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Ahmadis in Pakistan

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PRECISELY!!!!! :disagree: :hitwall::hitwall:

i know who you exactly are, ok, you all people are a "disgrace" to pakistan..

if you had any sympathy, for the innocent pakistanis being killed by drones, or any other humans ofcourse across the world u would not have placed this cartoon here, than u would act like a real humanitarian not like a nutty who takes pleasure in bad naming his own country and people by every opportunity he gets..

we have enough indians to handle, dont act an another propagandist indian.

god damn indian hide behind pakistani flag to fake themselves as pakistanis
Hammy -- the topic is however not about drone attacks. Its about attacks on Pakistani Ahmeddi community. Its unacceptable. It's disgusting.

They are people. They are our comrades. How can somebody just go and attack them because of whatever beliefs they have?

i know who you exactly are, ok, you all people are a "disgrace" to pakistan..

if you had any sympathy, for the innocent pakistanis being killed by drones, or any other humans ofcourse across the world, than u would act like a real humanitarian not like a nutty who takes pleasure in bad naming his own country and people by every opportunity he gets..

we have enough indians to handle, dont act an another propagandist indian.

Your patriotism is admirable. Your passion however well natured is misguided. There is no honour in defending people who call for the killing of innocent un-armed civilians inside a holy place on a day of prayer.

Such acts are against the very tenants of Islam. The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Said: “All God's creatures are His family; and he is the most beloved of God who doeth most good to God's creatures.”

Those who attack the innocent are not doing it in the name of Islam, nor in the name of God. God loves all!
All Major Muslim Religious leaders have publicly condemned the act of Terrorism against the Ahmadis and it has been posted in this thread earlier.

People making these cartoons are doing nothing but fueling the unwanted divide among Religions in Pakistan.
Advising someone not to veiw what irks them does not mean that "Freedom of Information or Freedom of speech and expression" is being limited or restricted. I do not know how advising someone ends up affecting their "freedom", maybe in your world things occur in this manner.

He has the right to express his opinion but when it does not add an ounce of weight to the argument or offers anything substansive to a debate, it is useless.

We are having a debate on rights of a certain people here, not asking others to present baseless propaganda or take advise from others to close a much required argument.

I am expressing my opinion, should not matter to you.

Things get ugly when thing get intense they say - you should have replied his post and addressed his concerns rather than suggesting him not to view the thread just because some people cant address the concerns a particular individual might have dont you think so.
Power is given on merit and character, not affiliations or penchant for hatred of others.

I guess those who cannot aquire them even with all the time on theirs hands must blame their lack of wit and ability.

A sharp tongue is no indication of a keen mind.

How can you get offended to this level even when the post didn't quoted you in the first place ?

Firstly, God has defined rules, following which is necessary for one to be called a Muslim. @Decision rests with God: yes, indeed, it is Him SWT who has taught humans that who are Muslims and who aren't.
State didn't formulate any new law but adopted one from the religion.

Muslims are so confident in their beliefs that they think they themselves are God.

Please tell us where God made rule to ban saying "Assalam-o-Alakum" on any person ... may be Muslim, Kafir, or Munafiq...or even ... Ahmedy???

Secondly, I think everybody knows very well the preaching Qadyanis are doing, and the amount of money they are investing (nokri aur chhokri as it were), still after a century the so called "truth" has enlightened hearts of tens of millions (which is believed to be an exaggerated number including poorest of the poor who are trapped for money as well).

They are not preaching hatred against others ... at least. At the most they are preaching "Please stop hating us!".

And millions people cannot be converted in the way you think or blame. They have a strong religious ideology that's why ppl are stick to it,,, though they are under severe threats.
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All Major Muslim Religious leaders have publicly condemned the act of Terrorism against the Ahmadis and it has been posted in this thread earlier.

People making these cartoons are doing nothing but fueling the unwanted divide among Religions in Pakistan.

Today's newspaper reports a rally of children protested against Nawaz Sharif for why he called Ahmedies his brothers.

There has been rallies against facebook even after those attacks and even after when culprits of Facebook had officially oppologized.

But ... there has been no rally or anything like that showing sympathy at least ... with ahmedies.

This social attitude shows how much sick our society is...!!!
Today's newspaper reports a rally of children protested against Nawaz Sharif for why he called Ahmedies his brothers.

There has been rallies against facebook even after those attacks and even after when culprits of Facebook had officially oppologized.

But ... there has been no rally or anything like that showing sympathy at least ... with ahmedies.

This social attitude shows how much sick our society is...!!!

May be you are not living in Pakistan there have been rallies by civil society and others for ahmadies.... even khatm e nubuaat guys condemned the attacks I've heard there press conference.... Jamat e Islami chief condemned the attack, on exactly the same day these attack took place... but what if no one wants to listen.... people here just have one point agenda bash Islam and Bash Ulemas so carry on...
May be you are not living in Pakistan there have been rallies by civil society and others for ahmadies.... even khatm e nubuaat guys condemned the attacks I've heard there press conference.... Jamat e Islami chief condemned the attack, on exactly the same day these attack took place... but what if no one wants to listen.... people here just have one point agenda bash Islam and Bash Ulemas so carry on...

No ... I don't have any such agenda. May be you are right. I am sorry if really there have been a single rally showing sympathy with those ahmedies.

Like other Muslims, Ahmadis too believe in the oneness of God, accept the Quran as their holy text and face the Kaaba during prayer. There’s one crucial difference, though. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed prophetic status as the Mahdi or Messiah, consequently making him a successor to Prophet Mohammed. This is contrary to the dominant Islamic belief, and the reason for the orthodox to hound the Ahmadi community.

Yes ... this is the accurate description of Ahmedy belief and exactly what is the difference. But ... word "Successor" is NOT as per Ahmedy beliefs. Accurate word is "Representative".

If telling here the MOST unorthodox part of Ahmedy beliefs ... I tell here that Ahmedies even believe him such a representative of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) like image in a mirror represents the actual personality. Ahmedy literature and claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed use word Barooz to describe this thing.

This is the MOST unorthodox part of Ahmedy beliefs.

But ... even such type of unorthodox claims are NOT any new thing in the history of Islam. There have been claims of "Ana-al-Haq" by prominent Muslim personalities. Fana-Fi-Allah ... and Fana-fi-Rasool etc. these concepts have led many other Muslim Scholars to reach to the concepts of "Barooz" or even unity with superior entity.

They should be called Marzaai not Ahmedi because Ahmed is one of the 99 names of Prophet (PBUH) whom they deny to be the last Prophet. astaghfarullah!

As far I know Murtid is one who is changed his religion from Islam to else, so born Marzaais are not Murtid, they are just Non-Muslims. But anyone who switches from Islam is a Murtid and punishment for such is known to everybody.

Regarding rights of Non-Muslims, Islam always allow them to practice in private their belives but never let them to in public or preach.
Can you quote a S African or Mauritius law which bars anyone from religious freedom?

About the rest of Muslim countries you mentioned and countries in the World Moslim League, anyone that has a particularly rosy human rights record? Isn't that the real problem that they posses a rather under developed mindset?

You have missed the point . my focus was on the point that Pakistan was not the only country that have declared them non believers. The merits was law was not the point. Secondly never said that WML or Pakistan has a clean slate.
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