people from such incitement to murder,” he told a news conference in New York.

Militants last week stormed two Ahmadi prayer halls in Lahore, killing 82 worshippers in gun and grenade attacks. Gunmen later raided the hospital where victims were treated, killing four people in a shootout.

Mahdi, who put the death toll at 94, said urged US officials to raise religious freedom with Pakistan, which is receiving a 7.5 billion-dollar US package aimed at building its economy and democratic institutions.

“The US government must take every measure in its power to have all levels of government in Pakistan eliminate the laws and ordinances that have become the tools to facilitate and institutionalize the persecution of Ahmadi Muslims” and have been used against other minorities, he said.

Founded by Ghulam Ahmad, who was born in 1838, the Ahmadis believe that Ahmad himself was a prophet and that Jesus died aged 120 in Srinagar.

Pakistan declared them non-Muslims in 1974 and 10 years later they were barred from calling themselves Muslims.

The Ahmadis are strongly critical of violence in the name of Islam.

“The extremists have repeatedly used their power over the masses to brutally attack us in the name of the defence of Islam. They try to gain by violence what they fail to gain by argument, reason and rationality,” Mahdi said.

Religious violence in Pakistan, mostly between majority Sunni Muslims and minority Shias, has killed more than 4,000 people in the past decade.

The Ahmadi community has also encountered problems in other countries including Egypt, which earlier this year detained nine Ahmadis.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom, a government advisory board, called on Egypt to release them “immediately and unconditionally.”

Egypt has held the Ahmadis using a prohibition against insulting Islam along with a controversial emergency powers law.

Neither charge has “any merit whatsoever,” said Leonard Leo, the chairman of the US commission.

“Both are a blatant violation of their international right to freedom of religion or belief as well as contrary to Egypt's own constitutional protections,” he said.

I will call it Hippocracy , Munfkat many dies daily in Pakistan so wht just 95 of ahmehdis died and tht make hell of a difference .
Wht about the thousands of people who already sacreified there lives in the terror wave .

Stop this hippocracy .
I just call myse4lf Muslim thts it .nothing more

FYI there is war on terror going on in my Motherland , these terrorists are hitting pakistani everyday , whether u are a muslim or shia or any minority .It is the first time in these many years tht Ahmadis are attacked and killed . and i dont think it has anything to do with difference in point of view rather its a wave of terror trying to spread hatred among the Pakistanis on the basis of their faith.

May Allah Protect :pakistan: and its People.

i thought SHIAs were muslims...they are not..?
I just call myse4lf Muslim thts it .nothing more

FYI there is war on terror going on in my Motherland , these terrorists are hitting pakistani everyday , whether u are a muslim or shia or any minority .It is the first time in these many years tht Ahmadis are attacked and killed . and i dont think it has anything to do with difference in point of view rather its a wave of terror trying to spread hatred among the Pakistanis on the basis of their faith.

May Allah Protect :pakistan: and its People.

agreed, that this is more like a terror wave that wants to include everyonw in its path. But I still think the govt should stand behind them and repeal the law.

If innocent civilians are hurt will its collateral damage and It doesn't take much observation to see that.
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